Forum » Sedem umetnosti » The Batman (Robert Pattinson) (2021)
The Batman (Robert Pattinson) (2021)
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oo7 ::
Napovedan nov film Batman katerega bo reĹžiseral in igral Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck confirmed to direct and star in solo Batman movie
Ben Affleck will direct and star in his own Batman movie, Warner Bros chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujihara has officially confirmed.
The Hollywood Reporter suggests Affleck’s debut solo outing could arrive in cinemas for either 5 October, 2018 or 1 November, 2019, both of which have been set aside by Warner for unspecified comic book movies.
Ben Affleck confirmed to direct and star in solo Batman movie
Ben Affleck will direct and star in his own Batman movie, Warner Bros chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujihara has officially confirmed.
The Hollywood Reporter suggests Affleck’s debut solo outing could arrive in cinemas for either 5 October, 2018 or 1 November, 2019, both of which have been set aside by Warner for unspecified comic book movies.

opeter ::
Good! Z njim je sedaj napovedano kar nekaj Batman filmov.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

theBill ::
Lepo vas prosim, že na zgornji fotki zgleda kot da bi dal enemu pijančku iz lokalnega bifeja masko na glavo. Katastrofa, slabša izbira za Batmana bi bil le še Adam Sandler.

Izi ::

Epialt ::

Starodavni ::
Lepo vas prosim, že na zgornji fotki zgleda kot da bi dal enemu pijančku iz lokalnega bifeja masko na glavo. Katastrofa, slabša izbira za Batmana bi bil le še Adam Sandler.
Če bi gledal batman v superman, ne bi takih neumnosti klamfal.
Ampak ok, najglasnejši ste ravno tisti, ki vidite samo eno foto in iz tega naredite cel zaključek.
Drugače pa sam osebno pričakujem ta film z veseljem, ker me je ta batman v batman v superman pozitivno presenetil.

theBill ::
Tale filmček odlično povzame, kaj si mislim o mešanju Batmana zraven Supermana in podobnih "god like" superherojev.
Nima kaj zraven delat, resno.
In zdaj na lepem so debili vsi, ki se ne strinjajo s tabo glede primernosti igralca za vlogo
Moj nick je tak, zato da osebe brez domišljije lažje žaljivko najdejo.
Nima kaj zraven delat, resno.
...ampak tvoj "nick name" tako ali tako pove vse.
In zdaj na lepem so debili vsi, ki se ne strinjajo s tabo glede primernosti igralca za vlogo

Moj nick je tak, zato da osebe brez domišljije lažje žaljivko najdejo.

opeter ::
Kaj, če bi malo preveril Wikipedijo in druge strani ter malo prebral o Ligi pravičnikov:
Justice League @ Wikipedia
Mogoče Batman nima ravno božanske moči, je pa imel vedno - kako bi se izrazil - funkcijo možganov/pameti v ekipi.
Justice League @ Wikipedia
Mogoče Batman nima ravno božanske moči, je pa imel vedno - kako bi se izrazil - funkcijo možganov/pameti v ekipi.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

theBill ::
Kaj, če bi malo preveril Wikipedijo in druge strani ter malo prebral o Ligi pravičnikov:
Justice League @ Wikipedia
Mogoče Batman nima ravno božanske moči, je pa imel vedno - kako bi se izrazil - funkcijo možganov/pameti v ekipi.
Poznam. Še enkrat, to (mogoče) špila v stripu, risanki, ampak film o Batmanu + Justice league je pa nič drugega kot parodija na vse dosedanje Batmane.
No razen če bi ga igral Chuck Norris, potem bi bilo verjetno, da se Batman lahko kosa z raznimi negativci, ki lahko letijo, dvignejo na stotine ton, itd.
Čim je v filmu lik kot je Superman, je Batman čisto in popolnoma obsolete. Spet en lep filmček, kako bi Superman v 2 sekundah opravil z vsemi negativci, s katerimi se Batman daje že 75 let.

oo7 ::
Ben Affleck's Batman Will Be 'The World's Greatest Detective'
Ben Affleck Won't Make Batman Solo Movie Until Happy With Script
Ben Affleck Won't Make Batman Solo Movie Until Happy With Script

