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UT2003 fani

UT2003 fani

Trupl0 ::

TUKAJ instalirajte to...pa se kdaj zmenmo za kak špil!!!!!!

( mors imeti instaliran najnovejši patch za UT2003 )
If you are going through Hell, keep going !
  • spremenil: Predator ()

(sic) ::

Preden kot se kdo od "pametnih" ljudi odloči tole zakleniti, bi bilo pametno, da si prebere tole:

The gateway itself does not in any way alter the original game; it alters your network traffic just like any other proxy or firewall. This behaviour is not illegal. The software found on this site is free to use and distribute as you see fit.

Fuck you all!!!

OmegaBlue ::

hudo :)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Trupl0 ::

sej stari ...to sm pozabu napisat:D ...
If you are going through Hell, keep going !

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