Forum » Navijanje » Radeon 9800pro @ 9800XT
Radeon 9800pro @ 9800XT

Dr_M ::
so se ze ja..velikrat.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::
nevem ce je to smiselno, ker 9800pro nikol ne bo xt pa kakorkoli obrnes. r360 je malenkost optimiziran, tko da se v malenkostih razlikuje od r350, navijes lohk pa tut pro na take frekvence bp.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

_spirit_ ::
Baje da pridobiš do 20% na zmogljivosti, zato sem se odločil da poskusim, pogledal sem tudi malo morje testov po internetu
in vsi so bili zelo obetavni.
Drugače sem pa sledil navodilom flešanja na tej strani:
Before we flash our 9800's we need to prepare ourselves with what we will need to flash the BIOS. Below is a list/link to everything you will need:
An ATI Radeon 9800NP or Pro capable of 412MHz core clock and 365MHz (730MHz DDR) memory clock
Flashrom 1.3 (Can be downloaded here)
A copy of the ATi Radeon 9800XT BIOS (Can be downloaded here)
A bootable floppy disk (Can be downloaded here)
The desire to have a 9800XT for a fraction of the cost
Now that we know exactly what we need lets begin to flash this bad boy, shall we? Ok, you will begin by creating your bootable floppy disk and placing the extracted flashrom files (DOS4GW.exe, FLASHROM.exe, FLASHROM.rom). Once you have moved these files over to the disk you can place the BIOS file (ATI.9800XT.256.Samsung.bin) on the disk and prepare to flash. Once you restart your PC with the floppy disk in the drive you should see "Caldera Dr.Dos 2.xx" on your screen. Once everything is loaded you are ready to flash. Before you flash however, I recommend backing up your current BIOS by typing " flashrom -s 0 original.bin" at the A:\ prompt. Your BIOS is now saved to the floppy disk and you can use this in case of a bad flash.
Now you are finally ready to flash. After the BIOS has been saved to your floppy type "flashrom -p 0 ATI.9800XT.256.Samsung.bin". Flashrom should begin to flash your BIOS and you should see a final message saying "6xxxx of 6xxxx bytes verified". Once you see this message your 9800 is successfully flashed with the Radeon 9800XT BIOS. Now restart your system and continue to install the drivers of your choice.
"""A word of caution, after flashing your monitor may flicker off while loading windows. This is normal and your monitor should return in the on mode within a few seconds"""
Also when you are installing your video drivers the same thing will take place. Do not worry people, this is normal.
If you have followed these steps you should now have a fully functional Radeon 9800XT. Continue to page 2 for screenshots and a conclusion.
Vse je šlo lepo in prav, dokler nisem prišel do dela katerega sem dal med """ ... tistih few second ni bilo nikoli... monitor se sploh ne užge več. Kje bi se skrival problem pa ne vem. Predvidevam da v ramih, ker je so to navodila za flešat kartice z samsungovimi rami... jaz imam gor pa Hynix-ove. Bi znalo bit to problem?

Drugače sem pa sledil navodilom flešanja na tej strani:
Before we flash our 9800's we need to prepare ourselves with what we will need to flash the BIOS. Below is a list/link to everything you will need:
An ATI Radeon 9800NP or Pro capable of 412MHz core clock and 365MHz (730MHz DDR) memory clock
Flashrom 1.3 (Can be downloaded here)
A copy of the ATi Radeon 9800XT BIOS (Can be downloaded here)
A bootable floppy disk (Can be downloaded here)
The desire to have a 9800XT for a fraction of the cost
Now that we know exactly what we need lets begin to flash this bad boy, shall we? Ok, you will begin by creating your bootable floppy disk and placing the extracted flashrom files (DOS4GW.exe, FLASHROM.exe, FLASHROM.rom). Once you have moved these files over to the disk you can place the BIOS file (ATI.9800XT.256.Samsung.bin) on the disk and prepare to flash. Once you restart your PC with the floppy disk in the drive you should see "Caldera Dr.Dos 2.xx" on your screen. Once everything is loaded you are ready to flash. Before you flash however, I recommend backing up your current BIOS by typing " flashrom -s 0 original.bin" at the A:\ prompt. Your BIOS is now saved to the floppy disk and you can use this in case of a bad flash.
Now you are finally ready to flash. After the BIOS has been saved to your floppy type "flashrom -p 0 ATI.9800XT.256.Samsung.bin". Flashrom should begin to flash your BIOS and you should see a final message saying "6xxxx of 6xxxx bytes verified". Once you see this message your 9800 is successfully flashed with the Radeon 9800XT BIOS. Now restart your system and continue to install the drivers of your choice.
"""A word of caution, after flashing your monitor may flicker off while loading windows. This is normal and your monitor should return in the on mode within a few seconds"""
Also when you are installing your video drivers the same thing will take place. Do not worry people, this is normal.
If you have followed these steps you should now have a fully functional Radeon 9800XT. Continue to page 2 for screenshots and a conclusion.
Vse je šlo lepo in prav, dokler nisem prišel do dela katerega sem dal med """ ... tistih few second ni bilo nikoli... monitor se sploh ne užge več. Kje bi se skrival problem pa ne vem. Predvidevam da v ramih, ker je so to navodila za flešat kartice z samsungovimi rami... jaz imam gor pa Hynix-ove. Bi znalo bit to problem?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: _spirit_ ()

_spirit_ ::
Zato me zanima če je že komu uspelo najt oziroma ima bios za radeon 9800 xt z hynix-ovimi rami?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: _spirit_ ()
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