Forum » Loža » Please help me to find a person!!!
Please help me to find a person!!!

s78 ::
Hello guys, I hope my thread isn't in the wrong place, since I don't understand your beautiful language.
The reason why I write is that yesterday (saturday, august 19th 2006) I "met" a very sweet slowenian girl and I'd really like to contact her, at least to get to know her a little better and to change few words by mail or messenger.
We only had the occasion to flirt and smile to each other for 40 minutes, since we both were coming back on this date from island CRES in Croatia by ferry (trajekt) at around 19.30h. We noticed each others during the queue before entering the ferry. Then unfortunately I could not hand her my mobile number, because her family was around her and I did not want to put her in an uncomfortable situation.
Here the (few) informations I have to find her:
- The date and time of her coming back of holidays on island Cres saturday, august 19th 2006, at around 19.30h); maybe someone knows her and where she has been during vacations; the exact trip was between Porozina (Cres) and Plomin (Istria);
- Her father was driving a wine-red (bordeaux) coloured car. It was a Van, could have been a Citroën. The licence plate was from CE = Celje and the emblem on the plate was green (maybe Velenje?)...
- I guess she is around 18-24 years old and 160-170cm tall.
- Her hair is dark/middle blond and she was wearing kind of a cream-yellow bandana on her head;
- She was there with her father, red-haired mother and little brother; she wore a white shirt and 3/4 long jeans trousers;
- She wears a necklet (veriga?) with a cristian cross (kriz);
- She has an eye-catching, characteristical birth mark (mothers's mark);
This is all. I know this isn't much to identify a person, but maybe someone knows her and can help me. Any hint on where and how seek for her is welcome, 'cause i'd really like to contact her: I can't stop thinking about her, she was really sweet and unique. An angel... ;-)
Thank you very much for any help you can provide!!!
If you want, write me at this email address:
The address is for informations as well as for the first contact with "her".
The reason why I write is that yesterday (saturday, august 19th 2006) I "met" a very sweet slowenian girl and I'd really like to contact her, at least to get to know her a little better and to change few words by mail or messenger.
We only had the occasion to flirt and smile to each other for 40 minutes, since we both were coming back on this date from island CRES in Croatia by ferry (trajekt) at around 19.30h. We noticed each others during the queue before entering the ferry. Then unfortunately I could not hand her my mobile number, because her family was around her and I did not want to put her in an uncomfortable situation.
Here the (few) informations I have to find her:
- The date and time of her coming back of holidays on island Cres saturday, august 19th 2006, at around 19.30h); maybe someone knows her and where she has been during vacations; the exact trip was between Porozina (Cres) and Plomin (Istria);
- Her father was driving a wine-red (bordeaux) coloured car. It was a Van, could have been a Citroën. The licence plate was from CE = Celje and the emblem on the plate was green (maybe Velenje?)...
- I guess she is around 18-24 years old and 160-170cm tall.
- Her hair is dark/middle blond and she was wearing kind of a cream-yellow bandana on her head;
- She was there with her father, red-haired mother and little brother; she wore a white shirt and 3/4 long jeans trousers;
- She wears a necklet (veriga?) with a cristian cross (kriz);
- She has an eye-catching, characteristical birth mark (mothers's mark);
This is all. I know this isn't much to identify a person, but maybe someone knows her and can help me. Any hint on where and how seek for her is welcome, 'cause i'd really like to contact her: I can't stop thinking about her, she was really sweet and unique. An angel... ;-)
Thank you very much for any help you can provide!!!
If you want, write me at this email address:
The address is for informations as well as for the first contact with "her".

BluPhenix ::
s78 where are u from?
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- odbrisal: OmegaBlue ()

s78 ::
We met in the car queue before getting on the ferry, then went on flirting on the ferry... that's all.

klemen22 ::
BluPhenix: ja mater pod "met" si lahko predstavljaš marsikaj -> lahko gre za bežno srečanje ali pa za to da jo je videl nekje ob cesti in mu je padla v oči saj je sweet in unique
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

BluPhenix ::
We only had the occasion to flirt and smile to each other for 40 minutes, since we both were coming back on this date from island CRES in Croatia by ferry (trajekt) at around 19.30h. We noticed each others during the queue before entering the ferry.
Sej ne, da je napisal, kako sta se met ...
s78 better try some other forums, this on is a more technical type.

Sej ne, da je napisal, kako sta se met ...
s78 better try some other forums, this on is a more technical type.
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BluPhenix ()

klemen22 ::
Joj pa res sem spregledal ta odstavek.

Aha stvar je jasna
s78: I'm so sorry for my previous "whatever" oriented post.

Aha stvar je jasna
s78: I'm so sorry for my previous "whatever" oriented post.
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

OmegaBlue ::
You could try searching Glasujzame and Simpatije, there's a good chance of finding her photo there.
Here's a link to all the girl form Celje Click me.
Here's a link to all the girl form Celje Click me.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: OmegaBlue ()

bond007 ::
Dont have any information about your girl (tho i am from Celje), but I was just wondering how many hours did you have to wait for a ferry? There is usually a lot of traffic during weekends. I waited about 5 minutes going to Cress and absurd 3-4 hours last saturday comming back from Cress.

cnZz ::
hm i guess u really like that girl huh since u want to find her that much
well i dont know anyone fron there but as someone already said and those are the sites where u could find her
good luck

good luck
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OCZ XTC Cooler 2gb DDR2 800mhz | ASUS EAX1950Pro 256mb |

Osprey ::
jao na teh glasujzame in simpatijah je pa ja ful majhn procent populacije gor no
EDIT: no ja mogoče sem pa že prestar, pri najstnikih to res zna bit hit
EDIT: no ja mogoče sem pa že prestar, pri najstnikih to res zna bit hit

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Osprey ()

Daedalus ::
I would rather risk "an uncomfortable situation" because this search here stand close to no chance to suceed. If you'd only get at least a photo...
Well, better luck next time.
Well, better luck next time.

