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Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

oo7 ::
With the 2013 Game Developers Conference well underway, famed game designer Hideo Kojima used his session as an opportunity to officially introduce the world to his next project: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Now the question many people want the answer to is this: Will the game make it to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720?
Going strictly by what Kojima and Co. showed off in the Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer, that's a question that unfortunately cannot be answered just yet. All we know at this point is that the trailer was running in real time on PC hardware, and that previously the game had been mentioned for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
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A Konami press release confirms that Metal Gear Solid 5 will make its way to the PS3 and Xbox 360 (no release date mentioned), but it completely sidesteps the PS4 and Xbox 720 altogether. Whether Konami will not bring The Phantom Pain to next-gen systems or is simply saving that announcement for later is something we'll just have to wait to find out.
Going strictly by what Kojima and Co. showed off in the Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer, that's a question that unfortunately cannot be answered just yet. All we know at this point is that the trailer was running in real time on PC hardware, and that previously the game had been mentioned for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
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A Konami press release confirms that Metal Gear Solid 5 will make its way to the PS3 and Xbox 360 (no release date mentioned), but it completely sidesteps the PS4 and Xbox 720 altogether. Whether Konami will not bring The Phantom Pain to next-gen systems or is simply saving that announcement for later is something we'll just have to wait to find out.

oo7 ::
Ta igra pride za Ps3 in PS4 pa me samo zanima ali bo to fino velika razlika v grafiki? Ker imam Ps3 in igra pride letos in ali se jo bo splačalo igrati na PS3 ali bolje počakat 2,3 ali 4 leta, ko bo Ps4 cenejši in potem odigrati na Ps4

oo7 ::
Jaz sem prvi ali drugi del igral na Pc-ju zelo dolgo nazaj. Ampak se ne spomnim nič več. Tako, da bom začel kar z metal gear solid 4 na Ps3.

Berserker ::
Tretji del za PS2 je bil najboljši, z njim se začne celotna zgodba MGS. Ampak vsi deli razen 4. imajo dokaj zjeban in težki gameplay. Sicer je sama zgodba dokaj zakomplicirana.

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain 'EXTENDED
Igra bo prišla za PS3 in PS4 samo nisem še nikjer zasledil kdaj. Zgleda nenormalno dobro če bo kmalu izšla kar ne vem ali jo bom kupil za PS3 se bo najbrž bolj splačalo počakati, do takrat, ko si bom kupil nov PS4
Igra bo prišla za PS3 in PS4 samo nisem še nikjer zasledil kdaj. Zgleda nenormalno dobro če bo kmalu izšla kar ne vem ali jo bom kupil za PS3 se bo najbrž bolj splačalo počakati, do takrat, ko si bom kupil nov PS4

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain naj bi bil končan komaj 31 Marca 2015. Zato bodo prej izdali uvodno igro Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes 31. Marca 2014
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

opeter ::
To pride tudi na PS3 in Xbox360 ali pa bo samo za nove konzole (XB1 in PS4)?
Ojej, ignorirajte moj post. Sem čisto spregledal.
A Konami press release confirms that Metal Gear Solid 5 will make its way to the PS3 and Xbox 360 (no release date mentioned), but it completely sidesteps the PS4 and Xbox 720 altogether. Whether Konami will not bring The Phantom Pain to next-gen systems or is simply saving that announcement for later is something we'll just have to wait to find out.
Ojej, ignorirajte moj post. Sem čisto spregledal.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::
18 Marca pride Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeros, ki naj bi bil dolg okrog 2 ure in za to je cena za Ps3 29.99 Eur in za PS4 39,99 Eur
a se jim je zmešal?
Potem enkrat 2015 pa naj bi prišla cela igra Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain.

Potem enkrat 2015 pa naj bi prišla cela igra Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain.

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes - all the review scores
Bi igral ampak tole vse skupaj je predrago
Bi igral ampak tole vse skupaj je predrago

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5 Walkthrough Part 1
Zgleda super
Lepa grafika in open world bo treba sprobat.
Zgleda super

oo7 ::
Rejoice! Metal Gear Solid 5 will be the first entry to arrive on PC at launch and it's coming via Steam
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - GamesCom 2014 Demo Walkthrough
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - GamesCom 2014 Demo Walkthrough
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Berserker ::
Lepo da se ena najbolj carskih serij vrača na pc, Big Boss je pa tak najjači karakter med vsemi igrami.

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain Steam Trailer
Metal gear serija po letih : Drugo leto prvič pride prologue Ground Zeroes za igro The phantom Pain potem pa še glavna igra The Phantom Pain.
1964 - Snake Eater
1970 - Portable Ops
1974 - Peace Walker
1974/75 - Ground Zeroes
1984 - The Phantom Pain
1995 - Metal Gear
1999 - Solid Snake
2005 - Metal Gear Solid
2007/09 - Sons of Liberty
2014 - Guns of the Patriots
2018 - Metal Gear Rising

Metal gear serija po letih : Drugo leto prvič pride prologue Ground Zeroes za igro The phantom Pain potem pa še glavna igra The Phantom Pain.
1964 - Snake Eater
1970 - Portable Ops
1974 - Peace Walker
1974/75 - Ground Zeroes
1984 - The Phantom Pain
1995 - Metal Gear
1999 - Solid Snake
2005 - Metal Gear Solid
2007/09 - Sons of Liberty
2014 - Guns of the Patriots
2018 - Metal Gear Rising

