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Katastrofalne Težave z High-End Računalnikom

Katastrofalne Težave z High-End Računalnikom


--MiRaLdInJo ::

r3dkv1c4 je izjavil:

odpri točno določen event, ne pa seznam napak

to ni nikomur v pomoč.....se pravi tisti event, ki ti je naredi restart

Nikdar nisem imel težav in nikdar uporabljal Event Viewerja zato nevem točno kaj naj pokažem :S

Misliš tole?

ST-777 ::

--MiRaLdInJo je izjavil:

ST-777 je izjavil:

SEASONIC S12II-620 620W za 83 EUR
Pa je dovolj močan az moj sistem?
Na servisu ti bodo povedali, ko bodo z merilno napravo izmerili porabo vseh komponent v tvojem računalniku.

PacificBlue ::

The kernel power event ID 41 error occurs when the computer is shut down, or it restarts unexpectedly. When a computer that is running Windows starts, a check is performed to determine whether the computer was shut down cleanly. If the computer was not shut down cleanly, a Kernel Power Event 41 message is generated.

An event 41 is used to report that something unexpected happened that prevented Windows from shutting down correctly. There may be insufficient information to explicitly define what happened. To determine what may have happened and to identify a potential resolution, it is important to know what the computer was doing at the time just before the event occurred.

If event 41 is logged because power to the computer was interrupted, consider obtaining an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) such as a battery backup power supply. An underpowered or failing power supply may cause this behavior. For example, if you added RAM or additional devices or hard disks when this problem began, the power supply may cause the problem.


--MiRaLdInJo ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

The kernel power event ID 41 error occurs when the computer is shut down, or it restarts unexpectedly. When a computer that is running Windows starts, a check is performed to determine whether the computer was shut down cleanly. If the computer was not shut down cleanly, a Kernel Power Event 41 message is generated.

An event 41 is used to report that something unexpected happened that prevented Windows from shutting down correctly. There may be insufficient information to explicitly define what happened. To determine what may have happened and to identify a potential resolution, it is important to know what the computer was doing at the time just before the event occurred.

If event 41 is logged because power to the computer was interrupted, consider obtaining an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) such as a battery backup power supply. An underpowered or failing power supply may cause this behavior. For example, if you added RAM or additional devices or hard disks when this problem began, the power supply may cause the problem.


Potem je očitno res napajalni prešvoh :S

--MiRaLdInJo ::

Zdle sem malo pognal Far cry 4 in po desetih minutah je PC naredil restart :S


Ali je tale napajalnik vredu?


Zgodovina sprememb…

--MiRaLdInJo ::

Verjetno bom kar tega vzel:


--MiRaLdInJo ::

Evo pa sem dobil v torek napajalnik. Vzel sem Seasonic G-550 80Plus Gold. Do sedaj nobenih restartov, vse brez problema :)

Seljak ::

Enake težave sem imel tudi sam. Ko sem igral igre je vse delovalo normalno,ko pa sem brskal po spletu ali pa v Ps urejal slike pa je PC ugasnil Oz se restartal. Ko sem,dal plato na popravilo Oz na servis,kjer so ugotovili,da je z MB vse vredu sem se odločil za menjavo PSU-ja. Tako,da se lahko iz teh napak marsikdo kaj nauči ali pa vsaj poskusi izločiti krivca. Na forumu sem že večkrat zasledil podobne primere in vedno je bil na koncu kriv PSU.

tilen006 ::

Kaks pa je splosno mnenje o XFX napajalnikih?
Si ok?ker sm si XFX omislu za moj nov sistem
Se link

ST-777 ::

XFX Pro Series 550W Core Edition je glasen, čeprav je poceni, ga ne priporočam za nakup.

"... the noise production is far too high once we ramp up the load on the XFX Pro Series 550W, as it peaks at 54 dB(A) at 500W load and still reaches 47 dB(A) even at just 300W, which makes it the noisiest PSU in this test." http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/psus/2...

tilen006 ::

In sm ga malo usr oz polomu tu...ker je ze narocen oz skoraj pri meni preko ups-a (predlagal mi ga je dodelavc) ga bom pa pac menjal ce bo preglasen

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