Nikec3 ::
Ben Affleck's Batman Will Be 'The World's Greatest Detective'
Ben Affleck Won't Make Batman Solo Movie Until Happy With Script
To je lahko samo dobro.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

oo7 ::
Ben Affleck Confirms That THE BATMAN Will Be The Title Of His Standalone DCEU Film
Po moje bo Batfleck raztural kot režiser in kot Batman
Po moje bo Batfleck raztural kot režiser in kot Batman

fireX88 ::
ni on za to vlogo...

oo7 ::
Ben Affleck ne bo režiseral filma Batman ampak bo samo producent in zaigral bo v vlogi Batmana.
Affleck will stay on board the project as star and producer, but that he and the studio came to a mutual decision that he would step down as director.
Affleck will stay on board the project as star and producer, but that he and the studio came to a mutual decision that he would step down as director.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Warner Bros. has reportedly found their replacement for Ben Affleck to direct The Batman.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio has offered the job to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Cloverfield helmer Matt Reeves, who was first linked with the job earlier this week.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio has offered the job to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Cloverfield helmer Matt Reeves, who was first linked with the job earlier this week.

Izi ::
Kaj pa je bil pravi razlog, da so Afflecka odžagali kot režiserja?
Sam je izjavil, da zato, ker je postalo jasno, da obeh vlog (režiserske in igralske) ne bo zmogel, ampak glede na to, da so takoj ko je odstopil zavrgli stari scenarij in zadevo začeli pisati popolnoma na novo je v ozadju zagotovo nekaj več.
Pa še za kakšno leto se bo zamaknil datum preden bomo ugledali ta film. Če sploh.
Sam je izjavil, da zato, ker je postalo jasno, da obeh vlog (režiserske in igralske) ne bo zmogel, ampak glede na to, da so takoj ko je odstopil zavrgli stari scenarij in zadevo začeli pisati popolnoma na novo je v ozadju zagotovo nekaj več.
Pa še za kakšno leto se bo zamaknil datum preden bomo ugledali ta film. Če sploh.

opeter ::
Saj tudi Tim Burtonova varianta Batmana se je vlekla dolgo časa.
Zanimivo branje za ljubitelje Burtonovega Batmana, zakaj nikoli nismo dobili tretjega dela.
Why Tim Burton's Batman 3 Never Happened
Zanimivo branje za ljubitelje Burtonovega Batmana, zakaj nikoli nismo dobili tretjega dela.
Why Tim Burton's Batman 3 Never Happened
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::

Nikec3 ::
It's Rumor Time: Ben Affleck wants to stop being Batman
Me ne čudi. Glavni pri WB so povsem brez vizije, ne vedo kaj točno bi radi, sproti spreminjajo scenarije/režiserje, na koncu filme povsem izmaličijo z editingom (Suicide Squad, kjer so resni film želeli na koncu narediti bolj podoben Deadpoolu). Edina stvar ki jo vedo je to, da bi radi zaslužili toliko kot Marvel.
Tako ne bo šlo.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

opeter ::
It's Rumor Time: Ben Affleck wants to stop being Batman
Pametna poteza.
Ali se bo WB zresnil ali pa lahko potegnejo roleto. Najboljše bi bilo, če bi jih Disney kupil

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

bambam20 ::
It's Rumor Time: Ben Affleck wants to stop being Batman
Pametna poteza.
Ali se bo WB zresnil ali pa lahko potegnejo roleto. Najboljše bi bilo, če bi jih Disney kupil![]()
Samo to ne.Oni so šele usekani na filme z oznako PG-13. Disney je največji dvoličnež.

Nikec3 ::
It's Rumor Time: Ben Affleck wants to stop being Batman
Pametna poteza.
Ali se bo WB zresnil ali pa lahko potegnejo roleto. Najboljše bi bilo, če bi jih Disney kupil![]()
Samo to ne.Oni so šele usekani na filme z oznako PG-13. Disney je največji dvoličnež.
PG-13 filmi so itak dejstvo. Disney pa načeloma dela boljše od konkurence.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

oo7 ::
'The Batman' Officially Signs Matt Reeves as Director
Režiser filma Batman je Matt Reeves. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes je bil čisto hud film :)
Režiser filma Batman je Matt Reeves. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes je bil čisto hud film :)

oo7 ::
DC's Batman Movie Might Not Start Production Until 2018
Hmm nisem vedel, da se Ben zdravi zaradi alkohola.
Hmm nisem vedel, da se Ben zdravi zaradi alkohola.

