Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Paypal-Bolha goljufija?
Paypal-Bolha goljufija?

Furbo ::
A noben ne zna dat prijave na PP?
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

Leprechaun ::
Malo pozno pa vseeno:
to je na bolhi uporabnik :"primoz_jerensek" in je 100% scammer. Tako, v vednost in opozorilo.
Škoda, grem jst to brat po tem k mu nakažem 20 eur. Odgovora od njega seveda več ni :(
Odpri dispute, ce si nakazal preko paypala.

Thomy ::
Ne morem. Ker sem prvič takole direkt pošilju denar prek paypala in ker se mi je mudil sem izbral nezaščiten način pri katermu se ne da odprt dispute.

Furbo ::
a fool and his money are soon parted
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

radmannsdorf ::
Je rekel nekdo ki ima čas prve prijave včeraj in od tipa bolha račun še vedno obstaja, samo oglase je zbrisal. ;)

Fifajezakon ::
I have reviewed your account and seen that you sent a personal payment amount of 15,00 EUR. Since it is a personal payment, it is not under buyer protection. Personal payments are meant to be sent between family members and friends.
I do not want you to have problem before Christmas so I took initiative and sent 15,00 Euro to your card ending in xx. Please in the future choose goods/services option to purchase an item or get a service so that we can protect you.
Please check you card statement to see if you received the funds for this refund. PayPal makes every effort to ensure that refunds to cards are processed in a timely manner. The vast majority of refunds will appear on your card account within 2-5 business days.
Depending on how quickly your bank processes the refund, it may take up to 30 days for you to see the refund reflected on your card balance. I recommend that you contact your card issuer after this timeframe to confirm that you have received your refund.
I hope this information has been helpful and has resolved your query and I wish you the best using PayPal in the future.
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Žal me je včeraj nategnil tale "Primož" ampak sem takoj včeraj pisal na paypal in so mi danes to odgovorili. To pomeni, da za zihr dobim denar nazaj? Ker sem šel na banko vprašati če sem že dobil in so mi rekli, da je teh 15€ zmrznjenih. Pa nisem tega ravno najbolje razumel. Je bla pa gužva za mano in nisem hotel težiti :D
Ko grem pod activity tam vidim +15€ ki je z zeleno pobarvan in potem -15€ in piše withdraw to card
I do not want you to have problem before Christmas so I took initiative and sent 15,00 Euro to your card ending in xx. Please in the future choose goods/services option to purchase an item or get a service so that we can protect you.
Please check you card statement to see if you received the funds for this refund. PayPal makes every effort to ensure that refunds to cards are processed in a timely manner. The vast majority of refunds will appear on your card account within 2-5 business days.
Depending on how quickly your bank processes the refund, it may take up to 30 days for you to see the refund reflected on your card balance. I recommend that you contact your card issuer after this timeframe to confirm that you have received your refund.
I hope this information has been helpful and has resolved your query and I wish you the best using PayPal in the future.
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Žal me je včeraj nategnil tale "Primož" ampak sem takoj včeraj pisal na paypal in so mi danes to odgovorili. To pomeni, da za zihr dobim denar nazaj? Ker sem šel na banko vprašati če sem že dobil in so mi rekli, da je teh 15€ zmrznjenih. Pa nisem tega ravno najbolje razumel. Je bla pa gužva za mano in nisem hotel težiti :D
Ko grem pod activity tam vidim +15€ ki je z zeleno pobarvan in potem -15€ in piše withdraw to card

