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MPAA je nora

MPAA je nora

Spc ::

Ranokar sem zasledil na slashdotu:

philba writes to tell us that home theaters may become the new jurisdiction of our MPAA overlords. The MPAA is lobbying to make sure that home users authorize their entertainment systems before any in-home viewings. From the article:
"The MPAA defines a home theater as any home with a television larger than 29" with stereo sound and at least two comfortable chairs, couch, or futon. Anyone with a home theater would need to pay a $50 registration fee with the MPAA or face fines up to $500,000 per movie shown."


Toti niso normalni...
Še direkten link na slashdot-a:
MPAA Goes After Home Entertainment Systems

BigWhale ::

Original clanek je na BBSpotu... Geez. To je sala.

Get it?

BigWhale ::

Se na slashdotu je clanek kot 'funny' objavljen.

Roadkill ::

"and at least two comfortable chairs, couch, or futon."

Če ti po tem ni jasn, da je zajebancija, pol tut rabš močnejše tablete. :)
Je pa MPAA vseeno nora. :)

Spc ::

Danes več ne moreš vedet ali je zajebancija ali ne.
Saj si MPAA in podobne združbe zmišljujejo hecne stvari.

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