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Igre (brez lastne teme)

oo7 ::
Fanstastično! Škoda, da nimam dovolj "železa" za poganjanje te igre.![]()
Ne boš nič posodobil računalnika ?
Hah glihkar sem na kupil za 0.89€ BS2 remastered, sicer sem jo igral pred leti sam nima veze, zdej sm že pri 65% pri zgodbi. Res odlična stvar, zgodba pa lokacije te kar priklenejo za komp. Pa 1ko DC sem pa kakšne pol leta nazaj al kok obrnil. Ma pa 2ka mal smotano, ne dela na gogu vsaj v win11, pa morš inštalirat OpenAL, ki je v 1ki (tko da sm mel srečo, da sm ta špil že prej kupil) sam se pomoje tud na netu dobi. To je prvi špil na gogu, ki mi ni iz prve delal.
Jaz bom pa počakal na tole novo verzijo :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

opeter ::
Ne boš nič posodobil računalnika ?
Še nekaj časa ne. Chieftecovo ohišje sprejme samo single-slot grafično, pa SFX napajalniki, ki so več kot 300 W so dragi.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Video Games Should Cost $100, Capcom CEO Says
"Personally, I think game prices are too low. Development costs are now a hundred times higher than in the Famicom era (Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo's first stationary console - ed. note), but game prices as such have not gone up that much. It is also necessary to keep raising wages for employees. Given that wages are rising throughout the industry, I believe that raising the unit price per game is a healthy option for business."
"Personally, I think game prices are too low. Development costs are now a hundred times higher than in the Famicom era (Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo's first stationary console - ed. note), but game prices as such have not gone up that much. It is also necessary to keep raising wages for employees. Given that wages are rising throughout the industry, I believe that raising the unit price per game is a healthy option for business."

DejchSLO ::
Fanstastično! Škoda, da nimam dovolj "železa" za poganjanje te igre.![]()
Ne boš nič posodobil računalnika ?
Hah glihkar sem na kupil za 0.89€ BS2 remastered, sicer sem jo igral pred leti sam nima veze, zdej sm že pri 65% pri zgodbi. Res odlična stvar, zgodba pa lokacije te kar priklenejo za komp. Pa 1ko DC sem pa kakšne pol leta nazaj al kok obrnil. Ma pa 2ka mal smotano, ne dela na gogu vsaj v win11, pa morš inštalirat OpenAL, ki je v 1ki (tko da sm mel srečo, da sm ta špil že prej kupil) sam se pomoje tud na netu dobi. To je prvi špil na gogu, ki mi ni iz prve delal.
Jaz bom pa počakal na tole novo verzijo :)
Parzival's stone? Jaz je ob izzidu sigurno nam kupil, ker mam zdaj preveč iger za preigrat, tko da bi blo brezveze imo. Glej, da ne boš pozabil kakšnega mnenja napisat, ko boš jo malce preigral.

oo7 ::
Parzival's stone? Jaz je ob izzidu sigurno nam kupil, ker mam zdaj preveč iger za preigrat, tko da bi blo brezveze imo. Glej, da ne boš pozabil kakšnega mnenja napisat, ko boš jo malce preigral.
Sicer ne vem ali jo bom kupil čisto ob izidu tudi odvisno od cene. Ko bom igral bom napisal ;)

oo7 ::

