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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

15 / 86

oo7 ::

Tr0n je izjavil:

Damn. :(

Točno tako;(

oo7 ::

Last September, when AMC revealed The Walking Dead would be getting its own little sister show in 2015, they dubbed it a "companion series." The outside world immediately dubbed it a "spin-off," since that's a more common TV term. But it's not accurate.

Robert Kirkman -- who writes the original comic books, executive produces the "mothership" show and is working to write the new series -- endeavoured to explain the difference during the recent Amazing Arizona Comic Con. "I'm not scared of that word [spin-off], but it's technically not a spin-off, because we're not spinning off any of the characters," he said (via Comicbook.com). "That's what that term means."

For example, Breaking Bad has a legit spin-off airing later this year called Better Call Saul. Saul Goodman started as a supporting character on the AMC show and now he's branching out. That's not what's happening with Walking Dead.

As Robert continued, "So I can say that it will be another group of characters, surviving in another part of the world. And it's not going to use any of the core cast from our show. The show will continue uninterrupted, as if the other show doesn't exist. But the other show will kind of be its own entity."


Kot kaže bomo dobili novo serijo Walking Dead(2015) z povsem drugimi karakterji in povsem novo zgodbo8-)
To je za moje pojme super ideja:) Sploh zato, ko bo konec ene in bo treba spet čakati pol leta na drugo sezono pa bo lepo za gledat druga serija Walking dead>:D vsaj upam, da bo tako.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

cebelar123 ::

Kaj sem jaz kaj spusto, ker mi ni jasno če je dojenček tudi umrl in če je kje je umrl?

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

cebelar123 je izjavil:

Kaj sem jaz kaj izputil, ker mi ni jasno če je dojenček tudi umrl in če je kje je umrl?


Takrat, ko je bila vojna v zaporu je pokazalo krvav stolček v katerem je bil dojenček dojenčka pa nikjer. Tako, da ni bilo sigurno ali je mrtev ali živ.

Outcast ::

Tole je blo pa res depresivno ja:(

Dojenčka, misliš na hčerkico od Ricka, ki jo nosijo na hrbtu?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Outcast ()

cebelar123 ::

Outcast je izjavil:

Tole je blo pa res depresivno ja:(

Ne dojenček, od Ricka hčerkica, je še živa...nosijo jo zadaj, na hrbtu.

Sedaj sem na nekem forumu prebral, da je bilo potrjeno da naj bi jo nosila Carol v tistem cekru.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Tr0n ::

Heh ne, dojencek je ok.

oo7 ::

Aja to si mislil za današnji del>:D
Dojenček je živ čeprav je hotela tudi njega. Pa ji je rekla Carol, da ne, ker še ne more hoditi potem bi bil Crawling Dead>:D

cebelar123 ::

Ne saj kaj se tiče celotnega dela mi je blo vse jasno do trenutka, ko se odpravijo nazaj na pot in ni jasno prikazan dojenček. Po moje je to bila režiserska napaka zdaj pa se na forumih ven vlečejo češ v cekru je dojenček.

klemenSLO ::

Pa sej so ene 2 dela nazaj pokazal dojenčka
Life is not measured in minutes, but in MOMENTS...

oo7 ::

klemenSLO je izjavil:

Pa sej so ene 2 dela nazaj pokazal dojenčka

Ne to je bilo mišljeno za danes.
Ko je Lizzy ubila Miko je tam zdraven ležal dojenček in od takrat ga ni več pokazalo razen na koncu, ko ga je nesla Carol samo veliko ljudi tega ni opazilo jaz tudi ne:P samo sem pa vedel, da ni mrtev, ker je Lizzy rekla Carol, da lahko ubije tudi dojenčka, ker se bo itak vrnil nazaj pa ga potem ni:)

cebelar123 ::

V bistvu ga je potem še pokazalo, ko ga je Tyresse držal predno je Carol ubila Lizzy, takoj za tem pa je scena ko sedita za mizo in mu Carol pove kaj mu ma za povedat.
Mislim da glede Carolinega karakterja nebi dojenčka v nobenem primeru tam pred Tyressom ustrelila. Še zmeraj pa bi se lahko kasneje dugače odvilo in bi se mogoče tam za mizo odločla, da dojenček nima prihodnosti al kaj podobnega, ampak nam niso pokazali in to sem tudi mislil, da je se je zgodilo.
Kaj se pa tiče dojenčka pa ga ni nihče na koncu videl, ker ga ne pokaže niti delček. Tako da si lahko samo predvideval da je tam. Sem pogledal vsako sekundo tega odhoda večkrat.

