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Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
oo7 ::
Quiet se prvič pojavi v Metal gear solid V phantom pain.
Če te zanima Metal Gear zgodba
Če te zanima Metal Gear zgodba
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
invisuu ::
oo7 ::
invisuu ::
Ma jaz sem zelo navdušen nad MGS franšizo in se mi zdi, da poznam vse detajle inside-and-out, tudi od raznih non canon špilov kot je acid ali ghost babel in moram priznati, da sem bil nad petko, kar se tiče zgodbe, precej razočaran. PRECEJ stvari so tudi ret-conali. Sicer detajlov, ki jih razen res hudih fanov nihče ni zaznal, ampak vseeno.
Veliki twist za finale me niti ni tako zelo motil in mi je bilo všeč, da je bil namenjen povezavi celotne sage skupaj; petka je namreč točno to, razloži koga v resnici ubiješ v MG1, ker sicer konca MG1 in MG2 (torej Metal Gear, ne Metal Gear Solid naslovi) nista imela prav veliko smisla.
Detajli kot kaj so naredili iz Ocelota, Volgina (lolz), Tretij Rebok in navsezadnje Millerja so me precej zmotili. Dejstvo, da je špil izšel nedokončan pa je itak še samo po sebi ena velika žalost.
Ma jaz sem zelo navdušen nad MGS franšizo in se mi zdi, da poznam vse detajle inside-and-out, tudi od raznih non canon špilov kot je acid ali ghost babel in moram priznati, da sem bil nad petko, kar se tiče zgodbe, precej razočaran. PRECEJ stvari so tudi ret-conali. Sicer detajlov, ki jih razen res hudih fanov nihče ni zaznal, ampak vseeno.
Veliki twist za finale me niti ni tako zelo motil in mi je bilo všeč, da je bil namenjen povezavi celotne sage skupaj; petka je namreč točno to, razloži koga v resnici ubiješ v MG1, ker sicer konca MG1 in MG2 (torej Metal Gear, ne Metal Gear Solid naslovi) nista imela prav veliko smisla.
Detajli kot kaj so naredili iz Ocelota, Volgina (lolz), Tretij Rebok in navsezadnje Millerja so me precej zmotili. Dejstvo, da je špil izšel nedokončan pa je itak še samo po sebi ena velika žalost.
oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5 Definitive Edition spotted at various retailers
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Prva Metal Gear igra brez Hideo Kojime.
Metal Gear Survive Official Trailer
Metal Gear Survive is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam in 2017. It's the first game in the series following Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima's exit from the company.
Konami describes Survive as a brand new four-player co-op stealth game "that takes a divergent look" at familiar Metal Gear themes.
The first post-Kojima Metal Gear is a co-op survival game set in an alternate universe.
Metal Gear Survive Official Trailer
Metal Gear Survive is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam in 2017. It's the first game in the series following Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima's exit from the company.
Konami describes Survive as a brand new four-player co-op stealth game "that takes a divergent look" at familiar Metal Gear themes.
The first post-Kojima Metal Gear is a co-op survival game set in an alternate universe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Definitive Experience Officially Announced, Release Date Confirmed
DLC for both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain to be included.
Konami will release Metal Gear Solid 5: The Definitive Experience on October 11 in the US and October 13 in the UK. The game will contain both Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, as well as DLC released for both games.
DLC for both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain to be included.
Konami will release Metal Gear Solid 5: The Definitive Experience on October 11 in the US and October 13 in the UK. The game will contain both Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, as well as DLC released for both games.
oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 5's cancelled Mission 51 'definitely not the ending', says Konami
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oo7 ::
Tale obvlada :)
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Stealth Kills (Ambush,C4+Cardboard Box,Funny Kill)
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Stealth Kills (Ambush,C4+Cardboard Box,Funny Kill)
yayo ::
Jaz sem ravno pri deseti misiji, moj stil igranja je stealth - non lethal - coward. V smislu, da so me že večkrat dobili med "fultoniranjem" tarče in sem jo ucvrl iz lokacije pod streli stražarjev
yayo ::
imam klasične probleme , ki so značilni za open world igre, delaš preveč vedno enakih stranskih misij in ti s časom igra postane dolgočasna...
yayo ::
ufff, končal (končno) po 150etih urah. Kaj naj rečem, kljub hibam epska igra, škoda, da je nisem igral takoj po TW3.