ahac ::
Nova PvP igra od studija, ki je naredil odlični Alien Isolation.
Ampak to ne pomeni veliko, ker smo že vidl studije, ki so izdal super single player igre, potem pa naredil barvasti pvp shooter, ki je popolnoma failal...
HYENAS - Official Announcement Trailer | Summer of Gaming 2022
Checkout the announcement trailer for HYENAS. HYENAS pits 5 teams of 3 against each other and the environment to engage, evade, exploit, and steal their way to victory.
HYENAS is coming to Xbox Series Consoles, Xbox One and Xbox One X, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC sometime in 2023 . Visit to find out even more about the game and to sign up for the alpha.
Igra ne bo izšla, čeprav so imeli closed beto še pred 2 tedni...
Sega cancels Creative Assembly's Hyenas
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::
Core Decay Trailer - Realms Deep 2023 Trailer
Explore vast facilities across a dying Earth and uncover a sinister plot to preserve humanity no matter the cost - even if it means redefining what makes us alive - in an atmospheric immersive sim that explores the nature of consciousness and individuality.
3D Realms, Slipgate Ironworks and Ivar Hill are jointly proud to present the latest trailer for Core Decay. While it needs a bit more time in the oven, we thought it we'd give you a little sneak-peek at how things are progressing.
Kingpin Reloaded - Release Date Announcement
Kingpin: Reloaded is an enhanced re-release of the classic tale of revenge. Take control of a street gang and order your recruits to attack, defend or even do a little safe-cracking to pick up some needed cash. Use that cash to buy nastier weapons and take down your punk enemies in this intense first-person shooter.
Kingpin Reloaded releases on December 5th 2023.
Phantom Fury - Demo Gameplay Showcase
Game Description: Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is back in this highly interactive mix of first person action and road movie adventure. Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey around the USA. Use an enormous arsenal of weapons and skills to battle treacherous soldiers and vile mutants, all while trying to save mankind.
Selaco - Early Access Announcement Trailer
Selaco was a miracle for the refugees of Earth. A beacon of hope in their darkest hour. Dawn lost everything when Earth fell and dedicated her life to protecting her new home. Hope burned bright, but something lurked in the shadows.
May 2024
Explore vast facilities across a dying Earth and uncover a sinister plot to preserve humanity no matter the cost - even if it means redefining what makes us alive - in an atmospheric immersive sim that explores the nature of consciousness and individuality.
3D Realms, Slipgate Ironworks and Ivar Hill are jointly proud to present the latest trailer for Core Decay. While it needs a bit more time in the oven, we thought it we'd give you a little sneak-peek at how things are progressing.
Kingpin Reloaded - Release Date Announcement
Kingpin: Reloaded is an enhanced re-release of the classic tale of revenge. Take control of a street gang and order your recruits to attack, defend or even do a little safe-cracking to pick up some needed cash. Use that cash to buy nastier weapons and take down your punk enemies in this intense first-person shooter.
Kingpin Reloaded releases on December 5th 2023.
Phantom Fury - Demo Gameplay Showcase
Game Description: Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is back in this highly interactive mix of first person action and road movie adventure. Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey around the USA. Use an enormous arsenal of weapons and skills to battle treacherous soldiers and vile mutants, all while trying to save mankind.
Selaco - Early Access Announcement Trailer
Selaco was a miracle for the refugees of Earth. A beacon of hope in their darkest hour. Dawn lost everything when Earth fell and dedicated her life to protecting her new home. Hope burned bright, but something lurked in the shadows.
May 2024

opeter ::
oo7, škoda, da nisi zadnje tri posnetke prilepil v temo o "boomer shooterjih":
Tema za Boomer Shooterje (prvoosebne streljaške igre)
Tema za Boomer Shooterje (prvoosebne streljaške igre)
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
oo7, škoda, da nisi zadnje tri posnetke prilepil v temo o "boomer shooterjih":
Tema za Boomer Shooterje (prvoosebne streljaške igre)
Sem spregledal tisto temo bom drugič tja prilepil, bo šlo za tisti tipš igre.

opeter ::
Saj ni problem.
Samo sem mislil, da v kolikor je že tema, se jo lahko uporablja. Ker tukaj v igre (brez lastne teme) imamo pravo mešano solato.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Hollowbody is a new retro Silent Hill-inspired game for PC
Hollowbody - Reveal Trailer Remastered
Hollowbody - Reveal Trailer Remastered

oo7 ::
Nekaj iger katere izidejo oktobra 2023.
3 oktober - NHL 24
3 oktober - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
5 oktober - Assassin's Creed: Mirage
5 oktober - Forza Motorsport
11 oktober - Total War: Pharaoh
12 oktober - Star Trek: Infinite
13 oktober - Lords of the Fallen
20 oktober - Marvel's Spider-Man 2
20 oktober - Super Mario Bros. Wonder
24 oktober - Cities: Skylines II
24 oktober - EA Sports UFC 5
24 oktober - Ghostrunner 2
24 oktober - Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1
27 oktober - Alan Wake 2
27 oktober - The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria
31 oktober - WRC
3 oktober - NHL 24
3 oktober - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
5 oktober - Assassin's Creed: Mirage
5 oktober - Forza Motorsport
11 oktober - Total War: Pharaoh
12 oktober - Star Trek: Infinite
13 oktober - Lords of the Fallen
20 oktober - Marvel's Spider-Man 2
20 oktober - Super Mario Bros. Wonder
24 oktober - Cities: Skylines II
24 oktober - EA Sports UFC 5
24 oktober - Ghostrunner 2
24 oktober - Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1
27 oktober - Alan Wake 2
27 oktober - The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria
31 oktober - WRC

