Forum » Loža » Ameriske sanje
Ameriske sanje
dsfsfawer235 ::
Drugače si splača poslušati tudi (verjetno zadnji) intervju s Tončijem Kuzmanićem:
Na koncu lepo pove kaj je eden resnejših problemov v ZDA in kako so se sami spravili v položaj v katerem izgubljajo dominantno vlogo.
Samo prebral, poslusanje kasneje, tole mi je bilo zanimivo:
"ZDA so v popolni paniki. To je dominanti občutek Američanov. Absolutna varnost, vzvišenost, bogastvo, blaginja, trkanje po prsih `mi smo najboljši´… Vse to je stvar preteklosti. Tisto, kar bi jaz rad poudaril, je to, da so upravičeno v paniki. ZDA ne bodo nikoli več vodilna sila. Kako razumeti to paniko? Tu ne gre zanemariti dejstvo, da je Amerika razcepljena. Na eni strani Biden, oziroma recimo jim `liberali´, na drugi strani imamo Trumpiste. Ta razcep, ki je za Evropejce normalen, pri nas Slovencih imamo recimo bele in rdeče, je za Američane nekaj popolnoma novega. Tega prej ni bilo. Zdaj pa je tu, poleg finančne stiske. Amerika gre namreč finančno samo še navzdol. Imajo še 250 milijonov kosov oborožitve. In še pol toliko je neregistriranih."
If you don't work in a sweatshop, thank a Union.
If you do work in a sweatshop, start a Union.
If you do work in a sweatshop, start a Union.
Voss ::
Tudi brata Sever sta se vozila mimo te zloglasne soteske v Philadelphiji. Malo pred 15 minuto se začne ta del.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()
Samael ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
...zato pa zdaj bežijo bogati iz demokratsko vodenih držav kot so Cali v Texas!
Tule te moram malce popraviti. Bogati bežijo iz demokratsko vodenih držav kot so Cali v Texas, zato ker za razliko Calija, Texas nima state davka. Razlog za pobeg je z neplačilom davka maksimiziranje lastnega dobička.
Samael != Samuel
kuall ::
edino, kar je z USA narobe je to, da je uvozila preveč prisljencev naenkrat (sužnjev), ki so tvorili gete in še danes delajo velike probleme. zato smo tapametni za zmerno priseljevanje in pa da se priseljence filtrira, ne pa na veliko. na en način se jim suženjstvo maščuje na veliko še vsa ta stoletja po tem, ko so začeli s tem in še dolgo bo, nič ne kaže, da se kaj izboljšuje. mogoče se nikoli ne bo popravilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kuall ()
poweroff ::
Ja, to je pa res.
Priseljenci so velik problem.
Indijanci se strinjajo s tabo.
Priseljenci so velik problem.
Indijanci se strinjajo s tabo.
sudo poweroff
Mr.B ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Večina ne ve da so ljudje v Ameriki ki so v večini na ulcah z mentalnimi problemi!
In seveda droge!
To da ne morejo dobiti službe je neumno!
Bs, place v teslini tovarni v proizvodnji avtomobilov so na nivoju cen najemnine stanovanj. Sem preprican da drogiran, v teslini tovarni zaradi pomankljivih varnostnih pravil, nebi dobil sluzbo.
Scaramouche je izjavil:
...zato pa zdaj bežijo bogati iz demokratsko vodenih držav kot so Cali v Texas!
Tule te moram malce popraviti. Bogati bežijo iz demokratsko vodenih držav kot so Cali v Texas, zato ker za razliko Calija, Texas nima state davka. Razlog za pobeg je z neplačilom davka maksimiziranje lastnega dobička.
Imas prov, odplacilo profitov kapitalistov, bo placal mali texačan. Namig elektricni mrk, financni infrastrukturni projek trenutne administracije, itd..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()
Poldi112 ::
Drugače si splača poslušati tudi (verjetno zadnji) intervju s Tončijem Kuzmanićem:
Na koncu lepo pove kaj je eden resnejših problemov v ZDA in kako so se sami spravili v položaj v katerem izgubljajo dominantno vlogo.
