Forum » Navijanje » 3d mark 2001
3d mark 2001

mezo_SPL ::
eno blesavo vprasanje...mam athlona 2200+, FX5950 ultra, 512 rama pa ne pridem v 3d marku 2k1 cez 10k. prej sm meu P4 1.8 pa isto nism prso cez 10k... v 3d marku 2003 pridem komot cez 6k.
se komu kaj svitA?
lep pozdrav
se komu kaj svitA?
lep pozdrav

Moonman ::
Daj link do tvojega orb projekta, da vidimo bolj točno.
Si kaj primerjal na orbu?
K dobremu rezultatu sigurno ne pripomore 1.8Ghz athlon, P4 1.8 pa še bolj ne.
Si kaj primerjal na orbu?
K dobremu rezultatu sigurno ne pripomore 1.8Ghz athlon, P4 1.8 pa še bolj ne.

Goldee ::
athlon 2200 ima 133 fsb, pri 2500 se zacne 166fsb. v kerem rangu je tvoja grafa?
And Now for Something Completely Different...
-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-
-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Sami ::
3D Mark 2001SE ne more izkoristiti take grafe do konca, tudi jaz z 6600GT dobim samo 15000 pik čeprav bi jih moral več, v 3D Marku 2003 pa 8500 pik. Prijatelj pa z GF FX 5900 Ultra dobi v 3D Marku 2001 12000pik, čudno da jih on z malo slabšo grafo dobi več. Pa tudi novi driverji so optimizirani za DX9 in ne DX8.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

tiborrr ::
Sami, to, da ti dobis samo 15 tisoc tock v 3DM2k1, je rezultat relativno 'svoh' procesorja in dejstva, da so starejse generacije kartic (R300, NV35) optimizirane za DX8.0 in DX9.0 a/b, ne pa c kakor tvoja 6600. Še Ti4200 doseže okoli 13 tisoc tock na takem racunalu, kakor ga imas ti.
Don't test the captain's validity or his vulnerability!

Sami ::
Še Ti4200 doseže okoli 13 tisoc tock na takem racunalu, kakor ga imas ti.
Prej sem imel Ti4200 in sem dobil 13700pik.

Sami, to, da ti dobis samo 15 tisoc tock v 3DM2k1, je rezultat relativno 'svoh' procesorja in dejstva, da so starejse generacije kartic (R300, NV35) optimizirane za DX8.0 in DX9.0 a/b, ne pa c kakor tvoja 6600.
To je res, 3D Mark 2001SE jih sploh ne more izkoristit. Glede procesorja pa nebi rekel, ker jih je na tem forumu veliko, ki imajo A64 in dobijo z isto grafo še manj pik, tale marko pač ni za tele grafe.

970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

Goldee ::
marko - lol
sej dobim js z r9600 u 3dmarku 2k1 13k tock pa mam le bartona 2600
eno offtopic vpr. - a je 3d mark bolj odvisen od dobrega proca, vec rama ali dobre plate? usega skup?
sej dobim js z r9600 u 3dmarku 2k1 13k tock pa mam le bartona 2600

eno offtopic vpr. - a je 3d mark bolj odvisen od dobrega proca, vec rama ali dobre plate? usega skup?
And Now for Something Completely Different...
-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-
-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Sami ::
eno offtopic vpr. - a je 3d mark bolj odvisen od dobrega proca, vec rama ali dobre plate? usega skup?
3D Mark 2001SE je zelo odvisen od proca, predvsem FSB-ja. 3D Mark 2003 in 2005 pa bolj testirata moč grafe in proc ni tako pomemben.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

profii ::
fantje kaj pravite pa na to da sem z ti4800se(330/770) dobil z 200fsbja dobil 15600pik.
sedaj s 6200@6600 (480/680) dobim pa 13k kljub temu da ima dosti višjo frekvenco gpuja, več tranzistorjev in število fpsjev je v 3dmarku višje na pogled kot s ti4800se.sedaj imam tudi bolj navit proc (11x207)
sedaj s 6200@6600 (480/680) dobim pa 13k kljub temu da ima dosti višjo frekvenco gpuja, več tranzistorjev in število fpsjev je v 3dmarku višje na pogled kot s ti4800se.sedaj imam tudi bolj navit proc (11x207)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: profii ()