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

sverde21 ::
Heh tale je pa odločen da jo najde
, sm glih slišu na lokalnem velenskem radiju "tiralico" za njo

<?php echo `w`; ?>

sverde21 ::
I heard description of this girl on local radio... they said someone (you) is searching for her...
<?php echo `w`; ?>

opeter ::
Wow, you are quite active in trying to find here. I wish you good luck!

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Osprey ::
Hm, upam, da je s tem tipom vse ok. A je mogoče kdo pomislil na drugo možnost? Npr. da punca, ki jo najde, potem ne bo imela miru? Ker mi je malo sumljivo vse to.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Osprey ()

McWolf ::
put an ad on more radios (fantasy, rogla(for celje... velenje areas), val202) if you're so committed to finding her
. Maybe you get lucky.

Go tell it on the mountains!

mikena ::
Kliknte na tale link: <b>KLIK</b>, kjer je cela tiralica za njo!!!!!
Po celi Sloveniji kroži tale objava, celo na radiju so jo predvajal
Po celi Sloveniji kroži tale objava, celo na radiju so jo predvajal

poweroff ::
There is moer than a million of women in Slovenia. By restricting your population to 18-24 years and "not married" the population is still quite huge.
Good luck with searchng...
Good luck with searchng...

sudo poweroff

Barrac00da ::
Sem samo jaz slep, ali res ni Žalskega grba na tej strani?
8. od zadaj naprej... tega misliš?

klemen22 ::
Kmalu bo prerasla v vseslovensko akcijo iskanje tega dekleta. Kakšna romantična zgodba, vredna telenovele v 100 dejanjih.

Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

strictom ::
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Tody ()

BluPhenix ::
Eh, ste težki, tisti ki mu hoče pomagat naj mu, ti sti ko noče pa ne.
klemen22: če se je to zgodilo in je spizdila je tudi prav, da jo najde, čeprav dvomim.
Ostali, ki pa govorite, da ne veste kdo je in kaj je in se mu pomaga pa ... na STju se 100x na dan pomaga ljudem ki ne veš ne kdo, ne kaj so. Zakaj se nebi temu, a samo zato ker je tujec?
klemen22: če se je to zgodilo in je spizdila je tudi prav, da jo najde, čeprav dvomim.
Ostali, ki pa govorite, da ne veste kdo je in kaj je in se mu pomaga pa ... na STju se 100x na dan pomaga ljudem ki ne veš ne kdo, ne kaj so. Zakaj se nebi temu, a samo zato ker je tujec?
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

OmegaBlue ::
Prosim da se vsaj malo držite teme. Ostale deviacije bodo zagreble v rdeča tla.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Osprey ::
Tipsona je bilo sram stopiti do nje pred starši in ji dati številko, zdaj ko se to govori po forumih in po vseh radijskih postajah tam okoli, pa lahko to poslušajo tete, strici, babice... s starši vred, pa ga ni sram. Zanimiv je

klemen22 ::
Jaz se vedno bolj nagibam k temu da je nekaj drugega posredi.
KKer zadeva pač smrdi malček.
Aja pa vse me bolj spominja na en filem ki se je vrtel prejšnji teden na PRVI TV. Sicer je beden ampak vseeno. Ko je en tipson na vlaku spoznal eno luštno dekle. In jo kao pozabil vprašat za cifro! Potem je pa povsod po mestu razpošiljal oglase in na koncu cela medijska vojna.
Da ni tale majster sam eden od velikih ljubiteljev tega filma pa si kaj domišlja.
KKer zadeva pač smrdi malček.
Aja pa vse me bolj spominja na en filem ki se je vrtel prejšnji teden na PRVI TV. Sicer je beden ampak vseeno. Ko je en tipson na vlaku spoznal eno luštno dekle. In jo kao pozabil vprašat za cifro! Potem je pa povsod po mestu razpošiljal oglase in na koncu cela medijska vojna.
Da ni tale majster sam eden od velikih ljubiteljev tega filma pa si kaj domišlja.

Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: klemen22 ()

username ::
Jao, tale italijanski model je pa psiho težkega kalibra.
Če je punca kolikor tolko normalna, ne bo reagirala. Big time stalking... srhljivo
Če je punca kolikor tolko normalna, ne bo reagirala. Big time stalking... srhljivo
I've got a solution for the rainforest: napalm the lot. (Jeremy Clarkson)

jvolk ::
Ha ha.. ta me spominja na enega "fanta" moje prijatlce. Tipica je iz Izole, tip je nekje s južne Italije. Prašal sem jo kolko časa hodista pa je rekla da 2 leti, tip ji je šenkal prenosnika s freebsdjem.. (geekica
) dobivasta se na ircu na nekem njegovem serveju, kamor sm zalutal po pomoti. U glavem 1x sta se vidla, tip zna reč voda pa čevapčiči pa nič več
... ja ljubezen ne pozna meja...
Crazy boy from Italy.. I hope you will find her. Good luck

Crazy boy from Italy.. I hope you will find her. Good luck

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