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Pomoč pri prevodu [Slo - Ang]

c0dehunter ::
Zdravo, za seminarsko nalogo bi potreboval prevod sledečega besedila:
Sam sem prevedel takole (prosim za izboljšave):
Za seminarsko nalogo sem si izbral izdelavo evidence delovnega časa za manjše podjetje. Uslužbenci bodo lahko prijavili svoj prihod in odhod iz službe ter si ogledali njihove prejšnje zapise, upravnik sistema pa bo lahko dodajal nove uslužbence, si ogledal celotno evidenco ter izračunal plačo na podlagi dobropisa in urne postavke.
Evidenca bo sestavljena iz dveh komponent – baze podatkov ter samega odjemalca. Mišljeno je, da se baza podatkov nahaja, zaradi varnostnih razlogov, na nekem centralnem strežniku, odjemalec pa se lahko namesti na en ali več računalnikov, do katerih imajo dostop tako uslužbenci kot upravljalec sistema.
Baza podatkov je Microsoft Accessova baza podatkov, odjemalec pa je bil razvit v okolju NetBeans v programskem jeziku Java.
Sam sem prevedel takole (prosim za izboljšave):
For my ?school work? I have chosen to make ?records of working time management system? for smaller companies. Employees will be able to sign in and out and see their previous records. The administrator will be able to add new employees, see all records for specific user for specific month and to calculate employee's wage based on hourly rate.
Records of working time management system is formed out of two components – database and client. It is meant that the database is located, for security reasons, on a central server but the client can be installed on one or more computers to which both, employees and administrator, have access.
?Database is Microsoft's Access database but the client was developed in NetBeans in Java programming language.
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
- spremenilo: c0dehunter ()

JayKay ::
For my seminar paper, I have chosen to create a record of work hours for small businesses. Employees will be able to sign in and out and view their previous records. The administrator will be able to add new employees, view all records for specific users and specific months and calculate employee's wage based on the hourly rate.
Record of work hours will be composed of two components: the database (server) and the client. For safety reasons, the database will on a central server. The client will then be installed on one or multiple computers, access to which will be available both to the administrator and the employees.
The database itself will be a MS Access database, where as the client has been compiled in Netbeans Java environment.
Record of work hours will be composed of two components: the database (server) and the client. For safety reasons, the database will on a central server. The client will then be installed on one or multiple computers, access to which will be available both to the administrator and the employees.
The database itself will be a MS Access database, where as the client has been compiled in Netbeans Java environment.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JayKay ()

c0dehunter ::
Hvala, tako se veliko bolje sliši (in bere).

I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Marc` ::
Nočem biti pikolovski, ampak ta zadenj "where as" se piše skupaj, ali ne? Verjetno je samo typo, ali pa se lahko piše na oba načina, nisem prepričan.

c0dehunter ::
No sej, tolk bolš, če je več feedbacka.
Če kdo ve glede tega where as oz. whereas feel free to stand up
(čeprav zdej ko gledam obe besedi se mi whereas ne zdi nič kaj znano...)
Če kdo ve glede tega where as oz. whereas feel free to stand up

(čeprav zdej ko gledam obe besedi se mi whereas ne zdi nič kaj znano...)
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

tsh2 ::
jaz bi uvod spremenil:
For my seminar paper I have chosen to create work hours record keeping system for small businesses.
pa še:
The record keeping system will be composed of two components:
napisati tako da zveni čisto angleško ni tako lahko. najlažje je iskati fraze v guglu da preveriš a zveni tvoje skrapucalo prav.
For my seminar paper I have chosen to create work hours record keeping system for small businesses.
pa še:
The record keeping system will be composed of two components:
napisati tako da zveni čisto angleško ni tako lahko. najlažje je iskati fraze v guglu da preveriš a zveni tvoje skrapucalo prav.

Pyr0Beast ::
This seminar paper describes a small business recording system created to store, evident and manage the employees overall list of work hours.
Subscribed employees will be able to sign in, sign out and have a complete overview of their previous records. The system's administrator has a complete access to all of the stored records for given users over time and is able to calculate the employee's wage based on hourly rate as well as assign new users to the system.
Due to safety precautions, system's database is kept on a central server to which clients then connect.
Client program can be set up on one or multiple systems, access to which is available both to the administrator and to employees.
The database itself is a Microsoft Access database, where as the client software has been developed using Netbeans-Java environment.
Subscribed employees will be able to sign in, sign out and have a complete overview of their previous records. The system's administrator has a complete access to all of the stored records for given users over time and is able to calculate the employee's wage based on hourly rate as well as assign new users to the system.
Due to safety precautions, system's database is kept on a central server to which clients then connect.
Client program can be set up on one or multiple systems, access to which is available both to the administrator and to employees.
The database itself is a Microsoft Access database, where as the client software has been developed using Netbeans-Java environment.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Pyr0Beast ::
Da, whereas se mi zdi da je skupaj pisan :)
The database itself is a Microsoft Access database, whereas the client software has been developed using Netbeans-Java environment.
The database itself is a Microsoft Access database, whereas the client software has been developed using Netbeans-Java environment.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

c0dehunter ::
Evo super, to bo to.
Hvala vsem! Ob priložnosti ruknem za pir
Hvala vsem! Ob priložnosti ruknem za pir

I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

koyotee ::
Raje se nauči angleščine!
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

c0dehunter ::
Raje se nauči angleščine!
Angleško znam precej dobro, ampak verjetno so tu gor nekateri, ki imajo več izkušenj in še več znanja.
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

koyotee ::
Aja, še dobro, da boš v šoli pokazal svoje znanje. Fora ni v tem, da je v nulo napisano, ampak, da narediš po svojih najboljših močeh in se zraven po možnosti še kaj naučiš.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

c0dehunter ::
Lej, v prvem postu, kjer sprašujem za pomoč, sem navedel tudi moj prevod. Nisem prosil za prevod brez da bi se kaj potrudil. Prosil sem za izboljšavo.
Now stop fscking trolling.
Now stop fscking trolling.
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

koyotee ::
Sam to še vedno ne odraža tvojega "precej dobrega" znanja ang.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pyr0Beast ::
Njegovo znanje je nad slovenskim povprečjem. Že to da je vsaj poizkusil oz. je že kar prevedel svoj tekst odraža nek trud.
Kar mu manjka je edino nekaj terminologije, kar pa seveda pride s časom in veliko sprocesiranega besedila.
Kar mu manjka je edino nekaj terminologije, kar pa seveda pride s časom in veliko sprocesiranega besedila.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

ZdravkoČolič ::
Koyotee zakaj se javlaš tuki, a ne veš, da greš na živce vsem s tem tvojmu pametovanjem?!
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