Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Logitech MouseWare bug (?)
Logitech MouseWare bug (?)

Swiwer ::
Preprican sem, da ima precej izmed vas Logitechovo mis in da imate vsaj nekateri instaliran novi MouseWare. Zanima pa me, ce ima tudi kdo drug probleme s temi driverji, razen mene. Trenutno imam instaliran najnovejsi MouseWare 9.76, drugace pa je tezava prisotna vse od verzije 9.00. Ce namrec dolocim da bo npr. gumb-kolescek povezan z funkcijo "Close application" ugotovim, da ta zadeva ne deluje pravilno. Omogoca namrec, da s klikom na "wheel-button" zaprem okno / program, ki se trenutno nahaja pod kurzorjem miske kar je zelo prakticno ker ni treba klikati na tisti obicajno majhen X desno zgoraj. No, v resnici pa se v cca. 50% primerih zapre popolnoma drug program oz. okno, pogosto celo ICQ, ki sicer stoji v tray bar. Prav tako funkcija "Close application" v MouseWare 9.76 noce in noce zapreti oken tipa Windows Explorer, My Computer, Control Panel, itd. Na Logitech sem pisal ze priblizno 10X in dobil vedno isti odgovor; 1) da so posredovali ta "bug report" svojim strokovnjakom; 2) da se niso slisali za ta bug od nikogar (ne drzi, so ga, 8X prej, od mene); 3) da pri sebi ne uspejo reproducirati te napake. Ker se napacno okno zapre "le" v 50% primerih morda tega res ne opazis takoj, ampak v 10ih minutah pa zagotovo. Logitechu se ocitno ne da niti 10 minut posvetiti temu in ne priznajo nic. Kakorkoli, napaka je prisotna v verzijah MouseWare od 9.00 dalje, za vse Windows OSe. Sam imam WinXP, sprobal pa sem stvar tudi na Win98/ME/2000.
Ce je kdo opazil isti problem oz. ce ga zna resit naj prosim napise reply. Hvala.
Ce je kdo opazil isti problem oz. ce ga zna resit naj prosim napise reply. Hvala.

BigHugo ::
Sam imam Windows XP SP1, Cordless MouseMan Optical MouseWare 9.75, pa stvar dela brez problemov.
Bom zvečer sprobal še na NoteBookeju.
Bom zvečer sprobal še na NoteBookeju.
LP BigHugo

Cokolesnik ::
Jaz imam 9.76.46 in mi zapiranje preizkušeno deluje (z izjemo Nadzorne plošče).
Lahko potrdim tudi en nepričakovan pripetljaj: ob odprtem mircu in internet explorerju v ozadju mi je slednjega in ne mirc, kot bi pričakoval. v drugem in tretjem poskusu je pravilno zaprl mirc.
Lahko potrdim tudi en nepričakovan pripetljaj: ob odprtem mircu in internet explorerju v ozadju mi je slednjega in ne mirc, kot bi pričakoval. v drugem in tretjem poskusu je pravilno zaprl mirc.
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Cokolesnik ()

Swiwer ::
Aha, potem vendarle ni krivda pri meni ampak je res MouseWare "zbuggan". Ce ti je zaprlo Internet Explorer v ozadju potem je to ze tocno ta napaka. Ce imas vec programov odprtih se zgodi tudi da ti dva napacna zapre predno ti zapre pravega. Control panela pa ocitno tudi ne zapira vec v tej verziji ja. Skratka kot je splosno znano, Logitechovi driverji so zanic. Ampak njim samim dela pa vse super. :-)

tec ::
Jest imam MX700 in 9.76, pa mi zapiranje dela bp. V 9.75 mi ni delal whell kot zoom v corelu, to je bil edini problem. Vse ostalo mi dela ko namazano.

Maxtor ::
Perplexer ima popolnoma prav. če ti parkat zapre pravilno še ne pomeni da dela. V 10 minutah pa zabnesljivo ugotoviš težavo. Delalo je normalno edino na gonilnikih 9.00 potem pa samo sranje. To se dogaja pri meni in pri vseh, ki jih poznam. Morda pa je odvisno od miške. Jaz in vsi koegi imajo najbolj preprosto M-48 in seveda ta problem, razen tistih, ki imajo gonilnike 9.00.
Fajn bi bilo, če bi kdo vedel rešitev.
Kakšno miš imate ostali, ki nimate teh problemov?
Fajn bi bilo, če bi kdo vedel rešitev.
Kakšno miš imate ostali, ki nimate teh problemov?

