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CSV file

CSV file

zero22 ::


Dobil sem CSV file za katerega moram spisat skripto, ki kot input vzame podatke CSV datoteke,
CSV prebere in obdela tako, da dobimo kot rezultat listo dictionerjev - ki bo zgledal nekako tako:

"Username" : "booker12",
"Identifier" : "9012",
"One-time password" : "12se74"
"Recovery code" :"rb9012" ,
"First name" : "Rachel",
"Last name" : "Booker",
"Department" : "Sales",
"Location" : "Manchester"
# ...

https://files.fm/u/4u98vzgmt#/ (csv file sem uploadal)

Tole je največ kar mi uspe naredit, več mi ne rata, zelo bi prosil za pomoč.

with open('username-password-recovery-code.csv', 'r') as my_file:
data = my_file.read()

rows = data.split("\n")

for row in rows:

info = row.split(",")

HotBurek ::

CSV file ni dostopen, vsaj meni ne. Neki login na slack sprašuje...

Ali lahko objaviš sample 10 vrstic iz CSV-ja kar tule gor (lahko ga daš znotraj "Vstavi kodo", da bo izgledalo kul)?
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

zero22 ::

Username; Identifier;One-time password;Recovery code;First name;Last name;Department;Location

Al pa če copy-paste naredm v .txt file pa uploadam?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zero22 ()

HotBurek ::


# init empty list
list = [];

# source csv file
csv = "";
csv = csv + "booker12;9012;12se74;rb9012;Rachel;Booker;Sales;Manchester" + "\n";
csv = csv + "grey07;2070;04ap67;lg2070;Laura;Grey;Depot;London" + "\n";
csv = csv + "johnson81;4081;30no86;cj4081;Craig;Johnson;Depot;London" + "\n";
csv = csv + "jenkins46;9346;14ju73;mj9346;Mary;Jenkins;Engineering;Manchester" + "\n";
csv = csv + "smith79;5079;09ja61;js5079;Jamie;Smith;Engineering;Manchester" + "\n";

# split file into rows
rows = csv.split("\n");

# go for each row
for row in rows:

    # split row into columns
    columns = row.split(";");

    # init new empty dictionary
    dictionary = {};

    # go for each column
    for i in range(0, len(columns)):

        # write each column into dictionary
        if i == 0:
            dictionary["Username"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 1:
            dictionary["Identifier"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 2:
            dictionary["One-time password"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 3:
            dictionary["Recovery code"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 4:
            dictionary["First name"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 5:
            dictionary["Last name"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 6:
            dictionary["Department"] = columns[i];
        elif i == 7:
            dictionary["Location"] = columns[i];

    # append dictionary to list

# print
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: HotBurek ()

HotBurek ::

Zgornjega posta ne morem več popravit. Tole je nekak finalna verzija:


# import
import os;

# init empty list
list = [];

# init empty csv file
csv = "";

# read csv from file
if os.path.exists("username-password-recovery-code.csv"):
    file = open("username-password-recovery-code.csv", "r");
    csv = file.read();

# split file into rows
rows = csv.split("\n");

# go for each row
for i in range(0, len(rows)):

    # skip first line, it is header
    if i > 0:

        # split row into columns
        columns = rows[i].split(";");

        # init new empty dictionary
        dictionary = {};

        # go for each column
        for j in range(0, len(columns)):

            # write each column into dictionary
            if j == 0:
                dictionary["Username"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 1:
                dictionary["Identifier"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 2:
                dictionary["One-time password"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 3:
                dictionary["Recovery code"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 4:
                dictionary["First name"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 5:
                dictionary["Last name"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 6:
                dictionary["Department"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 7:
                dictionary["Location"] = columns[j];

        # append dictionary to list

# print
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

zero22 ::

Nevem zakaj mi samo v liniji izpiše. Ne razumem kje je napaka.

