Slo-Tech - Na spletu so se pojavile prve slike telefonov s pomnilniškimi karticami velikosti 16 GB. S podporo se lahko pohvalijo Nokia E51, E90 in N95 ter Samsung SGH i780 in Sony Ericsson K850i. Sandisk je tako izpolnil svoje obljube na sejmu CES, microSDHC kartice pa se nezadržno bližajo zgornji meji prostornosti - le ta naj bi bila 32 GB.
Pomnilniške kartice naj bi bile na voljo kasneje letos - junija. Klik!
1. FAT32 max. volume size = 8TiB 2. Flash pomnilnik lahko formatiraš tudi v NTFS, le da nima nekega smisla. 3. SDHC ...uses the same form factor as SD, but the SD 2.0 standard in SDHC uses a different memory addressing method (sector addressing vs byte addressing), thus theoretically reaching a maximum capacity of up to 2048GB
When a person can no longer laugh at himself,
it is time for others to laugh at him. [Thomas Szasz]
To solve the card size problem, a new CSD register layout, CSD Version 2.0 was introduced. SD Devices are supposed to check the CSD version given in the CSD_STRUCTURE field first, and reject cards using an unknown CSD version. In CSD Version 2.0, the C_SIZE field was extended to 22 bit. The C_SIZE_MULT was dropped, assuming a preset multiplier of 210. The READ_BL_LEN was kept, but the only value allowed is 9, indicating a block length of 512 bytes. The calculation is the same, but due to the two fixed values, the formula shrinks down to Size = (C_SIZE+1)�219 The smallest card size would be 512kB, but SDHC is supposed to be used for cards larger than 2GB. The new register layout would allow cards of up to 2TB, which would also supported by the new 32bit block addressing scheme. But the specification defines an upper limit of 32GB, where only 16 bit of C_SIZE are used and the upper 6 bit remain unused.
The currently chosen limit of 32GB is most likely due to the fact that many people believe that FAT32 would be limited to 32GB. This is not true, FAT32 is only limited to 2TB because of the 32 bit LBA values in the filesystem parameters.
Sony Ericsson K850i uporablja Memory Stick M2. Jaz imam 8GB kartico No, 16GB bi bilo tudi v redu. Telefon uporabljaš namesto iPodna, zato rabiš veliko placa.
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...
Bistri007, res je - SE ima svoj format kartic in dejansko nisem pomislil, kaj bi microSD kartica delala. Ampak na sliki je SE z 16GB kartico notri, naprej pa nisem razmisljal.
32GB je tukaj zgornja meja, do katere so proizvajalci trdili da bojo sli. Bral ze nekaj casa nazaj. Original je bilo narobe napisano, ker se je dalo razumeti, kot da je to teoreticna meja, ki je seveda visja.
Neki mal Nokij je omenjenih s to podporo. Ubistvu SDHC podpirajo vse novejse symbian nokie N95 dalje.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Ce je telefon kompatibilen z SDHC, potem delajao vse kartice ki ustrezajo temu standardu.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Prečekiraj malo Wiki SDHC 32GB je meja te specifikacije. Najbrž je tako adresiranje...
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...
USB ima samo en minus - nikoli ne dela, takrat ko ga rabis.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Sem videl in enega tudi kupil sestri, samo že sam usb port porabi več prostora pa še vseeno je to večje od microSD... je bolj miniSD. USB bi lahko rulal, če bi vgrajevali polovične velikosti (samo stran kjer so pini).