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[navtika] izraz za port in starboard

[navtika] izraz za port in starboard

karafeka ::


pozna kdo slovenske oz. kakršnekoli narečne besede za port in starboard?
Kako se temu v praksi reče? Kar po angleško?

ToniT ::

Desni in levi bok!

karafeka ::


Še kakšna druga izraza?
Sem pozabil omenit, da ne smeta vsebovat desni in levi :).
Pač en vic, ki ga je potrebno prevest in angleščine, kjer človek ne ve, po kateri strani je port oz. starboard in če se prevede desni oz. levi bok, je to že v imenu noter :)

GupeM ::

Če se kdo sprašuje, za kateri joke gre:
A captain of a ship was retiring after 40 years in the business. He had some good voyages, and some bad, but it was finally time to sail one last time. Before each trip, the captain would open a small leather book, read a certain page, close the book and board the ship for the voyage. Only he knew what the leather book said. Not even his first mate knew what the passage was that he read.

The captain had already boarded the ship after reading the book. Taking note where the captain stored it, the first mate told another crewman "We really need to find out what that book says. Tonight, you will distract him, I'll grab the book, and we'll find out what the captain reads before each trip." The crewman agreed, and both waited for nightfall.

At last, the time had come to steal the leather book. Everything went according to plan, and both the first mate and the crewman were hidden in a remote part of the ship, ready to read the words of wisdom the elderly captain examined before each trip. They opened the book. It was empty, except for one page, which read:

"Remember, starboard is right, and port is left."

Ampak, če bi ta kapitan bil brihten, bi si samo tale joke zapomnil, pa bi mu bilo lažje:
A sailor walks into a bar and sits down next to a pretty woman.
Sailor: Do you like men in uniform?

Woman: I like the army and the air force, but sailors annoy me.

Sailor: Why's that?

Woman: They just overuse nautical terminology so much. That sort of thing is really irritating.

Sailor: I guess you're starboard about that. My wife said the same thing when she port me.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: GupeM ()

matobeli ::

Zamenjaj za dvojec premec/krma

starfotr ::

sbawe64 ::

ToniT je izjavil:

Desni in levi bok!

Port and starboard @ Wikipedia

Ne samo v pomorstvu, tudi v aviaciji se uporablja enaka terminologija.
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