PC Stats - Grafične kartice so pred nekaj časa delovale na vodilih PCI, kasneje pa je prišel AGP s svojimi večkratnimi bratci in naredil revolucijo. Kot kaže, se bodo kartice z novega osemkratnega AGP-ja vrnile nazaj v PCI, in sicer v PCI-Express. Zakaj bo novo vodilo podpiralo prenos do 2,5 GB/s in kaj je na njem tako revolucionarnega, pa si preberite v članku na PCStats.
As the technology goes to market, each of these lanes should be capable of a 2.5Gb/s data rate in each direction. The overall sustained transfer rate roughly equals 200MB/s.
The PCI-Express specification calls for 1X (2.5Gb/s), 4x, 8x and 16x (4-5GB/s) connectors to begin with.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
ja obstajajo 1x,4x,8x in 16x verzije. 16x bo namenjena grafiki in ma cca 4gb prenosa.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
swar : AGP-X8 ma prenos 2.1GB. Saj ne da to ni dovolj, ampak fora je da PCI-Express ponuja 2.5GB v obe smeri, medtem ko je AGP prenos močno usmerjen proti grafični kartici (razmerje je nekako 8:1).
ne vem če ste opazili.. "One fairly exciting possibility for this upcoming technology is the potential for multiple graphics cards using the same high-speed connection." fino...zdej bomo mel pa kar več kartic notar...