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Nuclear Union

Nuclear Union

oo7 ::

Nuclear Union-Igra izide leta 2013 Samo za PC

50 years after the Cuban Missile Crisis broke down and the US Army launched full-scale bombardment of the Soviet Union (leading, of course, to the mutually-assured destruction of both nations,) the underground survivors of our glorious capital city Pobedograd (Victory City) are ready to emerge. It's time to go outside again brothers and sisters, time to see what has become of our Motherland and her proud cities and towns. Grab a weapon and join the emergence in this alternate-history role-playing game!

Genre: RPG
Publisher: 1C Company
Developer: Best Way

Nuclear Union - Debut Trailer

koyotee ::

wnb fallout?
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

oo7 ::

Upam, da res pride letos>:D če je že treba toliko časa čakati na Fallout 4.


Nuclear Union - Concept Art Trailer


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Februarja 2014 je bila igra ukinjena zaradi političnih nesoglasij;(( ampak igra še ni čisto mrtva:)

Igro so ustvarili pri Ukrajinskem studiju Best way z lastnim pogonom, ker pa je založnik Ruski 1C Company, ki pa je prispeval scenarij za igro pa so se zaradi političnih nesoglasih razšli.

Ukrainski studijo bo nadaljeval z igro ampak morajo spremeniti naslov igre, ki naj bi se trenutno imenovala Project 5. Spremeniti morajo zgodbo in posikati novega založnika vse ostalo pa naj bi ostalo isto.

Tako naj bi zgledal ta Ruski Fallout.

Upam, da jim uspe dokončati igro :)

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