Ja, konec je presenetljivo spot on. Je pa ostalo malo tako tako. :)
Od kje ta sigurnost, da so pomagali ustvariti 9/11 in ne zgolj, da so proročno izkoristili teroristični napad?
Tisto, kar se je zgodilo v zadnjih 20 letih, je to, kar ni nihče pričakoval – vzpon Kitajske. In Pakistana. In ZDA in Velika Britanija nimajo nobene šanse, da pridejo v ta del sveta.
Zakaj bi vzpon Kitajske kogarkoli presenetil? Saj ga je predvidel že jeben Napoleon. Pakistan nima za burek proti Indiji. ZDA, GB, Indija in Japonska vsekakor ostajajo dominantni v tem delu sveta. Kitajci se niti do lastnega Tajvana še niso uspeli prebiti, tako da ne vem o čem točno tale sanja. Sploh zdaj, ko so američanini sklenili strateški AUKUS za obkolitev kitajcev. Kitajci sicer imajo par baz imajo v Indijskem oceanu, ki jih Indijci za šalo nevtralizirajo v primeru vojne. Kitajci lahko branijo Kitajsko morje, Indijci pa Indijski ocean. Glede na to, kje je nafta kratko tu potegnejo kitajci, da ne omenjamo, da imajo na drugi strani še japonce in američane...
Dominanca tu je za kitajce precej nemogoča. Delajo zgolj na tem, da si zagotovijo svobodno trgovino v ameriškem "svobodnem" svetu.
Rusi ne vidim, kako so v novem svetu lahko zmagovalci. Mejijo na kitajce, ki jim z vplivom vse bolj rinejo v tradicionalni ruski buffer, ekonomsko so tudi daleč zadaj, posledično bodo rusi vedno malo nelagodno gledali na situacijo. Edina dobra rešitev jim je "koalicija" z Evropo, ki jih pa ne mara, oz. s starimi državami iz SZ, ki so pa bolj ali manj še večje vukojebine od Rusije.
ZDA tokrat gre za nohte. ZDA nikoli več ne bodo vodilna sila, ne samo v svetovnem merilu, ampak tudi na zahodu je vprašanje, kakšna bodo razmerja z Nemčijo in tako naprej.
Traparija. ZDA bodo še dolgo vodilna sila. S kontrolo svojega dela oceana, ter velikostjo teritorija ter ekonomije, dvoma o razmerju moči z nemčijo nekako ne bi smelo biti. Kar pa ne pomeni, da nemci, sploh v sklopu EU, niso dovolj močni, da mirno trgujejo tudi z ostalimi, "nesvobodnimi" državami.
Razcep med republikanci in demokrati je za njih nekaj novega? Mar nimajo dvopartijskega umetnega "razkola" že od nekdaj? Še državljansko vojno so imeli.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Invictus ::
Seveda se najbolje živi v evropi, ampak vpliva amerike na življenje povprečnega evropejca od druge vojne naprej ne moremo zanemarit.
Američani so imeli tukaj lastne interese, veliko denarja je šlo v obnovo, ampak bolje to, kot pa da bi Evropa postala sovjetska.
Kar bi Stalin takrat brez Američanov z lahkoto uresničil.
Sicer so pa Ameriške firme na veliko zaslužile, ni šlo za neko podarjeno zadevo. Pač pretok denarja iz davkov državljanov preko države v roke privatnih firm. Kot se dela še danes. Hint: korona...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
poweroff ::
Tale video je tudi zanimiv:
Zmaga pa eden prvih komentarjev spodaj:
Je pa res, da ima Kitajska kar nekaj resnih strukturnih problemov.
Zmaga pa eden prvih komentarjev spodaj:
I live in the US, and my city is safe. Then again, all my neighbors are Chinese.
Je pa res, da ima Kitajska kar nekaj resnih strukturnih problemov.
sudo poweroff
Pac-Man ::
Kitajski brezdomci @13:20, zanimiv del še od 1:40 do reklame in od 3:40.
The China Pill - How the USA is more Socialist than China
Jason je pa partijski propagandist, ki ironično prikazuje hollywoodsko sliko Kitajske.
