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Battlefield: Bad Company 2
XsenO ::
Danes poskusil beto in mater reč seka ^^
Predvsem mi je lepo pokati glavice iz ene strani glave na drugo, čeprav je to postalo težje kot pri BC1 in 1943 zaradi večjega upoštevanja kadence projektilov.
Predvsem mi je lepo pokati glavice iz ene strani glave na drugo, čeprav je to postalo težje kot pri BC1 in 1943 zaradi večjega upoštevanja kadence projektilov.
1 + 1 = 1
Berserker ::
Vsaka puška ima grenade launcher m203 ali pa kaj ruskega tako da ni težko bajto podret.
letmein ::
Danes probal, rušljivost je odlična saj se da podreti skoraj vse kar ti pride na pot. Bajta se ti lahko zrusi na glavo če jo dovolj poškoduješ ( parkrat okusil kot sniper na strehi bajte). Zvok je tudi super, z vozili pa lahko tudi marsikaj zrusis tako da se enostavno zaletis notr.
Berserker ::
Ja daleč od ravnin zato kr v BC1 je šlo celo kraterje delat v tla, na tak način si si ustvaril dodatni cover, na koncu matcha je sicer vedno pokazalo razdejano okolico .
letmein ::
JA na koncu je ponavadi vse precj zravnano =) , ampak bajte k so zrusane ponujajo kar dosti kritja.
Berserker ::
Em niti ne, ko prileti kakšen iztrelek v hišo potem celotno steno zravna od tal do plafona.
Rotaidal ::
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC Beta Delayed
We wanted to update you, and slow the flood of tweets, on questions surrounding the BFBC2 PC Beta being cancelled. I'll get right to it and say "the BFBC2 PC Beta is not cancelled". Now this all started due to changes made to an earlier blog that removed the PC Beta from the details and the reason for this was the plan changed. With the huge success of the PS3 Beta we decided to drastically increase the PC Beta's capacity to insure as many people as possible could participate. Unfortunately this meant we had to delay the Beta to very early next year giving us more planning time to make it happen and implement more optimizations.
Here is a recap of the current PC features, and we can now confirm DX11 support with more details to come later!
PC Enhanced Features
Up to 32 Players on PC (24 on consoles) - Play with up to 32 players online in the biggest multiplayer Maps in Battlefield. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus set across a variety of environments.
Full DirectX 9, 10 & 11 Support - Immerse yourself in the Battlefield world as Frostbite engine brings tanks, planes, and explosions to vivid life on your PC. The game will fully support Windows XP, Vista, and 7 with new tech that further improves things like lighting and shadows.
Enhanced Gameplay - The PC version also includes wide peripheral support like Joysticks for flying, NVDIA 3D Vision, Logitech LCD Keyboards and VoIP Support plus a variety of specific features tailored for PC play.
Friend Support - Find your friends online with the new buddy list to see if and who is online so you can quickly join their game.
Dedicated Ranked Server - Everyone gets non-stop action with no connection penalties based on some other player's internet. Ranked Server Provider program will give players opportunity to rent their own server(s) located in professional grade datacenters, ability to modify settings like map rotation, create reserved slots for friends or clan members, kick & Ban players, and custom name your ranked server.
Clan Support & Private Servers - Independent Clan Tag, and ability to rent servers for hosting and controlling private password protected competitive servers with expanded control over the settings from public ranked servers.
PC Squad Play System - Updated from previous Battlefield PC titles now gives control of your squad before heading into combat.
We wanted to update you, and slow the flood of tweets, on questions surrounding the BFBC2 PC Beta being cancelled. I'll get right to it and say "the BFBC2 PC Beta is not cancelled". Now this all started due to changes made to an earlier blog that removed the PC Beta from the details and the reason for this was the plan changed. With the huge success of the PS3 Beta we decided to drastically increase the PC Beta's capacity to insure as many people as possible could participate. Unfortunately this meant we had to delay the Beta to very early next year giving us more planning time to make it happen and implement more optimizations.
Here is a recap of the current PC features, and we can now confirm DX11 support with more details to come later!
PC Enhanced Features
Up to 32 Players on PC (24 on consoles) - Play with up to 32 players online in the biggest multiplayer Maps in Battlefield. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus set across a variety of environments.
Full DirectX 9, 10 & 11 Support - Immerse yourself in the Battlefield world as Frostbite engine brings tanks, planes, and explosions to vivid life on your PC. The game will fully support Windows XP, Vista, and 7 with new tech that further improves things like lighting and shadows.
Enhanced Gameplay - The PC version also includes wide peripheral support like Joysticks for flying, NVDIA 3D Vision, Logitech LCD Keyboards and VoIP Support plus a variety of specific features tailored for PC play.
Friend Support - Find your friends online with the new buddy list to see if and who is online so you can quickly join their game.
Dedicated Ranked Server - Everyone gets non-stop action with no connection penalties based on some other player's internet. Ranked Server Provider program will give players opportunity to rent their own server(s) located in professional grade datacenters, ability to modify settings like map rotation, create reserved slots for friends or clan members, kick & Ban players, and custom name your ranked server.
