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Igre (brez lastne teme)

Igre (brez lastne teme)

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oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

RoboCop: Rogue City igra izide junija 2023

RoboCop: Rogue City Trailer (2023)

Igro so prestavili na september 2023

Nov gameplay

oo7 ::

Včeraj izšla igra Bleak Faith: Forsaken.

oo7 ::

Squere Enixu zadnje čase na gre preveč dobro.

Square Enix says Forspoken sales have been lackluster, and many small and mid-sized titles "did not perform as well as we had expected"


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

Gagatronix ::

K temu zagotovo pripomore tudi njihova notranja politika, za katero je znano, da je dokaj gnila.

oo7 ::

Atlas Fallen - "Rise from Dust" Gameplay Reveal Trailer

16 maj za PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S in PC.

oo7 ::

IO Interactive znani po igrah HITMAN odpirajo nov studijo v Turčiji v Istanbulu. Nov studio bo pomagal pri novi James Bond igri project 007, nenajavljeni novi fantazijski igri in Hitmanu kateri pa je trenutno še v mirovanju.

dronyx ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Včeraj izšla igra Bleak Faith: Forsaken.

Tole igro so menda naredili samo trije. Po imenih sodeč nekje iz naše okolice. Mogoče za te soulsborne obstajajo kakšni čarovniki, da je razvoj hitrejši. :)

oo7 ::

dronyx je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Včeraj izšla igra Bleak Faith: Forsaken.

Tole igro so menda naredili samo trije. Po imenih sodeč nekje iz naše okolice. Mogoče za te soulsborne obstajajo kakšni čarovniki, da je razvoj hitrejši. :)

Če se ne motim so Črnogorci.

oo7 ::

Včeraj sem začel igrati Contraband Police

Contraband Police - Official Gameplay Trailer

Kar zanimiva igra. Trenutno je 17eur na Steamu.

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Atlas Fallen - "Rise from Dust" Gameplay Reveal Trailer

16 maj za PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S in PC.

Tukaj več o igri Atlas Fallen

Atlas Fallen | I PLAYED FOR 5 HOURS - Here’s How It Works!

oo7 ::

Former GTA Lead Unveils Episodic AAA Title MindsEye

MindsEye Teaser | 2023

EVERYWHERE is a world of endless possibilities where you can participate in almost infinite activities and even create your own.

oo7 ::

Tudi Ubisoft bo letos preskočil E3.

Letos na E3 ne bo tudi treh velikih Playstation, Xbox in Nintendo.

oo7 ::

Fort Solis enkrat poleti za PC in Playstation 5

Fort Solis - Official Gameplay Trailer

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Tudi Ubisoft bo letos preskočil E3.

Letos na E3 ne bo tudi treh velikih Playstation, Xbox in Nintendo.

Še dva studija odpovedala udeležbo na letošnjem E3 (Sega in Level Infinite)

Verjetno letos sploh ne bo E3 sejma.

oo7 ::

Lastnik medija VGC trdi, da bo MGS3 se pravi Metal gear solid 3 remake igra izšla leta 2024. Naj bi igro napovedali na E3 letos junija ampak je možno, da E3 letos odpade.

Torej remake 20 let kasneje :)

Igra je izšla leta 2004

oo7 ::

Ja zda je uradno. E3 2023 je preklican.

The show "did not garner the sustained interest necessary"

opeter ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Malo me spominja na igro Cryostatis.

Mene spominja na zanimivo mešanico več iger (tudi Cryostatis):

- F.E.A.R serija
- Dead Space serija
- Resident Evil, sploh novejših deli, recimo 6-ka
- Cold Zero
- Red Ocean
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Igra je izšla danes.

Meet Your Maker - Official Accolades Trailer

The Inquisitor - Official Story Teaser Trailer

The Inquisitor is a third-person dark fantasy adventure game that takes place in an alternate 1500 A.D. rife with corruption and sin. In this alternate religious reality, Jesus did not die upon the cross but instead broke free and sought violent vengeance on non-believers. Players play as Inquistor Mordimer Madderdin to solve intricate cases and unveil abysmal secrets as a servant of God to enforce the Holy Law. Take on multiple story-driven cases and use strategic sleuthing to track down and interrogate suspects, piece together evidence or even resort to brute force to reveal the sacred truth. The Inquisitor is launching in Q4 2023 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC.

oo7 ::

Trepang2 izide 21 junija letos.

Če kdo pogreša F.E.A.R. potem bi lahko tole bilo nekaj podobnega.

oo7 ::

Neo Berlin 2087 - Unreal Engine 5 Gameplay & Announcement Trailer

An emotional main story consisting of heart-wrenching moral dilemmas and immersive investigations.