Co-ordinated videos have recently been appearing on foreign vloggers' channels to counter investigative reports from independent media on the treatment of China's Uyghur community in its north-west Xinjiang region.
There are well-documented allegations of systematic human rights abuses on a huge scale in the region.
The vloggers include British expatriates Barrie Jones, Jason Lightfoot and father-and-son team Lee and Oli Barrett, who use their platforms to comment on the West's alleged "lies" and China's government policies.
They have subsequently gone on to appear in videos for Chinese state broadcaster CGTN.
China's 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, Chinese vloggers and citizen journalists are often detained or arrested for making videos deemed to be unfavourable by the authorities. In December 2020, citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was jailed for four years after making a number of vlogs during Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak.
Expat vloggers like the Barretts and Jason Lightfoot, however, appear to be in a comparatively privileged position with significant access, and in some cases facilitated by local officials or state media in China.
Lee Barrett has been listed as a "global stringer" on CGTN's website in recent videos on Xinjiang - that is, somebody who reports for the broadcaster, but is not a staff employee.
Jason Lightfoot is also on its list of stringers. The station billed him as a vlogger critical of "distorted reports" by Western media outlets.
Mr Lightfoot recently appeared in a number of CGTN videos alongside multiple staff reporters on a visit to Hainan.
CGTN says in one such video that Mr Lightfoot "is grateful to CGTN for giving him the experience to explore Hainan" and that CGTN staff and expat vloggers "enjoyed working together, producing livestreams and videos as a team".
Mr Lightfoot did not respond to the BBC's request for an interview. However, in one of his videos he says he is "not funded by anyone but myself" and has "never been paid to go on a trip".
On its website, CGTN says it currently has more than 700 "global stringers" worldwide, to whom it offers "international visibility" and "bonuses".
It aims to expand its influencer pool further by offering cash rewards of up to $10,000 (about £7,190) to reporters, podcasters, presenters and influencers who join its newly-launched "media challengers" campaign. Jason Lightfoot, and Lee and Oli Barrett have appeared in promotional material for this campaign.
CGTN did not respond when the BBC approached it for comment for this article.
But multiple sources at CGTN who spoke to the BBC on the condition of anonymity said there is now a focus within the organisation to make use of "internet celebrities and influencers" for what has been described as a "fightback" against foreign media reporting.
This has included setting up a new "internet celebrities" department whose team "contact foreigners to either use their videos or to co-operate to make videos together", the BBC was told. More recently, some departments have been instructed to "find foreigners to send to Xinjiang to represent us".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
ginekk ::
Scaramouche je izjavil:
Večina ne ve da so ljudje v Ameriki ki so v večini na ulcah z mentalnimi problemi!
In seveda droge!
To da ne morejo dobiti službe je neumno!
Mentalni problem in droge so posledica, ne vzrok!
Razen če imaš morda keš kot Britney. Pol te domači strpajo v hišni pripor in molzejo kot kravo.
Pac-Man ::
Še DW:
Gal-Or is not the only well-known vlogger in China who claims to promote the "truth" and defames Western criticism.
British vlogger Jason Lightfoot also frequently posts videos with a similar narrative. His videos carry headlines such as "Western media lies about China" or "Western Media's Baseless Xinjiang Claims." This content is also reposted and quoted by state media.
According to the Times, Lightfoot had 35,000 followers on YouTube in January. That number has since increased to over 178,000. Commenting under his videos, countless users thank him for showing "the real China." Less frequent are comments in which viewers regret that Lightfoot no longer goes to different places with his wife to test food, as he used to do, but rather exclusively preaches about how perfect China is.
In July, the BBC listed Gal-Or and Lightfoot among vloggers spreading Chinese Communist Party (CCP) disinformation. Here again, even though he refused to answer the BBC's questions, Lightfoot criticized the British broadcaster's publication in one of his YouTube videos. The vlogger did not react to DW's requests for comment either.
