Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
RedDrake ::
Zahod je podprl že toliko kriminalcev, da se še eden več ne bo nikjer poznal.
Veliko ljudi tu se imho moti, ko sklepa, da gre za WW2 stil konflikta, kjer je bila samo ena končna rešitev - totalno uničenje ene ali druge strani. Tu vsekakor ni tako.
Putin vojne NE more zaključiti, ker ga to stane oblasti (in verjetno glave). Prigo jo komot, in on osebno od vojne nima več kaj pridobiti, če odstrani Putko. Tip ni nek zmešan nacionalist tipa Strelkov, Dugin, ... Je pa izjemno pameten in predvsem osveščen o tem kakšno je stanje na terenu. In mislim, da vsak kolikor toliko pri sebi pošten Rus z dobrimi informacijami ve, da te vojne ne morejo več zmagati. Zahod je klical vse blefe in sedaj je pandorina skrinja podpore zahoda Ukrajini odprta praktično do konca.
Veliko ljudi tu se imho moti, ko sklepa, da gre za WW2 stil konflikta, kjer je bila samo ena končna rešitev - totalno uničenje ene ali druge strani. Tu vsekakor ni tako.
Putin vojne NE more zaključiti, ker ga to stane oblasti (in verjetno glave). Prigo jo komot, in on osebno od vojne nima več kaj pridobiti, če odstrani Putko. Tip ni nek zmešan nacionalist tipa Strelkov, Dugin, ... Je pa izjemno pameten in predvsem osveščen o tem kakšno je stanje na terenu. In mislim, da vsak kolikor toliko pri sebi pošten Rus z dobrimi informacijami ve, da te vojne ne morejo več zmagati. Zahod je klical vse blefe in sedaj je pandorina skrinja podpore zahoda Ukrajini odprta praktično do konca.
gaoZjQP ::
Jep, jaz tudi to tako vidim.
Možno celo, da je bil v stiku z "zahodom" že dalj časa. Tip je tisti, ki v očeh Rusov "nekaj naredi" za razliko od onih v Kremlju. Posledično je v Rusiji postal popularen, in komot "razreši" tole godljo (jasno najbolj sebi v prid, ampak v končni fazi tudi v prid Rusije in posledično Ukrajine).
končno so se mu le spomnili ponuditi 20 mrd € namesto prejšnjih 10...
RedDrake ::
Ah, kakih 20 mrd, človek. Šef Rusije ima neomejeno denarja in moči. To je 1-up od karkoli finančnega. Če bi bil samo $$$ v igri, imho tip ne bi tako iz intervjuja v intervju rušil Kremeljske narative o tem kako (in zakaj) poteka vojna z Ukrajino.
Pac-Man ::
En detajl, Prigožin je velik ponudnik infrastrukturnih storitev obrambnemu ministrstvu. Njegova podjetja upravljajo cele vojaške baze in mesta.
Če bi kdo osvežil spomin, angleški podnapisi
Putin's chef, the king of dislikes: a success story
Če bi kdo osvežil spomin, angleški podnapisi
Putin's chef, the king of dislikes: a success story
Putin's cook was a twice convicted criminal yesterday. Then fate smiled at him, he personally served the president at the table and was remembered. Then he became Putin's "court jester", then a confidant, but after that, state orders fell on him like from a cornucopia. Now he is a billionaire who makes money on everything from school lunches to feeding soldiers in the army and maintaining military camps. Yevgeny Prigozhin also owns the famous factories of Putin's trolls, located in St. Petersburg.
The Anti-Corruption Foundation studied in detail the structure of Prigozhin's business empire. This is a real organized criminal group that uses cartel collusion to rob the Russian budget for public procurement.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
gaoZjQP ::
Ah, kakih 20 mrd, človek. Šef Rusije ima neomejeno denarja in moči. To je 1-up od karkoli finančnega. Če bi bil samo $$$ v igri, imho tip ne bi tako iz intervjuja v intervju rušil Kremeljske narative o tem kako (in zakaj) poteka vojna z Ukrajino.
izgleda, je to vseeno več, kot je bilo možno v nasprotnem primeru, torej dejansko utemeljuješ, da je to samo kulisa za neko bolj sofisticirano orkestracijo?
RedDrake ::
Izhodna strategija, po kateri Ruski nacionalni ponos ni "totalno" uničen, hkrati pa se vojna lahko zaključi?
martincek1 ::
Težko bi Putin preživel, če doživijo poraz v Ukrajini, predvsem ko bo enkrat postalo jasno, koliko Rusov je umrlo na fronti in da so se cel čas lagali o številkah.
