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Težave s CD-ROM pogoni!!!

Težave s CD-ROM pogoni!!!

M&M ::


Naletel sem na težave, ki jih ne morem rešiti.
Namreč nobenega CD-roma NI !!
Ne RW-ja ne Roma. Bios vse normalno spozna,... težava more bit nekje v gonilnikih.
Probal sem že vse, odstranit gonilnik ... se je nalošil nov ! Prestavit na druge IDE - položaje, menjati master slave,... nič ne pomaga!!!
V Sytem Managerju so klicaji pa da ga jebem!

Nebi pa rad formatiral mašine, ker ostalo dela 100% OK, samu tu ne najdem rešitve.!

Pomagajte hitro !

Uporabljam WinXP SP1

  • zavarovalo slike: OwcA ()

M&M ::

Nekaj je narobe v registru!!!

Kje naj kaj popravim.???

NAPIŠE MI: Program Windows ne more zagnati te strojne opreme, ker so informacije o konfiguraciji (v registru) nepopolne ali poškodovane. (Koda 19)

Han ::

01. Use the Registry Editor to navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurretControlSet / Control / Class / {4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.

02. Export this key to a savekey.reg file.

03. If the UpperFilters and/or LowerFilters Value Names exists, Delete them.

04. Exit the Registry Editor.

05. Shutdown and restart Windows XP.

06. Control Panel / [Performance and Maintenance] / System.

07. Press Device Manager on the Hardware tab.

08. Select (highlight) the drive with the question mark.

09. Use the Action menu to Uninstall the device. Press OK when prompted to confirm.

10. Repeat steps 08 and 09 for any other drive that is listed with a question mark.

11. Use the Action menu to Scan for hardware changes.

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