Sicer pa zdaj je ta mistery okoli dojenčka očitno rešen.

Zgodovina sprememb…

oo7 ::

cebelar123 je izjavil:

V bistvu ga je potem še pokazalo, ko ga je Tyresse držal predno je Carol ubila Lizzy, takoj za tem pa je scena ko sedita za mizo in mu Carol pove kaj mu ma za povedat.
Mislim da glede Carolinega karakterja nebi dojenčka v nobenem primeru tam pred Tyressom ustrelila. Še zmeraj pa bi se lahko kasneje dugače odvilo in bi se mogoče tam za mizo odločla, da dojenček nima prihodnosti al kaj podobnega, ampak nam niso pokazali in to sem tudi mislil, da je se je zgodilo.
Kaj se pa tiče dojenčka pa ga ni nihče na koncu videl, ker ga ne pokaže niti delček. Tako da si lahko samo predvideval da je tam. Sem pogledal vsako sekundo tega odhoda večkrat.

Sicer pa zdaj je ta mistery okoli dojenčka očitno rešen.

Tako ja imaš prav.

bambam20 ::

cebelar123 je izjavil:

V bistvu ga je potem še pokazalo, ko ga je Tyresse držal predno je Carol ubila Lizzy,

Carol ma jajca in scenaristi tudi. Rick bi Lizzy obravaval kot ubogo punčko, ki se ne zaveda, kaj je storila in ta bi v bodoče zagotovo naredila kakšno še večjo pizdarijo.

Rick mi gre v seriji močno na spolni ud, ker se njegova osebnost močno razlikuje od stripovskega Ricka. Tako labilen, moralizira, neodločen kot je v seriji me prime srat.

Oh.. do drugega vrhunca v seriji ( kot smo ga doživeli in ga še vedno podoživljamo v stripu ) je pa enostavno predaleč in je bolje, da upeljejo nove like in novo zgodbo, ker tole se proti stripu, ki je super, dinamičen, dialogi niso preveč zateženi in dobro krmari med akcijo in dramo , čisti polom in dc. Scenaristi v seriji se preveč ubadajo z obstranskimi liki in nategujejo gledalce.

vostok_1 ::

Gawd. Sicer cool, da zadeva laufa naprej, ampak fak idjotizem pa je na novem nivoju v nadaljevanju. Kake idjotske odločitve, reakcije itd.
Seriously, mal bolj rafinirano ne bi škodlo.

bambam20 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Gawd. Sicer cool, da zadeva laufa naprej, ampak fak idjotizem pa je na novem nivoju v nadaljevanju. Kake idjotske odločitve, reakcije itd.
Seriously, mal bolj rafinirano ne bi škodlo.

Zato pa beri strip. Tam takšnih idijotizmov skoraj ne zaslediš.

vostok_1 ::

Strip sem uspel pred več leti prebrati le do zapora. Ampak ja, bil je drugačen.

Tu pa ugh...nekatere scene so prav

oo7 ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Gawd. Sicer cool, da zadeva laufa naprej, ampak fak idjotizem pa je na novem nivoju v nadaljevanju. Kake idjotske odločitve, reakcije itd.
Seriously, mal bolj rafinirano ne bi škodlo.

Zato pa beri strip. Tam takšnih idijotizmov skoraj ne zaslediš.