Mareike Ohlberg, a Berlin-based Sinologist, also understands the idea behind deploying "independent Western voices" to make Chinese narratives more credible. What's new about the strategy, she says, is above all "an adaptation to the new media with their new channels and their new formats," she told DW, pointing out that the number of videos has extremely increased in the past year or two.
Christoph Rehage is not surprised by the fact that the number of YouTubers like Gal-Or and Lightfoot is on the rise. The German author, who became famous for having walked through China and documenting his journey on Weibo (often described as the Chinese version of Twitter), had nearly 800,000 followers before censors deleted his account in 2015.
For Rehage, there are definitely financial resources backing the influencer market, simply because "it is a market," he told DW. "At the end it's always about money, but not directly from the Communist Party of China, but from monetizing and advertisement," he says.
Rehage has two YouTube channels, one in English and the other in Chinese, with a total of nearly 330,000 subscribers. The author not only knows China, he also speaks fluent Mandarin. He is certain that anyone who speaks good Chinese and has lived in China long enough would find it impossible not to know about the problems in the country.
Rehage says that when he was active on Weibo from 2013 to 2015, he was invited by various Chinese platforms to cooperate with them. Their only condition was that he should not cross certain red lines. He never accepted this demand, but he can imagine that other influencers would, he says.
But no one knows exactly where these red lines run. His impression is that as a result, everyone in China is constantly thinking about what can be said publicly and that this "keeps the population on a short leash."
Experts like Ohlberg classify some of Gal-Or and Lightfoot's videos as clear propaganda, yet the researcher adds that it remains unclear "how such videos are received and who or where they are viewed because we don't have the relevant data."
Zgoraj omenjeni Rehage, ki so ga Kitajci cenzurirali:
THE LONGEST WAY 1.0 - 350 days of hiking through China - TIMELAPSE
Gal-Or is not the only well-known vlogger in China who claims to promote the "truth" and defames Western criticism.
British vlogger Jason Lightfoot also frequently posts videos with a similar narrative. His videos carry headlines such as "Western media lies about China" or "Western Media's Baseless Xinjiang Claims." This content is also reposted and quoted by state media.
According to the Times, Lightfoot had 35,000 followers on YouTube in January. That number has since increased to over 178,000. Commenting under his videos, countless users thank him for showing "the real China." Less frequent are comments in which viewers regret that Lightfoot no longer goes to different places with his wife to test food, as he used to do, but rather exclusively preaches about how perfect China is.
In July, the BBC listed Gal-Or and Lightfoot among vloggers spreading Chinese Communist Party (CCP) disinformation. Here again, even though he refused to answer the BBC's questions, Lightfoot criticized the British broadcaster's publication in one of his YouTube videos. The vlogger did not react to DW's requests for comment either.
Mareike Ohlberg, a Berlin-based Sinologist, also understands the idea behind deploying "independent Western voices" to make Chinese narratives more credible. What's new about the strategy, she says, is above all "an adaptation to the new media with their new channels and their new formats," she told DW, pointing out that the number of videos has extremely increased in the past year or two.
Christoph Rehage is not surprised by the fact that the number of YouTubers like Gal-Or and Lightfoot is on the rise. The German author, who became famous for having walked through China and documenting his journey on Weibo (often described as the Chinese version of Twitter), had nearly 800,000 followers before censors deleted his account in 2015.
For Rehage, there are definitely financial resources backing the influencer market, simply because "it is a market," he told DW. "At the end it's always about money, but not directly from the Communist Party of China, but from monetizing and advertisement," he says.
Rehage has two YouTube channels, one in English and the other in Chinese, with a total of nearly 330,000 subscribers. The author not only knows China, he also speaks fluent Mandarin. He is certain that anyone who speaks good Chinese and has lived in China long enough would find it impossible not to know about the problems in the country.
Rehage says that when he was active on Weibo from 2013 to 2015, he was invited by various Chinese platforms to cooperate with them. Their only condition was that he should not cross certain red lines. He never accepted this demand, but he can imagine that other influencers would, he says.
But no one knows exactly where these red lines run. His impression is that as a result, everyone in China is constantly thinking about what can be said publicly and that this "keeps the population on a short leash."