HotBurek ::



# import
import os;
import json;

# init empty list
list = [];

# init empty csv
csv = "";

# init file path
filepath = "username-password-recovery-code.csv";

# read csv from file
if os.path.exists(filepath):
    file = open(filepath, "r");
    csv = file.read();
    print("Warning: file does not exits.");
    print("Path: " + filepath);

# split file into rows
rows = csv.split("\n");

# go for each row
for i in range(0, len(rows)):

    # skip first line, it is header
    if i > 0:

        # split row into columns
        columns = rows[i].split(";");

        # init new empty dictionary
        dictionary = {};

        # go for each column
        for j in range(0, len(columns)):

            # write each column into dictionary
            if j == 0:
                dictionary["Username"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 1:
                dictionary["Identifier"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 2:
                dictionary["One-time password"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 3:
                dictionary["Recovery code"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 4:
                dictionary["First name"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 5:
                dictionary["Last name"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 6:
                dictionary["Department"] = columns[j];
            elif j == 7:
                dictionary["Location"] = columns[j];

        # append dictionary to list

# print
print(json.dumps(list, indent=4));
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

zero22 ::

Super. Deluje. Dolžn sm ti za pivo. :)
Hodim na tečaje smartninja če si že slišal. Pa nevem slabo uči. Ful hitr gremo čez snov. In sem čist
zgubljen, maš mogoče kak nasvet al napotek kje bi se še lahka kar se da naučil vsaj teh osnov tolko da razumem
ta koncept programiranja. Imam zakupljen tudi course na udemy. Ženska res fajn razlaga nimam kej rečt. Sam me
zanima če se še kje v Sloveniji izvaja kak tečaj. Ker kolkr so hvalil smartninja žal niso nevem kaj.

kunigunda ::

Tole zgoraj verjetno deluje samo, ce ni ; v samem stringu.

a;b;"something;and this";last

tony1 ::

Priporočam Courserin tečaj Google Crash course on Python, ki pa je, če se ne motim, prav tako plačljiv.

Če te zanimajo knjige pa priporočam karkoli za Python začetnike avtorja Ala Swigarta iz založbe No startch press. Nekaj njegovih knjig se da dobiti zastonj na njegovi spletni strani https://inventwithpython.com/hacking/

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: tony1 ()

zero22 ::

Super. Najlepša hvala za informacijo.

Ahim ::

Python je sel naprej od verzije 3.9 in podpira tudi switch statement ...

HotBurek ::

kunigunda je izjavil:

Tole zgoraj verjetno deluje samo, ce ni ; v samem stringu.

a;b;"something;and this";last

Zagotovo je tako. Če ne drugega, bi prišlo vsaj do napak oz. zamika. In kako bi to (elegantno) rešil?

Ahim je izjavil:

Python je sel naprej od verzije 3.9 in podpira tudi switch statement ...

Imam Debian in to je najnovejša verzija, ker je tu gor. Kaj "switch" omogoča oz. izboljša napram uporabi "if/elif/elif"?

Tisti del bi se dalo sicer rešit tudi bolj "na trdo", ob predpostavki, da je v vsaki vrstici vsaj 8 podatkov.

# init new empty dictionary
dictionary = {};

# fill up dictionary
dictionary["Username"] = columns[0];
dictionary["Identifier"] = columns[1];
dictionary["One-time password"] = columns[2];
dictionary["Recovery code"] = columns[3];
dictionary["First name"] = columns[4];
dictionary["Last name"] = columns[5];
dictionary["Department"] = columns[6];
dictionary["Location"] = columns[7];

# append dictionary to list
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

kuall ::

HotBurek je izjavil:

kunigunda je izjavil:

Tole zgoraj verjetno deluje samo, ce ni ; v samem stringu.

a;b;"something;and this";last

Zagotovo je tako. Če ne drugega, bi prišlo vsaj do napak oz. zamika. In kako bi to (elegantno) rešil?

kako le? ko najdeš " rečeš weAreInString = !weAreInString
pol moraš pa še na to računat, da je lahko " v stringu:
if weAreInString and curChar = '"' and prevChar != '"'
weAreInString = false

kunigunda ::

HotBurek je izjavil:

Zagotovo je tako. Če ne drugega, bi prišlo vsaj do napak oz. zamika. In kako bi to (elegantno) rešil?

Nardis si nek simpl tokenizer, ce ze ne obstaja v jeziku (al pa regex).
Ce ta python podpira regex v split lohk das npr


Zgodovina sprememb…

zero22 ::

Ko smo imeli html pa css in bootstrap je bilo zanimivo oziroma končno sem začel dojemat kako in kaj in potem
smo že šli na pyhton. Evo tu se je pa men ustavilo, nikakor nevem kako bi se učil da bi razumel, ali je res
programiranje zgolj ta tiste ko jim je vse samoumnevno.

tony1 ::

Štekam, beri moj post zgoraj.