Jaz sem zdaj prebral The Walking Dead: Compendium one, ki zavzema stripe od 1-48 delov zelo debela knjiga>:D
Sem pred par dnevi naročil pri Amazonu The Walking Dead: Compendium two, ki zavzema stripe od 49-96 delov.

Trenutno je pa zunaj 123 delov tako, da upam, da bo tudi kmalu The Walking Dead: Compendium 3:)

St235 ::

Glede na dinamiko izhajanja je realno compenduim tri pričakovat nekje v 2015, glede na to da sedaj strip izhaja dvakrat mesečno.

oo7 ::

St235 je izjavil:

Glede na dinamiko izhajanja je realno compenduim tri pričakovat nekje v 2015, glede na to da sedaj strip izhaja dvakrat mesečno.

Res je:)
Pred parimi dnevi, ko sem naročil compendium 2 sem nekje bral, da zdaj mesečno izhajata dva stripa tako, da bo šlo malo hitreje naprej.
Najbrž, ko bo 144 delov bodo izdali compedium tri.

Posamezne stripe se pa ne splača kupit, ker so pa predragi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

bambam20 ::

V stripu se trenutno spopadajo s super negativcem, ki je po moje boljši od Guvernerja.

Outcast ::

Še dobr, da je tole tema o SERIJI in ne o stripu a ne?

Jst ::

Meni sta bila zadnja dva dela visoko nad "Rick The Farmer" zaporom in upam, da bo serija šla bolj v smeri raziskovanja, preživetja, moralnih dilem in težkih odločitev,... Upam tudi, da so rejtingi višji za zadnje dele, da se bodo "šefi" lažje odločili, kako bodo nadaljevali serijo.

Zgleda, da se bodo (nekateri) naši junaki na koncu sezone srečali na Terminusu. Škoda, ker sta samo še dva dela.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

bambam20 ::

Jst je izjavil:

Meni sta bila zadnja dva dela visoko nad "Rick The Farmer" zaporom in upam, da bo serija šla bolj v smeri raziskovanja, preživetja, moralnih dilem in težkih odločitev,...

Lahko sanjaš :))... Ko se spet zberejo skupaj bo spet pokanja.

LJ4L ::

Sem igral igro na PS3ju. Season one in season two prva epizoda. Druga se mi nalaga sedaj. Ima kdo kakšne izkušnje game vs tv series?
LP from LJ

Siddh ::

Skupno je samo to, da se dogaja v zombie apokalipsi. Igra ima popolnoma druge karakterje kot serija.

xxxul ::

no, par karakterjev iz serije je v špilu, ampak direktne povezave pa ni;
glede na to da se detajli v seriji preca razlikujejo od stripa je vprašanje kaj bo ko se zberejo.

bambam20 ::

xxxul je izjavil:

glede na to da se detajli v seriji preca razlikujejo od stripa je vprašanje kaj bo ko se zberejo.

Serija se res razlikue malce od stripa ampak spet ne toliko. Verjetno si opazil, koga sreča Glen , tako, da že veš, da se bo naslednja sezona dogajala v eni naselbini. Proti koncu pete sezone ali pa v začetku šeste pa se bo pojavil drugi veliki negativec Negan.

xxxul ::

Ce bo slo po stripu bo naslednja sezona eno dooolgo popotovanje od litije... No, dolgo... Ampak bodo bo po moje to skrajsal in pomesal, upam da bodo vsaj "Lovce" pokazal...

RejZoR ::

Men sam neki ni jasno. Na začetku so kompliciral glede okužbe ko se je zombi futral na srni in kasneje ko je bil en v vodnjaku, da pa daryl lovi kosila in večerje s svojim lokom (s katerim tud ubija zombije), to pa ni sporno? Mislim, kri se s tem prenaša in potencialno tud infekcija. Zdej pa lovi veverice in celo sam se je nasadil na eno puščico. Je še kdo to opazil al ni zmotilo nikogar drugega? Hm...
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

Okapi ::

So že davno ugotovili, da so itak že vsi okuženi s tistim virusom, ali kar pač že je.