Jst ::
Nikoli nisem uporabljal Close Application, sprobal in res ne dela 100&. V večini primerov zapre aktivno okno, sem ter tja se mu pa zmeša. Recimo imaš odprtih 5 oken, nobeden ni aktiven. Včasih ne naredi nič, včasih pa zapre tistega, ki mi ni všeč.
Imam pa 1. verzijo mousemana plus, ki je prišla ven 5 let nazaj.
Sicer me to ne moti, ker kot sem že rekel, ne uporabljam tega. Ampak je dober feeling, ko odkriješ en bug :)
Logitech, logitech... kaj je z vami
Imam pa 1. verzijo mousemana plus, ki je prišla ven 5 let nazaj.
Sicer me to ne moti, ker kot sem že rekel, ne uporabljam tega. Ampak je dober feeling, ko odkriješ en bug :)
Logitech, logitech... kaj je z vami
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

akulp ::
am Maxtor.....jest "Close Application"uporabljam že od kar pomnim da mam Logitech pa mam lahko 100 oken odprtih pa 10 min zapiram pa odpiram (sem vse preizkusil kar ste rekl da naj ne bi delal) mam najnovejši MouseWare pa dela bp...tko da ni nujno ravno Mouseware kriv očitno.

bf4ed ::
Meni isto dela kot Perplexer-u. To sem pa opazil že 1. dan ko sem MX700 kupil in drivere naložil.

bf4ed ::
Aja pa še nekaj je, ponavadi neha delat potač?, in ko klikneš na ikono v system tray od logitech-a potem spet dela.

Swiwer ::
Jaz imam na Windowsih XP Pro brezzicno misko Logitech MouseMan optical. Sicer pa kot sem omenil sem MouseWare sprobal na stirih razlicnih racunalnikih (PI, PII, PIII, P4) s stirimi razlicnimi verzijami Windowsov (Win98SE, WinME, Win2000, WinXP, vsi na sveze instalirani, da ja ne bi bilo mozno da se kak program vmesava). Na mjem PCju uporabljam kot sem omenil MouseMan optical, na ostalih pa so navadne miske z kolesckom (ena starejsa, dve novejsi). Pa kot je bf4ed omenil tudi na MX700 ne dela. Mis torej verjetno ni vzrok. Driverji so nedvomno zbuggani. Ker je od verzije 9.00 preteklo ze dolgo casa in pri Logitechu niso nic naredili bi blo fino da jim tisti ki imate to tezavo pisete. Jaz sem jim ze ene 10X pa jim bom se 10X, da bojo le resil ta problem, lenobe. :-) Ne vem ce me je na PCju kaj tako motilo kot tole ker to funkcijo RABIM. Ne da se mi iskat tistega X levo zgoraj. Grr.
Mimogrede, akulp, pravis da tebi deluje to brez problema. Katere Windowse imas gor ? Imas kaj posebnega instaliranega kar naj bi vecina ostalih ne imela ? Eh, jaz kar ne verjamem. Probaj se malo pa bos videl. :-))
Mimogrede, akulp, pravis da tebi deluje to brez problema. Katere Windowse imas gor ? Imas kaj posebnega instaliranega kar naj bi vecina ostalih ne imela ? Eh, jaz kar ne verjamem. Probaj se malo pa bos videl. :-))
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Swiwer ()

Maxtor ::
Akulp: tudi jaz ti ne verjamem, da ti dela. Verjetno si to tako probal, da si odprl enih 15 oken in nato samo klikal s sredinskim gumbom in ko ti je vse lepo zaprlo si mislil da pač dela, vendar če to tako bolj na easy in hitro sprobaš, pač ne uspeš registrirat, da ne deluje pravilno. daj sprobaj še enkrat bolj počasi.
Perplexer: jaz bi poslal, samo sem bolj slab v angleščini. daj postal tvoj mail, da ga skopiram in malo preuredim ter pošljem.
Perplexer: jaz bi poslal, samo sem bolj slab v angleščini. daj postal tvoj mail, da ga skopiram in malo preuredim ter pošljem.

