Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Nujno! Pomoc pri zaznavi CD-roma!!!
Nujno! Pomoc pri zaznavi CD-roma!!!

MrGTO ::
Res nevem kako se mi je lahko to zgodilo. Vceri sem se normalno uporabljal comp, nakar sem hotel zapeci en cd in se spomnem da imam priklopljen samo cd-rom. Zato ugasnem comp,izklopim cd-rom in vklopim cd-rw.Ko sem prisel v winse (v biosu in na zacetku mi normalno zazna cd-rw) nisem videl nobenega cd-rw, le disk z dvemi particijami. Pogledam pod device manager in tam pise "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)" pod device status. TOrej kaj mi je narediti?
aja...pozabil sem povedati da imam doma dva cd-roma in en cd-rw pa nobeden ne dela. Tudi ce dam vsakega na svoj kabel, torej disk na primary in cd-rom na secondary.
Probal sem ze vse mozno, Ide kable sem prestavljal in primary in secondary. Pa tudi to je cudno da mi disk starta v winse samo ce je primary master.
Res sem obupan, prosim za pomoc.
Se sistem:
DFI ultra infinity NF2 (stara tri dni)
1700+ Tb B
2x256 Kingston
9800 pro
Wd 80 GB 8Mb
Antec TP 430 W
Lp, Blaž
Res nevem kako se mi je lahko to zgodilo. Vceri sem se normalno uporabljal comp, nakar sem hotel zapeci en cd in se spomnem da imam priklopljen samo cd-rom. Zato ugasnem comp,izklopim cd-rom in vklopim cd-rw.Ko sem prisel v winse (v biosu in na zacetku mi normalno zazna cd-rw) nisem videl nobenega cd-rw, le disk z dvemi particijami. Pogledam pod device manager in tam pise "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)" pod device status. TOrej kaj mi je narediti?
aja...pozabil sem povedati da imam doma dva cd-roma in en cd-rw pa nobeden ne dela. Tudi ce dam vsakega na svoj kabel, torej disk na primary in cd-rom na secondary.
Probal sem ze vse mozno, Ide kable sem prestavljal in primary in secondary. Pa tudi to je cudno da mi disk starta v winse samo ce je primary master.
Res sem obupan, prosim za pomoc.
Se sistem:
DFI ultra infinity NF2 (stara tri dni)
1700+ Tb B
2x256 Kingston
9800 pro
Wd 80 GB 8Mb
Antec TP 430 W
Lp, Blaž

Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::
men dela normalno...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

MrGTO ::
aha...kaj je sploh narobe da ne delajo cd romi? A morem formatirat? pa lih zdej sem dobil novo maticno pa spet formatirat...
kaj pa je na tisti strani?
Lp, Blaž

kaj pa je na tisti strani?
Lp, Blaž

Sharkb1te ::
Probi tole. Men je s tem uspelo.
*Control Panel*
This problem and its resolution is described in the following Microsoft
Knowledge Base article:
CD-ROM Access Is Missing and Messages Cite Error Code 31, Code 32, Code
19, or Code 39 After You Remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP
A missing CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive in Windows Explorer seems to
be a fairly common problem in Windows XP. Sometimes this happens after a
Windows upgrade, sometimes after a new program installation, and
sometimes suddenly for no apparent reason at all. If you look in Device
Manager, you might see one of these errors:
The device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the
drivers required for this device (Code 31).
A driver for this device was not required, and has been disabled (Code
32 or Code 31).
Your registry might be corrupted. (Code 19)
The driver is corrupted. (Code 39)
Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but
cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)
The method for correcting any of these problems is to delete certain
keys in the Registry. Click on the Start button, select Run, type in
REGEDIT and click OK. Locate and click on the following key in the left
pane of the Regedit window:
In the right pane, there will be two values called Lowerfilters and
Upperfilters. Right click on each and select Delete from the Context
Menu. Then close Regedit and re-boot. You might need to reinstall any CD
recording software on your computer if there is lost functionality.
It is dangerous to use the Registry Editor, as a mistake may cause your
computer to be unbootable. If you prefer, you can download a script to
perform the Registry edit; it can be found at:
Restore CD/DVD Drives to Explorer
*Control Panel*
This problem and its resolution is described in the following Microsoft
Knowledge Base article:
CD-ROM Access Is Missing and Messages Cite Error Code 31, Code 32, Code
19, or Code 39 After You Remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP
A missing CD-ROM, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM drive in Windows Explorer seems to
be a fairly common problem in Windows XP. Sometimes this happens after a
Windows upgrade, sometimes after a new program installation, and
sometimes suddenly for no apparent reason at all. If you look in Device
Manager, you might see one of these errors:
The device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the
drivers required for this device (Code 31).
A driver for this device was not required, and has been disabled (Code
32 or Code 31).
Your registry might be corrupted. (Code 19)
The driver is corrupted. (Code 39)
Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but
cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)
The method for correcting any of these problems is to delete certain
keys in the Registry. Click on the Start button, select Run, type in
REGEDIT and click OK. Locate and click on the following key in the left
pane of the Regedit window:
In the right pane, there will be two values called Lowerfilters and
Upperfilters. Right click on each and select Delete from the Context
Menu. Then close Regedit and re-boot. You might need to reinstall any CD
recording software on your computer if there is lost functionality.
It is dangerous to use the Registry Editor, as a mistake may cause your
computer to be unbootable. If you prefer, you can download a script to
perform the Registry edit; it can be found at:
Restore CD/DVD Drives to Explorer

Sharkb1te ::
Ni problema. Itak pa sem se tako al tako mislu enkrat prijavit na forum, ti pa si mi dal dober začetek, da sem vsaj enemu lahko pomagu. Drgač pa sem tud jaz norel, ker sta mi kr naenkrat izginila CD in DVD rom, pol sem pa pol dneva presedel pred netom in na neki strani našel tole navodilo.

pale ::
ej jst sm vse naredu tko ti si ti dau ta navodila Sharkb1te
samo še vseen noče delat
a bi mi lohk kdo prosm pomagu :[[[[ k res nevem kwa je narobe pomoč prosm
samo še vseen noče delat
a bi mi lohk kdo prosm pomagu :[[[[ k res nevem kwa je narobe pomoč prosm

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