RejZoR ::

Hm, zdele sem pri sezoni 2, 5 epizoda, pa se ne spomnim, da bi kdorkoli omenil, da itaq vejo, da so okuženi. Vprašanje zakaj niso bili previdni že prej al so se okužili z zgornjo metodo?

Mislim, to da so itaq okuženi sem izvedel že iz The Walking Dead špila, kjer so to omenjali čeprav nihče ni točno vedel kako (airborne?).
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

vostok_1 ::

Okapi je izjavil:

So že davno ugotovili, da so itak že vsi okuženi s tistim virusom, ali kar pač že je.


Sure, ampak je vseeno pretty stupid. En ugriz te ne ubije, a te pa vseen spremeni v zombija. Zakaj "okužena" puščica pa ne?

Skratka, TWD gledam, predvsem zaradi tradicije zombie filmov. Delno zaradi produkcije...ampak, če tega ne bi bilo bi mi najbrž dopizdlo zelo hitro. Seriously...nek geek doctor, vidi zombija, enkrat zakliče, nakar se odloči, da bo kr sam rešil zadevo, pri čemr navalijo še drugi walkerji, on pa itak tiho. Za finish seveda preluknja kamion.

Če to ne bi bila neka tematska serija, bi se tu najbrž zame vse končalo. Pa to ni edina scena, sam pač facepalmal sem kr pošteno.

Okapi ::

Stvar je v velikosti rane. Velika rana, ni nujno, da je sploh od zombija, se okuži in umreš zaradi zastrupitve krvi, majhna rana pa ni tako kritična, preživiš. No, pa te rane od zombijev se raje okužijo kot kakšne druge podobno velike rane.

Iskati logičnosti pri zombijih (ki kršijo najmanj en zakon termodinamike) je pa itak fail;)


RejZoR ::

Eno je infekcija s tem virusom/bakterijo/whatever, drugo pa da fašeš sepso...
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

oo7 ::

Virus imajo vsi v možganih in, ko človek umre takrat virus postane aktiven in človeka spremeni v zombija razen v primeru, da so možgani poškodovani.

Ugriz zombija je usoden zaradi njegove higijene, ki jo ima v svojih razpadajočih ustih in, ko ugrizne človeka ga okuži z vsemi možnimi bakterijami ta človek nato zboli in umre in v takih primerih tudi antibiotiki ne pomagajo razen če ukrepajo zelo hitro kot so pri Herschelu.

oo7 ::

Robert Kirkman wrote: (pisec stripov)

The rule is WHATEVER it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die, you're dead. A zombie bite kills you because of infection, or blood loss, not because of the zombie "virus."

RejZoR ::

To mi je jasno, samo v filmu nimaš občutka koliko časa traja, da nekdo umre zaradi sepse. Pač imam feeling kot da se v filmu to zgodi mal hitreje kot sicer...
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

Jst ::

O kateremu filmu govoriš?
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

oo7 ::

RejZoR je izjavil:

To mi je jasno, samo v filmu nimaš občutka koliko časa traja, da nekdo umre zaradi sepse. Pač imam feeling kot da se v filmu to zgodi mal hitreje kot sicer...

V prvi sezoni se to vidi najbolje, ko je bil ugriznjen Jim. Ko je bil tam v prikolici, ko ga je kuhala vročina potem pa so šli na pot in ga pustili tam pri drevesu, da je umrl v miru.

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

RejZoR je izjavil:

To mi je jasno, samo v filmu nimaš občutka koliko časa traja, da nekdo umre zaradi sepse. Pač imam feeling kot da se v filmu to zgodi mal hitreje kot sicer...

V prvi sezoni se to vidi najbolje, ko je bil ugriznjen Jim. Ko je bil tam v prikolici, ko ga je kuhala vročina potem pa so šli na pot in ga pustili tam pri drevesu, da je umrl v miru.

Umrl v miru mislim s pištolo v roki.

oo7 ::


Ena velika razlika med stripom in serijo, ki se je že zgodila v zaporu.

