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Windows XP Service Pack 3

Windows XP Service Pack 3

Lynx ::

Hja:D Mene zanima kok je zdej z service pack 3 za XP professional??:| Na tej strani naprimer klik ga devajo sa si ga lahka downloadaš, nekje pa piše da bomo na sp3 morali počakati do konca leta 2007 ali začetka 2008;(( Jaz sem si ga z ene strani dl-jav in ga raje ne bom naložil ker po moje ni originalni?!
Naj se kdo najde ko ve za kaj se gre in ve kdaj misli Microsoft izdati sp3 za win. XP pro. Rad bi mel ker kakor vidim zgleda fancy sam ne bom tvegal. Raje original kot virus!:D

Freezy ::

Haha, to je pomoje še ostalo od 1. aprila. SP3 bo leta 08, če sploh bo.

nonenone ::

če imaš original winse se ti bo itak samo gor dalo, ni treba nič skrbet

bluefish ::

SP3 obstaja, vendar pa to ni uradna verzija. Vseboval naj bi nekatera orodja, imel nekaj tweakow, odstranjenih nekaj vsiljenih Win programov,... Vsekakor se ga raje izogibaj, saj so nekateri poročali, da vsebuje tudi določene spyware programčke.

Hardstyle ::

Kaj na tej sliki ti da jasno vedeti, da to ni Service Pack 3?

Lynx ::

men je tole vse skupaj malo smešno. kako lahka prej devajo za dljat sp če še uradno sploh ni izšel. tak kot da bi zdele jaz špilu gta IV, ko mu še main caracterja zbirajo.

Lynx ::

na uni sliki mi je pa mal sumljiv un created by... pa nasloh sem si jo dol potegno pa jo bom tut zbrisal. ne tvegam, četudi imam doma xp-je na cdjih da lahko formatiram. mam računalnik prevč rad!0:)

bluefish ::

daj si dopovedat, da SP3 ni URADEN release s strani MS. Je zbirka programov, tweakov,... neke skupine ljudi, ki (ne boš verjel :D ) nimajo blage veze z MS. ;((

primzx ::

LOL, to je 64Bitne Xpje aka SP3 isti kurac. Resno.

Lynx ::

sem pa ugotovil da je to sam package ko ga je mau predelu pa dodav svoj mail.:( notr je velik fajlov .exe, in jih je po moje dobil s te strani klik, ker je skoraj enako.:| sam sem si neki dol potegno tle pa mi izjav da je virus ;(( strani ne priporočam glih, ma pa fajne wallpaperje.

bom počakal raje na uradni izid sp3, ker si na moji mašini ne morem privoščiti viste, ker je hardware bolj švoh0:)

naj teče tema naprej še kaj o service packih se bom še kaj naučil:))
da dodam jaz mam sp2 gorih8-)

>>><<< ::

ne tvegam, četudi imam doma xp-je na cdjih da lahko formatiram.

Formatiraš lahko tudi brez windows cd-ja in sicer napišeš v cmd ukaz format X: .
ATI cards are like buses... They're huge, red and have bad drivers.

mihec87 ::

Zanima me za kok minut naprej razmisljas mislim da je mel tukaj v mislih se namescanje xp-jev na novo in ne samo formatiranje..

>>><<< ::

Tudi namestiš jih lahko z diska, samo eno mapo prekopiraš, ni treba met cd-ja.

EDIT: Stavek bi lahko dopolnil, če je to mislil. :\
ATI cards are like buses... They're huge, red and have bad drivers.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: >>><<< ()

Dr Živago ::

Pa bo kdaj izšel 3?

>>><<< ::

Preberi 1. post v tej temi :| .
ATI cards are like buses... They're huge, red and have bad drivers.

d0rK ::

SP3ja sploh ne bo.

Dr Živago ::

Seveda ne, če je Vista izšla. Pa kaj mislite, da bo tudi pri njej izšel SP1 in SP2?

bluefish ::

zadnje čase je MS dokaj skrivnosten pri izdaji SP. Pojavljajo se govorice, ki pa jih zavržejo ali pa ignorirajo. Po besedah na nekaterih večji straneh o MS, naj SP3 za XP ne bi izšel, saj ga prelagajo že v nedogled. SP1 za Visto pa je tudi manj verjeten, saj MS meni, da veliki Service Packi niso več potrebni, ker se vsi popravki prenesejo preko Windows Update (seveda ne glede na njihovo število).

zee ::

hura za to. kaj pa tista vecina, ki nima dostopa do xDSL-a ali sluzbenega LAN-a??
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

AndrejS ::

... kaj pa tista vecina, ki nima dostopa do xDSL-a ali sluzbenega LAN-a...