Swiwer ::
Ok sem napisal v anglescini pa eventuelno lahko kar to poslje(s/ta/te) na mail support iz Logitechove domace strani. Drugace pa je e-mail naslov od njihovega supporta tale:
I am experiencing some problems with Logitech MouseWare since version 9.00 on all Windows systems. I am currently using the newest version which is 9.76. The problem is with the "Close Application" function which, if bound to a mouse button, does not work correctly. If I use this button to click on a window or application I will notice that it will not always close, even if the mouse cursor is directly over it and the window is focused. Often some other program (minimised or in the background) close instead. In addition to that, the "Close Application" function in the latest MouseWare 9.76 does not close windows like "Windows Explorer", "My Computer", "Control Panel" and similar. The bug is present in all MouseWare versions since 9.00 for all Windows operating systems (Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP). Can you please provide a solution to this problem ?
Thank you in advance.
Ime Priimek
Mogoce zraven napisite samo katero misko in trenutno instaliran OS imate.
I am experiencing some problems with Logitech MouseWare since version 9.00 on all Windows systems. I am currently using the newest version which is 9.76. The problem is with the "Close Application" function which, if bound to a mouse button, does not work correctly. If I use this button to click on a window or application I will notice that it will not always close, even if the mouse cursor is directly over it and the window is focused. Often some other program (minimised or in the background) close instead. In addition to that, the "Close Application" function in the latest MouseWare 9.76 does not close windows like "Windows Explorer", "My Computer", "Control Panel" and similar. The bug is present in all MouseWare versions since 9.00 for all Windows operating systems (Win98, WinME, Win2000, WinXP). Can you please provide a solution to this problem ?
Thank you in advance.
Ime Priimek
Mogoce zraven napisite samo katero misko in trenutno instaliran OS imate.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Swiwer ()

bf4ed ::
Pa še to treba dodat:
Naključno po nekem času se neha odzivat kolkšček na miški in sploh ne dela dokler ne pritisnem na ikono od miške v taskbar-u. Potem pa dela normalno naprej.Mam pa MX700 na usb. Mislim da je problem tudi na ps2 isti. Samo nisem siguren, a ponavadi se to dogaja če je Winamp vklopljen.
Daj prevedi še to.
Naključno po nekem času se neha odzivat kolkšček na miški in sploh ne dela dokler ne pritisnem na ikono od miške v taskbar-u. Potem pa dela normalno naprej.Mam pa MX700 na usb. Mislim da je problem tudi na ps2 isti. Samo nisem siguren, a ponavadi se to dogaja če je Winamp vklopljen.

Swiwer ::
The wheel-button sometimes also stops responding until I click on the MouseWare icon in the taskbar/traybar (that seems to reactivate it, at least for some time). The mouse I use is a Logitech MX700 connected to a USB port.
Drugace pa, jaz imam misko pripeto na PS2 preko prilozenega adapterja. Na USB portu mi miska pa parih urah zamrzne in potem moram vse skupaj izklapljat, pritiskat gump na sprejemniku itd., dokler ne zacne zopet delovati. To je se en bug o katerem sem pa na Internetu videl ze vec napisanega samo me ta trenutno ne moti tolko ker imam misko kot pravim na PS2.
The wheel-button sometimes also stops responding until I click on the MouseWare icon in the taskbar/traybar (that seems to reactivate it, at least for some time). The mouse I use is a Logitech MX700 connected to a USB port.
Drugace pa, jaz imam misko pripeto na PS2 preko prilozenega adapterja. Na USB portu mi miska pa parih urah zamrzne in potem moram vse skupaj izklapljat, pritiskat gump na sprejemniku itd., dokler ne zacne zopet delovati. To je se en bug o katerem sem pa na Internetu videl ze vec napisanega samo me ta trenutno ne moti tolko ker imam misko kot pravim na PS2.

bf4ed ::
Ok hvala za prevod, sem poslal in bom vsak teden pošiljal.
Na ps2 bom pa priklopil ko bom formatiral. Saj sem mel od začetka na ps2 samo tam nisem opazil tega z koleščkom a tisti close app pa je bil.
Po moje ni fora v priklopu.

