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Google dosegel nov poden: Blokada searcha v Australiji, ce mu ne ugodijo

Google dosegel nov poden: Blokada searcha v Australiji, ce mu ne ugodijo


ziggy89 ::

Tole sem že parkrat zasledil:

On the surface, it might seem like Google is being maddeningly inconsistent. After all, if you're going to pay French publishers for news content, why can't you do the same in Australia?

This is where the details of the respective proposals are so important. In France, publishers are being paid for the snippets of news featured in the Google News Showcase platform. Conversely, the new law in Australia would require Google to pay publishers for links featured on the search engine. This move, as the inventor of the world wide web put it, would be at odds with the basic tenets of the internet.

Je pa tako...bilo bi pametno, če se v Avstraliji spomnejo kaj se je zgodilo v Nemčiji/AT s street viewom 2010. V AT so po enem letu dovolili street view (2011) ampak dejansko je potem Google čakal do 2018, da je začel spet s tem.

Se spomnim, ko sem mislil, da mi aplikacije štekajo, ko nisem mogel pogledat poti za razgovor :D

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Evropskemu davku na multinacionalke slabo kaže (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Rezultati
9930677 (27855) perci

Google se je lani izognil plačilu treh milijard evrov davkov

Oddelek: Novice / Rezultati
4015419 (13017) tikitoki

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