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ma kje, sem igral kar vse stranske naloge po vrsti in se je nabralo ur. Ene štiri exreme glavne naloge na koncu sem preskočil, ker se min enostavno ni več dalo, pa sem vseno prišel na 45. in 46. (zaključek Quiet-ine zgodbe pa glavno razodetje o BB).
oo7 ::
MGS 5 je odlična igra samo škoda, ker ni čisto končana. Konami je naredil veliko napako, ko se je skregal z Kojimo.
yayo ::
Pred petko sem preigral le enko in dvojko, imam pa sedaj śe štirko, HD Collection in Legacy Collection za PS3. Torej vse važnejše igre iz serije. Kdaj bom naśel čas? Pitaj boga...
oo7 ::
Jaz sem igral enko na Pc-ju. Dvojke in trojke nisem igral. Igral sem še štirico na Ps3 in petico na PC-ju. Od teh, ki sem jih igral mi je daleč najboljša petica čeprav naj bi bila najboljša metal gear igra trojka se pravi Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
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Prva Metal Gear Solid igra odkra ni več Kojime pri Konamiju
V videu pravi: Metal Gear solid Survive is a spin-off episode of Metal Gear Solid V
Metal Gear Survive Single Player Gameplay Trailer (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
V videu pravi: Metal Gear solid Survive is a spin-off episode of Metal Gear Solid V
Metal Gear Survive Single Player Gameplay Trailer (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
oo7 ::
Metal Gear Solid 1998 Intro - Remake 2018
The original intro of Metal Gear Solid 1 remade with Unreal Engine 4.
Everything is real-time rendered with Unreal Engine 4 and made by Erasmus Brosdau with usage of various marketplace assets.
Audio is slightly remastered, new sound FX added, slightly other edit with new shots and a brand new start menu animation to bring it to a 2018 game quality.
The original intro of Metal Gear Solid 1 remade with Unreal Engine 4.
Everything is real-time rendered with Unreal Engine 4 and made by Erasmus Brosdau with usage of various marketplace assets.
Audio is slightly remastered, new sound FX added, slightly other edit with new shots and a brand new start menu animation to bring it to a 2018 game quality.
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oo7 ::
Govori se, da Konami pripravlja nekaj glede franšize Metal Gear. Ali bo nova igra ali remake ali remaster še ni jasno.
Ampak brez Kojime ne bo to to.
Ampak brez Kojime ne bo to to.
yayo ::
sem se nečesar spomnil. Ko sem igral Phantom pain je bil tudi multiplayer element vpleten v SP igro, neko napadanje/branjenje baz. Jaz sem vse to skipal, ker me ni zanimalo. Je MP kaj dodal igri kot taki?
opeter ::
Če hočete zanimivo igro v duhu Metal Gear, preverite UnMetal.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
oo7 ::
sem se nečesar spomnil. Ko sem igral Phantom pain je bil tudi multiplayer element vpleten v SP igro, neko napadanje/branjenje baz. Jaz sem vse to skipal, ker me ni zanimalo. Je MP kaj dodal igri kot taki?
Jaz sem tudi ignoriral MP.
Bom pa še enkrat najbrž v kratkem preigral SP Phaton Pain :)
oo7 ::
Če pa bo remaster pa upam na igro Metal Gear Solid III : Snake eater, ki velja za najboljšo Metal Gear igro.
Ali pa MGS 1 s tole odlično glasbo :)
Ali pa MGS 1 s tole odlično glasbo :)
oo7 ::
Igre, ki so odebeljene so glavni naslovi v seriji.
1987 Metal Gear
1990 Snake's Revenge
1990 Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
1998 Metal Gear Solid
1999 Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
2000 Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
2001 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
2004 Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
2004 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
2004 Metal Gear Acid
2005 Metal Gear Acid 2
2006 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
2007 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus
2008 Metal Gear Solid Mobile
2008 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2008 Metal Gear Online
2009 Metal Gear Solid Touch
2010 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
2012 Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops
2013 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
2014 Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
2015 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
-----------THE END-------- Ata franšize MGS Kojima zapustil Konami. Konami si lasti Metal Gear
2018 Metal Gear Survive
Fictional chronology in Metal Gear
1964 - Snake Eater
1970 - Portable Ops
1974 - Peace Walker
1975 - Ground Zeroes
1984 - The Phantom Pain
1995 - Metal Gear
1999 - Solid Snake
2005 - Metal Gear Solid
2007/09 - Sons of Liberty
2014 - Guns of the Patriots
2018 - Rising: Revengeanc
1987 Metal Gear
1990 Snake's Revenge
1990 Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
1998 Metal Gear Solid
1999 Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
2000 Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
2001 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
2004 Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
2004 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
2004 Metal Gear Acid
2005 Metal Gear Acid 2
2006 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
2007 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus
2008 Metal Gear Solid Mobile
2008 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2008 Metal Gear Online
2009 Metal Gear Solid Touch
2010 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
2012 Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops
2013 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
2014 Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
2015 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
-----------THE END-------- Ata franšize MGS Kojima zapustil Konami. Konami si lasti Metal Gear
2018 Metal Gear Survive
Fictional chronology in Metal Gear
1964 - Snake Eater
1970 - Portable Ops
1974 - Peace Walker
1975 - Ground Zeroes
1984 - The Phantom Pain
1995 - Metal Gear
1999 - Solid Snake
2005 - Metal Gear Solid
2007/09 - Sons of Liberty
2014 - Guns of the Patriots
2018 - Rising: Revengeanc
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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake "is real," and it's coming to PC
Mogoče danes kaj več povejo ...
Mogoče danes kaj več povejo ...