V zaporu v nogo zombi ugrizne Allena in ne Herschela. Rick Allenu takoj odseka nogo in Allen kmalu umre v seriji Herchell takrat preživi.
V stripu v zaporu guverner odseka glavo Tyresu v seriji pa Herchelu. Potem pa v stripu iz usmiljenja Michone prebode Tyresovo glavo z mečom v seriji pa Herselovo.

V stripu je Tyrese že takoj na začetku eden glavnih likov v seriji pa komaj pride v tretji sezoni. Zato so po moje ga zamenjali z Hersellom, ker je bil v seriji dlje časa in je bil takrat bolj tragična smrt kot Tyresse.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

RejZoR ::

oo7 je izjavil:

RejZoR je izjavil:

To mi je jasno, samo v filmu nimaš občutka koliko časa traja, da nekdo umre zaradi sepse. Pač imam feeling kot da se v filmu to zgodi mal hitreje kot sicer...

V prvi sezoni se to vidi najbolje, ko je bil ugriznjen Jim. Ko je bil tam v prikolici, ko ga je kuhala vročina potem pa so šli na pot in ga pustili tam pri drevesu, da je umrl v miru.

Ja, ampak nimaš feelinga kolk časa je trajalo. Dan, dva, več? Recimo pri Resident Evil je šlo za instantno infekcijo kjer smrt ni bila potrebna. Pa je pri enih trajalo kratek čas, pri drugih pa zelo dolgo.

Skratka, kakorkoli že, sam ugriz ni nujno smrten, če se rano takoj očisti in razkuži. Drugo je če te zglodajo kot so Amy (vratna arterija).

Čeprav pa mi potem spet ni jasno kako mišice funkcionirajo, če je kri odtekla papa. Ker virus še vedno oživi primarne funkcije, ki pa brez krvi nekako en morejo funkcionirat oz vsaj ne za dolgo. Ta del ni čist logičen ampak ajde...
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

Okapi ::

To je med drugim tisto kršenje zakonov termodinamike, ki sem ga omenjal. Zombi je perpetuum mobile - lahko neskončno dolgo časa hodi, ne da bi omagal od lakote.


mihec87 ::

Kakorkoli obračaš logike tu ne boš našel..Lahko začnemo že tu da "živi" obešen, napičen, brez telesa itd. Zombi pač..saj to ni serija po resničnih dogodkih

oo7 ::

Tisti, ki so bili ubiti takoj se spremenijo najhitreje. Tisti, ki pa so bolni pa traja več ur, da umrejo in se potem spremenijo.
Kako se zombi giblje brez krvi v telesu to sem tudi jaz razmišljal najbrž tisti virus na nek način oživi mrtvo tkivo, da se lahko giblje pač ravno nasprotno od živečega.
Kot kaže lahko živijo tudi pod vodo brez prbolema.

V jezeru

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

RejZoR ::

Vseeno nekaj logike mora bit not drugače lahko čez dve epizodi začnejo okoli skakat donozavri, vesoljci in roza samorogi... mišice lahko delujejo samo če dobijo hranljive snovi. Če teh ni, torej kri in kisik, bo slednja odmrla in postala nefunkcionalna.

Za ta del je bil 28 days later dost bolj logičen. Virus jih je samo spremenil v primitivne pobesnele "zombije" (pač Rage virus kot so ga imenovali). Ko so zombiji sestradali, se je vse končalo. Če si se okužil preko ugriza ali sluznice (primer ko je onemu moškemu v oko padla kaplja okužene krvi) pa si se takoj spremenil.

Načeloma me to recimo ne bi motilo, če bi šlo pač za npr film ala "Night of the living dead", kjer se zombiji pojavijo brez neke zgodbovne podlage. Pri The Walking Dead pa tolk časa posvečajo finim detajlom, da se mi to pač zdi pomembno.
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

cebelar123 ::

Zombiji se mogoče premikajo na osnovi elektošokov ,ki jih sproža virus. To da ne razpadejo lahko tudi pripišemo virusu.
Me pa zanima kdaj so zombijem začeli smrdeti možgani, ker med prvimi filmi in serijami so zombiji napadali samo možgane.Zdaj pa lanejo na vse drugo prej.

oo7 ::

RejZoR je izjavil:

Vseeno nekaj logike mora bit not drugače lahko čez dve epizodi začnejo okoli skakat donozavri, vesoljci in roza samorogi... mišice lahko delujejo samo če dobijo hranljive snovi. Če teh ni, torej kri in kisik, bo slednja odmrla in postala nefunkcionalna.

