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[DivXviD] filmi na Divx predvajalnikih brez problemov

[DivXviD] filmi na Divx predvajalnikih brez problemov

podtalje ::

Tekst sem sicer spisal v angleščini, vendar mislim, da večini od vas to ne bo delalo problemov.
Če pa kdo hoče narediti kaj dobrega, pa ga lahko prevede v slovenščino in ga bom z veseljem zamenjal.

Why does my movies play fine on PC but not on MTK1389 based Divx player (Yamada, Yakumo, Bellagio, Elta ...)
How to make sure movies will play without a problems on my player?

1. Download latest version of Gspot stran na www.headbands.com
Download program MPEG4Modifier v1.3 Moitah.net

2. Open the movie in GSpot

Things to check:

If in the Gsopt you see the NVOP highlighted, then movie is encoded with packed bitstream.
and the playback on the player will be jerky.
(This goes for all MTK1389 players except for Yamada 6700, which should handle correctly packed bitstream movies.)

The solution is to use program MPEG4Modifier v1.3
You have to install .NET framework 1.1 from stran na www.windowsupdate.com or directly from here

If the movie uses only 1 consecutive B-VOPs with packed bitstream there is actually no need to remove the
packed bitstream but it is still recommended. You can check by pressing the "Video info" button.

Using MPEG4MOdifier:
- Uncheck packed bitstream option
- Save the movie with different name

2. Check audio interleaving in GSpot

MP3 audio should always be interleaved every frame (1 vid frame).
AC3 can be interleaved in larger chuncks. It is in fact recommended to use value of about 400ms.
The fastest way to change Audio interleaving without reencoding is by using VirtualDubMod.

- Open the movie in VirtualDubMod
- Select Video/Direct stream copy (this way, video will not be transocded)
- Select Stream/Stream list, Right click on audio stream and select Interleaving
- For MP3 set value to 1 frame and for AC3 select 400ms
- Confirm all with OK
- Select File/Save as and save the movie with different name

3. If you see a combination of Xvid video codec and AC3 audio codec, that means
that subtitles might disappear after 10-15 minutes of playing the video.

The best soultion is to use program AVIMux GUI
stran na www-user.tu-chemnitz.de

3.1. Open the movie in AviMux GUI
3.2. Settings -> Avi file structure, uncheck "use Open-DML settings" and confirm with OK
3.3. Press "generate data from source" button
3.4. Press start button

4. If in GSpot you see GMC highlighted then you still might have a chance.
If the movie is encoded using GMC with only 1 warp point then the movie may
still play correctly on the MTK1389 based player, not on older models.
The bad thing is that default settings for Xvid uses 3 warp point.
You can check this with MPEG4Modifier by pressing the "Video info" button.
If you see more than one warp point at GMC then the only solution is to reencode the movie.

5. Custom matrixes are also know to produce problems when playing video.
You can check this with MPEG4Modifier by pressing the "Video info" button

and if you see Custom Matrix then guess what, the movie is encoded with custom matrix.
If you want to be 100% sure to have perfect playback on the player, reencode the movie.

6. Check for Video and audio codecs.
There are a lot of different codecs and the player will never support all of them.
If you see anything different than Xvid, Divx, MPEG for video codec or
AC3, MP3, PCM for audio codec, there is great chance the movie will not play correctly.
The solution is to reencode the movie.

7. Reencoding the movie.

Even if you check all the above things there is still a chance the movie will not play correctly.
There are a lot of setting you can set for different codecs and it is impossible to check all of them.

For transcoding the movie I recommend VirtualDubMod which is free and very powerful tool.
You can find it at VirtualDubMod Hompage
(The difference between VirtualDubMod and VirtualDUb is that Mod version can handle VBR MP3s and multiple
audio streams)

For encoding the movies I recommend Xvid codec which can be found at http://www.xvidmovies.com/codec/
Just dowload it in install it with setup.exe.

Because VirtualDubMod uses VfW interface it is necessary to install codecs for MP3 and AC3 ACM codecs.

For MP3 I recommend LameMP3 which can be found at LAME MP3 Encoder 3.101.1 Free Download
After you download and unpack the LAmeMP3, you need to install ACM codec.
Go to ACM directory, right click on LameACM.inf and press install.

For AC3 I recommend stran na fcchandler.home.comcast.net
After you download and unpack, you need to install ACM codec.
Right click on AC3ACM.inf and press install.

Now you are ready to get some real work done.