bambam20 ::
DC's Batman Movie Might Not Start Production Until 2018
Hmm nisem vedel, da se Ben zdravi zaradi alkohola.
Kok ne. Pa on ima probleme z alkoholom že zelo dolgo. In depresijo. To se mu je zgodilo nekje v času, ko je bil skupaj še s širokoguzo J-LO in je začel snemat same slabe filme. Vrhunec je bil seveda Gigli, kar je za kar lep čas pokopalo njegovo igralsko kariero in lahko je sploh srečen, da se je zdvignil: večina se ne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bambam20 ()

oo7 ::
Res nisem vedel, da je alkoholik. Je pa njegov zadnji film zelo slabo napolnil blagajno.
Live by Night (film) @ Wikipedia
Live by Night (film) @ Wikipedia

oo7 ::
Rumor: Four BATMAN Films Coming In 2019 
The plan for 2019 is to release four Batman related films. Gotham City Sirens around Valentine's Day weekend, Nightwing on Memorial Day weekend, Batgirl in August and The Batman in November. The studio is doing this to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Batman. In addition, two Batman animated films are also planned for 2019. One will be an adaptation of The Long Halloween."

The plan for 2019 is to release four Batman related films. Gotham City Sirens around Valentine's Day weekend, Nightwing on Memorial Day weekend, Batgirl in August and The Batman in November. The studio is doing this to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Batman. In addition, two Batman animated films are also planned for 2019. One will be an adaptation of The Long Halloween."

oo7 ::
Ben Affleck Has Reportedly Started Training For The Batman
If you have been worried about Ben Affleck's place in the DC Extended Universe, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Over the last few months, fans of the actor's take on the Gotham vigilante have grow increasingly worried about whether Affleck would return to the role. A series of blips concerning Batman's impending standalone movie were enough to make the most confident of fans second-guess Affleck's longterm commitment to Batfleck. In fact, some were even worried the actor would back out of The Batman entirely after Affleck stepped down as director.
But, if one inside scoop has anything to say, then Affleck is still down to reprise Bruce Wayne for the solo venture.
Earlier today, noted DC Comics insider Umberto Gonzalez dropped some Batman scoop in an episode of Heroic Insider. It was there the reporter said Affleck has started a new training regiment to get him ready for The Batman.
If you have been worried about Ben Affleck's place in the DC Extended Universe, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. Over the last few months, fans of the actor's take on the Gotham vigilante have grow increasingly worried about whether Affleck would return to the role. A series of blips concerning Batman's impending standalone movie were enough to make the most confident of fans second-guess Affleck's longterm commitment to Batfleck. In fact, some were even worried the actor would back out of The Batman entirely after Affleck stepped down as director.
But, if one inside scoop has anything to say, then Affleck is still down to reprise Bruce Wayne for the solo venture.
Earlier today, noted DC Comics insider Umberto Gonzalez dropped some Batman scoop in an episode of Heroic Insider. It was there the reporter said Affleck has started a new training regiment to get him ready for The Batman.

arnecan1 ::
Adam West, TV's 'Batman,' Dies at 88
Solidne serija. Tak malo na satirični način, super za otroke tja do 15 leta. Vem, ker sem gledal tudi sam.

oo7 ::
Batman-News spotted that Reeves confirmed Affleck's involvement in the solo film while promoting his upcoming film War of the Planet of the Apes.
Batfleck ;)
Batman-News spotted that Reeves confirmed Affleck's involvement in the solo film while promoting his upcoming film War of the Planet of the Apes.
Batfleck ;)

oo7 ::
'The Batman' will be a "noir driven, detective version of Batman", says director Matt Reeves
THE BATMAN Movie - Director Matt Reeves on his Vision for the Film
THE BATMAN Movie - Director Matt Reeves on his Vision for the Film

bambam20 ::
Upam, da bo res v noir- gothic temačnem stilu in ne tale hytech bullshit kot sta vam ga analno na suho prodala Nolan in Snyder

oo7 ::
Ben Afleckov script gre v smeti.
Matt Reeves Says He's Starting Fresh With Script for 'The Batman'
Matt Reeves Says He's Starting Fresh With Script for 'The Batman'

FTad ::
To bi pa znal biti problem. Ben ne bo zadovoljen, ce script ne bo vredu. Druga stvar, koliko delaya bo potem s filmom, ce bodo script spet na novo pisali?

