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odpiranje porta na ruterju

odpiranje porta na ruterju

rlipan ::

Lep pozdrav!

Pri e-muli imam low id, zato bi moral odpreti nekatere porte na ruterju, kar pa mi dela tezave, nevem točno kateri port, in kako ga nastavim. nevem kaj je treba narediti ce imas dinamicni ip (na no-ip sem si ze naredil domeno). pa se eno vprasanje ce kdo ve katrei so porti za ABC torrent.

se opravicujem ker tezim, samo dosti mi je ze iskanja po angleskih in nemskih straneh ker pol stvari ne razumem.

Hvala LP

OldSkul ::

Poišči v nastavitvah routerja port forwarding in vpiši sledeče porte:

The following list shows the ports used by eMule when using it's default settings. If you change anything in Preferences -> Connection you will have to take the changes into account when configuring your firewall or router.
1) Local Port: 4662
Remote Port: any
Protocol: TCP
Direction: incoming

Client Port / Connections from other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

You can change this port in Preferences -> Connection -> Client Port
This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router

2) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4662
Protocol: TCP
Direction: outgoing

Client Port / Connections to other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

4662 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall

3) Local Port: 4672
Remote Port: any
Protocol: UDP
Direction: incoming

Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router.
If you are not able to forward this port check the disable box in Preferences -> Connection -> UDP Port

4) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4672
Protocol: UDP
Direction: outgoing

Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

4672 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall
5) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4661
Protocol: TCP
Direction: outgoing

Connection to server

4661 is the default port of a server. Many server use different ports. Configuring a firewall the remote port again changes to any.

6) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4665
Protocol: UDP
Direction: outgoing
Purpose: Source asking on servers

Servers using the default port 4661 TCP (see #5) automatically set their port for source asking to 4665 UDP. If a server uses a different port in #5 the corresponding UDP port is set to [Connection Port + 4]. For firewalls the remote port here is any.

7) Local Port: 4711
Remote Port: any
Protocol: TCP
Direction: incoming
Purpose: Webserver
Note: This is the default port for the web interface. When using a router this port has to be forwarded or no connection to the webserver will be possible.

rlipan ::


Ali je potrebno otpreti vse te porte, in kako je stem ce imas dinamičen IP?

In kaj je "privat port" in kaj "public port".
(Moj ruter je : D-link DI-604) ali obstaja kaksen screan shot?

Se enkrat hvala.

OldSkul ::

Jaz mam odprte vse te porte in mi dela brez problema.Dinamični IP sploh ni pomemben.Jaz ga imam tudi pa nimam nobenih problemov?

rlipan ::

Hvala za pomoc.

Za vse ki uporabljate D-Link Routerje je tole zelo uredu stran za konfiguriranje forvardiranja :


OK se enkrat hvala za pomoč
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