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid V - TGS 2014 Cutscene Translated With English Subtitles!
Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain's New 20 Minute Amazing Gameplay Demo
Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain's New 20 Minute Amazing Gameplay Demo

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain Multiplayer Gameplay - Metal Gear Online Trailer
Enkrat 2015 za Ps4, xbox one in PC
Enkrat 2015 za Ps4, xbox one in PC

oo7 ::
Danes na Steam pride pred-igra(Ground Zeroes) za Metal Gear Solid V Phantom phain, ki bo tudi drugo leto izšel za PC.
Nisem nikjer zasledil ali bo igra prišla istočasno na PC kot konzole.
Nisem nikjer zasledil ali bo igra prišla istočasno na PC kot konzole.

opeter ::
Kul, komaj čakam! :)
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Extended Hands-On Preview
Witcher 3 bo dobil Septembra resno konkurenco za GOTY 2015
Witcher 3 bo dobil Septembra resno konkurenco za GOTY 2015

oo7 ::
Hideo Kojima, ki je ustvaril igre Metal Gear in Konami založnik so se na smrt skregali 
Čeprav je Kojima ustvaril igre Metal Gear je Konami lastnik te franšize tako, da je to zadnji Metal Gear od Kojime :(
Konami je celo odstranil njegovo ime iz škatle od igre.
Kojima Productions
Founded: April 1, 2005
Defunct: July 10, 2015
On March 20, Konami made a public statement on its website, stating that Kojima would be staying with the company through at least the completion of The Phantom Pain, and that it was recruiting new staff to lead the development of future Metal Gear games. Kojima himself confirmed in a statement that he was still "100% involved" in the completion of The Phantom Pain, and was "determined to make it the greatest game I've directed to date.
Kojima Productions @ Wikipedia

Čeprav je Kojima ustvaril igre Metal Gear je Konami lastnik te franšize tako, da je to zadnji Metal Gear od Kojime :(
Konami je celo odstranil njegovo ime iz škatle od igre.
Kojima Productions
Founded: April 1, 2005
Defunct: July 10, 2015
On March 20, Konami made a public statement on its website, stating that Kojima would be staying with the company through at least the completion of The Phantom Pain, and that it was recruiting new staff to lead the development of future Metal Gear games. Kojima himself confirmed in a statement that he was still "100% involved" in the completion of The Phantom Pain, and was "determined to make it the greatest game I've directed to date.
Kojima Productions @ Wikipedia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
OS: Windows 7×64, Windows 8×64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
OS: Windows 7×64, Windows 8×64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (DirectX 11 graphic card required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Surround Sound 5.1)
OS: Windows 7×64, Windows 8×64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (2GB) or better (DirectX 11 card Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
OS: Windows 7×64, Windows 8×64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 (3.60GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (DirectX 11 graphic card required)
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 28 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (Surround Sound 5.1)

oo7 ::
Kot kaže so prestavili izid igre za PC iz 15 Septembra na 1 September tako, da 1 Septembra igra izide na vseh platformah.
Nisem pa nikjer opazil igre za PC v fizični obliki najbrž bo samo v digitalni?
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain - Full Gamescom 2015 Gameplay Demo
Lahko bi ja :)
Nisem pa nikjer opazil igre za PC v fizični obliki najbrž bo samo v digitalni?
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain - Full Gamescom 2015 Gameplay Demo
Lahko bi dali kakšen popust za tiste, ki smo kupili "demo" Ground Zero :)
Lahko bi ja :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
A history of METAL GEAR
Že kdo opazil če kje prodajajo igro v škatlasti verziji za PC? :)
Že kdo opazil če kje prodajajo igro v škatlasti verziji za PC? :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Tr0n ::
In, pripravljeni na zadnji Kojima Metal Gear? :)
Za obuditev spomina, si lahko na Giant Bombu (za subscriberje) pogledate Metal Gear Scanlon serijo, kjer preigra Metal Gear 1, 2, 3 in 4, pogleda Peace Walker-ja ter preigra Ground Zeroes.
Za obuditev spomina, si lahko na Giant Bombu (za subscriberje) pogledate Metal Gear Scanlon serijo, kjer preigra Metal Gear 1, 2, 3 in 4, pogleda Peace Walker-ja ter preigra Ground Zeroes.

oo7 ::
45 eur za PC verzijo
Piše pa dobava 14.09.2015 pa ne vem ali gre za pomoto, ker je ta mesec Konami oznanil, da igra za vse sisteme po svetu pride 1 Septembra 2015.
Piše pa dobava 14.09.2015 pa ne vem ali gre za pomoto, ker je ta mesec Konami oznanil, da igra za vse sisteme po svetu pride 1 Septembra 2015.

opeter ::
Kdo se sploh kupuje fizične kopije špilov?
Jaz tudi (za PS3), če je to le možno oz. cenejše kot v digitalni obliki.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Tule nabavo za 33 EUR (NVIDIA voucher koda).
Pa je to 100% legalno ? Kaj to pomeni, da je NVIDIA voucher koda ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Tr0n ::
NVIDIA ima kode za igre, ce kupis kako graficno ipd. Na Steamu je slo dodat, tak da I guess da je legit. :)