Na ps2 bom pa priklopil ko bom formatiral. Saj sem mel od začetka na ps2 samo tam nisem opazil tega z koleščkom a tisti close app pa je bil.
Po moje ni fora v priklopu.

Cokolesnik ::
Razumem, da težave strojne opreme pestijo vsakega uporabnika, ki mu ni vseeno. A kljub temu ne vidim smisla, da bi pošiljal vsak teden isto obvestilo. Logitech je podjetje s tradicijo, zato verjamem, da se odzovejo na opozorila uporabnikov in jih tudi upoštevajo v nadgradnjah programske opreme. Konec koncev je konkurenca tudi na področju glodalcev in sorodnih naprav.
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.

Maxtor ::
Jaz sem dobil že odgovor. Ko sem prebral odgovor se mi zdi, da je brezveze, da sploh kaj počenjam okoli tega. Zdi se mi da ne bo prineslo rešitve. Je kdo že probal????
No, še odgovor:
Dear Sir.
Thank you for your enquiry.
The problem will most likely be caused by the software being not installed
correctly. This is in most circumstances caused by some program on your
computer running in the background during the installation. To eliminate
this, please try the following:
For Windows 98 and ME:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
Then please go to Start -> Run and in here type "msconfig" (without the
quotes). This will bring up a program which allows you to modify which
programs are started up when windows boots up. On the tab labeled General,
please select the option "selective startup". This should make a number of
checkboxes available with different options that can be excluded from the
Windows startup process. Please uncheck all these boxes except for the one
marked "system.ini". Next please press "apply" and then "ok". You will then
be prompted to restart your computer. When the computer has restarted you
can proceed to install the device as normal, and once the entire
installation is complete and the device is up and running, you can go back
to the msconfig program and re-select normal startup to put things back to
For Windows XP:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
1. Click on the "Start" button from the Windows desktop and select "Run."
2. In the open command line, type MSCONFIG and click OK. The System
Configuration Utility should appear.
For diagnostic purposes, we suggest you create a backup by clicking on the
"Launch System Restore" button and following the onscreen prompts to make a
backup. Under "Startup Selection," make sure "Selective Startup" is marked.
Clear the check mark from the following boxes:
Process Win.ini
Load system services
Load Startup group items
NOTE: Make sure the radio button for "Use original BOOT.INI" is selected.
If your issue maybe be video related, click on the "BOOT.INI" tab and under
"Boot Options" place a check mark next to "/BASEVIDEO" box and click the OK
button. You may also use the "Enable VGA Mode" listed below in the section
called, "Using the Windows Advanced Option Menu".
Next, click on the tab labeled "Startup". These programs are loaded from
the Run folder of the Windows Registry. Remove the check mark from every
box, except for the entry for "System Tray (SysTray.Exe)" and the Logitech
entry ("EM_EXEC.EXE"). This will prevent memory resident programs from
loading from the Run folder and other startup folders of the Registry.
NOTE: Creating a Backup file, as described above, does not create a backup
of the Run folder. Therefore, it is important that you note which programs
you are disabling, so that you can enable them when you have completed
Once finished, click the "OK" button and Windows should prompt you to
reboot. After that, you can proceed to install the device as normal, and
once the entire installation is complete and the device is up and running,
restore your system by doing the following.
2. Reverse any changes you made to the Startup tab.
Once finished, click the "OK" button and Windows should prompt you to
For Windows NT and 2000:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
Then please do the following:
1. Click on "Start," "Settings," then "Taskbar & Start Menu."
2. Click on the Advanced tab.
3. Click on the Advanced button.
4. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Programs."
5. Click on the StartUp folder.
6. Drag all the program icons onto the desktop area; this will prevent them
from loading automatically when the computer boots.
After removing startup items, you must also check the Run folder of the
Registry. IMPORTANT NOTE: For information about how to edit the registry,
view the "Changing Keys And Values", and "Restoring the registry", using
the on line Help topic in the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).
WARNING: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly may cause symptoms requiring
a reinstallation of Windows. Logitech cannot guarantee that issues
resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use the
Registry Editor at your own discretion. The Registry Editor should only be
used to make the following modifications:
1. Click "Start," then select "Run."
2. In the Open line, type: REGEDIT.EXE and press [enter]
3. Open the following key:
4. Once "Run" is highlighted, click on "Registry" and choose "Export".
5. Give the file a name and save it to the desktop. This procedure makes a
backup of the Run folder, which can be restored by double clicking on the
.REG file you saved to the desktop.
6. When Run is highlighted, the contents of the Run folder will be
displayed. Check this folder to see what else may be launched during the
boot process. Only "Explorer" and "Systray" are necessary to the system.
7. Delete all entries except "Explorer" and "Systray."
8. Exit the Registry; saving is automatic.
After restarting the computer, you should be able to install the device as
To restore your system after installing the software, simply double click
on the *.REG file you created on the Desktop. Also, use the procedures
described above to replace the Startup group with the programs you removed.
The issue might also be related to a USB problem on your computer. Please
see if you have the latest drivers available for your USB controller
installed on your computer, and see if there are any BIOS updates available
for your motherboard. For information on how to do this, please consult
your computer manufacturer or your computer's users guide.
Kind regards,
Devon Priemus
Logitech Europe SA technical support
