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windows xp sp2 in tcpip

windows xp sp2 in tcpip

korenje_ver2 ::

a kdo ve kako odstranit to omejitev?

TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.a...

izgleda da sp2 omejuje stevilo povezav na dolocen casovni interval. zaradi tega mi p2p programi delajo pocasneje.
kako se da to odstranit? kdo ve?

korenje_ver2 ::

hmm sm ze nasu...
ok zdej pa nazaj na gledanje OI..

al pa tole....

But its known how to resolve this problem:

First, open the Registry Editor and search the following string:


Then add a new DWORD-value in the right window named "TcpNumConnections"

Then click it right->change and put a Hex-Value "fffffe" in it.

That changes the maximum TCP/IP-Connections to 16.777.214 . This is only needed at SP2.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Vikking ::


Do not use this sh*t,your firewall virusscanner does not work after install

Druga rešitev reši problem, saj meni je!!!

XP SP2 doesn't limit the number of established TCP connections. You still can have hundreds of it.

XP SP2 limits the number of simultanious TCP connection tries to ten.

the connection tries over the limit aren't blocked or dropped. They are just queued to be done later.

XP SP2 may slow down things a bit. Just depending how many useless connection tries are done by the software running on the computer.

korenje_ver2 ::

druga resitev meni ni resila problema. se vedno dobivam warning sporocila.

iro ::

Da ne odpiram nove teme katera varijanta je v redu ?

Narcos Satanicos ::


iro ::

Narcos Satanicos ::


Spc ::

Windows Server 2003 gor pa bo mir.

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