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Medvedjev želi cenzuro internetnih strani, ki propagirajo droge

Medvedjev želi cenzuro internetnih strani, ki propagirajo droge

vir: Heise
Heise - Ruski predsednik Dimitrij Medvedjev je na srečanju v mestu Irkutsk, kjer se je sestal tudi z otroki in govoril o ukrepih za zajezitev epidemije odvisnosti od drog med ruskimi mladimi, napovedal tudi cenzuro neprimernih spletnih strani kot enega izmed ukrepov. Obstoji več kot deset tisoč strani, ki odkrito propagirajo uporabo nedovoljenih drog, in prav te želi Medvedjev zapreti.

Kritiki oblasti se bojijo, da bo to le še na pripravna možnost za cenzuro protivladnih strani. Z ušesi so zastrigli že pred dvema tednoma, ko je ruska Tajna služba FSB izrazila zaskrbljenost nad dovoljenostjo šifriranja na internetu, a jih je Medvedjev potolažil z zagotovilom, da ne razmišljajo o prepovedi šifriranja. Zdajšnja napoved cenzure spletnih strani, ki propagirajo droge, skrbi zagovornike pravice do svobode govore, ker jo utegne Rusija uporabiti za obračun še z ostalimi stranmi, ki eliti niso povšeči.

V Rusiji je sicer 2,5 milijona odvisnikov od drog, večina je starih manj kot 30 let, zaradi česar trpi rusko gospodarstvo. Medvedjev je še napovedal sprejetje zakonodaje, ki bo omogočila obvezne teste na prisotnost drog v telesu v šolah.

16 komentarjev

urosh ::

slovnica v tem članku je za nikamor... Prosim, da malo preberete in popravite:
...skrbi zagovornike pravice do svobode govore...
...2,5 milijona odvisnikov od drug...

morbo ::

Would somebody please think about the children!!!

V Rusiji je problem drog in predvsem alkohola obstajal že pred razpasom interneta, tako da wrong tree IMO. Odkar so Američani "osvobodili" Afganistan je proizvodnja opija narasla za nekaj sto % in količina heroina in uporabnikov v Rusiji ravno tako povečala za nekajkrat. Zanimivo da naše (evropske, nato) okupacijske sile niso pripravljene narediti skoraj nič za zajezitev tega problema (= nekdo od naših fino služi).

amigo_no1 ::

Vse droge naj bodo legalne, kdo se hoče drogirati se bo v vsakem primeru, odpadejo overdose primeri, mali&veliki dilerji & uvozniki in celotna veriga kot tudi "kontra" drogi državne službe..
Posledično odpade tudi fond za črne operacije obveščevalnih služb & držav, zato legalizacije seveda ne bo.

Medvedjev je še napovedal sprejetje zakonodaje, ki bo omogočila obvezne teste na prisotnost drog v telesu v šolah.

Testirali bodo učence ali učitelje :D ? Zakaj tega ne uvedejo v javno upravo, vlado ?

Žaba se kuha počasi (drugače skoči iz lonca), to Rusi dobro vedo, najprej take strani, kdo je potem naslednji na vrsti ;) ??

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()

harvey ::

Kaj hudiča je tale krokodil - крокодил

Predvsem bi prosil koga, če lahko razloži mehanizem tega "krokodila", ki ti po vzbrizganju čez čas odpadejo mišice in se ti razkrijejo kosti.

Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: harvey ()

Pyr0Beast ::

Predvsem bi prosil koga, če lahko razloži mehanizem tega "krokodila", ki ti po vzbrizganju čez čas odpadejo mišice in se ti razkrijejo kosti.

Okužba ?
Nečista droga ?
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

opeter ::

Ta krokodil je hud. Na RTV-jevi strani piše, da v primeru aktivne uporabe čez čas strohniš, odpada ti meso ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Double_J ::

Desomorphine @ Wikipedia

Krokodil je zakon...
Dve šivanki...

fosil ::

Verjetno je stvar v tem, da se ti v mišicah začnejo nabirat strupi, ki povzročijo razkroj.
Sploh glede na to, da pravijo da si zadet precej kratek čas in moraš vsakih nekaj ur vzet novo dozo.
Tako je!

Double_J ::

Desomorphine first appeared on the Russian market in 2003. Recently, there has been an epidemiological increase in the number of drug addicts, mostly young people, using this unconventional drug.

The main reason for desomorphine’s appearance and spread is the simplicity and accessibility of its preparation. Due to the relatively cheap, quick, and very crude preparation equipment needed in home industry, the drug is fairly inexpensive. Desomorphine is not available as a medicine. It is derived from a haphazard mix of codeine-based medications and household chemicals. In Russia, most codeine-based medicines are available without prescription, making it quite easy to produce desomorphine at home.

The result is a "dirty", and consequently a highly dangerous, drug. A number of chemical substances are used in the homemade production of desomorphine. These include industrial acids, alkalis, and organic solvents (petrol, etc.). In most cases industrial quality chemicals are used, rather than purified forms intended for consumption.

This mixture of compounds, used in the process of making desomorphine, and not filtered out later, often contains high concentrations of iodine, which disrupts the endocrine system and causes muscular disorders; phosphorus, which attacks bone tissue; and dangerous admixtures of heavy metals such as iron, zinc, lead and antimony, which cause disorders of the nervous system, mineral imbalances, and inflammation of the liver and kidneys.

Drug addiction often follows the first dose. Desomorphine users suffer from an acute deterioration in their general health, including a weakened immune system and failing liver. Their circulation is so effected that their limbs gradually wither and die. Non-healing ulcers appear on the body and a person literally rots alive. Veins located near the injection sites "burn up." Those addicted to desomorphine do not survive for more than a year (for comparison: even heroin addicts have a survival rate of up to five years).