Po drugi strani, pa se zna zgoditi, da Prigožinu uspe priti do Moskve, ki nima praktično nobene resne obrambe. Če pa katero koli enoto pokličejo iz fronte, pa se cela frontna črta podre.
Kar zajebano :)
Po drugi strani, pa se zna zgoditi, da Prigožinu uspe priti do Moskve, ki nima praktično nobene resne obrambe. Če pa katero koli enoto pokličejo iz fronte, pa se cela frontna črta podre.
Kar zajebano :)
wcpapir ::
Vseeno je kaj se zgodi kdo zmaga komu rata, dogodki bodo odprli oci drzavljanom...koliko se jim sploh to da.
gaoZjQP ::
Izhodna strategija, po kateri Ruski nacionalni ponos ni "totalno" uničen, hkrati pa se vojna lahko zaključi?
kako ne bo ruski nacionalni ponos uničen? a ni že, navkljub izraziti določeni medijsko-politično podpori? kaj je to sploh, ruski nacionalni ponos in zakaj te skrbi za njega?
sparklyslo ::
martincek1 je izjavil:
Težko bi Putin preživel, če doživijo poraz v Ukrajini, predvsem ko bo enkrat postalo jasno, koliko Rusov je umrlo na fronti in da so se cel čas lagali o številkah.
Po drugi strani, pa se zna zgoditi, da Prigožinu uspe priti do Moskve, ki nima praktično nobene resne obrambe. Če pa katero koli enoto pokličejo iz fronte, pa se cela frontna črta podre.
Kar zajebano :)
Pa wagnerjevi plačanci imajo vojaške izkušnje, moskovske enote, policija, FSB, so pa navajeni samo neoborožene protestnike buzerirat
MadMen ::
Zadnji twitt od uradnega TG kanala od muzikantov
Še prej pa
Zadnji twitt od uradnega TG kanala od muzikantov
The Tuvan degenerate and Putin could not even cope with crests. How can they compete with PMC "Wagner". When a Tuvan is taken out of the office in handcuffs, he will probably tell that up to two hundred musicians have been destroyed.
Še prej pa
Putin made the wrong choice. So much the worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MadMen ()
Pac-Man ::
As I said, there is no Russian state, no political chain of command, and total failure in Ukraine has exposed that. Who will obey whose orders now? If Prigozhin is still alive and free in 24 hours, we will have entered a new reality.
Great from @apiontkovsky: "You thought Russia was going to become North Korea? Surprise, it's Sudan!"
If this is a color revolution in Russia, it’s the color of money. Crooks fighting thugs for turf and resources and the power to hold them. Prigozhin could end up dead or like another Kadyrov, bought off to murder for the regime again. No honor among thieves & killers.
As I said, there is no Russian state, no political chain of command, and total failure in Ukraine has exposed that. Who will obey whose orders now? If Prigozhin is still alive and free in 24 hours, we will have entered a new reality.
Great from @apiontkovsky: "You thought Russia was going to become North Korea? Surprise, it's Sudan!"
If this is a color revolution in Russia, it’s the color of money. Crooks fighting thugs for turf and resources and the power to hold them. Prigozhin could end up dead or like another Kadyrov, bought off to murder for the regime again. No honor among thieves & killers.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
karafeka ::
A Ukrajinci so kaj bolj napadli zdaj, ali pa se samo režijo? Imajo sedaj pravi trenutek, ko še ni jasno, kako vroča bo juha od našega kuharja. Tankov pa dronov še menda imajo kaj, ajmo na juriš.
Aja, pa nam ne pozabit sankcij dvignit.
Aja, pa nam ne pozabit sankcij dvignit.
DarkSite ::
Wagner PMC Telegram channel:
"Putin made the wrong choice. All the worse for him. Soon we will have a new president"
RedDrake ::
kako ne bo ruski nacionalni ponos uničen? a ni že, navkljub izraziti določeni medijsko-politično podpori? kaj je to sploh, ruski nacionalni ponos in zakaj te skrbi za njega?
Mene ne skrbi za takšno stvar, ampak spomni se kaj je nastalo, ko so bili nemci ponižani 1918-1919. Priznati si, da si slabši od nasprotnika je težko, mnogo lažje pa, če ti nekdo utemelji, da so bili vzroki in sam potek popolnoma zlagani in potvorjeni.