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Oh ja spet se dogaja...
Report: Ben Affleck Might Not Be Batman For Much Longer
Ben Affleck might be in Justice League as the DCEU's Dark Knight, but he might not be holding onto the cowl for much longer: a new report claims that Warner Bros. is looking at plans to quietly phase out Affleck's Batman and replace him with a new one.
The Hollywood Reporter alleges that in the wake of both Affleck dropping out of directing the standalone Batman movie and his successor Matt Reeves ditching the actor's script to start anew, Affleck could be on his way out of the role together sooner rather than later--and although he obviously can't be removed from Justice League at this point, it's far from guaranteed that Affleck will ultimately appear in The Batman.
Več tukaj:
Report: Ben Affleck Might Not Be Batman For Much Longer
Ben Affleck might be in Justice League as the DCEU's Dark Knight, but he might not be holding onto the cowl for much longer: a new report claims that Warner Bros. is looking at plans to quietly phase out Affleck's Batman and replace him with a new one.
The Hollywood Reporter alleges that in the wake of both Affleck dropping out of directing the standalone Batman movie and his successor Matt Reeves ditching the actor's script to start anew, Affleck could be on his way out of the role together sooner rather than later--and although he obviously can't be removed from Justice League at this point, it's far from guaranteed that Affleck will ultimately appear in The Batman.
Več tukaj:

oo7 ::
Ena dobra novica :)
Ben Affleck confirms he's not leaving The Batman despite recent reports
After recent reports hinted that Ben Affleck would be edged out by Warner Bros. on future Batman projects, the actor confirmed today he's not going anywhere.
Ben Affleck confirms he's not leaving The Batman despite recent reports
After recent reports hinted that Ben Affleck would be edged out by Warner Bros. on future Batman projects, the actor confirmed today he's not going anywhere.

oo7 ::
Govorice pravijo, da naj bi začeli film snemati poleti 2018
"If everything falls into place, The Batman should go into production in the summer of 2018."
Se pravi v kinu pozno 2019 ali pa začetek 2020.
"If everything falls into place, The Batman should go into production in the summer of 2018."
Se pravi v kinu pozno 2019 ali pa začetek 2020.

oo7 ::
No pa se je spet začelo 
RUMOR: Will Jake Gyllenhaal Replace Ben Affleck As Batman?
A new rumor suggests The Batman director Matt Reeves already has an actor in mind to replace current Batman star Ben Affleck should he choose not to reprise his role as the Caped Crusader in the upcoming standalone film.
While Affleck's future as the Dark Knight has seemed uncertain due to rumors that Warner Bros. was looking for a way to usher out the actor in role of Batman, Affleck assured fans at San Diego Comic-Con this past summer that he was still on board to be Batman in the future DC films, however, the actor went on record earlier this week, stating Reeves' solo Batman film was something he was still contemplating and that he was hoping to find a graceful way to exit the franchise.

RUMOR: Will Jake Gyllenhaal Replace Ben Affleck As Batman?
A new rumor suggests The Batman director Matt Reeves already has an actor in mind to replace current Batman star Ben Affleck should he choose not to reprise his role as the Caped Crusader in the upcoming standalone film.
While Affleck's future as the Dark Knight has seemed uncertain due to rumors that Warner Bros. was looking for a way to usher out the actor in role of Batman, Affleck assured fans at San Diego Comic-Con this past summer that he was still on board to be Batman in the future DC films, however, the actor went on record earlier this week, stating Reeves' solo Batman film was something he was still contemplating and that he was hoping to find a graceful way to exit the franchise.

vostok_1 ::
Touched one too many knees?
No seriously. Affleck je total cunt, ampak vsakega, ki je kdaj pogledal mal postrani kako žensko, sedaj skenslajo.
No seriously. Affleck je total cunt, ampak vsakega, ki je kdaj pogledal mal postrani kako žensko, sedaj skenslajo.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

FTad ::
No pa se je spet začelo
RUMOR: Will Jake Gyllenhaal Replace Ben Affleck As Batman?
A new rumor suggests The Batman director Matt Reeves already has an actor in mind to replace current Batman star Ben Affleck should he choose not to reprise his role as the Caped Crusader in the upcoming standalone film.
While Affleck's future as the Dark Knight has seemed uncertain due to rumors that Warner Bros. was looking for a way to usher out the actor in role of Batman, Affleck assured fans at San Diego Comic-Con this past summer that he was still on board to be Batman in the future DC films, however, the actor went on record earlier this week, stating Reeves' solo Batman film was something he was still contemplating and that he was hoping to find a graceful way to exit the franchise.
Ampak Jake pa res ni primeren za Bruce Wayne-a... -.-
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