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DLNA mreža za TV (PROGRAM)

DLNA mreža za TV (PROGRAM)

car100 ::

Mene pa zanima, če obstaja program, ki je zmožen preko DLNA na tvju (PANASONIC) npr. (dvix film) prikazat podnapise). Probal sem že povezat z programom Windows Media Player (windows 7) in Nero MediaHome 4 in pri nobenem ni prikazalo podnapisov. Kot sem zasledil tudi ne podpirata mkv. formata! Tako da če kdo pozna program, ki omogoča podnapise + mkv formate bi prosil za ima programa. Že v naprej hvala za nasvete!:)

madog ::

Probaj tele

Media serverji

Sam uporabljam ps3 media server za sony TV.
V primarni funkciji je za PS3 ampak deluje tudi na druih napravah

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: madog ()

lopata ::

Imam DNLA server Nero MediaHome pa mi 100% CPU požre pa nevem zakaj, mi lahko kdo pomaga kaj je s tem.
Hvala za odgovor.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: lopata ()

Karlos ::

lopata je izjavil:

Imam DNLA server Nero MediaHome pa mi 100% CPU požre pa nevem zakaj, mi lahko kdo pomaga kaj je s tem.
Hvala za odgovor.

Verjetno konvertera avdio/video fajle, da so primerni za ogled napravi, ki jo imaš priključeno ...
Sai Baba: "Dam vam to, kar hočete, da boste hoteli to, kar vam želim dati."

janezJ ::

Moj glas gre za ps3 media server, uporabljam ga za philipsa. Predvaja mi dejansko vse, tudi mkv, podnapise(občasno kakšna zatikanja). Dolgo časa sem se hecal z tversity, na mojem tv-ju je bil polom.

zagarb ::

Ena možnost je tudi Samsung PC Share Manager.


Preverjeno delujejo MKV, tudi s podnapisi ni težav.

lopata ::

Hvala za odgovore vesem trem.
Karlos to sem tudi sam ugotovil.
JanezJ ne dela mi na Wins7
zagarb hvala ti samo ni free.
Lep pozdrav.

No sem sprobal samsunga ne podpira podnapisov zraven filma.
Ta Win7 je eno veliko sraaanje.
Moje mnenje, morda drugi zadovoljni.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: lopata ()

svit ::

PS3 Media Center preverjeno deluje na Windows 7 64 bit. Prav tako predvaja skupaj z FFDShow filtrom mkv fajle in podnapise.

Tukaj je razloženo kako konfigurirati PS3 media center za windows 7 + fajl za Panasonic, ki ga shraniš kot Panasonic v /conf direktorij.

    # ps3mediaserver profile for ps3

    # General informations / detection

    RendererName=Panasonic MIL

    #UserAgent: regular expression to detect the connected renderer
    UserAgentSearch=Panasonic MIL DLNA

    #UserAgentAdditionalHeaders: additional http header for better detection

    #Basic capabilities

    # DLNA settings

    #Use the DLNA feature seek by time and not by range

    #Serve different flavors of localization in the DLNA parameters (PAL/NTSC, NA/EU/JP)
    #to allow every worldwide renderer to see the files. Important for Sony Bravia's TVs

    # Transcoding/Muxing capabilities

    #Transcode codecs for video and audio engines
    #currently supported: MPEGAC3, MPEGTSAC3 or WMV for video, PCM or MP3 for audio

    #Use default DVD buffer size: false = greater bitrate and faster encoding,
    #but can generate incompatible videos, depends of your media renderer

    #Muxing capabilities: Does the media renderer supports H264 and MPEG2 in a mpegts file ?
    #Deprecated if MediaInfo=true

    #Does the media renderer supports DTS in a mpeg file ?
    #Deprecated if MediaInfo=true

    #Does the media renderer supports DTS wrapped into LPCM in a mpeg file ?

    #Does the media renderer supports LPCM in a mpeg file ?
    #Deprecated if MediaInfo=true

    #Maximum bitrate supported by the media renderer (0=unlimited)

    #Max Width and Height supported by the media renderer (0=unlimited)

    #Does the media renderer supports only H264 L4.1 at most ?

