Forum » Znanost in tehnologija » Gdo ve kaj več??? Procesorji na diamantni osnovi
Gdo ve kaj več??? Procesorji na diamantni osnovi

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Včeraj mi je na predavanju profesor omenil da je na nekem seminarju slišal da naj bi se intel ukvarjal z procesorji na diamantni osnovi,
se pravi da ni, kot je v navadi procesor grajen na siliciju vendar pa na ogljiku v kristalni obliki se pravi diamantu.
Kajti oglik ki je pravtako polprevodnik v kristalni obliki zmore veliko večje temperaturne napore kot silicij(razlika skoraj 1000stopinj)
Ve gdo kaj več?? se bomo pozimi greli z 1000stopin celzija vročimi procesorji....LOL
Prosim naj gdo izkoplje kaksne imformacije.
se pravi da ni, kot je v navadi procesor grajen na siliciju vendar pa na ogljiku v kristalni obliki se pravi diamantu.
Kajti oglik ki je pravtako polprevodnik v kristalni obliki zmore veliko večje temperaturne napore kot silicij(razlika skoraj 1000stopinj)
Ve gdo kaj več?? se bomo pozimi greli z 1000stopin celzija vročimi procesorji....LOL
Prosim naj gdo izkoplje kaksne imformacije.

barbarpapa1 ::
O dopiranem diamantu nič ne vem, vem pa, da je idealen material za izolator v elektronskih napravah. Ima namreč "protislovne" lastnosti - je odličen električni izolator (velika prebojna trdnost) in najboljši toplotni prevodnik, kar jih poznamo. Torej idealni substrat za procesor....
O dopiranem diamantu nič ne vem, vem pa, da je idealen material za izolator v elektronskih napravah. Ima namreč "protislovne" lastnosti - je odličen električni izolator (velika prebojna trdnost) in najboljši toplotni prevodnik, kar jih poznamo. Torej idealni substrat za procesor....

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Po kratkem brskanju na internetu sem zasledil da naj bi uporabljali tak procesorski sistem na nekem nasinem satelitu....
...vendar ni detailov
...vendar ni detailov

sparc49 ::
Diamant ni polprevodnik ampak je zelo dober izolator. To o cemer govoris je verjetno SOI, torej Silicon On Insulator. Načeloma je izolator vedno Silicijev oksid, na katerege nanesejo silicij in ustrezne primesi da ustvarijo oba tipa polprevodnika. Kot izolator se uporablja tudi safir, predvsem v čipih za satelite, predvsem zaradi večje odpornosti na sevanje. SOI tehnologija obstaja že mnogo let in ni novost.

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Se ne strinjam silicij tudi sam po sebi ni polprevodnik kajti sele po doloceni obogatitvi z dvemi drugimi elementi postane polprevoden
prav tako se da to storiti tudi z ogljikom se pravi ce se nahaja v kristalni obliki diamantom ki pa je boljši v odvajanju in prenašanju vročine, ki jo povzročajo procesorji.... ...zadeva je v razvoju
P.s. Ali ni zanimivo če bi človek malo pozabil svoje možgančke na vroči ponvi bi na koncu ostal samo ogljik, narava je uporabila ogljik za naše možgane, sedaj pa mi uporabljamo ogljik za naše umetne možgančke...Hm.. zanimivo a?
prav tako se da to storiti tudi z ogljikom se pravi ce se nahaja v kristalni obliki diamantom ki pa je boljši v odvajanju in prenašanju vročine, ki jo povzročajo procesorji.... ...zadeva je v razvoju
P.s. Ali ni zanimivo če bi človek malo pozabil svoje možgančke na vroči ponvi bi na koncu ostal samo ogljik, narava je uporabila ogljik za naše možgane, sedaj pa mi uporabljamo ogljik za naše umetne možgančke...Hm.. zanimivo a?

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Ravnokar odkrite informacije na
TOKYO — Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT) has developed a diamond semiconductor device that operates at 81 GHz frequency, more than twice the speed of earlier devices. The advance promises to make amplification in the millimeter-wave band from 30 to 300 GHz possible for the first time, NTT claimed.
Diamond is expected to be the next generation semiconductor material because of its high thermal conductivity, high breakdown voltage and high carrier mobility. Together, these characteristics makes diamond semiconductors most suitable for high frequency, high power devices.
But diamond semiconductors are prone to defects and impurities that have hindered development of prototype devices with performance close to the expected, theoretical performance of diamond semiconductor devices.
NTT is now working to further decrease impurities to improve the quality of diamond crystal. It is targeting devices with an operating frequency of 200 GHz and an output power of 30 W/mm.
I've always expected that there would be some new technology discovery that would break the normal timetable for processor speed increases that prevail in the industry. Although it seems the device they built isn't actually a processor, it should strike a note in any techie's head that big times are coming.
Skratka probajte najti čim več info....big times are coming.
TOKYO — Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT) has developed a diamond semiconductor device that operates at 81 GHz frequency, more than twice the speed of earlier devices. The advance promises to make amplification in the millimeter-wave band from 30 to 300 GHz possible for the first time, NTT claimed.
Diamond is expected to be the next generation semiconductor material because of its high thermal conductivity, high breakdown voltage and high carrier mobility. Together, these characteristics makes diamond semiconductors most suitable for high frequency, high power devices.
But diamond semiconductors are prone to defects and impurities that have hindered development of prototype devices with performance close to the expected, theoretical performance of diamond semiconductor devices.
NTT is now working to further decrease impurities to improve the quality of diamond crystal. It is targeting devices with an operating frequency of 200 GHz and an output power of 30 W/mm.
I've always expected that there would be some new technology discovery that would break the normal timetable for processor speed increases that prevail in the industry. Although it seems the device they built isn't actually a processor, it should strike a note in any techie's head that big times are coming.
Skratka probajte najti čim več info....big times are coming.

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A singel 3 carat Yellow diamond takes a couple of days and costs $100. It retails for $10-$15,000. Virtually indistiguishable from "real" diamonds.
It also describes a company making perfect diamonds- not just gemstone quality, we're talking nearly as perfect as a carbon-atom crystal can theoretically form- via vapor deposition. An inch square and builds up at half a millimeter a day. Two months and you could theoretically have a perfect diamond a full inch on a side.
More interestingly, the vapor deposition can be a plating, similar to coating things with Titanium Nitride, which is also a vapor-deposition process.
Now, combine that with a prototype diamond-semiconductor chip that operates at 81 Gigahertz:
Eighty-one Gigahertz. Kind of makes your Pentium 4 at 3.5 Ghz look a little weak? They think that the diamond technology they're working on now, could lead to 200 or 300 Ghz processors.
TeraHz computers are not far off.
A singel 3 carat Yellow diamond takes a couple of days and costs $100. It retails for $10-$15,000. Virtually indistiguishable from "real" diamonds.
It also describes a company making perfect diamonds- not just gemstone quality, we're talking nearly as perfect as a carbon-atom crystal can theoretically form- via vapor deposition. An inch square and builds up at half a millimeter a day. Two months and you could theoretically have a perfect diamond a full inch on a side.
More interestingly, the vapor deposition can be a plating, similar to coating things with Titanium Nitride, which is also a vapor-deposition process.
Now, combine that with a prototype diamond-semiconductor chip that operates at 81 Gigahertz:
Eighty-one Gigahertz. Kind of makes your Pentium 4 at 3.5 Ghz look a little weak? They think that the diamond technology they're working on now, could lead to 200 or 300 Ghz processors.
TeraHz computers are not far off.
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