Forum » Problemi človeštva » ZDA
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showsover ::
Ja, tole je pomembna lekcija, ki se bo šele začela učiti. Samo potem znajo biti pa resne pizdarije.
Jarno ::
Glede ZDA POTUS-a je tako, da je strokovno in metodološko premalo podkovan, da bi dvignil nivo politike, dosegel usklajene strankarske cilje, hkrati pa prepričal neopredeljene volilce.
Na primer ni bil všeč niti Bushu, McCainu, Powellu, Romneyu in množici drugih sodelavcev oziroma uglednih republikancev.
Spuščanje nivoja politike je sicer vščeč impulzivni publiki, ki pa navadno docela ne razume vzvodov oblasti in pozitivnih posledic vztrajanja znotraj pravnih norm.
Sklicevanje na demokracijo ob neupoštevanju njene kompleksnosti je znak politične nezrelosti in so določeni regularni pravni ukrepi zoper prekrškanje na mestu.
Osebno sem mnenja, da so sklicevanja na določene legitimnosti kot razlog za posege po nasilju inferiorne narave in je tukaj potrebno biti objektiven ter upoštevati več okoliščin.
Navadno se osamljeni primeri napihnejo čez proporcije, seveda mimo objektivne in statistične racionalizacije.
Na primer ni bil všeč niti Bushu, McCainu, Powellu, Romneyu in množici drugih sodelavcev oziroma uglednih republikancev.
Spuščanje nivoja politike je sicer vščeč impulzivni publiki, ki pa navadno docela ne razume vzvodov oblasti in pozitivnih posledic vztrajanja znotraj pravnih norm.
Sklicevanje na demokracijo ob neupoštevanju njene kompleksnosti je znak politične nezrelosti in so določeni regularni pravni ukrepi zoper prekrškanje na mestu.
Osebno sem mnenja, da so sklicevanja na določene legitimnosti kot razlog za posege po nasilju inferiorne narave in je tukaj potrebno biti objektiven ter upoštevati več okoliščin.
Navadno se osamljeni primeri napihnejo čez proporcije, seveda mimo objektivne in statistične racionalizacije.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jarno ()
Pac-Man ::
Parler je menda shekan. Totalno shekan.
Zadevo je izvedla 26-letna Avstrijka.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pimoz ::
what i did was the opposite of censorship
What you did was a crime xD Tako pametna pa tako neumna. Tiho bi bila.
Pa kako je ona lahko crash override. Ona je lahko samo acid burn. To me pa jezi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pimoz ()
no comment ::
Zanimivo bi blo met anketo na sloteku, da bi lahko leftardi in trumptardi glasovali ali je to dejanje te punce (pravi, da je naredila to v imenu svobode govora) v skladu z moralnim kompasom posameznega *tarda.
Ker ankete nimamo, bi se lahko v kaki drugi (al pa kar v tej) temi prešteli. Al pa si damo v podpis?
Torej imamo 2x2 matriko; osi sta '*tard' in 'yea/nay'.
Bom začel, trumptardi mi pravijo leftard, torej:
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
(pa dovolil sem si spremenit *tard v malo bolj, erm, medicinsko nevtralen izraz)
Ker ankete nimamo, bi se lahko v kaki drugi (al pa kar v tej) temi prešteli. Al pa si damo v podpis?
Torej imamo 2x2 matriko; osi sta '*tard' in 'yea/nay'.
Bom začel, trumptardi mi pravijo leftard, torej:
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
(pa dovolil sem si spremenit *tard v malo bolj, erm, medicinsko nevtralen izraz)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: no comment ()
Pimoz ::
Kaj če nisem nič od tega?
Vprašanje moralnega kompasa sloh ni relevantno. Ali je legalno ali ne je vprašanje. In odgovor je ne. Punca ni preveč pametna z javno izpostavitvijo.