OvCa77 ::
Fifajezakon je izjavil:
I have reviewed your account and seen that you sent a personal payment amount of 15,00 EUR. Since it is a personal payment, it is not under buyer protection. Personal payments are meant to be sent between family members and friends.
I do not want you to have problem before Christmas so I took initiative and sent 15,00 Euro to your card ending in xx. Please in the future choose goods/services option to purchase an item or get a service so that we can protect you.
Please check you card statement to see if you received the funds for this refund. PayPal makes every effort to ensure that refunds to cards are processed in a timely manner. The vast majority of refunds will appear on your card account within 2-5 business days.
Depending on how quickly your bank processes the refund, it may take up to 30 days for you to see the refund reflected on your card balance. I recommend that you contact your card issuer after this timeframe to confirm that you have received your refund.
I hope this information has been helpful and has resolved your query and I wish you the best using PayPal in the future.
It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing PayPal.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Žal me je včeraj nategnil tale "Primož" ampak sem takoj včeraj pisal na paypal in so mi danes to odgovorili. To pomeni, da za zihr dobim denar nazaj? Ker sem šel na banko vprašati če sem že dobil in so mi rekli, da je teh 15€ zmrznjenih. Pa nisem tega ravno najbolje razumel. Je bla pa gužva za mano in nisem hotel težiti :D
Ko grem pod activity tam vidim +15€ ki je z zeleno pobarvan in potem -15€ in piše withdraw to card
Dobiš v par dnevih zagotovo.
Laptop: Probook 440 G3 | i5-6200U | 12GB DDR3L | SSD Plus 240GB
Desktop: Ryzen 1600X | Gigabyte AX370 K3 | 8GB DDR4 | MX100 256GB
Desktop: Ryzen 1600X | Gigabyte AX370 K3 | 8GB DDR4 | MX100 256GB

kixs ::
Me pa malo presenecajo tile iz PayPal-a... kar malo radodarni so postali 
Meni so nakazali nazaj preplacane PayPal valutne pretvorbe.

Meni so nakazali nazaj preplacane PayPal valutne pretvorbe.

Fifajezakon ::
No super samo, da ni tist pezde dobil denarja :D še sreč rajš take zadeve kupoval na g2a ali pa podobno, pa dam raje 10€več :D je vsaj za zihr..človek ne sme več nobenmu zaupat :(

madog ::
Me pa malo presenecajo tile iz PayPal-a... kar malo radodarni so postali
Meni so nakazali nazaj preplacane PayPal valutne pretvorbe.
ne vem zakaj si ne nastavite da vam pretvorbo dela banka in ne paypal.... njihove pretvorbe so maloda ne oderuške in prvo kar je potrebno storiti je izklopiti njihovo valutno pretvorbo!!!
Phenom II X4 955 BlackEdition|M4A87TD EVO|OCZ 2x2GB @1333MHz|Sapphire HD5770 OC

Thomy ::
Paypal res radodaren. So mi vrnil denar k mi ga je bolha scammer pobral. Celo 1 eur več sm dubu nazaj. Sam mi ni ćist jasn a so to oni počastili al so scammerju pobral pa men dal.

Gama ::
Nakup preko paypala je zelo varen, medtem ko prodaja ni če nemoreš dokazat da je kupec to stvar dobil.

shadeX ::
Paypal res radodaren. So mi vrnil denar k mi ga je bolha scammer pobral. Celo 1 eur več sm dubu nazaj. Sam mi ni ćist jasn a so to oni počastili al so scammerju pobral pa men dal.
Če je scammer pobral dol denar potem to oni krijejo in mu blokirajo ACC. Če ga ni, pa mu ga seveda vzamejo.
Zato pa plačaš mastne provizije kadar kupuješ preko PP.

Thomy ::
Skor zihr. Isti način pisanja oglasa, username kao z imenom in priimkom in pa Uporabnik že od 24.12.2016.

dottor ::
Mene je zadnjič hotu tudi nekdo "nategnit" da pošiljam v prazno. Prodajam neko naključno številko stripa od Dragon Ball (ki sem po nesreči kupil 2 enaki) v italijanščini (!) in mi piše neka oseba, da je zainteresirana in 2x omenim da je v italijanskem jeziku in dobim da to ni problem in mi da naslov ki je iz Maribora. Za foro sem napisal da pošljem jutri ampak sploh nisem poslal še, ker me zanima če dejansko ta nekdo želi to kupit od mene al mi želi delat le stroške pošiljanja in zgubljat cajt na pošti. Pa se po dveh tednih še ni oglasu če sem že poslal al karkoli

Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi

Furbo ::
Ja na FB skupinah je tudi par pacientov (dobesedno) ki si lepšajo življenje s tem, da si naročajo vse živo od vseh, potem pa ne prevzemajo. Menda se potem za 5min počutijo bolje.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

jimyboy ::
Nakup preko paypala je zelo varen, medtem ko prodaja ni če nemoreš dokazat da je kupec to stvar dobil.
Jaz želim prodajt neke kocke in da mi plačajo preko PayPala. Je dovolj da prej slikam kaj pošiljam zraven dam listek s podatki od tega ko mi je nakazal. Na pošti oddam kot priporočen paket, ki ima sledljivo številko. Je to dovolj če mi slučajno kak despute odpre, ker paketi so tako zavorovani preko pošte in lahko po tej poti dobi denar nazaj.