Zdej pa dost, trava raste, zid se ne bo sam zgradil, I'm off, bom z veseljem zvečer spet prebiral tole :)
gaoZjQP ::
Mene ne skrbi za takšno stvar, ampak spomni se kaj je nastalo, ko so bili nemci ponižani 1918-1919. Priznati si, da si slabši od nasprotnika je težko, mnogo lažje pa, če ti nekdo utemelji, da so bili vzroki in sam potek popolnoma zlagani in potvorjeni.
Zdej pa dost, trava raste, zid se ne bo sam zgradil, I'm off, bom z veseljem zvečer spet prebiral tole :)
tako ponižani zagotovo rusi ne bodo, če je trenutno dogajanje avtentično, kot so bili nemci po wwi porazu, je bila izredno močna lekcija za ves svet in ni ostala neopažena izven foruma... verjetno se bodo dogovorili glede zaplenjenih stvari in kakšnih ogromnih gospodarskih benefitov v naslednjih 20 let... če ne bo tako, me pridi spomnit, da se opravičim, morda počakam.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gaoZjQP ()
Bellator ::
RTV cenzorji so še vedno aktivni. A se da kaj postoriti, se komu pritožiti? Nenazadnje ne plačujemo RTV prispevka zato, da nas rusofili cenzurijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bellator ()
Spura ::
Ker so Wagner placanci samo na papirju."?Putin has been informed about the situation around Prigozhin, all the necessary measures are being taken" Peskov said.
CIA + $$$ + wagner = Putin-1: Prigožin presidente :D
Jaz sem že mesece nazaj pisal, da ne razumem zakaj zahod enostavno ne plača Wagnerja / Prighozina več, kot ga plačuje Putin.
Wrop ::
Ti se kar pritožuj rusofilom na rtv. Dosegel ne boš nič. Danes bodo imeli posebno težko delo.
Šurda bo delal tri izmene.
Šurda bo delal tri izmene.
tikitoki ::
Situacija z Wagnerjem ni ravno presenetljiva, tip je zelo ocitno kritiziral vodenje vojne.
BorutO ::
Kako lepe novice. Kje so danes rusofili?
Pa to smo eni v rusiji pričakovali že najmanj pol leta.
Mogoče so pa rusofili danes končno spregledali, da je putler tudi njim lagal, ne samo ruskićem.
Pa to smo eni v rusiji pričakovali že najmanj pol leta.
Mogoče so pa rusofili danes končno spregledali, da je putler tudi njim lagal, ne samo ruskićem.
ripmork ::
Pravkar: "One of the Wagner mercenaries reportedly attempted to assassinate Prigozhin. He failed and has been executed."
Pac-Man ::
Not to get too ahead of events, but if Prigozhin does defeat the Kremlin it will be an extreme right, neo-Nazi, violent and illegitimate coup that automatically entitles Ukraine to a referendum in Belgorod. It is how it is, I don't make the rules.
Not to get too ahead of events, but if Prigozhin does defeat the Kremlin it will be an extreme right, neo-Nazi, violent and illegitimate coup that automatically entitles Ukraine to a referendum in Belgorod. It is how it is, I don't make the rules.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
DarkSite ::
The Russian Air Force has begun striking the Wagner Group military convoy heading toward Moscow from Voronezh
and so it begins ...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DarkSite ()
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lonsarg ::
Skratka končni rezultat niti ni tako pomemben, kdorkoli zmaga v Rusiji bo še vedno sovražnik Ukrajine.
Kar pa je pomembno pa je da traja čimdlje z čimveč žrtvami in čimveč zmede za Ruse, bi bilo kar škoda da že v prvem dnevu uspejo Wagnerjevce odstranit :)
Kar pa je pomembno pa je da traja čimdlje z čimveč žrtvami in čimveč zmede za Ruse, bi bilo kar škoda da že v prvem dnevu uspejo Wagnerjevce odstranit :)
Ganon ::
Smo le dočakali dan, ko se bodo začeli pobijati med seboj. Če bosta na koncu oba, Putler in Drekožin, končala pod rušo, bo to svetovni praznik. Ukrajina bo očiščena, Rusija pa na kolenih. Zdaj gre zares.
Lonsarg ::
V drzavi s kupom jederskega orozja, je to problem.Zakaj že, a te skrbi da bo Putin nuko spustil na Wagner ali obratno? Dejansko bi bilo to za Ukrajino čisto ok, bi vsaj imeli dovolj velik interni problem z radiacijo da se bi iz Ukrajine morali umaknit.
