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Tisto, kar je ostalo od obširne najave procesorjev GF4

Tisto, kar je ostalo od obširne najave procesorjev GF4

Guru 3D - X-bit labsi so pred kratkim napisali izjemno podrobno novico o prihajajočih Nvidiinih procesorjih GeForce 4. Izgleda, da celo preveč podrobno, saj je Nvidia zahtevala, da novico nemudoma odstranijo. Na internetu gotovo obstajajo strani, ki so novico skopirale, vendar pa so zaradi strahu pred Nvidio tudi te večinoma odstranile "sporno" besedilo. Ostane nam samo še Guru3D, ki je objavil povzetek, ki pa je zaradi umika originalnega članka tako dragocen, da ga bom kar prekopiral. Pravi naslednje:

So, the new NVIDIA graphics chip, just like GeForce3, will be manufactured with 0.15micron technology. However, the number of transistors used in it will reach 63 million, and the working frequency will be increased up to 300MHz. Here the natural question arises: how on earth NVIDIA managed to increase the chip working frequency so greatly without shifting to a new finer manufacturing technology, especially since NV25 should be more architecturally complex than GeForce3? The answer to this question is pretty original: we will see a new packaging in NV25 – PBGA with integrated heatsink. In other words, NVIDIA decided to enhance the heat dissipation process in order to be able to speed up its chips. For the same purpose, NVIDIA will provide its NV25 chips with a special NVIDIA thermal control system.

NVIDIA will increase the memory (DDR SDRAM) working frequency as well, which will work at 650MHz on the fastest solutions. This way the memory bus bandwidth will make 10.4GB/sec. Memory chips used on the graphics cards (at least on those following the reference design) will feature BGA-packaging. NV25 based graphics cards will get up to 128MB DDR SDRAM. NV25 will feature 4 rendering pipelines with 2 TMUs each. This will make the new chip similar to GeForce3. However, due to higher working frequencies and improved technologies, the fillrate is claimed to equal 4.9 billion AA samples/sec.

Dodatek by slycer: Naš bralec Thanatos nam je poslal tudi necenzurirano različico, ki jo na X-bit labsih ne boste več našli. Ker novica uradno ne obstaja več, tudi ni bojazni, da bi kršili avtorske pravice . Thanatos, svaka ti čast. Original novica iz X-bit labsov v angleščini :

As we (and not only we) have already told you, in the beginning of February, to be more exact on February 5 in the USA and some time on February 6 in Europe, NVIDIA will launch its new solution for hardcore gamers - GeForce4 chip aka NV25. Today we got the opportunity to tell you a bit more about this new product. Just like in case of Titanium chips family, the graphics cards makers are most likely to launch several products on NV25 at a time, which will differ by the chip and memory working frequencies as well as by the size of the graphics memory used. We will now touch upon the fastest model of this family, as we believe it deserves most attention and describes all the peculiarities of NV25 architecture. So, the new NVIDIA graphics chip, just like GeForce3, will be manufactured with 0.15micron technology. However, the number of transistors used in it will reach 63 million, and the working frequency will be increased up to 300MHz. Here the natural question arises: how on earth NVIDIA managed to increase the chip working frequency so greatly without shifting to a new finer manufacturing technology, especially since NV25 should be more architecturally complex than GeForce3? The answer to this question is pretty original: we will see a new packaging in NV25 - PBGA with integrated heatsink. In other words, NVIDIA decided to enhance the heat dissipation process in order to be able to speed up its chips. For the same purpose, NVIDIA will provide its NV25 chips with a special NVIDIA thermal control system. NVIDIA will increase the memory (DDR SDRAM) working frequency as well, which will work at 650MHz on the fastest solutions. This way the memory bus bandwidth will make 10.4GB/sec. Memory chips used on the graphics cards (at least on those following the reference design) will feature BGA-packaging. NV25 based graphics cards will get up to 128MB DDR SDRAM. NV25 will feature 4 rendering pipelines with 2 TMUs each. This will make the new chip similar to GeForce3. However, due to higher working frequencies and improved technologies, the fillrate is claimed to equal 4.9 billion AA samples/sec. Besides significantly higher working frequencies, NV25 will boast some fresh new features and technologies, though it will remain very much like its predecessor, GeForce3. First of all, we have to mention Lightspeed Memory Architecture II, the technology aimed at unloading the memory bus. It includes loss-free Z-buffer compression with 4:1 ratio, 2nd generation Occlusion Culling and Quadcache Architecture, which saves even more memory bandwidth. Thanks to another significant performance and memory bus efficiency increase, NVIDIA managed to implement a new more progressive anti-aliasing method in its NV25. It is called Accuview AA. This method will use new subpixel locations mask and feature NVIDIA's patented and optimized for the best performance and quality algorithm. As for the T&L unit, it has been changed significantly compared with that of GeForce3. Now it is called nFinite FX II and features 2 vertex shader pipelines. Higher clock frequency will triple the performance in those applications, which use the second computing pipeline, making it three times as fast as that of GeForce3. Moreover, increasing the chip frequency will speed up the operations with pixel shaders by 50%. Besides that, NVIDIA also claims that its new solution will support Z-Correct bump mapping feature, which is still a mystery to all of us. We will not speculate here now, as you will learn everything very soon: on February 5 The performance solutions from NVIDIA have now also got dual-monitor support. NV25 will boast nView technology, the next stage in the TwinView evolution. It will have richer features and will be much easier to use. Attention! This news story will be soon removed upon NVIDIA's request.

