Forum » Problemi človeštva » Schroederjeve umazane igre
Schroederjeve umazane igre

leinad ::
Naši vele-objektivni mediji sploh ne poročajo ničesar o tem škandalu velikih proporcij.
Last week the former German chancellor announced that he'd accepted a job offer from Gazprom, the state-controlled Russian energy mega-company. As one of his last acts in office, Schroeder signed an agreement to build a diplomatically and environmentally controversial Baltic Sea gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Now he's working for the company that will build it. It's as if Jimmy Carter had negotiated the return of the Panama Canal to Panama -- and then signed a lucrative contract to manage the shipping lanes.
This is truly amazing. Remember how Schroeder was always looking out for the "little-guy" in Germany? Remember how he was always the champion of "social justice." Remember how he always demanded other Germans show solidarity with the poor and unemployed. And then he can't even wait one month after losing the Chancellery to take a cushy, lucrative job representing the wealthy stockholders of a Russian gas pipeline company that he helped to promote while in office? The fact that the company is run by a former East German secret police officer who was close to Putin in his KGB years is truly disgusting.
But there's more here than just the former German chancellor's quest for personal enrichment -- or funds to pay alimony to his three ex-wives. The story also reflects the growing international power of Russian money."
Last week the former German chancellor announced that he'd accepted a job offer from Gazprom, the state-controlled Russian energy mega-company. As one of his last acts in office, Schroeder signed an agreement to build a diplomatically and environmentally controversial Baltic Sea gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Now he's working for the company that will build it. It's as if Jimmy Carter had negotiated the return of the Panama Canal to Panama -- and then signed a lucrative contract to manage the shipping lanes.
This is truly amazing. Remember how Schroeder was always looking out for the "little-guy" in Germany? Remember how he was always the champion of "social justice." Remember how he always demanded other Germans show solidarity with the poor and unemployed. And then he can't even wait one month after losing the Chancellery to take a cushy, lucrative job representing the wealthy stockholders of a Russian gas pipeline company that he helped to promote while in office? The fact that the company is run by a former East German secret police officer who was close to Putin in his KGB years is truly disgusting.
But there's more here than just the former German chancellor's quest for personal enrichment -- or funds to pay alimony to his three ex-wives. The story also reflects the growing international power of Russian money."

Thomas ::
A sem rekel eno pozitivno besedo o Šrederju? Še manj kot o Širaku.
Ampak pustimo te dva luzerja zdej in se osredotočimo na njuna naslednika, Merklico in Sarkozija.
I am afraid, da sta vir zla Nemčija in Francija, ne njuni voditelji, žal.
Frankovsko cesarstvo zdaj predlaga, da velike države prevzamejo de facto vodstvo EU. Prehlajene vse, razen Britanije in Španije, ki pa se tej pobudi niti ne pridružujeta.
V Ameriki ima tudi Maine, manjša od Slovenije, svoj pravični delež federalne moči, tukaj pa naj bi vsi poslušali "velike".
Fuj, fej, bljak!
Ampak pustimo te dva luzerja zdej in se osredotočimo na njuna naslednika, Merklico in Sarkozija.
I am afraid, da sta vir zla Nemčija in Francija, ne njuni voditelji, žal.
Frankovsko cesarstvo zdaj predlaga, da velike države prevzamejo de facto vodstvo EU. Prehlajene vse, razen Britanije in Španije, ki pa se tej pobudi niti ne pridružujeta.
V Ameriki ima tudi Maine, manjša od Slovenije, svoj pravični delež federalne moči, tukaj pa naj bi vsi poslušali "velike".
Fuj, fej, bljak!
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

upirna ::
->Frankovsko cesarstvo zdaj predlaga, da velike države prevzamejo de facto vodstvo EU. Prehlajene vse, razen Britanije in Španije, ki pa se tej pobudi niti ne pridružujeta.
Hm, kje si pa tole prebral? A lahko kakšen vir, ker tole je pa katastrofalen predlog in če je to res se bom še jaz dvignil iz mojega stola pred računalnikom!
Hm, kje si pa tole prebral? A lahko kakšen vir, ker tole je pa katastrofalen predlog in če je to res se bom še jaz dvignil iz mojega stola pred računalnikom!
[to sporočilo bo spremenil upirna, kadar bo to njemu pasalo]

upirna ::
No, upam da se ne bo razširilo vse skupaj. Drugače bo treba it direkt v Pariz.

[to sporočilo bo spremenil upirna, kadar bo to njemu pasalo]

hopnop ::
Apropo Nemčija, Davids Medienkritik, in če smo že pri tem, še Francija, No Pasáran, ter Koreja, OneFreeKorea.

leinad ::
Seveda je vsem tem blogom, potrebno dodati nalepko, da se močno nagibajo na desno tudi naš Libertarec. Čeprav so ti blogi po mojem bolj konstruktivni od levičarskih-pretežno populističnih, pa je treba jih brati z določeno distanco. Najbolj jim zamerim njihov povsem nekritičen odnos do ZDA. Ne pravim, da morajo imeti tisto levičarsko mentaliteto, "always blame Yankees", ampak predstavljajo jih kot pravega angela. Napake imajo in te je treba tudi izpostavit. Niso pa tako slabi kot ji hoče predstaviti večina evropskih medijev.
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