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Dota 2

ahac ::
Valve's New Game Announced, Detailed: Dota 2
V bistvu DotA, ampak z lepšo grafiko pa za plačat?

Slo-Tech Discord -
- zavaroval slike: ahac ()

Če koga zanima kaj je sploh DOTA, naj si prebere več na slovenski strani
Ampak ta DOTA 2, naj bi bila samostojna igra in ne dodatek katerikoli Blizzard igri.
Razvijajo jo pri Valve skupaj s pomočjo ICEFrog-a, ki je bil glavni razvijalec prej omenjene DOTA Allstars.
Tako da sama mehanika in igralnost naj bi bila enaka le da bo grafika taka kot se spodobi za leto 2011.
Aha napovedana pa je za pomlad 2011 in upam, da ne bodo preveč pohlepni pri ceni igre.
Ampak ta DOTA 2, naj bi bila samostojna igra in ne dodatek katerikoli Blizzard igri.
Razvijajo jo pri Valve skupaj s pomočjo ICEFrog-a, ki je bil glavni razvijalec prej omenjene DOTA Allstars.
Tako da sama mehanika in igralnost naj bi bila enaka le da bo grafika taka kot se spodobi za leto 2011.
Aha napovedana pa je za pomlad 2011 in upam, da ne bodo preveč pohlepni pri ceni igre.

Aljaz1980 ::
Aha napovedana pa je za pomlad 2011 in upam, da ne bodo preveč pohlepni pri ceni igre.
poleg tega da imamo že LoL in HoN

ahac ::
Že z imenom se je zakompliciralo... me zanima kaj bodo naredil z heroji, ki so direkt pobrani iz Warcrafta in od drugje.
Slo-Tech Discord -

Good Guy ::
dokler ne sprobamo bomo ostal na "original" soti.
so poizkusil narest doto tut v starcraft 2 vendar to ni to
so poizkusil narest doto tut v starcraft 2 vendar to ni to

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Good Guy ::
da se mal oživi temo
da se mal oživi temo
Valve today announced The International. This tournament will be the first time Dota 2 is shown in public, and will take place August 17th -21st at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
The International features the 16 best Dota teams in the world competing in the Dota 2 Championships through a group stage, double elimination playoff format over the course of Cologne's five-day trade show.
The tournament will be broadcast in four languages (Chinese, German, Russian, and English) free of charge. The winning team will receive $1 million.

Meizu ::
Jah no sej kaj pa je to za Valve - kot da bi rekel, daj ti častim en burek, kr sm glih plačo dobil


Bananovec ::
Na katerem pogonu bo lavfal?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Blinder ::
a to je tista vi siter i ventrilo och spelar dota
99.991% of over-25 population has tried kissing.
If you're one of the 0.009% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your Signature.
Intel i3-12100f gtx 3050 Pismo smo stari v bozjo mater. Recesija generacija
If you're one of the 0.009% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your Signature.
Intel i3-12100f gtx 3050 Pismo smo stari v bozjo mater. Recesija generacija

Good Guy ::

Bananovec ::
Source Engine.
Source v2? Če je tako, potem bi lahko v kmalu pričakovali Ep3 oz. HL3. Če je pa samo izboljšava starega pogona ...
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

def0r ::
Me zanima če bo boljši od League of Legends.
LoL je preveč dolgočasen.
Mislim da bo dota bol podobna original doti, katera vleče na HON, ki je veliko bolj hardcore...
Obe igri privlacijo razlicne tipe igralcev.
Casual - LoL
resni igralci - HoN
Ce bo Dota 2 designana za competitive sceno se nekako LoLu ni treba bati da bo veilko playerjev slo stran, bolj HoNu.

