Forum » Igre » Paradise lost : chapter: passage-defend prophet help kako zakurit ogenj
Paradise lost : chapter: passage-defend prophet help kako zakurit ogenj

brassi lucca ::
Mycheats. Com/view/section/754/20121/crysis/pc kako se zakuri ogenj?
Once the immediate threat is gone, you will have to get prophet to a heat source. The counter that appears in the center of your screen will show you how long you have before he freezes to death.
Take prophet's alien weapon and kill the alien soldiers who move in to assault. After doing so, you will be given a new objective.
Objective: extract prophet out of the sphere.
Head east towards the first heat source. Prophet will make it there just before his suit runs out. After he is charged, as indicated by the counter in the lower-center part of your screen, head northeast to the next heat source.
Res sem malo starejši in trapast ampak to mi ne rata nikakor ne bombe, marsovski gun itaq meče ledene šprekle, municije za vžig ni torej kako?
Once the immediate threat is gone, you will have to get prophet to a heat source. The counter that appears in the center of your screen will show you how long you have before he freezes to death.
Take prophet's alien weapon and kill the alien soldiers who move in to assault. After doing so, you will be given a new objective.
Objective: extract prophet out of the sphere.
Head east towards the first heat source. Prophet will make it there just before his suit runs out. After he is charged, as indicated by the counter in the lower-center part of your screen, head northeast to the next heat source.
Res sem malo starejši in trapast ampak to mi ne rata nikakor ne bombe, marsovski gun itaq meče ledene šprekle, municije za vžig ni torej kako?
Moments before detonation , .....................TT
- polepsal: Mavrik ()

strictom ::
Saj ne zakuriš ognja ampak moraš najt goreče razvaline. Jih je kr precej tako da ne vem kako si jih lahko spregledal. Pa še un črn šefe, ko si blizu ognja, leti tja in se greje kot nekakšen klošar z nanosuitom.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

brassi lucca ::
Ok razumem. Poskušal sem pač zakurit ogenj
Samo sem v tej luknji iz katere enostavno ne moram skočiti tudi s nanosuit/strength . Še najbolje je kazalo na vzhodu sepravi čisto naravnost ampak vedno mi spodrsne nazaj .
Enostavno ne znam ven in naprej
Samo sem v tej luknji iz katere enostavno ne moram skočiti tudi s nanosuit/strength . Še najbolje je kazalo na vzhodu sepravi čisto naravnost ampak vedno mi spodrsne nazaj .
Enostavno ne znam ven in naprej
Moments before detonation , .....................TT
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