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WIN 2003 SBS server

WIN 2003 SBS server


Zanima me, če morda ve kdo na tem forumu, če se da normalno uporabljat terminal services client in če ima kdo izkušnje s tem, naj mi prosim javi, ker so mi na repro ms namreč rekli da to ni mogoče izvesti z nakupom licenc.

[SkA] ::

Če te prav razumem bi SBS 2003 kot app. terminal server rad uporabljal?



Ja, pravilno

Mr.B ::

Pri SBS 2003 ti za terminal server ni več potrebno kupiti licenc az uporabnike, kot je bilo potrebno za SBS 2000.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.


sej ga sploh ne omogoča!!!!!!!1

Can I run Terminal Services in Application Server mode on Windows Small Business Server 2003?

A. No. It is not possible to run Terminal Services in Application Server mode on Windows Small Business Server 2003. This is a change from Small Business Server 2000. Running Terminal Services in Application Server mode on a domain controller may present a security risk to your network. If you want to use Terminal Services in Application Server mode, we recommend that you purchase an additional Windows Server 2003 license and install an additional server running Windows Server into the Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain. For more information, see "Deploying Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server to Host User Desktops in a Windows Small Business Server 2003 Environment" on the Product Documentation page.


Zanima me če ima kdo iskušnje s tem, da je že nekje postavil 2003 sbs server in je imela stranka zahevo po terminal serverju.Nebi pa hotu, da bi kupil licenco za 2003 standart +exchange 2003.

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