Rippy ::
To je že čisto preveč, če mene vprašaš.
- Orginal DOTA (WC3), ki je še vedno izjemno popularna.
- HoN, ki je delen klon orginala, z drugačnimi imeni (sicer ne več).
- LoL skoraj vse je "novo".
- SotIS? (SC2) ponovno skoraj vse novo.
Imamo tudi nekaj manj uspešnih klonov, ki niso tako popularni. In zdej prihaja še
-Valve DOTA
-Blizzard (SC2) DOTA
Original še vedno tu pa tam igram ampak nič drugega se ne želim dotakniti, ker to so igre z izjemno globino. Imaš po 100 herojev, vsak ima 4 skille za katere moraš vedeti kaj so in kako pogosto jih lahko ti ali sovrašnik uporabi (in cena energije), ogromno opreme. Poznati moraš ogromno različnih "buildov", kako se različni heroji dopolnjujejo...
Vse to pomeni, da je potrebno v posamezno igro investirati približno 500+ ur igranja, da zadevo "obvladaš" in to je ogromno.
- Orginal DOTA (WC3), ki je še vedno izjemno popularna.
- HoN, ki je delen klon orginala, z drugačnimi imeni (sicer ne več).
- LoL skoraj vse je "novo".
- SotIS? (SC2) ponovno skoraj vse novo.
Imamo tudi nekaj manj uspešnih klonov, ki niso tako popularni. In zdej prihaja še
-Valve DOTA
-Blizzard (SC2) DOTA
Original še vedno tu pa tam igram ampak nič drugega se ne želim dotakniti, ker to so igre z izjemno globino. Imaš po 100 herojev, vsak ima 4 skille za katere moraš vedeti kaj so in kako pogosto jih lahko ti ali sovrašnik uporabi (in cena energije), ogromno opreme. Poznati moraš ogromno različnih "buildov", kako se različni heroji dopolnjujejo...
Vse to pomeni, da je potrebno v posamezno igro investirati približno 500+ ur igranja, da zadevo "obvladaš" in to je ogromno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Rippy ()

svetovid ::
sej če pa spilaš doto pa greš na LOL al pa HoN pa ti tak ni problem, princip je enak. Edino builde si pogledaš.

ahac ::
Edino builde si pogledaš.
Kar je bistvo. Recimo men je princip dote čisto jasen, vem kako se igra, vem kaj je treba počet, itd... ne poznam pa herojev in itemov in zarad tega sem totalno zanič.

Slo-Tech Discord -

Rippy ::
Sej tudi buildi niso tako pomembno...pac za zacetek en splošen cilj kam želiš z opremo za določen tip heroja. Veliko bolj problematično se je naučit tistih 400+ skillov, ki jih imajo heroji. Moraš poznati učinek in kako pogosto se lahko uporabi, zelo dobro je vedeti kako draga je zadeva (v smislu mane). Šele po tem, ko poznaš vse heroje precej dobro lahko razmišljaš o različnih item buildih za vsakega posameznega heroja in upoštevaš nasprotnikove heroje in tiste na tvoji strani.
Dejansko je že ena dota preveč :). Pač to so izjemno kompleksne igre in veliko prostega časa gre v to da si lahko razložiš kaj te je pravkar ubilo :).
Dejansko je že ena dota preveč :). Pač to so izjemno kompleksne igre in veliko prostega časa gre v to da si lahko razložiš kaj te je pravkar ubilo :).

Good Guy ::
Fora je da je to igra pri kateri je obvezen teamwork..če imaš ti napiflane vse builde, poraba mane, iteme.... ti, če je ob tebi en kreten k zmer pokvari igro ne pomaga čisto nič

koyotee ::
oh yeaaaaa, defense of the ancients
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Zheegec ::
heh nameravajo se pridružit uspehu Starcrafta po tekmovanjih, samo da z norimi nagradami (kot GOMtv na primer, kjer vsak mesec skeširajo 100k za nagrade pa ni nujno željen učinek).
Samo, tole je 1mio in je invite only... Ste hoteli naredit dota2 klan? Don't bother.
Samo, tole je 1mio in je invite only... Ste hoteli naredit dota2 klan? Don't bother.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Good Guy ::
Da nebo preveč podobna lol
In da ne bo prevec podobna HoNu xDD
prej kontra, ker vsi podobni špili kopirajo doto na svoj način.
za vse ki bi radi spremljal miljonski turnir je tuki link s sporedom in live streamom

def0r ::
Ja vsi so moba igre. Dota je pac prva od teh, ceprav kaksnim mesanih shopov, receptov, monkeyev in denijanja nocem videti v doti 2:)

m4d_m4n ::