V praksi je jedrsko orožje v državljanski vojni itak neuporabno, ker bi morala ena stran spustiti orožje nad lastno državo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lonsarg ()
blay44 ::
Hmmm.....Prava opereta.
Šefe je izjavil, da so ukradli zmago!
Po temle recitativu glasbenikov bo najbrž prišla overtura razglasitve absolutnega cesarstva.
Riba ne briši stvari, ki jih ne razumeš.
Šefe je izjavil, da so ukradli zmago!
Po temle recitativu glasbenikov bo najbrž prišla overtura razglasitve absolutnega cesarstva.
Riba ne briši stvari, ki jih ne razumeš.
BorutO ::
Če kdaj, pa ravno danes Rusija nujno potrebuje rusofilćke.
Jaz hočem, da Rusija razpade vsaj na dva dela, če ne več ... Imperij je zasrala z vojno v Ukrajini.
Ampak jaz sem vedel že od samega začetka, da bo enkrat prišlo do tega, ker toliko, koliko ima Rusija svojih paravojaških enot, ki jih je okoli 20, pa še vedno rastejo, ima toliko, da jih sploh več ne more kontrolirati ... putler se je prepozno spomnil tistega, da bi podpisali za obrambno ministrstvo. Pa to vsaka budala ve, da so vse te različne paravojaške enote tempirana bomba za vlado.
Jaz hočem, da Rusija razpade vsaj na dva dela, če ne več ... Imperij je zasrala z vojno v Ukrajini.
Ampak jaz sem vedel že od samega začetka, da bo enkrat prišlo do tega, ker toliko, koliko ima Rusija svojih paravojaških enot, ki jih je okoli 20, pa še vedno rastejo, ima toliko, da jih sploh več ne more kontrolirati ... putler se je prepozno spomnil tistega, da bi podpisali za obrambno ministrstvo. Pa to vsaka budala ve, da so vse te različne paravojaške enote tempirana bomba za vlado.
ripmork ::
V drzavi s kupom jederskega orozja, je to problem.Pri državljanjski vojni pa to res ni problem, ker bi morali na svoje ozemlje spustit bombe.
Ko jih državljanjska vojna dovolj ošibi, bi jih pa en (kdorkoli) moral v zameno za mir in umik sankcij prepričat v predajo jedrskega orožja. A veš, tako kot so oni Ukrajince pred leti "v zameno za mir" prisilili v predajo jedrskega orožja. Sam da so rusi pizde in se potem niso držali dogovora, pa vseeno napadli.
avani ::
Kaj mislite, kaj bo zdaj naredil Kadirov? Zdaj ima pa res zlato sanso, da zapusti Belgorod in razglasi neodvisnowt Čečenije.
Rusi se morajo ukvarjati z Ukrajino in Wagnerjem, zato nocejo se nove fronte z njim. A bombe ne smejo metati (zahod), nove fronte pa ne bodo odpirali. Hkrati pa lahko pomiri upornike znotraj svojih sil.
Rusi se morajo ukvarjati z Ukrajino in Wagnerjem, zato nocejo se nove fronte z njim. A bombe ne smejo metati (zahod), nove fronte pa ne bodo odpirali. Hkrati pa lahko pomiri upornike znotraj svojih sil.
Chalky ::
Sestrelili naj bi helikopter ki je napadal Wagner skupino. Noro kaj se dogaja, kot kaže se bodo pičili med seboj. Neverjetno kakšni prizori.
Pac-Man ::
❗️AP Wagner: “Pypa (Putin) made the wrong choice. That’s worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.”
❗️AP Wagner: "The trigger of the Civil War was pulled by Pypa [Putin]. Instead of sending one or two degenerates into retirement, he gave the order to neutralize the most combat-ready unit in Russia. The life of one or two traitors was placed above 25,000 heroes. Who is evil in this conflict is already obvious. The victory will be for PMC "Wagner".
AP Wagner is one of numerous channels associated with senior figures in Wagner.
AP Wagner - "Girkin signed his death penalty":
"It's funny to watch how all the military rats abruptly sided with the Tuvan degenerate and think that they made the right choice after Pypa's [Putin] appeal. What if not? Strelkov has already signed his own death warrant."
Prigozhin in an audio message at 9:30AM BST, stating a helicopter attacked a Wagner unit on Moscow highway and was destroyed.
"On the Moscow highway, one of the asasult units got under fire of helicopters. In the units of PMC Wagner, everybody is intact. The helicopter was destroyed, it’s burning in a tree line.