Za ta del je bil 28 days later dost bolj logičen. Virus jih je samo spremenil v primitivne pobesnele "zombije" (pač Rage virus kot so ga imenovali). Ko so zombiji sestradali, se je vse končalo. Če si se okužil preko ugriza ali sluznice (primer ko je onemu moškemu v oko padla kaplja okužene krvi) pa si se takoj spremenil.

Načeloma me to recimo ne bi motilo, če bi šlo pač za npr film ala "Night of the living dead", kjer se zombiji pojavijo brez neke zgodbovne podlage. Pri The Walking Dead pa tolk časa posvečajo finim detajlom, da se mi to pač zdi pomembno.

Tukaj boš mogoče našel odgovor>:D

Necrotic Skin and Bone

Flesh sloughing off, turning blue and gray, and generally remaining damaged long after wounds ought to have scabbed over; all of these indicate that Z-1 has a unique effect on human skin.

Oxygen blockages to skin cells causes necrosis; that's the premature death of cells in living tissue. Necrosis can happen to the living in various ways, including snake and spider bites, which indicates that Z-1 lives very, very well in human saliva, and, like the bite from a brown recluse spider, it begins a slow process of killing tissues. But that doesn't mean it has to kill muscle tissues--only skin and flesh tend to decay, at least initially. When zombies are injured by stupidly running into things or getting shot, the wound never heals because skin cells are dead, and the immune system, rocked by the other effects of Z-1, cannot address the problems of infections by other organisms, which only increases decay.

Given enough time, Z-1 causes necrosis of bone cells, which brings on symptoms similar to osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), of a Type IV kind or above. In this phase of zombism, bones are easily fractured. This is why "older" zombies (those who've had Z-1 the longest and have gone through all the major cellular breakdown stages) are mushier, easier to hack into pieces, almost exactly like a corpse.

oo7 ::

Zombie Autopsy: How Do Zombies Work, Exactly? >:D

The Resurrection Process

All right, so, we'll start from the start. How can a person return from the dead, move about like they're alive, see with their eyes and hear with their ears, yet still have necrosis (decay) taking place in almost all important skin, muscle, and other tissue cells?
As it happens, this has been explored in actual, real-world research before, because, believe it or not, there were supposed zombies in real life in Haiti, at least as far back as 1980, when a man walked into a village and claimed to be Clairvius Narcisse, a man that had died in a hospital in Deschapelles, May 2, 1962. He had memories of Narcisse's life that even close relatives had forgotten. Other Haitian zombies have materialized through the years.
Dr. Wade Davis, an anthropologist and ethnobotanist, conducted extensive research and came to the conclusion that the "Haitian zombie" phenomenon was caused by a rare drug, called tetrododoxin, which comes from the puffer fish. Combined with toxins from a native tree toad and other chemicals, it could be made into a powder that could put people so close to death that it was difficult to determine whether or not they were alive. They could also be brought back, and while most suffered long-lasting effects, some fully recovered! But a few returned and, while cognizant, had lost some fine motor skills. This powder could kill someone, yet keep them in a rare state where resurrection was still possible, and place the living in a condition where they lost many motor skills and had only faint life signs (like a zombie).
But zombism is obviously brought on by a pathogen, not a powder. So, from here one, we shall refer to this pathogon as "Z-1" for simplicity's sake.