In addition, hepatitis C is reported in 33% of desomorphine addicts, according to health authorities.

Due to the chemical properties of desomorphine, those addicted to the drug never go into remission. Half the patients go back to taking the drug or start taking codeine pills.

Previously, desomorphine addicts were largely former heroin addicts. Recently, there have been more cases of drug addiction beginning with desomorphine.
Dve šivanki...

PacificBlue ::

A da bi Medvedjev uvedel zdravila s kodeinom vsaj na zdravniski recept pa bohnedej? Ali pa da bi jih prepovedal? Saj zdravijo samo kaselj in drisko.

Ah ta kapitalizem...
I’m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

harvey ::

@Double_J, tnx, divji je tale krokodil, ki je codeine+vžigalice+jod+bencin+kislina; prevreš in tole pošlješ po žilah [ime so pa tudi dobro izpeljali iz enega prekurzorja pri sinteti desomorphina, ki je α-chlorocodide = krokodil in pa iz izgleda kože po taki praksi, ki postane luskasta].

[at 6.06 - kuharija]

A da bi Medvedjev uvedel zdravila s kodeinom vsaj na zdravniski recept pa bohnedej?

Ali pa uvedel nadomestno metadonsko zdravljenje.

The 3rd Opium War
Can you imagine a state where the main drug dealer also serves as health minister, where a drug that irreversibly damages a person’s brain and leads to certain death within two years is sold over the counter in pharmacies, and where any attempt to prohibit the sale of that drug is blocked by the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service?

It may be interesting to study the example of Russia, where desomorphine, commonly known by its street name “crocodile,” has become a huge hit among drug users.

Crocodile use has risen threefold in Russia since 2007. According to Yevgeny Roizman, author of “City Without Drugs,” about 15 percent of the drug addicts he has met are using crocodile. The Federal Drug Control Service puts the figure closer to 25 percent.

From the first day that addicts start using crocodile, their bodies literally rot away. They are typically covered with horrible sores, have gaps in their mouths where their teeth have fallen out, and the few teeth that remain are yellow and riddled with holes.

What makes crocodile especially attractive is that it is made from codeine-based drugs that can be purchased from any Russian pharmacy without a prescription. The three most inexpensive and widespread of such drugs are Terpincod, Codelac and Pentalgin. All three are manufactured by Pharmstandard.

That company has a link to Health and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova and her husband, Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko — their son works for Pharmstandard.

Among all the drugs produced by Pharmstandard, those providing the raw materials for crocodile have enjoyed rapidly rising sales in recent years. Strangely, the company never tires of boasting publicly about it either.

In 2007, Pharmstandard proudly listed six of its drugs that were among the country’s top 20 best sellers, including Terpincod, Codelac and Pentalgin.

In 2008, the company reported an increase of sales for nondescription drugs of 2 billion rubles ($70 million), the bulk of which came from sales of Arbidol, Codelac, Pentalgin and Terpincod, according to the company’s statement.

Even the world’s most successful Russian heroin dealer or organized crime syndicate couldn’t earn as much as Pharmstandard pulls in for selling crocodile ingredients.

In fall 2009, the Krasnoyarsk regional legislature tried to make codeine-based drugs available by prescription only. Pharmstandard immediately filed a complaint with the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service, and the attempt to ban the legal trade in raw materials for narcotics was halted in the name of free trade.

The crocodile epidemic could be solved without prescriptions. Just sell only those codeine-based drugs that are more expensive than heroin and stop the production of those that undercut the price of heroin. And for that, Golikova wouldn’t even have to make a telephone call. She could probably just talk to her stepson.

This story of the free trade in codeine-based drugs reminds me of the 19th-century opium wars. The one difference with modern Russia, however, is that at least the British and French were selling narcotics to a foreign country.

20 April 2011
By Yulia Latynina
The Moscow Times online
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

Pyr0Beast ::

Ali pa uvedel nadomestno metadonsko zdravljenje.

Ni metadonsko zdravljenje približno isti šit ?
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Fuks ::

Pyr0Beast je izjavil:

Ali pa uvedel nadomestno metadonsko zdravljenje.

Ni metadonsko zdravljenje približno isti šit ?

Ni. Opijati so v osnovi zelo neškodljivi za telo (sicer zelo za psiho). Praktično edine telesne težave ki sep ojavijo so ob prenehanju jemanja.

Težava s krokodilom je pa v tem da so ti domači zvarki vse kaj drugega kot čisti. Metadon po drugi strani pa je povsem prečiščen (poleg tega pa je zadetost na njemu brez tako močnega vrhunca - lažje za odvajanje).

Double_J ::


Že kdo kuha? :)

Samo baš veliko pa ni tegale notri, vsaj brez recepta ne...
Dve šivanki...

Pyr0Beast ::

Težava s krokodilom je pa v tem da so ti domači zvarki vse kaj drugega kot čisti. Metadon po drugi strani pa je povsem prečiščen (poleg tega pa je zadetost na njemu brez tako močnega vrhunca - lažje za odvajanje).

>>I've been on both ends of withdrawals, heroin and methadone, every patient of methadone will always tell you the same, as I do; I can kick heroin anytime, but methadone that is something else. In 15 yrs of heroin addiction, I've kicked 3 times, 'cold-turkey'. In 10 years on methadone I've never kicked methadone.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others

Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Fuks ::

Hmm, zanimivo. Samo mogoče je vzrok v tem, da je metadon dokaj dober nadomestek za heroin. Tako da it iz heroina na metadon ni problem. Nehat metadon je pa itak neprimerno večja stopnica.
Bistvo je pa itak to, da omogoča precej bolj normalno funkcioniranje odvisnika in da je farmacevtsko prečiščeno.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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