oo7 ::

ahac ::
A slovenske developerje tudi kaj podpirate?
Wizordum ima na voljo demo.
Wizordum ima na voljo demo.
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::
A slovenske developerje tudi kaj podpirate?
Wizordum ima na voljo demo.
Nisem vedel,da obstajajo. Bom sprobal dmeo.

opeter ::
A slovenske developerje tudi kaj podpirate?
Wizordum ima na voljo demo.
Seveda. Od Emberheart Games imam vse njihove igre v moji knjižnici na GOG.
Čakam na Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure HD in na Raptor HD.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

Gagatronix ::
A slovenske developerje tudi kaj podpirate?
Wizordum ima na voljo demo.
Nic od tega kar so razvili ni nekaj kar bi me interesiralo.
Btw, vsi pozabili na Arxel Tribe ?

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Nova igra studija 11bit kateri so znani po igrah This war of mine in Frostpunk.
The Alters | Announcement Trailer
The story of Jan Dolski and his alternate versions
Jan - a simple worker - is facing circumstances that lead him to a life-changing crossroads. Crash landing on a distant planet, stranded and alone, Jan finds himself in a death trap. His only hope for survival is to bring helping hands on board. Acting somewhat blindly, Jan must create alternate versions of himself: the Alters.
Gameplay trailer
The Alters - All By Myselves | Official Game Trailer

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
The Last Faith - Release Date Trailer - Gothic Metroidvania Soulslike
Coming to Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One on November 15th 2023
Coming to Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One on November 15th 2023

oo7 ::
Menda znan že naslednji Call of duty kateri izide 2024 to naj bi bil Black Ops 6. Letos izide COD MW3.

opeter ::
Pred kakšnim tednom nazaj je bila digitalna "konferenca" Realms Deep 2023. Prikazali so cel kup iger, boomer shooterje (3d streljačine in druge).
V prvem postu zgoraj so časovne oznake za posamezne igre, ker je sam video dolg več kot 4 ure.
V prvem postu zgoraj so časovne oznake za posamezne igre, ker je sam video dolg več kot 4 ure.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

DejchSLO ::

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Embracer Keeps on Firing (People); Tomb Raider Devs Next on the List
Another wave of layoffs at Embracer has affected the creators of the Tomb Raider series. As a result of the restructuring, 10 employees were to have said goodbye to Crystal Dynamics.
Another wave of layoffs at Embracer has affected the creators of the Tomb Raider series. As a result of the restructuring, 10 employees were to have said goodbye to Crystal Dynamics.

oo7 ::
Disney reportedly looking to acquire major publisher like EA

ahac ::
Disney reportedly looking to acquire major publisher like EA
Jaz že leta govorim, da bi Disney lahko kupil EA.
Iz stališča Disneya je smiselno, da kupi velikega uveljenega publisherja, ker sami nimajo pojma o gaming biznisu (kar so že večkrat pokazali).
Vprašanje je pa res, če si lahko zdaj sploh privoščijo še en velik nakup.
Disney bo kupil EA, Apple bo pa potem kupil cel Disney.
To pomeni, da bodo vse prihodnje EA igre exclusive na iPhone.

Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()

yayo ::
meni je bolj zanimivo, da so prišli do starih klasičnih franšiz, npr. Gabriel Knight in Phantasmagoria. Morda jih bo kdo primil v roke, po možnosti s pomočjo karerega od orginalnih kreatorjev.

opeter ::
Lahko bi oživili ohranjevalnike in (interaktivne) igre iz serije After Dark. 
Sicer pa imajo toliko teh starih franšiz in naslovov, da je neverjetno. Sierrine pustolovščine, Goblins, Papyrus je imel odlične dirkaške igre (Indy Car, Nascar*). Iz pogona Nascar RS2003 je pozneje nastal še danes zelo aktivni iRacing
Res pa je, da je Activison Blizzard po nakupu Sierra/Vivendi Games prodal ogromno franšiz, znanih naslovov (npr. F.E.A.R., Leisure Suit Larry, Empire Earth, World in Conflict, Ground Control, The Incredible Machine, Homeworld serija) in tudi razvijalske studije:
Sierra Entertainment @ Wikipedia

Sicer pa imajo toliko teh starih franšiz in naslovov, da je neverjetno. Sierrine pustolovščine, Goblins, Papyrus je imel odlične dirkaške igre (Indy Car, Nascar*). Iz pogona Nascar RS2003 je pozneje nastal še danes zelo aktivni iRacing
Res pa je, da je Activison Blizzard po nakupu Sierra/Vivendi Games prodal ogromno franšiz, znanih naslovov (npr. F.E.A.R., Leisure Suit Larry, Empire Earth, World in Conflict, Ground Control, The Incredible Machine, Homeworld serija) in tudi razvijalske studije:
Sierra Entertainment @ Wikipedia
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

Gagatronix ::
Kdo pa v letu 2023 sploh se uporablja screensaverje ? Display na off po n-minutah pa basta.

DejchSLO ::
meni je bolj zanimivo, da so prišli do starih klasičnih franšiz, npr. Gabriel Knight in Phantasmagoria. Morda jih bo kdo primil v roke, po možnosti s pomočjo karerega od orginalnih kreatorjev.
k bi blo vsaj temu tako!

opeter ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Kdo pa v letu 2023 sploh se uporablja screensaverje ? Display na off po n-minutah pa basta.
To sem napisal bolj za hec.

Ampak nekateri moduli After Darka zbirke ohranjevalnikov so bili res zanimiv za gledati, npr. Looney Tunes, X-men, Simpsons ...
Ohranjevalniki še niso mrtvi.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

jijetelu ::
eno vprašanje za vse vas, k se že 100 let sprašujem, kaj je sploh smisel teh klasičnih announcement trailerjev za igre ??? Praktično vsi trailerji kažejo neke story animacije, k naj bi bile povezane z zgodbo, hkrati pa ni pokažejo tud 1s ne gameplaya, tko da v 99% primerih sploh ne veš kaj je to za tip igre ? A sem jst edini na svetu, k mu je t.i. gameplay prva stvar, k ga zanima o neki igri, o kateri prvič sliši ?

ahac ::
The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ - Launch Trailer (Full Version)
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::
Manor Lords - Official Release Date and Xbox Announcement Trailer
Watch the latest Manor Lords trailer, revealing that the historical city-building game will be released in Early Access on April 26, 2024 on Steam, GOG, and PC Game Pass day one.
Watch the latest Manor Lords trailer, revealing that the historical city-building game will be released in Early Access on April 26, 2024 on Steam, GOG, and PC Game Pass day one.

oo7 ::
RoboCop: Rogue City - Official Story Trailer
In RoboCop: Rogue City, the titular cyborg is tasked with protecting the city of Detroit after Omni Consumer Products Corporation takes control of the Detroit Police Department in an attempt to restore between the haves and the have nots. Coming to Xbox Series X|S November 2, 2023.
In RoboCop: Rogue City, the titular cyborg is tasked with protecting the city of Detroit after Omni Consumer Products Corporation takes control of the Detroit Police Department in an attempt to restore between the haves and the have nots. Coming to Xbox Series X|S November 2, 2023.

oo7 ::
The Day Before Final Trailer
Early acces 7 december. Ta igra je imela veliko težav... veliko jih je ugibalo ali sploh obstaja.
Early acces 7 december. Ta igra je imela veliko težav... veliko jih je ugibalo ali sploh obstaja.

xseki ::

oo7 ::
Manor Lords - Official Release Date and Xbox Announcement Trailer
Watch the latest Manor Lords trailer, revealing that the historical city-building game will be released in Early Access on April 26, 2024 on Steam, GOG, and PC Game Pass day one.
Can't wait! Demo je bil brutalen.
Tudi jaz semi gral demo. Težka igra :)