Clan Support & Private Servers - Independent Clan Tag, and ability to rent servers for hosting and controlling private password protected competitive servers with expanded control over the settings from public ranked servers.
PC Squad Play System - Updated from previous Battlefield PC titles now gives control of your squad before heading into combat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Rotaidal ()
Pesimist ::
Tega bom verjetno celo kupo. Kaj za PC beto bo treba kaj posebnega narditi ali samo biti pravocasni ko se kluci delijo?
Pesimist ::
Upam da to nebo taki polom kot MW2. Nekaj vmes med AA 3.0 in kaj te vem CS 1.6. Tudi ce bo tak kot battlefield 2 je ok menda. Ne pa taka ubitacno gnila arkada kot ta MW2.
Destruktubilnost se slisi lepo in fajn. Vendar to moram prvo sprobati v demu ali beti ker nisem najbol preprican da mi bo fajn ko me bojo z raketami obstreljevali pa me bo metalo okol.
Destruktubilnost se slisi lepo in fajn. Vendar to moram prvo sprobati v demu ali beti ker nisem najbol preprican da mi bo fajn ko me bojo z raketami obstreljevali pa me bo metalo okol.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pesimist ()
Bor H ::
A kdo ve kako je z limited edition dodatki? Nekje sem bral da bodo na voljo tudi ostalim, vendar ne takoj. Očitno bo nek sistem napredovanja, to še drži? Ker če je to res pol ne vidim razloga za plačevati steamu 50EUR namesto amazonu (britanskem) 30EUR
destroyer2k ::
Bor H
Limited edition je razlika v tem, da imaš vsa orožja v multiplayer že takoj odklenjen. Pri navadni verziji pa moreš prvo se levelat.
Tako da kar na amazon kupi limited edition.
Limited edition je razlika v tem, da imaš vsa orožja v multiplayer že takoj odklenjen. Pri navadni verziji pa moreš prvo se levelat.
Tako da kar na amazon kupi limited edition.
Bor H ::
Sem pol preverjal in to pol celo našel, čudn mi je blo ker to sem prebral za deluxe edition ne pa za limited, pa je očitno ista stvar to. Bom verjetno kr lepo britanske cene izkoristu ja.
Bor H ::
Ampak so hecni, EA store (britanski) prodaja dražje bad company 2, kot druge trgovine, da ne omenjam da ne dobiš dostopa do bete. Bolj k gledam kako nesorazmerne so cene po trgovinah bolj se mi smeji.
MrX ::
se da pri nas tudi kje prednarociti slucajno? al je to steam/EA only?
pa se nekaj.. nekje sem zasledil, da ce kupis limited edition imas vse odklenjeno in max lvl ce sem prav razumel? to drži?
pa se nekaj.. nekje sem zasledil, da ce kupis limited edition imas vse odklenjeno in max lvl ce sem prav razumel? to drži?
Bor H ::
Mislim da maxlevel nisi, imaš pa ene par malenkosti odklenjenih prej kot ostali, uglavnem nič takega kar ne bi mogu v par dneh nadoknadit.
Pri nas nisem še nikjer zasledil, mislim sicer da ima igabiba na seznamu brez cene, osebno bi ti sicer predlagal angleški amazon, dobiš za cca 35eur s poštnino
Pri nas nisem še nikjer zasledil, mislim sicer da ima igabiba na seznamu brez cene, osebno bi ti sicer predlagal angleški amazon, dobiš za cca 35eur s poštnino
destroyer2k ::
Tisti ki bi radi v beto prišli, morete prednaročiti igri pri določenih trgovinah. Sem vam podal link in si oglejte kje lahko kupite igro.
Heavy ::
Mislim da maxlevel nisi, imaš pa ene par malenkosti odklenjenih prej kot ostali, uglavnem nič takega kar ne bi mogu v par dneh nadoknadit.
To ni call of duty, da boš nabiral za 20 renkov na dan. Za doseči največji rank imaš minimalno pol leta zmernega igranja dnevno.
destroyer2k ::
Pri tej igri sem precej prepričan, da rankanje ne bo tako zahtevno kot v bf2, vsaj pri bad company 1 ni bilo tako hudo.
Pri tej igri sem precej prepričan, da rankanje ne bo tako zahtevno kot v bf2, vsaj pri bad company 1 ni bilo tako hudo.
Berserker ::
Mislim da maxlevel nisi, imaš pa ene par malenkosti odklenjenih prej kot ostali, uglavnem nič takega kar ne bi mogu v par dneh nadoknadit.
To ni call of duty, da boš nabiral za 20 renkov na dan. Za doseči največji rank imaš minimalno pol leta zmernega igranja dnevno.
Mnja no jaz sem zmerno igral poleti lani pa sem rabil dva tedna da sem prišel do 23 pol pa sem pustil vse skup.
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