P.S. Due to the amount of emails we receive, it is impossible for us to
remember each specific case. Therefore we kindly ask you to include the
entire email history when replying, if possible. When replying, we
appreciate it if you would keep the email readable by replying at the top
of the email and to avoid editing emails in the email history.
No, še odgovor:
Dear Sir.
Thank you for your enquiry.
The problem will most likely be caused by the software being not installed
correctly. This is in most circumstances caused by some program on your
computer running in the background during the installation. To eliminate
this, please try the following:
For Windows 98 and ME:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
Then please go to Start -> Run and in here type "msconfig" (without the
quotes). This will bring up a program which allows you to modify which
programs are started up when windows boots up. On the tab labeled General,
please select the option "selective startup". This should make a number of
checkboxes available with different options that can be excluded from the
Windows startup process. Please uncheck all these boxes except for the one
marked "system.ini". Next please press "apply" and then "ok". You will then
be prompted to restart your computer. When the computer has restarted you
can proceed to install the device as normal, and once the entire
installation is complete and the device is up and running, you can go back
to the msconfig program and re-select normal startup to put things back to
For Windows XP:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
1. Click on the "Start" button from the Windows desktop and select "Run."
2. In the open command line, type MSCONFIG and click OK. The System
Configuration Utility should appear.
For diagnostic purposes, we suggest you create a backup by clicking on the
"Launch System Restore" button and following the onscreen prompts to make a
backup. Under "Startup Selection," make sure "Selective Startup" is marked.
Clear the check mark from the following boxes:
Process Win.ini
Load system services
Load Startup group items
NOTE: Make sure the radio button for "Use original BOOT.INI" is selected.
If your issue maybe be video related, click on the "BOOT.INI" tab and under
"Boot Options" place a check mark next to "/BASEVIDEO" box and click the OK
button. You may also use the "Enable VGA Mode" listed below in the section
called, "Using the Windows Advanced Option Menu".
Next, click on the tab labeled "Startup". These programs are loaded from
the Run folder of the Windows Registry. Remove the check mark from every
box, except for the entry for "System Tray (SysTray.Exe)" and the Logitech
entry ("EM_EXEC.EXE"). This will prevent memory resident programs from
loading from the Run folder and other startup folders of the Registry.
NOTE: Creating a Backup file, as described above, does not create a backup
of the Run folder. Therefore, it is important that you note which programs
you are disabling, so that you can enable them when you have completed
Once finished, click the "OK" button and Windows should prompt you to
reboot. After that, you can proceed to install the device as normal, and
once the entire installation is complete and the device is up and running,
restore your system by doing the following.
2. Reverse any changes you made to the Startup tab.
Once finished, click the "OK" button and Windows should prompt you to
For Windows NT and 2000:
First go into start -> settings -> control panel -> add/remove programs and
completely uninstall all components in there that belong to the product.
Then please do the following:
1. Click on "Start," "Settings," then "Taskbar & Start Menu."
2. Click on the Advanced tab.
3. Click on the Advanced button.
4. Click the plus (+) sign next to "Programs."
5. Click on the StartUp folder.
6. Drag all the program icons onto the desktop area; this will prevent them
from loading automatically when the computer boots.
After removing startup items, you must also check the Run folder of the
Registry. IMPORTANT NOTE: For information about how to edit the registry,
view the "Changing Keys And Values", and "Restoring the registry", using
the on line Help topic in the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).
WARNING: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly may cause symptoms requiring
a reinstallation of Windows. Logitech cannot guarantee that issues
resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use the
Registry Editor at your own discretion. The Registry Editor should only be
used to make the following modifications:
1. Click "Start," then select "Run."
2. In the Open line, type: REGEDIT.EXE and press [enter]
3. Open the following key:
4. Once "Run" is highlighted, click on "Registry" and choose "Export".
5. Give the file a name and save it to the desktop. This procedure makes a
backup of the Run folder, which can be restored by double clicking on the
.REG file you saved to the desktop.
6. When Run is highlighted, the contents of the Run folder will be
displayed. Check this folder to see what else may be launched during the
boot process. Only "Explorer" and "Systray" are necessary to the system.
7. Delete all entries except "Explorer" and "Systray."
8. Exit the Registry; saving is automatic.
After restarting the computer, you should be able to install the device as
To restore your system after installing the software, simply double click
on the *.REG file you created on the Desktop. Also, use the procedures
described above to replace the Startup group with the programs you removed.
The issue might also be related to a USB problem on your computer. Please
see if you have the latest drivers available for your USB controller
installed on your computer, and see if there are any BIOS updates available
for your motherboard. For information on how to do this, please consult
your computer manufacturer or your computer's users guide.
Kind regards,
Devon Priemus
Logitech Europe SA technical support
P.S. Due to the amount of emails we receive, it is impossible for us to
remember each specific case. Therefore we kindly ask you to include the
entire email history when replying, if possible. When replying, we
appreciate it if you would keep the email readable by replying at the top
of the email and to avoid editing emails in the email history.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Maxtor ()