Bites from zombies, such as those in The Walking Dead, show that zombism is communicable and therefore lend more credence that this is a pathogen. It causes tremors and terrible fever. Z-1 probably behaves much like malaria, first hiding within the liver, where it multiplies and grows stronger. Then, once it has marshaled enough forces, it invades the bloodstream, where it infects red blood cells. Now come the symptoms: fever, shivering, anemia, vomiting, and convulsions.
After that, Z-1 obviously shuts down the higher brain functions but leaves the most basic sensory perceptions. But Z-1 shows how diverse it is by not only affecting brain and motor functions, but also damaging other major tissues separate from the brain.
To attack humans so specifically, and not other animals like dogs and cats, Z-1 is probably either a single- or double-stranded DNA virus. This means it actually has DNA as its genetic material and replicates using DNA-dependent DNA polymerase: an enzyme that acts as a catalyst. Z-1 therefore probably shares a morphology not unlike Herpesvirales (the herpes virus). And, like herpes, you can catch it from a bite.
While a bite accelerates the infection we are all carrying the Z-1 virus, just as 1/3 of us are carrying tuberculosis around without any ill effects (for the most part). This is why those dead from natural causes or accidents also succumb to Z-1, which indicates that Z-1 is lying in wait for the immune system to "switch off" so it can have its day in the sun.

Necrotic Skin and Bone

Flesh sloughing off, turning blue and gray, and generally remaining damaged long after wounds ought to have scabbed over; all of these indicate that Z-1 has a unique effect on human skin.
Oxygen blockages to skin cells causes necrosis; that's the premature death of cells in living tissue. Necrosis can happen to the living in various ways, including snake and spider bites, which indicates that Z-1 lives very, very well in human saliva, and, like the bite from a brown recluse spider, it begins a slow process of killing tissues. But that doesn't mean it has to kill muscle tissues--only skin and flesh tend to decay, at least initially. When zombies are injured by stupidly running into things or getting shot, the wound never heals because skin cells are dead, and the immune system, rocked by the other effects of Z-1, cannot address the problems of infections by other organisms, which only increases decay.
Given enough time, Z-1 causes necrosis of bone cells, which brings on symptoms similar to osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), of a Type IV kind or above. In this phase of zombism, bones are easily fractured. This is why "older" zombies (those who've had Z-1 the longest and have gone through all the major cellular breakdown stages) are mushier, easier to hack into pieces, almost exactly like a corpse.

The Brain

Like many viruses, Z-1 must mutate in order to survive. Otherwise, it would be easy to catch and kill. Therefore, after Z-1 has grown strong in the liver and successfully invaded the bloodstream, it quickly mutates into a whole new strand, known as Z-2, and migrates into the brain to live out the rest of its days.
The fact that zombies can still see means that Z-2 does not have much of an effect on the occipital lobe; the visual cortex. Gray matter in the brain is obviously influenced in a very special way (gray matter controls sensory perception, muscle control, emotions, speech, hearing and memory). A condition known as "gray matter heterotopia" can cause seizures, loss of higher brain functions, and mental retardation. Z-2 imitates these symptoms by "slushing" the brain, causing severe swelling and thus moving portions of gray matter around, exactly as heterotopia does.
Z-2 shuts down most of the brain's other regions. The frontal lobe, which controls the ability to recognize future consequences of current actions, is almost completely shut down. In most sufferers, Z-2 shuts down the parietal lobe, too, which means they cannot manipulate objects at all. However, some zombies do show the ability to figure out simple objects, such as doorknobs, which indicates Z-2 doesn't always attack the parietal lobe so aggressively.
As far as motor functions go, Z-2 initially behaves much like Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS is an acute neuropathy, which is a disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system. In short, you lose control of your limbs. Even after a body recovers from GBS, coordination is extremely difficult, survivors can't run as fast as they did before (at least, not without rehabilitation). This would explain why zombies usually can't run as fast as they did when they were alive, yet can still stand and move about. They've "survived" the first initial shock of Z-2 on their brain, but the communication between brain and muscles has been damaged forever, causing a lack of coordination.

