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Sudan (2023)

Sudan (2023)

Pištol ::

V Sudanu izbruhnili spopadi med vojaškima skupinama na oblasti
Vojska in RSF leta 2019 skupaj odstavili dolgoletnega voditelja Omarja Al Baširja

V Sudanu so izbruhnili spopadi med vojsko in paravojaško skupino Sile za hitro podporo (RSF), ki si po državnem udaru leta 2019 delita oblast v državi. Spopadi se odvijajo predvsem v okolici vojaških oporišč v Kartumu.

RSF pod vodstom generala Mohameda Hamdana Dagala - Hemedtija trdi, da je prevzel nadzor nad predsedniško palačo, rezidenco poveljnika vojske, mednarodnim letališčem v Kartumu ter letališči v mestu Merowe na severu ter El-Obeid na zahodu Sudana.

Sudanska vojska je njihove navedbe zanikala in sporočila, da letalske sile izvajajo operacije zoper RSF.


redtech ::

Nekaj tednov nazaj so potrdili RU pomorsko bazo na obali Sudana, kakšno naključje? :)

fikus_ ::

Jp, amerikanci so začeli mešati. Sem pred časom zasledil, da je en sudanski politik izjavil, da so pripravljeni podpreti RU v vojni v UA.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Pac-Man ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Jp, amerikanci so začeli mešati. Sem pred časom zasledil, da je en sudanski politik izjavil, da so pripravljeni podpreti RU v vojni v UA.

Da so RSF, ki so začeli cel šov, bestiči z Rusijo, seveda zanemarimo. Bolj verjetno, da želi Rusija zamotit ZDA na drugem koncu sveta.

Rapid Support Forces @ Wikipedia

In November 2017, Hemetti used the RSF to take over control of gold mines in the Darfur region, which led to him becoming one of the richest people in Sudan by 2019.[17] Hemetti's brother Abdul Rahim, deputy head of the RSF, heads the Al Junaid (or Al Gunade) corporation involved in gold mining and trading in Sudan.[18]
According to a report by Al Araby TV, there are allegations of a connection between the Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, and Hemetti. Leaked documents and sources reportedly indicate that the Wagner Group has provided training and equipment, including armored vehicles and helicopter gunships, to Hemetti's forces. Additionally, the Russian company is alleged to have provided security services during Hemetti's visit to Russia in 2018.[20]
The RSF killed 100 protestors, injured 500, raped women and pillaged homes in the Khartoum massacre on 3 June 2019 during the 2018–19 Sudanese protests.[10][11][12] During the first day of Eid al-Fitr in Sudan, in early June 2019, there were several reports that the RSF tied bricks of cement to the bodies of dead protestors to make them sink to the bottom of the Nile and never be found.[27][28][29][10]
On 15 April 2023 fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the RSF broke out after the RSF mobilised in cities across Sudan. Fighting was reported at the presidential palace and the RSF headquarters.[35][36]
The clashes resulted in the RSF being designated as a rebel group by the Sudanese Armed Forces. On the day of the clashes which included the Battle of Khartoum, both sides claimed control over Khartoum and Merowe airports, and other key sites.[37]

Sicer ravno sedaj poteka evakuacija tujih državljanov

Lots of military transport aircraft in the air for the upcoming Sudan evacuation.

Judging by the international coalition air and ground forces being assembled in Djibouti, the expectation is that Sudan's RSF rebels aren't gonna allow an evacuation without a fight...
First up in the air: a US Air Force HC-130J Combat King II crossing into Ethiopia now.

A USAF MC-130J Commando II and a USAF C-130J-30 Super Hercules are loading now at the military apron of the Djibouti airport.
Tonight will show the world once moe that there is only 1 military superpower on this planet and that the BRICS are all just wannabe powers.



urgent | A military source in the Sudanese army told Al-Jazeera: We did not deal militarily with the Al-Matar neighborhood for fear of the lives of the prisoners and stranded civilians

in to

Now it all makes sense - the RSF holds Western people hostage at the airport in Khartoum.
Well, it's fuck around and find out why the US has no free healthcare time.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

tale tudi sledi


Log of confirmed US flights into Djibouti likely supporting the preparations to evacuate personnel from #Sudan.
15 flights so far. As many as 1,400 troops from various US and European bases.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

cias ::

Burgerlandija propada in Svet se bo počasi začel čistiti.
Prav pri srcu me je pogrelo ko sem videl da se začenjajo Savdijci in Sirijci družit, ko se je pričelo poslavljati od USD, ko gre Kitajcem dobro...

Na nas je sedaj da se odločimo ali bomo ponižno sledili gospodarju, ali bomo strgali verigo in šli ven iz te smrdljive ute.

Kayzon ::

Za koga navijamo? Mediji so nam rekli da podpiramo ukrajino,kaj pa glede vojne v Sudanu? Kdo so slabi fantje in kdo dobri:|

Mato989 ::

Ja niso nam se povedali kdo je bad guy kot v rusiji pa je medijska tema

Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

sbawe64 ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Za koga navijamo? Mediji so nam rekli da podpiramo ukrajino,kaj pa glede vojne v Sudanu? Kdo so slabi fantje in kdo dobri:|

Kontra pakmanu, kot običajno.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Pac-Man ::

Mater si simpl.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

FireSnake ::

Kayzon je izjavil:

Za koga navijamo? Mediji so nam rekli da podpiramo ukrajino,kaj pa glede vojne v Sudanu? Kdo so slabi fantje in kdo dobri:|


Predvsem pa še to: kdo spet kasira od te vojne?
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

mtosev ::

The Russian mercenary group Wagner has been supplying Sudan's Rapid Support Forces with missiles to aid their fight against the country's army, Sudanese and regional diplomatic sources have told CNN.

The sources said the surface-to-air missiles have significantly buttressed RSF paramilitary fighters and their leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo as he battles for power with Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Sudan's military ruler and the head of its armed forces.

In bordering Libya, where a Wagner-backed rogue general, Khalifa Haftar, controls swathes of land, satellite imagery supports these claims, showing an unusual uptick in activity on Wagner bases.
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Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Pac-Man ::


Reports of Sudanese civilian led committees brokering ceasefires between SAF & RSF in some cities in Darfur. The Sudanese people have not given up and are pushing back against this violence and tyranny. Let us uplift their voices and support them however possible. #NoWar #Sudan
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

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