    #Does music files need to be resampled at 44.1kHz?

    #Does the client need to receive transcoded video with minimal delay ? (Useful when the client has a small timeout delay)

    #Size of the transcoded file (unknown length) sent to the renderer (could determine browsing failure/success)
    #Possible values:
    #           -1: Specific value working with the PS3, means perfect transcoding and copying support (it's against the dlna spec though)
    #            0: size attribute is NOT sent to the renderer (defaut value if this parameter isn't used)
    # 100000000000: 100Gb, if you want to be sure that the media file is not cutted before the end ?

    # Misc Images

    #Rotate Jpeg files based on EXIF infos

    # Misc Files

    ## If you want to apply a specific extension for your transcoded files:

    # Mime types transforms (oldmime=newmime|olemime2=newmime2|...)
    # Deprecated if MediaInfo=true

    # What extensions are forcefully transcoded
    # Don't use this if MediaInfo=true, prefer codec configurations
    # What extensions are forcefully streamed as is (and not transcoded)
    # Don't use this if MediaInfo=true, prefer codec configurations

    #container: avchd, divx, mpeg2
    #ext: divx,avi, mpg, mpeg
    #vid.kodek: DIV3, DIV4, DIVX, DX50, DIV6, MPEG-2(PS)
    #aud.kodek: mp3, mpeg, ac3
    #GMC not supported
    #titulky: microdvd, subrip (musi byt stejny nazev)...zobrazeniv poradi SRT, SUB, TXT
    #obrazky: jpg,jpeg 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0

    # ===========================================================================
    # All supported media formats of this renderer (the rest will be transcoded)
    # First steps towards a faster/proper file/codec/mimetype management system (false by default)
    # 1- Parse files with mediainfo on Windows/OSX (Linux too if libmediainfo and libzen installed)
    # 2- Deprecate following parameters: MuxH264ToMpegTS,MuxDTSToMpeg,MuxLPCMToMpeg,MimeTypesChanges
    # 3- The server will skip badly parsed, corrupted files or wrong coding, preventing potential playback errors
    # 4- Faster browsing, due to the launch of ffmpeg/mplayer first thumbnailer process with each http client request, rather than in the browse DLNA request
    # The media parser and this configuration file will recognize the following formats/codecs (lowercase only, regex supported):
    # Chosen from the most common used and supported formats/codecs (no need to manage ADPCM, nobody cares)
    #        mpegps      (mpeg presentation stream, used in DVD Videos, VCDs, etc.)
    #        mpegts      (mpeg transport stream, used in sat tv, blu rays, etc.)
    #        wmv      (Windows Media Video, tag also used for asf files)
    #        avi      (AVI container)
    #        mp4      (ISOM/MPEG4 container, or MPEG4 codec)
    #        mov      (Quicktime container, Apple)
    #        flv      (Flash Video)
    #        rm         (Real Media, RMVB)
    #        mkv      (Matroska)
    #        wav      (WAVE file)
    #        wavpac      (WavPack)
    #        lpcm      (Linear PCM)
    #        aac      (Advanced Audio Codec)
    #        ac3      (Audio Coding 3)
    #        mp3      (Mpeg Audio Layer 3)
    #        mpa      (Mpeg Audio)
    #        ogg      (Ogg Vorbis)
    #        wma      (Windows Media Audio)
    #        dts      (Digital Theater Systems)
    #        dtshd      (Digital Theater Systems)
    #        truehd      (TrueHD)
    #        eac3      (Extended AC3)
    #        atrac      (Atrac)
    #        flac      (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
    #        ape      (Monkey's Audio)
    #        ra         (Real Audio)
    #        mpc      (MusePack)
    #        aiff      (AIFF)
    #        alac      (Apple Lossless)
    #        dv         (Digital Video)
    #        mpeg1      (Codec used in VCD)
    #        mpeg2      (Codec used in DVD Videos and HDTV)
    #        divx      (DivX Video)
    #        h264      (H264)
    #        mjpeg      (M-JPEG)
    #        vc1      (VC-1)
    #        jpg      (Jpeg)
    #        png      (PNG)
    #        gif      (GIF)
    #        tiff      (TIFF)
    #        bmp      (Bitmap)
    #        und      (Undetermined, if the parser did not recognize one of above)
    # Usage:
    #    f: format, MANDATORY (the only conf for a 'eat everything' renderer would be f:.+)
    #    m: mimetype, STRONGLY RECOMMENDED (if not declared, an estimated value is assigned)
    #    v: video codec
    #    a: audio codec
    #    n: max nb of audio channels
    #    s: max audio sample frequency in Hz
    #    b: max audio bitrate in bps
    #    w: max width in pixels
    #    h: max height in pixels
    #    other flags: right now, only qpel and gmc (see avi)