Vprašanje moralnega kompasa sloh ni relevantno. Ali je legalno ali ne je vprašanje. In odgovor je ne. Punca ni preveč pametna z javno izpostavitvijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pimoz ()
showsover ::
Pimoz, ce bi bil leftard, bi vedel, da si leftard. Ker pa veš, da nisi leftard, ti ostane samo trumptard. Tako enostavno je to.
no comment ::
Pimoz ::
Aha ok. Ampak se ne počutim tako. Jaz sem attack hellicopter.
Prosim da dodaš tudi to opcijo in ustvariš varen prostor tudi zame.
Prosim da dodaš tudi to opcijo in ustvariš varen prostor tudi zame.
no comment ::
Štekam, say no more, wink wink...
Zdej moraš samo še povedat v katero 'yea/nay' polje te napišem.
Zdej moraš samo še povedat v katero 'yea/nay' polje te napišem.
Pimoz ::
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
Apache - nay: 0
Apache -yea: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
Apache - nay: 0
Apache -yea: 1
D3m ::
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
Apache - nay: 0
Apache -yea: 1
Blek Stena - nay: 0
Blek Stena - yea: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 0
Apache - nay: 0
Apache -yea: 1
Blek Stena - nay: 0
Blek Stena - yea: 1
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
no comment ::
Podvrste zagregirane:
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 2
Delni rezultati so nepričakovani, ampak ne presenetljivi.
Je pa treba vedet, da lefturdovci volijo tudi po pošti. Torej, not final, stay tuned.
Lefturds - nay: 1
Lefturds - yea: 0
Trumpturds - nay: 0
Trumpturds - yea: 2
Delni rezultati so nepričakovani, ampak ne presenetljivi.
Je pa treba vedet, da lefturdovci volijo tudi po pošti. Torej, not final, stay tuned.
Pac-Man ::
BTW, zgoraj je nekdo napisal, da je Trump aktivno propagiral nasilje, lahko da nekdo direkten link glede tega...
In še bolj kompleten "playbook"
Incitement Timeline: Year of Trump’s Actions Leading to the Attack on the Capitol
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
showsover ::
Ja, ne vem, meni tole bolj zdaj izgleda kot damage control. Ko dobiš posnetek, preveri.
Badwolff ::
Ja, ne vem, meni tole bolj zdaj izgleda kot damage control. Ko dobiš posnetek, preveri.
Me ne zanima prav posebej, so drugi, ki bodo brskali po tem in to z veseljem. Tole bo še zabavno spremljat.
showsover ::
Bad, avtor v tem članku trdi, da so metapodatki not.
Osnovano na tem...
PS: Bad, page je zdaj non existing!
Med uporabniki platforme so številni posamezniki, ki so potrdili svoje račune. V ta namen so Parlerju poslali tudi fotografije svojih osebnih dokumentov. Tudi če so bili souporabnikom neznani, so napadalcem zdaj povsem znani - z imeni in priimki, naslovi in slikami vred.
Osnovano na tem...
PS: Bad, page je zdaj non existing!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: showsover ()
Pimoz ::
Ahaha, ko mi ustreza si pa malo po svoje razlagam.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act:
Obtaining information from a computer through unauthorized access
Badwolff ::
Ahaha, ko mi ustreza si pa malo po svoje razlagam.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act:
Obtaining information from a computer through unauthorized access
V bistvu sem vprašal, glede na besedilo čivka. But ahaha will do too...
Pac-Man ::
Ta račun zbira posnetke cmeranj & pritoževanj, ko ugotovijo, da so se znašli na no fly listi. Nisem prepričan, da so vsi povezani s protestom, so pa zagotovo precej novi (maske).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Worst Revolution Ever
Worst Revolution Ever
Why had she come to Washington? “We’re storming the Capitol!” she whined. “It’s a revolution!” Patty Hearst was more up to speed on the philosophy and goals of the Symbionese Liberation Army before she got out of the trunk. These people were dressed like cartoon characters, they believe that the country is under attack from pedophiles and “globalists,” and they are certain that Donald Trump won the election. In other words, the Founders’ worst fear—that a bunch of dumbasses would elect a tyrant—had come to pass.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pimoz ::
Za pepeta nevem.
