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Downlovdam in vsakič drugačen checksum - fenomenalno

Downlovdam in vsakič drugačen checksum - fenomenalno


StarMafijec ::

Aha, torej bi moral precheckirati BIOS ali pa ga pač kar poflashati na novo. No, prej bom še na Linuxu testiral.

StarMafijec ::

Bravo, Brane22, kapo dol! 8-)8-)

Na Linuxu sem downlovdal dve datoteki in OBE sta OK.

StarMafijec ::

Torej lahko sedaj rečem, da ni napaka v strojni omremi, temveč nekaj z Windows 7.

Mimogrede, je normalno, da mi Win7 ob zagonu in prijavi javi, da je požarni zid izklopljen, takoj zatem se pa vklopi?

Brane22 ::

Verjetno ti ga nekaj serje kak virus, ali pa slab driver.

Kolega ma Win7 in z networkingom je mel dolgo sranja. Ne tolikšna, pa vendar.

Lahko probaš v upravitelju naprav odpret kartico in pogledat lastnosti hardvera.

Poglej, če imaš vklopljene Jumbo Frames oziroma kot temu uradno radi rečejo "MTU size" Ta naj bo 1500 oziroma blizu. Winsi iz nekega meni neznanega razloga večinoma ne pustijo, da to nastaviš poljubno v mejah, ki jih dovoljuje kartica, ampak ponujajo nekaj vrednosti. Če že ni, probaj izbrati tisto, ki je najbližje 1500.

Potem lahko poskusiš nastaviti half duplex namesto auto ali full, pa kak tcp-offload lahko izklopiš, da tega pač ne počne kartica ampak CPU in potem probaš še enkrat. Če bo delalo, probaj nazaj vrniti parameter za parametrom in poglej, kdaj se napaka ponovi.

StarMafijec ::

Jumbo Frame sem dal z Disabled na 2KB MTU (najbližje 1500), Speed & Duplex z Auto Negotation na 100 Mbps Half Duplex in izklopil sem vseh pet (IPv4 ter TCP/UDP x IPv4/IPv6) Checksum Offload.

Kljub vsemu temu pa download ne deluje nč bolje.

Hayabusa ::

Katera os. ploščo oz mrežno imaš ?

StarMafijec ::

Za osnovno ploščo trenutno ne vem, mrežna je pa Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller.

Če je napaka v Win7, bi najbrž pomagala ponovna inštalacija, ne?

Brane22 ::

Najbrž. Lahko pred tem probaš samo driver zamenjat z novejšim ali starejšim.

Dobiš ga na www.realtek.com.tw

Hayabusa ::

Imaš driverje na proizvajalčevi strani.

b3D_950 ::

Poglej še v Event Viewer, če so kakšni errorji za disk. Opis napake zgleda približno takole:

Log Name: System
Source: Disk
Date: 7/13/2012 3:38:44 PM
Event ID: 11
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: xxxxxx
The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk3\DR3.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Disk" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49156">11</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-07-13T19:38:44.199218700Z" />
<Security />
<Binary>0E01800001000000000000000B0004C003010000000000000000000000082D0000000000000000000D563C000000 0000FFFFFFFF0600000058000000000000000000061208000010000000003C0000000000000000000000405E7A0780FAFFFF 00000000000000001066250A80FAFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000</Binary>

StarMafijec ::

Driver sem že prej updejtal in ni nič drugače.

Sicer mi pa Event Viewer stalno sporoča napake:
The Peer Name Resolution Protocol service terminated with the following error:

The Peer Networking Grouping service depends on the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service which failed to start because of the following error:

The Peer Name Resolution Protocol cloud did not start because the creation of the default identity failed with error code: 0x80630801.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Brane22 ::

Težko rečem. Reinstall Winsev ?

StarMafijec ::

Zgleda, da bo res treba reinštalirati :(.

Hayabusa ::

Odpri kišto in poglej za model osnovne plošče.
Kaj od AV/FW&stuff uporabljaš ?

Počasi, omenjena napaka je del .net fw 4.5


Boot into Safe Mode
Restart your computer and start pressing the F8 key on your keyboard.
Select the Safe Mode option when the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, and then press ENTER.
The PeerName Resolution is part of Network Programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework . I don't know if you're using it, but you can check the Service and set it to Manual as follows:

Click on Start> Run> type in services.msc> Enter> Double click on Peer Networking Identity Manager (it may shows as p2pimsvc)> Set the Startup type to Manual. Then exit Services and reboot the computer.

As some point in your computer history, you either set up a Homegroup or tried to. I suspect the doing the factory resets may have messed that up. Here are questions to ask yourself:
1. Did you "join" or make a homegroup when first installed? write down the password?
2. Does windows report you as on a "homegroup", either pc?
3. Have you turned ON Network Discovery? ie: advanced sharing settings, under (current profile)

You have the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition installed. You may need the Peer Name for that. IF you need further help with that, you may find more knowledgeable members in the networking forum.

Hello and welcome to the forum.
Usually that 1068 error reflects that a dependent service was not able to start.
Please open the services console
into the search or run dialog box and hit enter
scroll down and make sure the the
Peer Networking Identity Manager is not set to disabled just double click it and set the startup type to manual.


There is much discussion on the web about a corrupt file resulting in similar issues. The file is located here
and is called
Basically it calls for deleting the file and then restarting the service and the file is recreated.
So I tested the premise. I stopped
Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Peer Networking Grouping
Peer Networking Identity Manager
PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Deleted the contents of the folder noted above which in my case included
restarted the services and everything worked both files were re-created.
So it might be worth a try.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hayabusa ()

StarMafijec ::

Za matično ploščo ne vem, le za procesor lahko povem: 2.3 GHz AMD Turion II Dual-Core Processor P520.

Hayabusa ::

Cpu-z, zavitek mb.

StarMafijec ::

Manufacturer: HP, Model: 1440 67.16, Chipset: AMD 785GX, Southbridge: AMD SB800

StarMafijec ::

Ok, potlej predlagate, da naložim Windows 7?

In kot včasih, Windows 7 particijo sformatirati in vse na novo gor?

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