    # In case of multiple matches, the first mime type of the list is the used one.
    # Be careful with regexps such as .+ : You shouldn't use these only if you're sure your renderer is quite versatile

    # Taken from the playstation site:
    #    The following types of files can be played under  (Video).
    #    Memory Stick Video Format
    #    - MPEG-4 SP (AAC LC)
    #    - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High Profile (AAC LC)
    #    - MPEG-2 TS(H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC LC)
    #    MP4 file format
    #    - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High Profile (AAC LC)
    #    MPEG-1 (MPEG Audio Layer 2)
    #    MPEG-2 PS (MPEG2 Audio Layer 2, AAC LC, AC3(Dolby Digital), LPCM)
    #    MPEG-2 TS (MPEG2 Audio Layer 2, AC3(Dolby Digital), AAC LC)
    #    MPEG-2 TS (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AAC LC)
    #    AVI
    #    - Motion JPEG (Linear PCM)
    #    - Motion JPEG (mu-Law)
    #    AVCHD (.m2ts / .mts)
    #    DivX
    #    WMV
    #    - VC-1(WMA Standard V2)
    # gives:

    # [Supported video formats]:
    # Here we declare support (or lack) of DTS (here, none of the entries declare dts as a supported audio codec)
    Supported = f:mpegps|mpegts    v:mpeg2|mp4|h264    a:ac3|lpcm|aac|mpa   m:video/mpeg
    # No H264 for AVI files, plus specific mediainfo attributes, for better auto detection (qpel and gmc are not supported here)
    Supported = f:avi|divx    v:mp4|divx|mjpeg   a:mp3|lpcm|mpa|ac3   m:video/x-divx   qpel:no   gmc:0
    Supported = f:mp4    v:mp4|h264   a:ac3|aac   m:video/mp4
    # WMV files are supported, but not with 5.1 audio: (hence the n:2)
    Supported = f:wmv    v:wmv|vc1   a:wma   n:2   m:video/x-ms-wmv

    # [Supported audio formats]:
    Supported = f:wav   a:dts   n:6   s:48000   m:audio/wav
    Supported = f:wav   n:2   s:48000   m:audio/wav
    Supported = f:mp3   n:2   m:audio/mpeg
    # Apple lossless not supported
    Supported = f:aac   n:2   a:(?!alac).+   m:audio/x-m4a
    Supported = f:wma   n:2   m:audio/x-ms-wma
    Supported = f:atrac   n:2   m:audio/x-oma

    # [Supported image formats]
    Supported = f:jpg   m:image/jpeg
    Supported = f:png   m:image/png
    Supported = f:gif   m:image/gif
    Supported = f:tiff   m:image/tiff

    # ===========================================================================
Ni ideje

radmannsdorf ::

Pravkar sem nabavil licenco za Wild Media Server, ki je zakon! :)
Ga ni formata ki mi ga nebi predvajal, podnapisi delujejo, vse je tko kot mora bit. Licenca pa je stala 11,30€
Prej sem mel PS3 Media server, ki pa po formatiranju računalnika ni hotel več predvajat različnih formatov, preizkusil nešteto kodekov....
V glavnem, prej sem probal še kakšne 3,4 DLNA serverje, pa noben ni znal čisto vsega, razen WMS. Priporočam, tud če je nekaj malega za plačat, še vednjo manj kot pa en usb ključek :)

Imam pa Sony Bravia EX520.

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