7 komentarjev

Filo ::

Zdej ali temu verjeti ali ne je tud eno vprašanje. Mislm kje so se x-labovci dokopal do takih informacij ....Mislm ne vem.
Če pa je to res je zelo v negativo za nvidio, da nas kupce zavajajo z nevem kero novo tehnologojo pol pa v bistvu navijejo mal, ok sej bodo povečal število tranzistorjev, sam še vedno me zanima če bi navil navadnega g3 ali bi dobil podobne ali celo iste rezultate, čeprav je slednje male težje, ampak....

Sicer se pa tale komentar pokrajša kar bom zdele povedu:
Men je še vedno všeč veliko bolj Radeon (če že lih voodoo-ja ni (pa ne si zdej raznih idej delat)).

Sergio ::

ja, specifikacije so najbrž resnične, ker so xbitovci dobili izrecno komando za umik novice. pa naj še kdo reče, da nismo aktualni :D

Thanatos ::

Real NV25 Details!
Posted 1/20/02 at 8:08 pm by Rat

As we (and not only we) have already told you, in the beginning of February, to be more exact on February 5 in the USA and some time on February 6 in Europe, NVIDIA will launch its new solution for hardcore gamers – GeForce4 chip aka NV25. Today we got the opportunity to tell you a bit more about this new product.
Just like in case of Titanium chips family, the graphics cards makers are most likely to launch several products on NV25 at a time, which will differ by the chip and memory working frequencies as well as by the size of the graphics memory used. We will now touch upon the fastest model of this family, as we believe it deserves most attention and describes all the peculiarities of NV25 architecture.
So, the new NVIDIA graphics chip, just like GeForce3, will be manufactured with 0.15micron technology. However, the number of transistors used in it will reach 63 million, and the working frequency will be increased up to 300MHz. Here the natural question arises: how on earth NVIDIA managed to increase the chip working frequency so greatly without shifting to a new finer manufacturing technology, especially since NV25 should be more architecturally complex than GeForce3? The answer to this question is pretty original: we will see a new packaging in NV25 – PBGA with integrated heatsink. In other words, NVIDIA decided to enhance the heat dissipation process in order to be able to speed up its chips. For the same purpose, NVIDIA will provide its NV25 chips with a special NVIDIA thermal control system.
NVIDIA will increase the memory (DDR SDRAM) working frequency as well, which will work at 650MHz on the fastest solutions. This way the memory bus bandwidth will make 10.4GB/sec. Memory chips used on the graphics cards (at least on those following the reference design) will feature BGA-packaging. NV25 based graphics cards will get up to 128MB DDR SDRAM.
NV25 will feature 4 rendering pipelines with 2 TMUs each. This will make the new chip similar to GeForce3. However, due to higher working frequencies and improved technologies, the fillrate is claimed to equal 4.9 billion AA samples/sec.
Besides significantly higher working frequencies, NV25 will boast some fresh new features and technologies, though it will remain very much like its predecessor, GeForce3. First of all, we have to mention Lightspeed Memory Architecture II, the technology aimed at unloading the memory bus. It includes loss-free Z-buffer compression with 4:1 ratio, 2nd generation Occlusion Culling and Quadcache Architecture, which saves even more memory bandwidth.
Thanks to another significant performance and memory bus efficiency increase, NVIDIA managed to implement a new more progressive anti-aliasing method in its NV25. It is called Accuview AA. This method will use new subpixel locations mask and feature NVIDIA’s patented and optimized for the best performance and quality algorithm.
As for the T&L unit, it has been changed significantly compared with that of GeForce3. Now it is called nFinite FX II and features 2 vertex shader pipelines. Higher clock frequency will triple the performance in those applications, which use the second computing pipeline, making it three times as fast as that of GeForce3. Moreover, increasing the chip frequency will speed up the operations with pixel shaders by 50%.
Besides that, NVIDIA also claims that its new solution will support Z-Correct bump mapping feature, which is still a mystery to all of us. We will not speculate here now, as you will learn everything very soon: on February 5
The performance solutions from NVIDIA have now also got dual-monitor support. NV25 will boast nView technology, the next stage in the TwinView evolution. It will have richer features and will be much easier to use.
Attention! This news story will be soon removed upon NVIDIA’s request

tole je unsencored verzija. Ni sem mi potrebno zahvaljevati

kot kaže sem jaz še bolj aktualen :)

CaqKa ::

lol.. samo jaz še vedno pleyam na voodoo3000 :) in sem nazadnje ugotovil, da je q3 se vedno igrabilen na 1024... sicer pa itak spilam na 640

Alec999 ::

jst tud se wedno spilam na voodoo3 2000@3000 :( bo treba zamenjat kmal :| ... sam RTCW sm pa le obrnu :)

Justy ::


Filo ::

ja jest mam voodoo3 3500 pa sem rtcw obrnu na 800x600 pa skor vse na high (hvala bogu za HSR-hidden surface remuval-- :) Teli driverji k jih mam zdele so božanski!!:D

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