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Crimson Desert

Crimson Desert

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Igra izide enkrat letos pozimi.
Igra izide za PC, PlayStation 5 in Xbox Series X/S
Žanr - akcijska adventura
Single player in multiplayer

Njihova stran - https://crimsondesert.pearlabyss.com/sl...

Crimson Desert - Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer

A vast but divided continent... A harsh desert... Cities as dangerous as they are breathtaking... In the world of Crimson Desert, gritty realism often precedes aesthetic beauty.

Crimson Desert tells the story of Pywel, a vast continent of divided regions inhabitated by people struggling to survive in its ever-changing lands. From the vast plains of Akapen to the inhospitably cold lands of Kweiden, or the barren Desert, each region possesses its own unique beauty. However, you might have to scrape away the grime to see it!

As you traverse the cities of Pywel, be it the Desert Oases or Kweiden’s Ulsrund, land of the wolf, expect to encounter filthy alleys, destitute hovels, and marketplace language that would make even a Troll blush. Each location has its own unique character that is both fantastical and grounded in gritty realism.

Will you explore these strange new lands alone or venture into them with other players? However you decide to explore these ancient mysteries, just remember that whether you intend to or not, your actions will influence the story of Pywel.

This is Crimson Desert. This is where legends are made.

Crimson Desert is a single-player open-world action adventure game. It is being developed by Pearl Abyss, the team behind Black Desert and Shadow Arena. It was first announced as an MMORPG in November 2019 but has changed course to a narrative solo experience with some multiplayer functions.

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NEW GAMEPLAY Crimson Desert 2021

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CRIMSON DESERT Gameplay Trailer Extended (2022) 8K 60FPS

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Crimson Desert - Gameplay Trailer

Tole ne zgleda slabo :)

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Izidi igre so prestavili zi q2 2024 na q2 2025.

"The release date of 'Crimson Desert' will be postponed by a year from the existing Q2 of 2024 to the 2nd quarter of 2025

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Te pa niso resni.
Napoved smo dobili leta 2019, izid pa so napovedali za Winter 2021.
Po dveh letih čakanja je prišel winter 2021 in ni se zgodilo nič. Še eno leto čakanja in tudi winter 2022 ni prinesel nič novega. Spet mine eno leto in sedaj je že winter 2023 ki spet ni prinesel nič, razen obvestila da naj tudi na winter 2024 ne računamo, ampak da se slišimo čez dve leti za winter 2025 :))

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Nekaj je pa sigurno, da bo igra izšla na winter samo vprašanje katerega leta :))

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Crimson desert igra bi lahko izšla Q1 2025. Na gamesconu letos naj bi obiskovalci lajko igrali DEMO.

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Crimson Desert - White Horn Boss Battle Gameplay

Crimson Desert is an open-world action-adventure game developed by Pearl Abyss, aiming for a global release on console and PC platforms. Through vibrant storytelling and intense action, Crimson Desert depicts realistic characters and narratives that revolve around the members of the Greymane Free Company fighting to achieve their noble mission.
Experience the beautiful yet brutal continent of Pywel, where you will witness the conflicts and epic sagas surrounding Kliff, the leader of the Greymanes, as his mission takes him on an unforgettable journey.

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Crimson Desert - Reed Devil Boss Battle Gameplay

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Crimson Desert - Queen Stoneback Crab Boss Battle Gameplay

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Crimson Desert Gameplay

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Crimson Desert: Official Hexe Marie Boss Fight Gameplay

Check out this boss battle gameplay against Hexe Marie in Crimson Desert, the upcoming open-world third-person action-adventure game developed by Pearl Abyss.

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Crimson Desert - Official Release Window Trailer

Here's a fresh look at gameplay from Crimson Desert in this new trailer revealed during The Game Awards 2024. The latest Crimson Desert trailer also unveils a release window revealing the open-world action-adventure game will be available on PC (Steam), Mac OS, PS5 (PlayStation 5), and Xbox Series X|S in late 2025. Crimson Desert is an open-world action-adventure game set in the beautiful yet brutal continent of Pywel. Players follow Kliff, leader of the Greymanes -- a band of battle-hardened mercenaries -- who must fight to save Pywel from an impending catastrophe.

Igra izide enkrat proti koncu leta 2025.

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The Epic Fight With The Crimson Desert Staglord

15 minut novega gameplaya.

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Začetek zgornjega videa zgleda kot animus v Assassins creed igrah ?