Start the VirtualDubMod and with "File/Open video file" open the movie.

If you receive a warning about improper VBR MP3 encoding, click NO.
If the first frame of the movie shows Warning: nothing to output / bframe decoder lag, just ignore it.

1. Select Video/Full Processing mode
2. Select Video/Compression
Select XVID MPEG4 codec, press Configure button
At Encoding type, select Two pass - 1st pass
Press more button next to the Profile@Level
Uncheck Packed bitstream and set Max consecutive BVOPs to 1

Confirm all with OK buttons

3. Select Streams/Stream list
Right mouse click on the audio stream and select Full processing mode
Right mouse click again and select Compression
Select Lame MP3 and select appropriate CBR bitrate. Always choose the same sampling frequency as the original audio stream. AC3 usually has a 48000Hz sampling frequency and MP3 usually has 44100Hz sampling frequency.
If the original audio is in AC3, I also suggest that you right click again and select Volume and set it to 200%.

Confirm all with OK.

4. Choose File/Save As and make sure that the "Don't run this now ..." checkbox is checked.
Select a new name for the file and press Save

5. Now select agian Video/Compression -> XVid MPEG4 codec, press COnfigure and at Encoding type select TWopass - 2nd pass
At target size box, enter the desireble size of the file. For ordinary 700MB CD, the value should be 716800 kbytes. You can also select bitrate if you press the Target size button.
Confirm all with OK.

6. Choose File/Save As and make sure that the "Don't run this now ..." checkbox is checked.
Select the sam name for the file as before and press Save

7. Now choose File/Job control

Press Start button and the encoding will begin

This procedure will use two pass encoding. In the first pass, only the data about movie is collected and in the secodn pass,
this data is used to assign appropriate variable bitrate for every frame. You can speed up the process of encoding by
using just Single pass, but from my experience, you should select at least twice as high bitrate for the same quality.

Better option to speed up the process is by selectin Video/Compression -> Xvid Mpeg4 codec -> Configure -> Advance options and
reduce the Motion search precision to Medium or Low. This will speed up things with only minor quality loss.

And keep in midn that this procedure should only be used on legal copies :-).

NightHawk ::

zelo vredu napisano

mi poves samo, kako morm divx na cd zapect da bo vse delovalo?
In ali lahko zapecem vec na enega (south park, eden je 140MB)?


ni potrebe sem ravnokar pogruntal, da je potrebno Disc at Once. Prej sem sicer uničil 1 CD ampak večjih žrtev pa ni bilo :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: NightHawk ()

delfinus ::

Zelo koristna zadeva in super pomoc! Prav zaradi omenjenih vseh mogocih faktorjev, sem se pred slabim mesecem odlocil, da ne bom nabavljal klasicne DivX enote, ampak si bom v kratkem umislil XboX, ki nima teh problemov.

lp, D.

jos69 ::

Men pa dela težave inštalacija ACM codeca.Vedno mi napiše instaslation failed.


Moja :\ ne podpira angleščine! Ma je kje kdo ki bi to prevedu?
Ne vedel bi, kako se v strup preobrača vse , kar si človek slatkega obeta!

murcia ::

Sem nekajkrat prebral tole luštno navodilo, toda za moji težavi ne najdem recepta in sicer
1.) Zvok se nekaj šliši toda ne v redu slike ni!
2.) Zvok prehiteva sliko za kakšno sekundo ali dve!
Ali se ti dve napakici lahko vidita že preden zapečem CD ali DVD in kako in kako se odpravita na najlažji način?

Sem malo prelistal forum pa nisem našel rešitve!
Imam Yamado 6700 FW PYPS 050301!

davidtu ::

ja men pa to ne dela. pru job1 mi nardi. pol pr drugmu na zacetk se mi ustav pa napise error? ma se kdo kake tezave pri tem?

hotu sm pa iz reencordad movie k je GMC: Yes (2 warp points) in mi ne dela na yamadi. kaka resitev da to spremenim v 3 warp points?