Drugače pa ja:
Post%E2%80%93World War II legality of Nazi flags @ Wikipedia
Legality of Holocaust denial @ Wikipedia
V Nemčiji in Franciji glede teh stvari boš bil zelo priden. Tudi kar strogo uveljavljajo ta pravila. Glede tega smo Slovenci za moje pojme kar napredni.
Drugače pa ja:
Post%E2%80%93World War II legality of Nazi flags @ Wikipedia
Legality of Holocaust denial @ Wikipedia
V Nemčiji in Franciji glede teh stvari boš bil zelo priden. Tudi kar strogo uveljavljajo ta pravila. Glede tega smo Slovenci za moje pojme kar napredni.
Pac-Man ::
O globoki državi, priporočam.
QAnon Woke Up the Real Deep State
QAnon Woke Up the Real Deep State
To the QAnon community, and others involved in storming the Capitol:
The Deep State is real, but it’s not what you think. The Deep State you worry about is mostly made up; a fiction, a lie, a product of active imaginations, grifter manipulations, and the internet. I’m telling you this now because storming the Capitol building has drawn the attention of the real Deep State — the national security bureaucracy — and it’s important you understand what that means.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Še ex-NSA o celi štali
Violent protest is never ok. Destruction of property and occupation of Federal buildings is a crime, it is not protest. Expect to be dealt with harshly by Federal law enforcement.
Democracy requires some order, let it be restored.
I said this in the summer, I say it now.
The USA is a violent place compared to most of Europe. 4 Presidents (of 45) have been assassinated. Less than 4 years ago, a domestic terrorist shot at Congressmembers, nearly killing the House majority whip.
Your most recent example is 1914. Nobody's disputing that Europe's past is violent indeed. I was implying comparison to post-1945 Europe, at least the Western part. The USA is quite violent compared to that. We can debate why; we can't debate that it is.
The Qrazy QraQen shit isn't funny anymore. This is domestic terrorism now, count it as such.
When Trump complained about "shithole countries" it would have been nice if he told us that his plan was to add America to the list before he left office.
We need the biggest TSCM sweep ever, basically. Some Hill staff fled with IT systems open....a CI nightmare now.
Of course he is. Lots of Americans gloated at Russia's horrible post-Soviet experience in the 1990s. Revenge is a dish best served cold. //Odgovor na "Putin is gloating"
The Kremlin is equally fond of Left-Wing mayhem in the USA. Their propaganda outlets talked nonstop about BLM protests, riots, etc in 2020.
Moscow doesn't care about our politics; they want our pain.
Sorry, but it's true.
I'd be careful there. Putin believes Hillary did exactly that in 2011-12. Why he got his payback against her and the DNC via WikiLeaks in 2016. //Odgovor na poziv k provociranju protestov v Moskvi
I'm allergic to dramatic pronouncements in 280, but today truly was a turning point for the GOP and the country. Turn away from the ugly, undemocratic, mob-rule we witnessed today, the culmination of years of MAGA transgressions for funsies -- or the Republic is in deep trouble.
Everybody knows you never go Full Karadžić, bro. //Odgovor na izbrisano objavo
Let's keep this simple:
Rioters shouting Antifa slogans and wearing BLM gear are probably what they appear to be.
Rioters shouting QAnon slogans and wearing MAGA gear are probably what they appear to be.
Amazing this needs to be stated, but here we are.
Congress has never wanted too much physical security in place at the People’s House, but if a mob of malignant MAGA furries managed to force its way into the heart of the Capitol, what might a team of trained terrorists be able to pull off?
BLUF: "Americans need to pay attention before our volatile politics descend into systemic violence. Trump’s leaving the White House in less than 2 weeks will not end this crisis. The choice between the rule of law & rule by the mob remains ours to make."
Violent protest is never ok. Destruction of property and occupation of Federal buildings is a crime, it is not protest. Expect to be dealt with harshly by Federal law enforcement.