Good Guy ::
Zaenkrat kokr spremlam tale turnir je pol razočaranj..
lagira skoz, stream šteka...dota 2 kot igra je pa odlična
lagira skoz, stream šteka...dota 2 kot igra je pa odlična

def0r ::
Ne vem mene ne privlaci toliko se trenutno bomo pocakali do bete... Itak je signup ze mozen vnaprej.

NaVi zmagal v Dota2 na ESWC 2011
Lahko si ogledate tekme na desni zavihek GAME1 in GAME2
Na'Vi hooks the gold away from EHOME
Na'Vi used Pudge to full effect to beat EHOME in two straight games to win the Grand Finals of ESWC 2011 2-0.
In Game 1, Na'Vi used their final pick to pick the large hooker, while EHOME's final pick would go to Morphling, a hero which EHOME hasn't played in a while. The immediate strength of Dendi as Pudge was on display, and the game quickly spiraled out of control for EHOME, who looked like a team without a leader. By 12:00 the game was already out of EHOME's hands, with the score being 17-5. Dendi would continue to land seven more hooks to go Beyond Godlike with 2600 HP by the 19:00 mark. Spectre's Radiance was finished at the 20 minute mark, and its presence was immediately felt by EHOME, as they lose four heroes in the resulting fight. By 21 minutes, Na'Vi had a 20k gold advantage, and EHOME had no choice but to gg out.
Game 2 would be a bit closer, but the end result would be the same. This time, Na'Vi wasted no time, picking Pudge as their third. While not as dominant as they were last game, Na'Vi immediately sprang to life, scoring kills on Tidehunter and Spectre before the horn even sounded. The Ukranian powerhouse team continued their dominance, taking a 1-10 lead before EHOME started to pull back in. Most of the following fights resulted in a mostly fair trade, including Ancient Appartion for Lion and Beastmaster/Windrunner for Crystal Maiden/Night Stalker. However, Na'Vi finally tipped the scales in their favor, scoring three kills on Spectre, Beastmaster, and Tidehunter. It was here that EHOME truly looked lost; they seemed to exhibit poor communication and lackluster teamsmanship. The prime example of this was the teamfight that resulted in the loss of their top barracks; Lion, played by X!!, blinked in, only to have his team not follow him in. The resulting teamwipe was enough to claim the game, and the grand finals, for EHOME.
Although I felt the finals were slightly boring, there were certainly things to take away from them; mainly, EHOME is currently disoriented with the loss of Crystal and 820. Na'Vi, as with the International, looked very solid introducing special plans strictly for winning the finals. With the way Na'Vi are currently playing Dota 2, it's hard to see when their reign over the scene will end.
Še intervju z Puppeyem pred finalom, čisto relaxiran.
Lahko si ogledate tekme na desni zavihek GAME1 in GAME2
Na'Vi hooks the gold away from EHOME
Na'Vi used Pudge to full effect to beat EHOME in two straight games to win the Grand Finals of ESWC 2011 2-0.
In Game 1, Na'Vi used their final pick to pick the large hooker, while EHOME's final pick would go to Morphling, a hero which EHOME hasn't played in a while. The immediate strength of Dendi as Pudge was on display, and the game quickly spiraled out of control for EHOME, who looked like a team without a leader. By 12:00 the game was already out of EHOME's hands, with the score being 17-5. Dendi would continue to land seven more hooks to go Beyond Godlike with 2600 HP by the 19:00 mark. Spectre's Radiance was finished at the 20 minute mark, and its presence was immediately felt by EHOME, as they lose four heroes in the resulting fight. By 21 minutes, Na'Vi had a 20k gold advantage, and EHOME had no choice but to gg out.
Game 2 would be a bit closer, but the end result would be the same. This time, Na'Vi wasted no time, picking Pudge as their third. While not as dominant as they were last game, Na'Vi immediately sprang to life, scoring kills on Tidehunter and Spectre before the horn even sounded. The Ukranian powerhouse team continued their dominance, taking a 1-10 lead before EHOME started to pull back in. Most of the following fights resulted in a mostly fair trade, including Ancient Appartion for Lion and Beastmaster/Windrunner for Crystal Maiden/Night Stalker. However, Na'Vi finally tipped the scales in their favor, scoring three kills on Spectre, Beastmaster, and Tidehunter. It was here that EHOME truly looked lost; they seemed to exhibit poor communication and lackluster teamsmanship. The prime example of this was the teamfight that resulted in the loss of their top barracks; Lion, played by X!!, blinked in, only to have his team not follow him in. The resulting teamwipe was enough to claim the game, and the grand finals, for EHOME.
Although I felt the finals were slightly boring, there were certainly things to take away from them; mainly, EHOME is currently disoriented with the loss of Crystal and 820. Na'Vi, as with the International, looked very solid introducing special plans strictly for winning the finals. With the way Na'Vi are currently playing Dota 2, it's hard to see when their reign over the scene will end.
Še intervju z Puppeyem pred finalom, čisto relaxiran.