HotBurek ::

Sem poizkušal z regex, pa ni šlo po načrtih. Najde celoten line, ampak ga ne split-ta.

Če ima kdo rešitev, kar pogumno. :D

Spodaj sample:


import re;

input = "a;b;\"something;and this\";last ";

# sample 1

print("sample 1 **************************************************");

matches = re.split(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

print("len=" + str(len(matches)));

for i in range(0 ,len(matches)):


# sample 2

print("sample 2 **************************************************");

reiter = re.finditer(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

for iter in reiter:


    item = input[iter.start(), iter.end()];


# sample 3

print("sample 3 **************************************************");

reall = re.findall(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

print("len=" + str(len(reall)));

for i in range(0 ,len(reall)):


sample 1 **************************************************
a;b;"something;and this";last 
sample 2 **************************************************
sample 3 **************************************************
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

Ahim ::

Kako naj bi pa to sploh delovalo? Patterm mora ustrezati enemu stolpcu.

Namesto tega zongliranja eksplodiraj input string s podpicjem kot delimiterjem, nato pa zlepi skupaj elemente od (vkljucno) prvega, ki se zacne z ", do (vkljucno) tistega naslednjega, ki se konca z ", za vsako pojavo " na zacetku elementa.


kunigunda ::

HotBurek je izjavil:

Sem poizkušal z regex, pa ni šlo po načrtih. Najde celoten line, ampak ga ne split-ta.

Če ima kdo rešitev, kar pogumno. :D

Spodaj sample:


import re;

input = "a;b;\"something;and this\";last ";

# sample 1

print("sample 1 **************************************************");

matches = re.split(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

print("len=" + str(len(matches)));

for i in range(0 ,len(matches)):


# sample 2

print("sample 2 **************************************************");

reiter = re.finditer(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

for iter in reiter:


item = input[iter.start(), iter.end()];


# sample 3

print("sample 3 **************************************************");

reall = re.findall(";(?=(?:(?:[^\"]*\+\"){2})*\+[^\"]*\+$)", input);

print("len=" + str(len(reall)));

for i in range(0 ,len(reall)):


sample 1 **************************************************
a;b;"something;and this";last
sample 2 **************************************************
sample 3 **************************************************

Zgleda da mal drugac regex interpetira kot drugi jeziki.
Probi tkole:

matches = re.findall(r'"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^"\';]+',input)

HotBurek ::

Ja, to pa deluje.



import re;

input = "a;b;\"something;and this\";last";

regex = '"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^"\';]+';

reall = re.findall(regex, input);

print("len=" + str(len(reall)));

for i in range(0 ,len(reall)):

    print("item(" + str(i) + ")=" + reall[i]);

item(2)="something;and this"
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

bemfa ::

Predno diplomirate:
import csv
import json

csvfile = open('file.csv', 'r')
jsonfile = open('file.json', 'w')

fieldnames = ("Username","Identifier","One-time password","Recovery code","First name","Last name","Department","Location")
reader = csv.DictReader( csvfile, fieldnames)
for row in reader:
    json.dump(row, jsonfile)

kunigunda ::

Hvala za pomoc. Jaz pythona ne poznam niti ne vem kaj vse ze ima built-in, zato so bli tud nasveti temu primerni :)

HotBurek ::

V katerem programskem jeziku (ali več njih) pa programiraš, da ti je uspelo zaobit Python?
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

kunigunda ::

Sej jeziki so si dost podobni vids pa dobis filing ostalo se pa sprot naucis k zacnes delat v posameznem. Pythona sicer ne maram ker mi je osebno grd tko k mi ni kitajscina lepa pa jo miljardo plus govori :)

HotBurek ::

Sej Python omogoča uporabo podpičja na koncu vsakega ukaza, tako da izgleda vsaj half decent. :D

Je pa res, da se ne da uporabljat curly brackets na tak način, kot to gre pri nrp. JavaScript.
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

kunigunda ::

HotBurek je izjavil:

Sej Python omogoča uporabo podpičja na koncu vsakega ukaza, tako da izgleda vsaj half decent. :D

Je pa res, da se ne da uporabljat curly brackets na tak način, kot to gre pri nrp. JavaScript.

Jp, kle so sli mal nazaj. Tale indent blokov me zlo spominja se na cajte Cobola cist na zacetku. Pac stvar navade.
Ga pa zlo po solah forsirajo vidm.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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