Democracy requires some order, let it be restored.
I said this in the summer, I say it now.
The USA is a violent place compared to most of Europe. 4 Presidents (of 45) have been assassinated. Less than 4 years ago, a domestic terrorist shot at Congressmembers, nearly killing the House majority whip.
Your most recent example is 1914. Nobody's disputing that Europe's past is violent indeed. I was implying comparison to post-1945 Europe, at least the Western part. The USA is quite violent compared to that. We can debate why; we can't debate that it is.
The Qrazy QraQen shit isn't funny anymore. This is domestic terrorism now, count it as such.
When Trump complained about "shithole countries" it would have been nice if he told us that his plan was to add America to the list before he left office.
We need the biggest TSCM sweep ever, basically. Some Hill staff fled with IT systems open....a CI nightmare now.
Of course he is. Lots of Americans gloated at Russia's horrible post-Soviet experience in the 1990s. Revenge is a dish best served cold. //Odgovor na "Putin is gloating"
The Kremlin is equally fond of Left-Wing mayhem in the USA. Their propaganda outlets talked nonstop about BLM protests, riots, etc in 2020.
Moscow doesn't care about our politics; they want our pain.
Sorry, but it's true.
I'd be careful there. Putin believes Hillary did exactly that in 2011-12. Why he got his payback against her and the DNC via WikiLeaks in 2016. //Odgovor na poziv k provociranju protestov v Moskvi
I'm allergic to dramatic pronouncements in 280, but today truly was a turning point for the GOP and the country. Turn away from the ugly, undemocratic, mob-rule we witnessed today, the culmination of years of MAGA transgressions for funsies -- or the Republic is in deep trouble.
Everybody knows you never go Full Karadžić, bro. //Odgovor na izbrisano objavo
Let's keep this simple:
Rioters shouting Antifa slogans and wearing BLM gear are probably what they appear to be.
Rioters shouting QAnon slogans and wearing MAGA gear are probably what they appear to be.
Amazing this needs to be stated, but here we are.
Congress has never wanted too much physical security in place at the People’s House, but if a mob of malignant MAGA furries managed to force its way into the heart of the Capitol, what might a team of trained terrorists be able to pull off?
BLUF: "Americans need to pay attention before our volatile politics descend into systemic violence. Trump’s leaving the White House in less than 2 weeks will not end this crisis. The choice between the rule of law & rule by the mob remains ours to make."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pimoz ::
A napredni ker dovolmo debilom da fejkajo zgodovino???
Napredni, ker je simbole brezveze prepovedovat.
Joj KZ si linkal in sam poškilim in vidim tole:
Če je dejanje iz prvega ali drugega odstavka tega člena storjeno s prisilo, grdim ravnanjem, ogrožanjem varnosti, sramotitvijo etničnih, narodnostnih, narodnih ali verskih simbolov, poškodovanjem tujih stvari, skrunitvijo spomenikov, spominskih znamenj ali grobov, se storilec kaznuje z zaporom do treh let.
In se spomnim na Marijo s podgano. In me spet mine vse ob tej dvoličnosti. Pa sem antireligija.
no comment ::
Sej podgana ni zaščitena s tem zakonom. Lahk jo boža Marija ali pa Janez. Po zakonu si nič ne more...
Pimoz ::
Gre se za sramotitev verskih simbolov.
Isto kot da narises Mohameda.
Ali pa da hodis z nazi krizem na majici po ulici. Ali pa s srpom in kladivom. Ali pa z rdeco zvezdo.
Ne me narobe razumet... To je zame vse isto in v mojih oceh vse dovoljeno. Stvar okusa pa je kako te stvari pogoltnes.
Isto kot da narises Mohameda.
Ali pa da hodis z nazi krizem na majici po ulici. Ali pa s srpom in kladivom. Ali pa z rdeco zvezdo.
Ne me narobe razumet... To je zame vse isto in v mojih oceh vse dovoljeno. Stvar okusa pa je kako te stvari pogoltnes.
mailer ::
Še malo špekulacij, da se juha ne ohladi:
Kaj je insurrection?