Zombie Strength

Zombies often show that they can pry a person's belly open just with their bare hands. How is this possible?
Well, under extreme circumstances, normal human beings have been known to exhibit incredible strength not thought possible. This phenomenon is called "hysterical strength." (Is there anything more hysterical than a zombie?) Hysterical strength most commonly occurs when someone is single-minded, not caring about the consequences. It happens in torn muscles and damaged joints: of course, sufferers of Z-2 have lots of damages to their bodies.
The brain (which we covered above) controls everything in the human body, including limiting the number of muscle fibers the body can use at once: this prevents you from overexerting and hurting yourself. The brain also motivates the processes that create lactic acids, which also factor in. Since Z-2 shuts down so much of the brain, it not only leaves the zombie without lactic acid production, it also allows a zombie to use its maximum strength (practically every muscle fiber in its entire body) to rip and tear and rend. Jaw muscles are affected, just like everything else, so this gives the zombie the ability to bite so hard it can tear off huge chunks of human flesh in one bite.
This is why, while zombies appear flimsy, clumsy, and sometimes mushy, they can demonstrate incredible power when they've got their hands on a victim.

Insatiable Hunger

Back to the brain for this one. Z-2 obviously affects the hypothalamus region of the brain in a very unique way. There are two parts of the hypothalamus that control eating and hunger. The lateral hypothalamus gives the signal when it's time to start eating, and the ventromedial nucleus gives the signal when it's time to stop eating. Human beings only feel satiated when the ventromedial nucleus is functioning properly. Z-2 sufferers often have this part of their brain operating at such a low level that it's practically dead.
Real-world evidence shows that people who have had their ventromedial nucleus injured are unable to determine when they should stop eating.
Incidentally, this region also helps control fear and sexual activity: the fact that this region of the brain is nearly dead shows just how much humanity Z-2 robs of its victims.

Inhuman Growling

"New" zombies typically only moan or hiss. But over time, necrotic damage to the esophagus and vocal cords cause many zombies to begin pushing wind through nothing more than a leaking pipe. Their throat and lungs begin to fill with liquid, and they are now gurgling more than growling. This creates an unpleasant gurgle/growl in "older" zombies.
However, if their lungs are filled with liquid, we get some interesting questions. How do zombies continue to move when the brain depends on oxygen and blood delivered to it from other parts of the body? How can Z-2 survive in the brain at all, since the brain must surely and eventually die due to asphyxiation and ischemia? That is, without the lungs functioning, or the heart, how does the brain receive air and blood?
The answer: It doesn't.
Z-2 sufferers still take in ample amounts of flesh (human flesh is their favorite), and this provides incredible energy for the brain to continue to function, replacing the need for oxygen and steady bloodflow altogether. Z-2 is therefore not just a virus, but a powerful new agent that transforms the body's normal processes and ultimately serves as a very specialized life-support system for the brain, and the brain alone.
Because of this, Z-2 is able to sustain itself a very, very long time, as long as it remains in its comfortable "cradle" inside the base of the brain. As long as nerves and connective tissues remain intact, Z-1 can keep the brain going enough to send the basest commands to its limbs.
It is not yet known how long it would take for Z-1 to die on its own.

Origin and Final Analysis

It's possible that Z-1 was manmade, as many have hypothesized. One clue is that, as stated above, it targets the human hypothalamus, making it yearn for sustenance, but does not affect the brains of other animals. And while zombies will feast on other animals if they have to, they obviously prefer a fresh human meal, yet do not often feed on each other. They care not for their fellow dead, they show no sign of loss when one of their own gets shot or decapitated, and they lust only for flesh from the living.
Perhaps Z-1 only makes its victims "dance," makes of them puppets. If not...
If not, then it indicates that when everything else is stripped away, when all pretenses of society and community are removed, and when human beings are laid bare and left with only their basest desires, they have only one craving, one thing that they want more than anything else: the destruction of one another. Not to hug or make love, not to make picnics or hold hands. But to devour that which they hate most. Themselves.
A pathogen that causes humans to target humans. Certainly sounds manmade. Or else, the wrath of Nature.

Vir : https://exploreb2b.com/articles/zombie-...
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