Experts like Ohlberg classify some of Gal-Or and Lightfoot's videos as clear propaganda, yet the researcher adds that it remains unclear "how such videos are received and who or where they are viewed because we don't have the relevant data."
Zgoraj omenjeni Rehage, ki so ga Kitajci cenzurirali:
THE LONGEST WAY 1.0 - 350 days of hiking through China - TIMELAPSE
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
poweroff ::
Kolikor jaz poznam situacijo na Kitajskem, so se v zadnjih letih precej modernizirali. Očitno pa problem brezdomstva res rešujejo na način, da brezdomce umaknejo iz ulic. Sem pa slišal, da jih strpajo v razna "slum" naselja.
Bi pa verjel, da kriminala ni toliko kot v ZDA. Pa da lahko piješ pivo na ulici.
Bi pa verjel, da kriminala ni toliko kot v ZDA. Pa da lahko piješ pivo na ulici.
sudo poweroff
Mr.B ::
Kitajski brezdomci @13:20, zanimiv del še od 1:40 do reklame in od 3:40.
The China Pill - How the USA is more Socialist than China
Jason je pa partijski propagandist, ki ironično prikazuje hollywoodsko sliko Kitajske.
Co-ordinated videos have recently been appearing on foreign vloggers' channels to counter investigative reports from independent media on the treatment of China's Uyghur community in its north-west Xinjiang region.
There are well-documented allegations of systematic human rights abuses on a huge scale in the region.
The vloggers include British expatriates Barrie Jones, Jason Lightfoot and father-and-son team Lee and Oli Barrett, who use their platforms to comment on the West's alleged "lies" and China's government policies.
They have subsequently gone on to appear in videos for Chinese state broadcaster CGTN.
China's 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, Chinese vloggers and citizen journalists are often detained or arrested for making videos deemed to be unfavourable by the authorities. In December 2020, citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was jailed for four years after making a number of vlogs during Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak.
Expat vloggers like the Barretts and Jason Lightfoot, however, appear to be in a comparatively privileged position with significant access, and in some cases facilitated by local officials or state media in China.
Lee Barrett has been listed as a "global stringer" on CGTN's website in recent videos on Xinjiang - that is, somebody who reports for the broadcaster, but is not a staff employee.
Jason Lightfoot is also on its list of stringers. The station billed him as a vlogger critical of "distorted reports" by Western media outlets.
Mr Lightfoot recently appeared in a number of CGTN videos alongside multiple staff reporters on a visit to Hainan.
CGTN says in one such video that Mr Lightfoot "is grateful to CGTN for giving him the experience to explore Hainan" and that CGTN staff and expat vloggers "enjoyed working together, producing livestreams and videos as a team".
Mr Lightfoot did not respond to the BBC's request for an interview. However, in one of his videos he says he is "not funded by anyone but myself" and has "never been paid to go on a trip".
On its website, CGTN says it currently has more than 700 "global stringers" worldwide, to whom it offers "international visibility" and "bonuses".
It aims to expand its influencer pool further by offering cash rewards of up to $10,000 (about £7,190) to reporters, podcasters, presenters and influencers who join its newly-launched "media challengers" campaign. Jason Lightfoot, and Lee and Oli Barrett have appeared in promotional material for this campaign.
CGTN did not respond when the BBC approached it for comment for this article.
But multiple sources at CGTN who spoke to the BBC on the condition of anonymity said there is now a focus within the organisation to make use of "internet celebrities and influencers" for what has been described as a "fightback" against foreign media reporting.
This has included setting up a new "internet celebrities" department whose team "contact foreigners to either use their videos or to co-operate to make videos together", the BBC was told. More recently, some departments have been instructed to "find foreigners to send to Xinjiang to represent us".
Res je v Ameriki plačujejo celo več za socialo kot v EU.
Kitajski brezdomci @13:20, zanimiv del še od 1:40 do reklame in od 3:40.
The China Pill - How the USA is more Socialist than China
Jason je pa partijski propagandist, ki ironično prikazuje hollywoodsko sliko Kitajske.