Sami ::
profii: Sej pri meni je isto, s 6600GT@ 550/1100 dobim samo 15k pik.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

boštjan ::
za 3D mark 2k1 sem jaz na moji 5900 uporabljal driverje 45.XX al nekaj podobnega so bli.
NF7-S,2500+@2200MHz,MSi 5900SP,LCD Philip 190X6,Maxtor DM+9 120GB SATA,
2*256 3200/A KHX, PSU 420W DF chieftek
2*256 3200/A KHX, PSU 420W DF chieftek

boštjan ::
45.xx so menda za GF4
se ti zdi,da je 5900 geforce 4 serija?je pa res,da mogoče 4x.xx driverji ne bi 6600 prepoznali.
NF7-S,2500+@2200MHz,MSi 5900SP,LCD Philip 190X6,Maxtor DM+9 120GB SATA,
2*256 3200/A KHX, PSU 420W DF chieftek
2*256 3200/A KHX, PSU 420W DF chieftek

Legoless ::
Huh? Kaj ima pa 6600 tukaj veze? lol Vem da je 5900 FX serija, zato sem predlagal 5x driverje. Vsaj ponavadi je bilo tako..

mezo_SPL ::
ka te pol napravt? sej me sploh neki ne moti, sm se ze sprijazno, samo je recmo kolega z bivsim titaniumom 4600 dobi konkretnih 13k tock, js pa ta qrac od breje ovce.

