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Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane

Tr0n ::

Film, ki je ze leta pred izidom postal pravi globalen in internetni fenomen. 18. avgusta bo koncno prisel med nas! :O

Samuel L. Jackson and snakes on a mother fucking plane!!

O cem govorim? Nekaj linkov.

Official Snakes On A Plane Site
Snakes on a Plane - IMDB
Snakes on a Plane - Wikipedia

  • zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()

Tr0n ::

In SoaP je legenda postal ter v nekaj dneh priigral ze preko $15.000.000.

Najboljsi B-movie nasega casa? 8-)

IMDB Rating - 8.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes - 63%

Brane2 ::

Film je postal legenda predvsem po tem, da je fake torrent z istim imenom, ki je obljubljal DVD rip še pred prvim uradnim prevajanjem psotal najbolj "vroč" torrent nekaj dni nazaj... :D
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

pivmik ::

Brane2: to je itak skoraj vsak popularen film.

Ta film ni B-produkcije.

Snakes on a Plane became an Internet phenomenon soon after Josh Friedman's blog entry [6] and mentions on several Internet portals. The title inspired bloggers to create songs, apparel, poster art, pages of fan fiction, parody films, mock movie trailers and even Short film parody competitions. Snakes on a Plane has also inspired the creation of graphics for fictional movies about other animals in odd settings, such as "Bears on a Submarine" and "Sharks on a Roller Coaster" (Tagline: You must be this tall...to DIE!).
Več info: vikikrem..pedia
LP, Gregor GRE^

Brane2 ::

In perhaps the ultimate example of heavy hype and puny payoff, this movie has become a pre-release phenomenon, especially on the internet, courtesy of its hilariously simple-minded title. But as it turns out, “Snakes on a Plane,” released without benefit of critics’ pre-screenings (an increasingly common practice, but still a bad sign), doesn’t have a great deal to offer besides that moniker.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

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  • spremenil: Brane2 ()

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