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FLASH-East17 receives Romania's top retard award!

FLASH-East17 receives Romania's top retard award!

_Mortal_ ::

Če gdo gleda Discussion Board bo že vedel kdo je East17 en tip k nabija poste z bednimi idejami in novicami skor 1000 jih je zbral. To je en član o njem napisu:

At a ceremony today, presided by the Romanian Minister of Culture, East17 received the much sought after "Ceaucesku top retard award, with gold leaf clusters"
"In a country that prides intself for the most morons and imbeciles on earth, I am happy to announce that East17 is tops among all" pronounced the Minister.

"I am so proud of him" said his mother, West Dumbell. "He gets it from his father, who was also our top village idiot".

The crowd cheered and made a collection so that East could buy himself the AthlonXP3000+ Prototype Palomino
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