Co-ordinated videos have recently been appearing on foreign vloggers' channels to counter investigative reports from independent media on the treatment of China's Uyghur community in its north-west Xinjiang region.
There are well-documented allegations of systematic human rights abuses on a huge scale in the region.
The vloggers include British expatriates Barrie Jones, Jason Lightfoot and father-and-son team Lee and Oli Barrett, who use their platforms to comment on the West's alleged "lies" and China's government policies.
They have subsequently gone on to appear in videos for Chinese state broadcaster CGTN.
China's 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. However, Chinese vloggers and citizen journalists are often detained or arrested for making videos deemed to be unfavourable by the authorities. In December 2020, citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was jailed for four years after making a number of vlogs during Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak.
Expat vloggers like the Barretts and Jason Lightfoot, however, appear to be in a comparatively privileged position with significant access, and in some cases facilitated by local officials or state media in China.
Lee Barrett has been listed as a "global stringer" on CGTN's website in recent videos on Xinjiang - that is, somebody who reports for the broadcaster, but is not a staff employee.
Jason Lightfoot is also on its list of stringers. The station billed him as a vlogger critical of "distorted reports" by Western media outlets.
Mr Lightfoot recently appeared in a number of CGTN videos alongside multiple staff reporters on a visit to Hainan.
CGTN says in one such video that Mr Lightfoot "is grateful to CGTN for giving him the experience to explore Hainan" and that CGTN staff and expat vloggers "enjoyed working together, producing livestreams and videos as a team".
Mr Lightfoot did not respond to the BBC's request for an interview. However, in one of his videos he says he is "not funded by anyone but myself" and has "never been paid to go on a trip".
On its website, CGTN says it currently has more than 700 "global stringers" worldwide, to whom it offers "international visibility" and "bonuses".
It aims to expand its influencer pool further by offering cash rewards of up to $10,000 (about £7,190) to reporters, podcasters, presenters and influencers who join its newly-launched "media challengers" campaign. Jason Lightfoot, and Lee and Oli Barrett have appeared in promotional material for this campaign.
CGTN did not respond when the BBC approached it for comment for this article.
But multiple sources at CGTN who spoke to the BBC on the condition of anonymity said there is now a focus within the organisation to make use of "internet celebrities and influencers" for what has been described as a "fightback" against foreign media reporting.
This has included setting up a new "internet celebrities" department whose team "contact foreigners to either use their videos or to co-operate to make videos together", the BBC was told. More recently, some departments have been instructed to "find foreigners to send to Xinjiang to represent us".
Zagotovo je pisanje bold, bolj krik človeka kot pa no uporabab caps. ĆE veš, ko so ti edino viri, za potrjevanje twixi in yt.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: nejcek74 ()
FTad ::
Mr.B je spet dodal ogromno dodatne vrednosti v temi (in ostalih) s svojo enovrsticnico. Se malo pa bo novi jype....
nejcek74 ::
.....Zagotovo je pisanje bold, bolj krik človeka kot pa no uporabab caps....
2x citiras za celo goro teksta pa nic ne napises? No saj, Pac-man copy paste prispevki so tudi precej nesmiselni. Lepo bi bilo, ce bi obadva zacela pisati smiselne in razumljivo napisane poste, ne pa da smetita po temah.
Mr.B ::
.....Zagotovo je pisanje bold, bolj krik človeka kot pa no uporabab caps....
2x citiras za celo goro teksta pa nic ne napises? No saj, Pac-man copy paste prispevki so tudi precej nesmiselni. Lepo bi bilo, ce bi obadva zacela pisati smiselne in razumljivo napisane poste, ne pa da smetita po temah.
Se strinjam, sem mislil da je tema "Ameriške Sanje" ne pa poročanje s kitejke v obliki dejstev, ki jih povzemajo YT influencerji.
Ampak zgleda sem naredil napako, ponavadi Paxia ignorima, ker ko se mu ponavadi sesuje z Opensource viri financiranimi s strani NSA, potem pač...
Sreča da nimamo teme o kitajski.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Gagatronix ::
Je pokojni George Carlin lepo rekel enkrat, "They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 266759 (226778) | OmegaBlue |