Maxtor ::
Kljub temu, da se mi je zdelo brezveze sem naredil po nasvetu, ki so mi ga posredovali. Kot sem domneval je brezveze. Tudi če namestim na popolnoma friški win, kjer sigurno procesi v ozadju ne motijo namestitve, gonilnik ne deluje, ali pač? Je komu uspelo porihtat zadevo?

Dr_M ::
jest sm naredu en test. sicer nimam miske s kolesckom ampak dvomim da to kej upliva. kot ze ime ukaza pove Close Applcataion je ukaz namenjen zapiranje programov in ne useh pizdarij v winsih (explorerja in podobnih stvari). men stvar deluje tko...delono. zapre vecino programov v aktivnem oknu, ampak ne useh, da bi pa zapiru programe v trayu se mi ni se zgodil, pa jih mam neki.
btw: a se zmeri par zgublenih dus uporabla icq?
btw: a se zmeri par zgublenih dus uporabla icq?

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Swiwer ::
Cokolesnik: Tudi sam sem bil popolnoma enakega mnenja kot ti, vse do izida MouseWare 9.00+ nekje leta 2000/2001. Ce bi ti vse od takrat pa do danes posiljal support requeste brez pametnega odgovora (oz. z samimi neumnimi odgovori, kot ta malo zgoraj), na koncu pa bi ti napisali se da so oni to sprobali, da je krivda na tvoji strani in da se nikoli niso dobili takega bug reporta, potem bi se ti pa sigurno skisala pamet. Pisali smo jim jasno, da smo instalirali stvar na sveze instaliranih Windowsih vseh vrst, oni pa enostavno pastajo en template reply in ko spet pises da nic ne pomaga, ne dobis odgovora. In ti temu pravis podjetje s tradicijo ? Kaksno tradicijo ? Njihovi driverji so znani kot slabi driverji. Le sam hardware jih nekako drzi pokonci. To se vlece ze 2 leti in sam jim ne bom nehal posiljat mailov dokler se ne bojo usedl, stvari popravl in priznal da majo bug in da je bil ze miljonkrat reportan ! Danes sem dobil mail od Logitecha, kot nek survey za kvaliteto njihovega supporta. Ravno prav, same kritike sm jim napisu. Sicer pa kakor vidim jih to prav mal briga.
Drugace pa fantje, ze par let probavam razne trike in nisem nasel resitve. Bug je 100% v MouseWare driverjih. Nima smisla delat bedarij, ki jih Logitech svetuje ker ne bo pomagalo. To so samo vnaprej pripravljeni odgovori ki jih support osebje poslje kot odgovor za vsako vrsto vprasanja. Garantiram da tudi preberejo ne kar jim napisete. Mailat jim je treba 10X na dan ce je treba tko da se bo to 'podjetje s tradicijo' mogoce le zbudilo.
Drugace pa fantje, ze par let probavam razne trike in nisem nasel resitve. Bug je 100% v MouseWare driverjih. Nima smisla delat bedarij, ki jih Logitech svetuje ker ne bo pomagalo. To so samo vnaprej pripravljeni odgovori ki jih support osebje poslje kot odgovor za vsako vrsto vprasanja. Garantiram da tudi preberejo ne kar jim napisete. Mailat jim je treba 10X na dan ce je treba tko da se bo to 'podjetje s tradicijo' mogoce le zbudilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Swiwer ()

