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Twingo-kakšno olje

El Barto ::
Kter avto? Kaj ti piše v knjigci?
Drugač je pa Autodata zelo priročen programček za take bolj enostavne stvari...
Drugač je pa Autodata zelo priročen programček za take bolj enostavne stvari...
"You cannot be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa - until you've
experienced that rollercoaster of pain, disappointment, and agony for that
brief moment when everything works and you're on a nice road". Jeremy Clarkson
experienced that rollercoaster of pain, disappointment, and agony for that
brief moment when everything works and you're on a nice road". Jeremy Clarkson

El Barto ::
Se oproščam, da tega nisem objavil že prej ...
Takole pravi Autodata o Twingu:
Lubricants and capacities
172 Engine oil grade - cold climate SAE 5W/30 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
172 Engine oil grade - moderate climate SAE 10W/30 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
172 Engine oil grade - hot climate SAE 10W/40 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
171 Engine oil classification API/ACEA SJ/A1
173 Engine oil grade - alternative - moderate climate SAE 5W/40 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
171 Engine oil classification - alternative - moderate climate API/ACEA SJ/A1
Engine with filter litres 4,0
Gearbox oil grade SAE 75W/80W
Gearbox 4/5 speed litres 3,4
Cooling system litres 5,0
Brake fluid Type DOT 4
Power steering fluid Type ATF-220D
Autodata Note 172
Engine oil grade
→ 2000 = Semi-synthetic
2001→ :
Cold climate = 0W/30 synthetic
Moderate climate = 5W/30 synthetic
Hot climate = 10W/40 synthetic
Autodata Note 171
Engine oil classification
2001→ = A3
Autodata Note 173
Alternative oil grade
→ 2000 = Semi-synthetic
2001→ = 5W/40 synthetic
Takole pravi Autodata o Twingu:
Lubricants and capacities
172 Engine oil grade - cold climate SAE 5W/30 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
172 Engine oil grade - moderate climate SAE 10W/30 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
172 Engine oil grade - hot climate SAE 10W/40 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
171 Engine oil classification API/ACEA SJ/A1
173 Engine oil grade - alternative - moderate climate SAE 5W/40 Semi-Synth --- NoteRef=174
171 Engine oil classification - alternative - moderate climate API/ACEA SJ/A1
Engine with filter litres 4,0
Gearbox oil grade SAE 75W/80W
Gearbox 4/5 speed litres 3,4
Cooling system litres 5,0
Brake fluid Type DOT 4
Power steering fluid Type ATF-220D
Autodata Note 172
Engine oil grade
→ 2000 = Semi-synthetic
2001→ :
Cold climate = 0W/30 synthetic
Moderate climate = 5W/30 synthetic
Hot climate = 10W/40 synthetic
Autodata Note 171
Engine oil classification
2001→ = A3
Autodata Note 173
Alternative oil grade
→ 2000 = Semi-synthetic
2001→ = 5W/40 synthetic
"You cannot be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa - until you've
experienced that rollercoaster of pain, disappointment, and agony for that
brief moment when everything works and you're on a nice road". Jeremy Clarkson
experienced that rollercoaster of pain, disappointment, and agony for that
brief moment when everything works and you're on a nice road". Jeremy Clarkson

Fizikalko ::
Bliža se servis na ženini Hondi Civic (letnik 2002, bencinar, 90KM). Katero olje čem vzet?
Zdaj je noter Castrol TXT 5W/40, pa ga je orenk papcal...
Ponovim Castrola ali naj prešaltam, recimo, na ELF Excellium NF 5W40?
Zdaj je noter Castrol TXT 5W/40, pa ga je orenk papcal...
Ponovim Castrola ali naj prešaltam, recimo, na ELF Excellium NF 5W40?

krneki0001 ::
s kastrole pejt stran. Ta olje za japonce še nikol ni bil dober.
Bo že boljši elf za hondo.
Bo že boljši elf za hondo.

koyotee ::
če ti ga pije, toči najcenejšega, easy as that ;)
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Phoebus ::
10W40 ni za tvojo mašino? poglej v kjigico, bi ga definitivno manj spil.
Pa za TXT sem večkrat slišal da ga avti radi pijejo...sicer ti bo pa vsak svojega (olje) hvalil koncu bomo pa pogruntali da se vsi točijo iz iste cisterne v različne embalaže :)
Pa za TXT sem večkrat slišal da ga avti radi pijejo...sicer ti bo pa vsak svojega (olje) hvalil koncu bomo pa pogruntali da se vsi točijo iz iste cisterne v različne embalaže :)

krucymucy ::
Lokalni hondaši prisegajo na Castrol TXT softec 5W-40. Ne vem zakaj mogoce zaradi sof(v)tec

T0RN4D0 ::
Sam uporabljam eno verzijo iz leclerka, niti ne vem katera firma je. Pazim samo tolk da dam vedno istega, da menjam na 10k, in da je skos dovolj. Neke hude znanosti tle po mojem ni.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.

krneki0001 ::
Lokalni hondaši prisegajo na Castrol TXT softec 5W-40. Ne vem zakaj mogoce zaradi sof(v)tec
Tisti, ki imajo predelane honde, pa turbine not pa na elf excellum 5W50
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | golf 6 1.2 tsiOddelek: Na cesti | 5569 (4507) | hojnikb |
» | Motorna olja (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Loža | 21499 (12755) | hojnikb |
» | motorna olja (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Na cesti | 21166 (18216) | andromedar |
» | Motorno olje: 10w40 ali 5w50Oddelek: Loža | 5321 (5060) | Mesar |