Tic ::
Wondrous Drivers, or How Do You Bring Together Detonator 44.03 and 5900XT?
There’s one driver from NVIDIA which dramatically improves the performance of NVIDIA’s GPUs in 3DMark 2001. It is Detonator 44.03. It contains optimizations to push the performance up in Dragothic Lo Detail and Nature and slightly adds to the score in Dragothic Hi Detail.
This driver is WHQL-certified, is not prohibited by Futuremark, but there’s an unwritten agreement among benchmarkers: if others don’t use this driver, 44.03 is considered nearly like cheating and the result won’t get any approval. On the other hand, if version 44.03 is commonly accepted for a certain class of graphics cards, it’s unreasonable to pass by this opportunity of getting another speed boost. A couple of examples:
We had the second place in the GeForce FX 5700 Ultra class and were less than 1000 points to the first place. We would easily win installing 44.03. However, this would be an infringement of the fair play principle since MickeyMouse used the ordinary driver (and would outperform us once again switching to 44.03).
It seems quite possible from the ethical point of view to use Detonator 44.03 with the GeForce FX 5900/5900 Ultra/5950 Ultra as all the best results in these categories were set by respected members of the overclocker community (Hiwayman, Fugger, Kunaak) with this exactly driver. It’s useless to compete with them using another driver.
An attentive reader may ask a question, “What 5700 Ultra and what 5950? This driver doesn’t recognize the new cards and can’t work with them!” Yes, it’s impossible to install a freshly-downloaded Detonator 44.03 on new cards. But there’s one shamanic rite…
The key is simple: add two lines to the nv4_disp.inf file, in accordance to your graphics card. This file contains a section called [NVIDIA.Mfg] (use search in the Notepad). This section contains lines of the following kind:
%NVIDIA_NV30.DEV_0301.1% = nv4_SSPoll, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0301
So add another line:
%NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1% = nv4_NV3x, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0332
Then, there’s Localizable Strings section at the end of the inf file. Add one line to this section too:
NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1 = «NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT»
After that, install the driver as you ordinarily do: it detects and recognizes your GeForce FX 5900XT.
If you’re too lazy to do it yourself, download this modified nv4_disp.inf file with all the info about the 5900XT. You should place it into the folder with the unzipped Detonator 44.03, writing over the original file.
The effect of another driver is only noticeable in 3DMark 2001, so it’s unreasonable to install Detonator 44.03 to get any gains in games. 3DMark is impressive, though, especially if you’ve been running the same card on 53.03 for long…
Of course, this is the purest of application-specific optimizations, but extra 1,500 points is a real gift for people who strive for the top, and a totally legal gift (at least for the 5900XT – from any point of view).
Still, it’s not all simple with version 44.03. I didn’t examine this driver with other graphics cards (although, considering 690/1080MHz on Hiwayman’s card, there’s no such problem with the 5900 Ultra at least), but the 5900XT loses the GPU frequency after its installation. I don’t know how to explain this fact, but the difference between Detonator 53.03 and 44.03 amounted to 45MHz GPU frequency loss and 35MHz memory frequency loss. The above-mentioned 645/1075MHz frequencies transformed into 600/1040MHz. Anyway, this didn’t prevent the card from scoring extra 1,500 after the installation of Detonator 44.03.
There’s one driver from NVIDIA which dramatically improves the performance of NVIDIA’s GPUs in 3DMark 2001. It is Detonator 44.03. It contains optimizations to push the performance up in Dragothic Lo Detail and Nature and slightly adds to the score in Dragothic Hi Detail.
This driver is WHQL-certified, is not prohibited by Futuremark, but there’s an unwritten agreement among benchmarkers: if others don’t use this driver, 44.03 is considered nearly like cheating and the result won’t get any approval. On the other hand, if version 44.03 is commonly accepted for a certain class of graphics cards, it’s unreasonable to pass by this opportunity of getting another speed boost. A couple of examples:
We had the second place in the GeForce FX 5700 Ultra class and were less than 1000 points to the first place. We would easily win installing 44.03. However, this would be an infringement of the fair play principle since MickeyMouse used the ordinary driver (and would outperform us once again switching to 44.03).
It seems quite possible from the ethical point of view to use Detonator 44.03 with the GeForce FX 5900/5900 Ultra/5950 Ultra as all the best results in these categories were set by respected members of the overclocker community (Hiwayman, Fugger, Kunaak) with this exactly driver. It’s useless to compete with them using another driver.
An attentive reader may ask a question, “What 5700 Ultra and what 5950? This driver doesn’t recognize the new cards and can’t work with them!” Yes, it’s impossible to install a freshly-downloaded Detonator 44.03 on new cards. But there’s one shamanic rite…
The key is simple: add two lines to the nv4_disp.inf file, in accordance to your graphics card. This file contains a section called [NVIDIA.Mfg] (use search in the Notepad). This section contains lines of the following kind:
%NVIDIA_NV30.DEV_0301.1% = nv4_SSPoll, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0301
So add another line:
%NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1% = nv4_NV3x, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0332
Then, there’s Localizable Strings section at the end of the inf file. Add one line to this section too:
NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1 = «NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT»
After that, install the driver as you ordinarily do: it detects and recognizes your GeForce FX 5900XT.
If you’re too lazy to do it yourself, download this modified nv4_disp.inf file with all the info about the 5900XT. You should place it into the folder with the unzipped Detonator 44.03, writing over the original file.
The effect of another driver is only noticeable in 3DMark 2001, so it’s unreasonable to install Detonator 44.03 to get any gains in games. 3DMark is impressive, though, especially if you’ve been running the same card on 53.03 for long…
Of course, this is the purest of application-specific optimizations, but extra 1,500 points is a real gift for people who strive for the top, and a totally legal gift (at least for the 5900XT – from any point of view).
Still, it’s not all simple with version 44.03. I didn’t examine this driver with other graphics cards (although, considering 690/1080MHz on Hiwayman’s card, there’s no such problem with the 5900 Ultra at least), but the 5900XT loses the GPU frequency after its installation. I don’t know how to explain this fact, but the difference between Detonator 53.03 and 44.03 amounted to 45MHz GPU frequency loss and 35MHz memory frequency loss. The above-mentioned 645/1075MHz frequencies transformed into 600/1040MHz. Anyway, this didn’t prevent the card from scoring extra 1,500 after the installation of Detonator 44.03.
persona civitas ;>

Tic ::
Jaz sem zvedel za ta tweak po tem, ko sem svojo Leadtekovo 5900LX ze unicil. Sistem sem imel sledec;
Barton 2500+ @ 2600Mhz
256 OCZ EL 6 3 3 cl2 (ja, 7 je hitrejs ;) 231Mhz
5900LX, ferkvenc se ne spomnim, lahko pa ti sporocim.
Rezulatat je bil okrog 19200.
Ko sem presaltal na A64, sem z manjšim navitjem graficne dosegel 20707.
Barton 2500+ @ 2600Mhz
256 OCZ EL 6 3 3 cl2 (ja, 7 je hitrejs ;) 231Mhz
5900LX, ferkvenc se ne spomnim, lahko pa ti sporocim.
Rezulatat je bil okrog 19200.
Ko sem presaltal na A64, sem z manjšim navitjem graficne dosegel 20707.
persona civitas ;>
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tic ()

mezo_SPL ::
aha...ze vidim foro...malo e bo treba igrat pa par vrstic napisat


mezo_SPL ::
oouu tak simpel
kam to vrstico nej napisem? malo sm zmeden

kam to vrstico nej napisem? malo sm zmeden

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