V videu si tip ne upa povedat direktno o BLM protestih ampak to zavije v folijo.
Zdaj ne vem, mogoče se boji izbrisa videa in ban, če pove bobu bob.
Zdaj bo potrebno bit še bolj "politično korekten". Zdaj juha ni več juha ampak mešanica vode, začimb, mesa in zelenjave.
Kaj je insurrection?
V videu si tip ne upa povedat direktno o BLM protestih ampak to zavije v folijo.
Zdaj ne vem, mogoče se boji izbrisa videa in ban, če pove bobu bob.
Zdaj bo potrebno bit še bolj "politično korekten". Zdaj juha ni več juha ampak mešanica vode, začimb, mesa in zelenjave.
Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mailer ()
dild0idis ::
BTW, zgoraj je nekdo napisal, da je Trump aktivno propagiral nasilje, lahko da nekdo direkten link glede tega...
Tu imaš best of
Niti ene izjave, kjer aktivno propagira nasilje.
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!
Pac-Man ::
Da ne vidim več pritožb čez ameriški zaporniški sistem. Sodnik je odredil, da morajo Q šamana v priporu hranit organsko.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Zdaj bo začel. Zvezno sodišče l. 1989:
Hardcore LARPing. Toliko nesmislov, da se mi jih ne da štet, FYI tole so antiglobalisti ki navijajo za svetovni udar
Hardcore LARPing. Toliko nesmislov, da se mi jih ne da štet, FYI tole so antiglobalisti ki navijajo za svetovni udar
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
no comment ::
Ko ti obvladovanje bolezenskih stanj spolzi iz rok (ne mislim korone).
Trump jim ne pravi zastonj "special". Če smo čist korektni, Trumpovo zmerjanje svojih podpornikov z idioti, bi MSM tudi lahko "cenzurirali".
(my son is not mentally challenged, he is special!)
Trump jim ne pravi zastonj "special". Če smo čist korektni, Trumpovo zmerjanje svojih podpornikov z idioti, bi MSM tudi lahko "cenzurirali".
(my son is not mentally challenged, he is special!)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: no comment ()
c3p0 ::
Med vdorom je bila v kongresni dvorani. Bi morala pričakovat, da ji nepoklicani pridejo na obisk v pisarno?
Vsak osnoven IT security policy zapove zaklepanje računalnika, ko nisi za tipkovnico, ali pa vsaj auto lock po par minutah. Da tu tega ni v veljavi, mene ne čudi. Morda koga bi.
Niso dovolj butasti da bi
Saj twitter pa res ni imel še celo pred kratkim resnega vdora. /s
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: c3p0 ()
Pimoz ::
Ahahaha, brilliant :D Še od Milke svizca bojo aretiral. Da ne bo čokolade zavijov.
Invictus ::
Vsak osnoven IT security policy zapove zaklepanje računalnika, ko nisi za tipkovnico, ali pa vsaj auto lock po par minutah.
Poznam kar nekaj firm, kjer auto-lock ni v domenskih pravilih...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
no comment ::
Pac-Man ::
En popravek, cmeranje na letališču nima povezave s protesti in no fly listo
Tudi na levi se najde trmaste idiote. Netočna objava o posledicah impiča je postala viralna, ko ga je kontaktiral novinar se je avtor sprenevedal in ne misli brisat, ker mu dajo trditve warm feelz.
Tudi na levi se najde trmaste idiote. Netočna objava o posledicah impiča je postala viralna, ko ga je kontaktiral novinar se je avtor sprenevedal in ne misli brisat, ker mu dajo trditve warm feelz.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
dild0idis ::
Non-scalable fence being erected around U.S. Capitol
BTW, a nismo leta in leta. poslušali, da ograje ne delujejo?
BTW, a nismo leta in leta. poslušali, da ograje ne delujejo?
Ni važno na koga mečeš jedrske, važno je, da ti Lady Gaga poje!