Furbo ::
S povrnitvijo denarja za izgubljen paket se mora ubadati pošiljatelj, torej ti. Pa če ne boš poslal kot vrednostno pismo, bo največ kar boš dobil nekajkratna poštnina.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC

jimyboy ::
So povečali zdaj je 37 EUR + poštnina, če ni označena vrednost za priporočeno, paket pa 50 EUR + poštnina.

madog ::
Lahko kdo ustavi to??
Sami scammerji
predstavljajte si kako slabo je spisana stran če jih boti tkole zjebejo......
Phenom II X4 955 BlackEdition|M4A87TD EVO|OCZ 2x2GB @1333MHz|Sapphire HD5770 OC

Machete ::
Če daš kako zadevo malce dražjo recimo 500€+ imaš garantirano naslednji ali še isti dan angleko generično sporočilo: Hello is this item still available blah blah ..
Čisto za vsak malce dražji izdelek do sedaj sem ga dobil.
Čisto za vsak malce dražji izdelek do sedaj sem ga dobil.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

porto8 ::
Zdravo, kontaktiral me je clovek da bi kupil neko zadevo katero prodajam preko tuje svicarske "bolhe". Po par mailih kjer sem cloveku poslal slike itd.. mi je napisal :
hank you once again for your response .i have gone through the ad. and i'm satisfied with the condition. I won't be able to come and view it myself because I am currently away due to the nature of my Job. But if can you guarantee that it is in a good condition, I will meet up with your last price. I know there might be other buyers patronising you already. This is more reason why i would like to get this as soon as possible. i will pay you through PayPal as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about PayPal charges, i will take care of that and about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup and transport it to my home in Donetsk after i have made all the necessary payment and you have confirmed this on your account.
So i urge you to send me your PayPal details as listed below, if you have an account already with PayPal:-
Name :
PayPal Email :
Mobile Number
After i read from you with your PayPal details, i will proceed with the transfer and then we can arrange for my shipping company to come for the pick up, after you receive your money. I will need the address too for the pick up to be arranged.
i expect your reply soon.
Best Regards.
Vse slkupaj mi smrdi na kaksen scam.
Kaksno je vase mnenje?
hank you once again for your response .i have gone through the ad. and i'm satisfied with the condition. I won't be able to come and view it myself because I am currently away due to the nature of my Job. But if can you guarantee that it is in a good condition, I will meet up with your last price. I know there might be other buyers patronising you already. This is more reason why i would like to get this as soon as possible. i will pay you through PayPal as it is the fastest & easiest way for me to make payment at this moment, do not worry about PayPal charges, i will take care of that and about the transportation, i shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup and transport it to my home in Donetsk after i have made all the necessary payment and you have confirmed this on your account.
So i urge you to send me your PayPal details as listed below, if you have an account already with PayPal:-
Name :
PayPal Email :
Mobile Number
After i read from you with your PayPal details, i will proceed with the transfer and then we can arrange for my shipping company to come for the pick up, after you receive your money. I will need the address too for the pick up to be arranged.
i expect your reply soon.
Best Regards.
Vse slkupaj mi smrdi na kaksen scam.
Kaksno je vase mnenje?

kloko ::
Rabiš le 1sec Googlanja, da ugotoviš, da je tale tvoj "kupec" generični scamer!
L.p., Kloko
L.p., Kloko

kloko ::
Vzameš en stavek iz njegovega dopisa, npr.: "shall arrange for a transport agent to come to your home directly for the pickup and transport it to my home", daš na google in takoj najdeš vsaj še sto drugih revežev, ki so dobili enak dopis, z istimi slovničnimi napakami, le z drugimi imeni in kraji pošiljanja... Če ti to ni dovolj...?
L.p., Kloko
L.p., Kloko

porto8 ::
oky thanks.. se mi je zdelo takoj sumljivo ker clovek kar po 3 mailih pripravljen vse placat..

Furbo ::
Obvesti še administratorja na 'švicarski bolhi'.
i5-13600K, Noctua NH-D15, STRIX Z790-F, 32GB DDR5, 2TB Samsung 990PRO,
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
Toughpower GF3 1000W, RTX3070, ALIENWARE AW3423DWF, Dell S2722QC
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