IČA ::

Sem imel podobne probleme. Potem pa sem se odločil, da bom uporabljal samo še DivX Converter 6.0. Enostavno za uporabo in deluje.
Če gre vse v redu, si očitno nekaj prezrl.

davidtu ::

IČA dj mi povej a se da nastimat velikost fajla na 700 mb pr Divx converterju. k men pol nardi 500 mb sam velik fajl k mi ga converta pa se zvok mi nardi stereo rad bi pa AC3...

al pa kaka resitev za virtual dub

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: davidtu ()

jurchi ::

No evo.....sem zdejle probavu po tutorialu za VirtualDubMod.....in mi na koncu napiše pri job controlu error. Pri stream list-u sem zbral LameMP3 in sem izbral bitrate 32000Hz 96kpbs CBR, stereo.....to pa zato ker mi v Gspotu za ta file piše pri audio codec 0x0055 (MP3,ISO)MPEG-1 Layer 3....info 32000Hz 97kb/s total (2chnls) LAME 3.90........potem sem pa pri twopass -2nd pass-u izbral velikost file-a 357410 kB ker je tak podatek o tem file-u v Gspotu......

Zdej mi pa ni jasno KJE sem naredil narobe?...Ker mi pri job controlu napiše error......pri drugih korakih pa se zagotovo nisem uštel, ker sem postopek ponovil že trikrat.

PROSIM za pomoč!?
newb ;)

davidtu ::

jurchi mam isti problem ;)

jurchi ::

a potem nama ni pomoči al kako?.....kaj se res nikomur ne sanja kje bi bil problem, ker mi to naredi pri vsakem filmu, ki ga poskušam reencodat:\

Al pa če mogoče obstaja kakšna druga varianta (brezVirtualDubmod-a), ki bi bla tut podobno opisana in da kot rezultat dobiš nek "univerzalen" divx playerjem prijazen format:)) ?
newb ;)

davidtu ::

IČA je napisu da pretvor z DivX Converter 6.0.
Sam pr temu me pa mot k mi zvok iz ac3 direkt v stereo pretvor. pa se nardi ti 500 mb fajl namest 700 mb. Doloct pa ne mors. saj jz ne najdem nikjeR ;)

podtalje ::

Če imate težave z VirtualDubModom, lahko probate tudi z AutoGK, ki je freeware in enostaven za uporabo in da dobre rezultate.

OldSkul ::

Smo če hočete pri AutoGK importat .avi fajl, morte met najnovejšo beto verzijo.

davidtu ::

ma to pa works great :) hvalaaaaaaaa

Klemenn ::

am...mam zadnjo verzijo avimux-a....

stvar mi dela nekam čudno

najprej film popravim z mpegmodifierjem, nato pa z avimuxom....

če samo z modifierjem pol ga lahk gledam na compu...čim pa še z avimuxom ga pa noben vrag tle več ne odpre (bsplayer, wmedia player)....

kaj mam narobe kje kej nastavleno?

prej :

potem :

podtalje ::

Čudno je že, da ti v obeh primerih GSpot javi, da nimaš instaliranega ustreznega kodeka za video.
Drugače zgleda povsem vredu.

Kateri kodek uporabljaš za gledanje Xvid?
Ali se ti to dogaja pri vseh filmih ali samo pri enem?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: podtalje ()

Klemenn ::

zadnje cajte kar pri vseh

ffdshow + ac3, seveda :\

podtalje ::

Verjetno imaš instaliran še kakšen kodek oz. v tvojem primeru verjetno splitter za .avi.
Najbolje, da še enkrat instaliras zadnji ffdshow.

b_g ::

aja vrjetno ste že slišal pr MPEG4Modifier-ju da če slučajno film ne predvaja in ima po user data
številko DivX503b1393p jo je treba spremenit v DivX999b000p. no dans sm pa probal na enemu filmu ki sploh ni imel teh ševilk vendar neke druge, ki se jih ne spomnim, in sem nato dodal, DivX999b000p, tole in tako je film na mojemu kissu čudežno začel delati.

no ja sm pogledal pa je delalo tut brez tut če nism dodal tko da najbz ni to krivo:D:8)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: b_g ()

bbbb ::

Lep pozdrav!

Nisem zelel odpirati nove teme zato sem se odlocil, da povem kar tukaj! Imam divx film, ki je v 2 delih. Reencodiram ga v VirtualDubMod-u in sedaj se pojavi problem. Ko reencodam prvi in drugi film mi VirtualDubMod na zacetku, pri vsakem delu, kot prvi frame nastavi error message "nothing to output / bframe decoder lag" in to mene zelo moti, ker ko predvajalnik preskoci na 2. del mi najprej pokaze ta error message. Prosim ce mi pomagate, kako resit zadevo, da ne bo vec tega error message-a.

Nekdo na tem svetu obstaja ki 100% ve odgovor na tvoje vprašanje!

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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