Ti ljudje več niso večina ampak manjšina!

zee ::

osebno ti jih lahko nastejem vec, ki so (in bodo) brez xDSLa...

Ampak to je ze off-topic. H sreci obstjajajo programi, kot je Autopatcher, s katerimi lahko updejtas sistem tudi brez neta.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zee ()

nonenone ::

sp za visto je že izšel, zgleda da se nadaljuje z sp-ji

Dr Živago ::

aha, torej se še ne mudi z nakupom - dokler MS ne ukine podporo za XP oz. izide SP2/3 za visto. :D

bluefish ::

zdrago: od kje ti to?

Dr Živago ::


Windows Vista Service Pack 1 is currently in development. As of March 2007, a number of reliable web sites indicate a preliminary release date to be in the second half of 2007. While Microsoft has not made any official statement on feature sets, Microsoft Server and Tools chief Bob Muglia confirmed reports that Service Pack 1 would be released alongside Windows Server "Longhorn", another Microsoft product due in the second half of 2007. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 is currently in development. As of March 2007, a number of reliable web sites indicate a preliminary release date to be in the second half of 2007. While Microsoft has not made any official statement on feature sets, Microsoft Server and Tools chief Bob Muglia confirmed reports that Service Pack 1 would be released alongside Windows Server "Longhorn", another Microsoft product due in the second half of 2007.
Reports from various sources have suggested that Service Pack 1 will include a kernel that will be up-to-date with the version to be shipped with Server "Longhorn". Improvements to Group Policy management tools and performance improvements with Windows Disk Defragmenter that are slated for Server "Longhorn" are also planned for inclusion with Service Pack 1. A newer version of Windows Media Center is being worked on as well, but whether this will be included with the service pack, or be released separately, has not been clarified by Microsoft.

imagodei ::


;) Še par let, pa boš iz comp_freak wannabe postal približno taprav comp_freak ;)
- Hoc est qui sumus -

Dr Živago ::


Windows XP Service Pack 3 is currently in development. As of March 2007, Microsoft's web site indicates a "preliminary" release date to be in the first half of 2008.[24]
While Microsoft has not made any official statement on feature sets, a document[25] on Microsoft's web site suggests that Service Pack 3 will include additional support for doing true "per-user" application installing. Another page[26] suggests improvements to managing the list of "hidden" wireless networks.
The site titled The Hotfix has been reported as keeping an up-to-date list of downloadable hotfixes that will be included in Service Pack 3. Many of the hotfixes on the site have not yet been officially released by Microsoft and users have been warned not to install them all, but many of the fixes have been known to solve specific problems that SP3 will eventually address.

Zgodovina sprememb…

d0rK ::

Za bozjo volo no, SP3ja ne bo. :)

And What About Windows XP Service Pack 3? And while I'm ranting a bit, let's dredge up Windows XP Service Pack 3, which was delayed from 2005 to 2006 to 2007 and now to 2008. If you were looking for any glimpse into the mind of Microsoft, this is it: The company has completely abandoned Windows XP, and it has absolutely no plans to ever ship an XP SP3. My guess is that Microsoft will do what it did with the final Windows 2000 Service Pack: Claim years later that it's no longer needed and just ship a final security patch roll-up. This is the worst kiss-off to any Microsoft product I've ever seen, and you'd think the company would show a little more respect to its best-selling OS of all time. But the reality is, Microsoft is looking ahead to new revenue and not behind to money that's already in the bank. And though hundreds of millions of people will be running XP for years to come, despite Microsoft's best efforts at selling them a later Windows version, the company has absolutely no plans to actually support those customers. This flies in the face of its publicly-stated life cycle support plans. And it really freaks me out. It should freak you out as well.

Vir 1
Vir 2

d0rK ::

Vredno ogleda ...

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Windows XP Service Pack 3 (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
9614991 (8958) solatko

Tretji servisni paket bo še počakal

Oddelek: Novice / Varnost
276434 (3500) HeXeD

Kaj prihaja za visto

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
252511 (1607) Mavrik

250Gb ATA na stari plati

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
71298 (1200) _Sajmon_

Windows xp in samo 127 GB

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
141820 (1636) Cranchi

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