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Kam je zginu google dictionary?

Kam je zginu google dictionary?

guest #44 ::

Ko sedaj napišem

"define xxyyzz"

ni več tistega tradicionalnega googlovega slovarja. A so ga ukinli?

petrus ::

Med "define xxyyzz" in "define: xxyyzz" je razlika.
Brez dvopičja ti samo na vrhu izpiše, z te vrže na celo stran z večimi.
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guest #44 ::

z ":" me direkt veže

brez njega pa mi najde miljon drugih linokv, mi pa ne izpiše na vrhu kot je to nekoč počelo.

petrus ::

"define ussr" meni vrne nad rezultati:

Abbreviation: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. More »
Wikipedia - Answers.com - The Free Dictionary

"define: ussr" pa gre na namensko stran polno definicij:

Definitions of ussr on the Web:
Soviet Union: a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. The name is a translation of the , abbreviated СССР, SSSR. The common short name is Soviet Union, from Советский Союз, Sovetskiy Soyuz

MIA is a three-letter acronym that is most commonly used to designate a combatant who is Missing In Action, and has not yet returned or otherwise been accounted for as either dead (KIA) or a prisoner of war (POW)
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