Izi ::
Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater
Če se kdo sprašuje kaj dela tisti trikotnik v imenu MGS Δ, to ni trikotnik ampak četrta črka grške abecede, Delta.
Prebere se torej, "Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater", da se ne bo kdo osmešil pred prijatelji
Gre se za Remake stare igre iz leta 2004 "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater", ki je izšla samo za PlayStation 2.
Kasneje so naredili še HD Remaster te igre, ki je bil za PlayStation 3 in Xbox 360.
Ta igra ni nikoli prišla na PC.
Remake bo prišel na PC, PS5 in Xbox X/S
Žanr: Tactical Espionage Action
Če se ne motim je vse skupaj izšlo že 11 Metal Gear iger. Snake Eater, je izšel kot tretji, ampak kar se tiče zgodbe oziroma Metal Gear časovnice je to prva igra, saj se dogaja najdlje v zgodovini in sicer leta 1964 v času hladne vojne in za povrh še v Rusiji oziroma Sovjetski Zvezi, ki je obstajala takrat.
Remake so šele napovedali, tako da pred 2025 ga jaz ne bi pričakoval.
Pravijo pa da bodo naredili "faithful recreation of the original story and game design".
Če se kdo sprašuje kaj dela tisti trikotnik v imenu MGS Δ, to ni trikotnik ampak četrta črka grške abecede, Delta.
Prebere se torej, "Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater", da se ne bo kdo osmešil pred prijatelji
Gre se za Remake stare igre iz leta 2004 "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater", ki je izšla samo za PlayStation 2.
Kasneje so naredili še HD Remaster te igre, ki je bil za PlayStation 3 in Xbox 360.
Ta igra ni nikoli prišla na PC.
Remake bo prišel na PC, PS5 in Xbox X/S
Žanr: Tactical Espionage Action
Če se ne motim je vse skupaj izšlo že 11 Metal Gear iger. Snake Eater, je izšel kot tretji, ampak kar se tiče zgodbe oziroma Metal Gear časovnice je to prva igra, saj se dogaja najdlje v zgodovini in sicer leta 1964 v času hladne vojne in za povrh še v Rusiji oziroma Sovjetski Zvezi, ki je obstajala takrat.
Remake so šele napovedali, tako da pred 2025 ga jaz ne bi pričakoval.
Pravijo pa da bodo naredili "faithful recreation of the original story and game design".
oo7 ::
METAL GEAR SOLID ?: SNAKE EATER že ima stran na Steamu -
Release Date: To be announced
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
oo7 ::
METAL GEAR SOLID Master Collection Vol.1 za PC izide 24 oktobra letos. Za igranje igre bo nujen kontroler kajti igra ne bo podpirala tipkovnice in miške. Igra izide tudi za druge sisteme kot so PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S in Nintendo Switch.
METAL GEAR SOLID Master Collection Vol.1 bo zajemala igre - Metal Gear Solid, MGS 2: Sons of Liberty and MGS 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 2 glede na ugibanja bi lahko vseboval igre kot so Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Peace Walker in tudi MGS V.
The new Metal Gear Solid website added buttons to the timeline for the games in Master Collection Vol. 1, but if you inspect the page, there are placeholder buttons for MGS4, Peace Walker, and MGSV as well.
While this is hardly conclusive of anything, here's some additional context for why it's suspicious:
METAL GEAR SOLID Master Collection Vol.1 bo zajemala igre - Metal Gear Solid, MGS 2: Sons of Liberty and MGS 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 2 glede na ugibanja bi lahko vseboval igre kot so Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Peace Walker in tudi MGS V.
The new Metal Gear Solid website added buttons to the timeline for the games in Master Collection Vol. 1, but if you inspect the page, there are placeholder buttons for MGS4, Peace Walker, and MGSV as well.
While this is hardly conclusive of anything, here's some additional context for why it's suspicious:
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Celotna serija iger Metal Gear je prodala več kot 60 000 000 kopij po celem svetu. Prva Metal Gear igra je izšla leta 1987.
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18 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid Gameplay - Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
4 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid 2 Gameplay - Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
17 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid 3 Gameplay - Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
4 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid 2 Gameplay - Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
17 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid 3 Gameplay - Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
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Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - Official Unreal Engine 5 Trailer
Get a glimpse at how the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be updated through the use of Unreal Engine 5.
Get a glimpse at how the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be updated through the use of Unreal Engine 5.
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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake 2024 Release Window Seemingly Confirmed in PlayStation Trailer
Upam, da bo letos :)
Upam, da bo letos :)
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According to a new rumor, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater may be delayed to 2025.
The game is rumored to have two different editions for fans to choose from.
The game is rumored to have two different editions for fans to choose from.
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METAL GEAR SOLID ?: SNAKE EATER - Official Trailer #1
A remake of the 2004 game METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER.
Zaenkrat zgleda odlično :)
A remake of the 2004 game METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER.
Zaenkrat zgleda odlično :)
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Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - UE5 Remake vs Original - How Does the Trailer Stack Up?
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