Unique gameplay built on a blend of 1st and 3rd Person, customize your character's abilities and weapons for whatever play style you prefer, choose from a vast array of shooter, stealth and role-playing game mechanics.

Breathtaking visuals powered by the cutting-edge Unreal Engine 5.

Inspired by Cyberpunk classics.

Explore a setting that you've never seen before: Berlin in the year 2087, a cyberpunk metropolis shielded by massive walls from its devastated surroundings, where outcasts gather and malfunctioning machines roam the land.

Explore the wasteland full of dangerous enemies, realized with unparalleled realism and immersion.

Meet the citizens of Berlin, who are plagued by corruption, inequality and cyberization.

Test your reflexes in exciting combat sequences, or avoid confrontation with a more stealthy approach.

xseki ::

EA Sports FC reveals first plans for life after FIFA

Gagatronix ::

"The World's Game" a spilajo sport k ga prakticno nihce drug ne spila. :))

ahac ::

Immortals of Aveum - Official Reveal Trailer

Immortals of Aveum™ is a groundbreaking new single-player, first-person magic shooter, created by Ascendant Studios and released by EA Originals. Experience the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Ne zgleda slabo tale Immortals of Aveum.

oo7 ::

Ride 5 igra izide 24 avgusta letos.

RIDE5 Announcement Trailer

oo7 ::

PC Game Pass is Now Available in 40 New Countries

o Algeria
o Bahrain
o Bolivia
o Bosnia and Herzegovina
o Bulgaria
o Costa Rica
o Croatia
o Cyprus
o Ecuador
o Egypt
o El Salvador
o Estonia
o Georgia
o Guatemala
o Honduras
o Iceland
o Kuwait
o Latvia
o Libya
o Liechtenstein
o Lithuania
o Luxembourg
o Malta
o Moldova
o Montenegro
o Morocco
o Nicaragua
o North Macedonia
o Oman
o Panama
o Paraguay
o Peru
o Qatar
o Romania
o Serbia
o Slovenia
o Tunisia
o Ukraine
o Uruguay


ahac ::

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical - Release Date Trailer

Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

oo7 ::

Danes na Steamu v early access na voljo multiplayer igra Boundry.

Boundary Early Access Release Day Trailer

Sem nekaj časa nazaj probal DEMO pa takrat nisem prišel niti notri v igro.

oo7 ::

Tole zgleda next level :| če je resnično ?

Unrecord is a tactical shooter where players can expect an immersive and narrative experience. Unrecord features complex dialogues, innovative gameplay mechanics, tough moral dilemmas, and a unique shooting system. The storyline in Unrecord can be compared to a detective novel or a thriller. The player will have to investigate several criminal cases and confront a diverse cast of characters. The game's plot and presentation will be central to the gameplay experience, and players can anticipate a range of gameplay sequences as well as numerous plot twists.

Unrecord is a single-player FPS that tells the story of a tactical police officer from the perspective of his body camera. As you work to solve a complex case, you'll need to use your tactical and detective skills to succeed.

Disclaimer: The gameplay footage you are about to see is from an early version of Unrecord and is not indicative of the final product.

Unrecord - Official Early Gameplay Trailer

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Immortals of Aveum - Official Reveal Trailer

Immortals of Aveum™ is a groundbreaking new single-player, first-person magic shooter, created by Ascendant Studios and released by EA Originals. Experience the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss.

Hude programske zahteve ?

Immortals of Aveum - minimum PC requirements (1080p, 60fps)

Processor: Intel Core i7-9700 / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 2080 Super or AMD Radeon RX 5700XT with 8GB of VRAM.
Disk space: 110 GB (HDD / SSD)
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit or later

Immortals of Aveum - recommended PC requirements (1440p, 60fps)

Processor: Intel Core i7-12700 / AMD Ryzen 7 5700X
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti with 12 GB of VRAM or AMD Radeon RX 6800XT with 16 GB of VRAM.
RAM: 16 GB
Disk space: 110 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit or later

ahac ::

Immortals of Aveum - Gameplay First Look Trailer

Jaz sem mal razočaran nad gameplayem. Ves kar so pokazal je pew pew pew!