Swiwer ::
Mimogrede, je ze kdo opazil da imajo v seznamu drzav napisano "Slovania" namesto "Slovenia" ?
Vzorno podjetje ni kaj.
Vzorno podjetje ni kaj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Swiwer ()

Swiwer ::
Presenetljivi odgovor Logitecha na enega mojih zadnjih support requestov:
Thank you for your enquiry.
This is a know problem with current versions of MouseWare. Hopefully it
will be fixed in a future release.
Kind regards,
Nick van Raalte
Logitech Europe SA technical support
> I have followed your instructions and did what you suggested but
> that unfortunately did not help. The problem is still present. I also
> formatted the hard drive on my other computer and installed new
> Windows XP on it. Directly after that I installed MouseWare so that
> I could minimize the possibility of any program running in the background.
> Even in this case the MouseWare drivers did not work correctly. The
> 'close application' function causes wrong windows/programs to close.
> I require further assistance. Please help.
> Best regards, RJ
Ali bomo le docakali fix ? :-)
Thank you for your enquiry.
This is a know problem with current versions of MouseWare. Hopefully it
will be fixed in a future release.
Kind regards,
Nick van Raalte
Logitech Europe SA technical support
> I have followed your instructions and did what you suggested but
> that unfortunately did not help. The problem is still present. I also
> formatted the hard drive on my other computer and installed new
> Windows XP on it. Directly after that I installed MouseWare so that
> I could minimize the possibility of any program running in the background.
> Even in this case the MouseWare drivers did not work correctly. The
> 'close application' function causes wrong windows/programs to close.
> I require further assistance. Please help.
> Best regards, RJ
Ali bomo le docakali fix ? :-)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Swiwer ()

Swiwer ::
Hallelujah !
Dear Mr. Fischer
Thanks for having participated with the Logitech Customer Service Survey
I have read through all emails you exchange with our callcenter staff.
The problem you mention is indeed a bug and the developers of mouseware
have since confirmed this to be the case. At the time of writing the
original emails on June 24 the bug had not yet been confirmed as our QA
(Quality Assurance) where still working on reproducing it in a systematic
I apologize that this information was withheld from you at the time and
also that no promise was made to investigate your case any furhter. The
programmers are hoping to have this bug fixed for Mouseware 9.80 sometime
this summer, or, at the latest for the release of the completely reworked
mouseware this autumn.
Once again, please accept my apologies for the poor service
Kind regards
Dominic Kinseher
Logitech Europe SA
Customer Service
Dear Mr. Fischer
Thanks for having participated with the Logitech Customer Service Survey
I have read through all emails you exchange with our callcenter staff.
The problem you mention is indeed a bug and the developers of mouseware
have since confirmed this to be the case. At the time of writing the
original emails on June 24 the bug had not yet been confirmed as our QA
(Quality Assurance) where still working on reproducing it in a systematic
I apologize that this information was withheld from you at the time and
also that no promise was made to investigate your case any furhter. The
programmers are hoping to have this bug fixed for Mouseware 9.80 sometime
this summer, or, at the latest for the release of the completely reworked
mouseware this autumn.
Once again, please accept my apologies for the poor service
Kind regards
Dominic Kinseher
Logitech Europe SA
Customer Service
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