"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

Good Guy ::
You recently indicated you want to play Dota2. Before we send the first batch of invites we need to collect a little more information from you about your level of gaming experience and your gaming rig.
To begin the survey go to the machine on which you intend to play Dota2, start Steam and click this link: steam://takesurvey/1/ (if you haven't restarted your Steam client for a few days, you might need to do that before clicking that link).
To install Steam go to
Thank you
The Dota2 Team
počas se začenja
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Naj računalnik dela za vas^^
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Good Guy ()

chief ::
a je kak slovencelj ki jo trenutno ze dejansko igra.
jaz sem dobil invite od Valve, zravem pa dve povabili za prijatelje. Tako da smo ze v treh. Se kdo?
jaz sem dobil invite od Valve, zravem pa dve povabili za prijatelje. Tako da smo ze v treh. Se kdo?

Mipe ::
Tale anketa je podn od podna.
Sploh ne predvideva, da mogoče nisi igral DotA.
Sploh ne predvideva, da mogoče nisi igral DotA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mipe ()

Mipe ::
Potem naj tako napišejo, ne pa da vsem vsiljujejo Dota2. Zakaj sem dobil njihov mail, če nisem nikoli igral DotA?

m0f0x ::

Kockica ::
Glih kar odigral 5 iger, pa je kr v redu, tudi grafika se mi zdi zlo dobra :)
Zadeva ma tudi vgrajeno svojo konzolco, kot vsi drugi valve spili.
Edino kar me moti je to, da se počasneje scrolla po mapi kot pa v originalni doti ali honu.
Zadeva ma tudi vgrajeno svojo konzolco, kot vsi drugi valve spili.
Edino kar me moti je to, da se počasneje scrolla po mapi kot pa v originalni doti ali honu.

Guzzy ::
hah! če hočeš, me lahko dodaš, pa tud mojega soigralca, ki je tudi igral s tabo
xxguzzyxx je moj steam, soigralčev pa Hasdrubal_powarrrrrr
xxguzzyxx je moj steam, soigralčev pa Hasdrubal_powarrrrrr
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | se da blokirat spletnega trgovca od tolčenja kartice?Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 1937 (1350) | Riff |
» | Heroes of the storm (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Igre | 21570 (13640) | ahac |
» | Izšla Dota 2Oddelek: Novice / Igre | 13339 (10981) | Tr0n |
» | DotaOddelek: Igre | 2594 (1984) | koyotee |