3dcenter - Na 3DCenter.org so pred nedavnim objavili intervju z Andrewom Humberjem. Andrew Humber je človek, ki je svojo računalniško kariero pričel pri STB, nadaljeval pri sedaj že propadlem 3dfx in se sedaj znašel kot evropski PR manager pri Nvidii. V intervjuju so govorili predvsem o prihajajočem GeForceuFX, dodatknili pa so se tudi Nvidiinih napovedih za prihodnost. Angleško in nemško.
Memory bandwidth is only part of the performance equation. Look at Matrox and their 256-bit memory interface as an example. How you use the memory bandwidth is more important. Performance is not just a function of raw memory bandwidth. Our efficiency with available bandwidth improved radically, which leads to better performance. With our color-compression, z compression and crossbar memory architecture we use the available bandwidth more efficiently. We also have other factors like DDR-2, new vertex shaders, new pixel shaders and .13 micron manufacturing technology that reflect back to higher performance. Bottom-line, theoretical numbers are nice to discuss, but it is the real world performance that really counts.
In zakaj radon pol zbije gforca ko se vklop fsaa in aniso!?[:\]
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?