Zanimiv bi bil magic combat, če bi lahko npr. prijel in vrgel stvari v enemyja iz neke druge strani (kot ima npr. Control), odpiral portale čez katere bi lahko vrgel nasprotnike ali skočil sam ali pa odpiral postale v neke druge svetove. Lahko bi upočasnil čas okrog nasprotnika (da ga začasno izločiš iz combata), itd.
Z magijo se da narediti tolk stvari, ki so drugačne od klasičnih FPSjev. Tole pa izgleda kot, da so samo zamenjali klasična FPS orožja z nekimi magičnimi puščicami, ki letijo iz rok pa še vedno zahtevajo, da jih "reloadaš".
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

Moon Mystery is a first-person shooter adventure full of mystery focused on unveiling mysteries, exploring strange new worlds, and dealing with the challenges of the most dangerous environment known to mankind. As an astronaut, survive the dangers that lurk in the dark corners of the Earth's favorite moon and discover what truly lies beneath its gray lunar rocks and beyond.

Kickstarter - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mo...

Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer

oo7 ::

Armored Core VI igra From software (Dark souls, Elden Ring...) izide 25 avgusta letos.

Tukaj je prvi gameplay za igro Armored Core VI


Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon PC Minimum Requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-8600K or AMD Ryzen 3 3300X
Memory: 12 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960, 4 GB or AMD Radeon RX 480, 4 GB or Intel Arc A380, 6 GB
DirectX: Version 12
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 65 GB available space

oo7 ::

Kvark - Official Release Date Announcement Trailer

Kvark will be available on Steam on June 2, 2023. Watch the latest action-packed release date announcement trailer to see locations, enemies, and more from this retro-inspired FPS game.

oo7 ::

Amnesia: The Bunker | 10 min of Gameplay

Igra izide 23 maja letos.

oo7 ::

Chrono Odyssey | Official Gameplay Trailer

Chrono Odyssey, Next-generation Open-world MMORPG

- Explore the breathtaking wilderness of "Setera," where an open-world full of life and constant changes awaits you.
- Engage in combat with challenging foes and hone your skills in attack, defense, dodging, and a range of unique abilities across six classes.
- Utilize the incredible power to manipulate time and space to your advantage, freezing time, rewinding events, and exploring further in ways you never thought possible.

oo7 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Developed in collaboration with Neill Blomkamp, Off The Grid is a dystopian Battle Royale designed to evolve the genre through strong emphasis on narrative progression. Players fight in both PvP skirmishes and PvE storyline missions using the same map inhabited by other players in real time.

OFF THE GRID New Trailer (2023) Neill Blomkamp | Unreal Engine 5 Cyberpunk Cinematic 4K Scene

9 minutes of in-engine footage from the Unreal Engine 5-powered free-to-play battle royale game, Off The Grid

oo7 ::

PAYDAY 3 Teaser Trailer

PAYDAY 3 will be launched simultaneously on PC and consoles at some point this year, with DLC content already being prepared for distribution at regular intervals after launch. Starbreeze also boasted that over one million Steam users wishlisted the game on Valve's PC store.

oo7 ::

Glede na govorice naj bi Microsoft dobil zeleno luč naslednji teden od EU za nakup Activision Blizarda za 68,7 miljarde $.

opeter ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Glede na govorice naj bi Microsoft dobil zeleno luč naslednji teden od EU za nakup Activision Blizarda za 68,7 miljarde $.

Saj se je vedelo. V ZDA bodo šli preko sodišča (in zmagali), v Veliki Britaniji pa bodo dali cekinčke v žep določenim in bo šlo gladko skozi. Ostali regulatorji pa so že nepomembni.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

ahac ::

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Boomer Shooter Gameplay Trailer
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

opeter ::

Končno. Čakal sem na to igro! :D
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

EU dala zeleno luč Microsoftu za nakup Activision Blizzard v višini 69 milijard $.

oo7 ::

Amazon dela MMO igro The Lord of the Rings.

Leyou je prvotno dobil posel in izbral Amazon Games za razvoj naslova. Vendar pa po Tencentovem nakupu Leyouja Tencent in Amazon nista mogla doseči dogovora o nadaljevanju dela na projektu.

Amazon je uspešno sklenil dogovor s novim lastnikom pravic, Embracer Group, in The Lord of the Rings MMO je ponovno v produkciji.

Nesta ::

To pomeni več iger v Xbox game passu?

jijetelu ::

Evo oo7, čakat bo treba do sredine oktobra


oo7 ::

jijetelu je izjavil:

Evo oo7, čakat bo treba do sredine oktobra


Sem videl ja. Obstaja pa tudi tema :)

Lords of the Fallen 2

jijetelu ::

aja, nisem niti vedel :D

oo7 ::

Unreal Engine 5.2 Burned Dead Forest Demo

Dobro zgleda ta Unreal 5

opeter ::

Poleg System Shocka bi letos morala iziti tudi nadgrajena verzija prvotne Rise of the Triad igre:
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j
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