I am once again warning everyone: we will consider a threat and destroy everything around. They will not be able to destroy us. We have goals, we are all ready to die. All 25,000. And then another 25,000. Becase we are dying for the Motherland, we’re dying for the Russian people who must be liberated from those people who are striking the civilian population, who were just attacked with a helicopter in Rostov. One pilot, belonging to the FSB, refused to take off and carry out strikes."
Prigozhin appears severely agitated.
Allegedly a photo of the helicopter taken down by Wagners near Rostov.
❗️AP Wagner: “Pypa (Putin) made the wrong choice. That’s worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.”
❗️AP Wagner: "The trigger of the Civil War was pulled by Pypa [Putin]. Instead of sending one or two degenerates into retirement, he gave the order to neutralize the most combat-ready unit in Russia. The life of one or two traitors was placed above 25,000 heroes. Who is evil in this conflict is already obvious. The victory will be for PMC "Wagner".
AP Wagner is one of numerous channels associated with senior figures in Wagner.
AP Wagner - "Girkin signed his death penalty":
"It's funny to watch how all the military rats abruptly sided with the Tuvan degenerate and think that they made the right choice after Pypa's [Putin] appeal. What if not? Strelkov has already signed his own death warrant."
Prigozhin in an audio message at 9:30AM BST, stating a helicopter attacked a Wagner unit on Moscow highway and was destroyed.
"On the Moscow highway, one of the asasult units got under fire of helicopters. In the units of PMC Wagner, everybody is intact. The helicopter was destroyed, it’s burning in a tree line.
I am once again warning everyone: we will consider a threat and destroy everything around. They will not be able to destroy us. We have goals, we are all ready to die. All 25,000. And then another 25,000. Becase we are dying for the Motherland, we’re dying for the Russian people who must be liberated from those people who are striking the civilian population, who were just attacked with a helicopter in Rostov. One pilot, belonging to the FSB, refused to take off and carry out strikes."
Prigozhin appears severely agitated.
Allegedly a photo of the helicopter taken down by Wagners near Rostov.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sparklyslo ::
More and more private jets with no declared destination or Turkey as destination appear over Moscow.
The are making a run for it.
Tajkuni, podgane imajo polne hlače in očitno za bežijo iz Moskve
The are making a run for it.
Tajkuni, podgane imajo polne hlače in očitno za bežijo iz Moskve
BorutO ::
V drzavi s kupom jederskega orozja, je to problem.Zakaj že, a te skrbi da bo Putin nuko spustil na Wagner ali obratno? Dejansko bi bilo to za Ukrajino čisto ok, bi vsaj imeli dovolj velik interni problem z radiacijo da se bi iz Ukrajine morali umaknit.
V praksi je jedrsko orožje v državljanski vojni itak neuporabno, ker bi morala ena stran spustiti orožje nad lastno državo.
Brez skrbi, kovčki so verjetno zelo skriti in zaščiteni s kakšnimi kodami, katere noben ne ve, razen parih ljudi, ki s kovčki upravljajo ... če se ne bo noben obrnil proti putlerju, bodo jedrske bombe na varnem ... razen tiste, ki se jih da na lovce namontirati.
sparklyslo ::
Russian channels report that Wagner shot down a Russian Defense Ministry plane. Voronezh region!
Russian channels report that Wagner shot down a Russian Defense Ministry plane. Voronezh region!
fur80 ::
Neverjetno kake scene!!! Sedaj bi bilo popolno, da se Rusi tam v rovih na Zaporoški fronti lepo predajo, zaradi kaosa.
Gregor P ::
Le da tudi za tiste rabiš veljavne kode; sicer so prav tako neuporabne.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Lesoto ::
sparklyslo je izjavil:
Russian channels report that Wagner shot down a Russian Defense Ministry plane. Voronezh region!
transportni An-26
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
guano ::
Ne glede na to, kako se to konča, je to dobro za Ukrajino. Več se Rusi ukvarjajo sami s sabo, manj imajo časa da raketirajo Ukrajino. Pa še konkretno število njihovih vojakov bo šlo k devicam.
Chalky ::
Kot kaže so jim sklatili še bojno letalo:
Tole gre pa hitro mislim da že 2 helikopterja in zdaj bojno letalo.
Tole gre pa hitro mislim da že 2 helikopterja in zdaj bojno letalo.
Lesoto ::
Kadyrov releases a statement, saying that Prigozhin has stabbed Russia in the back and that Kadyrov has sent Chechen soldiers to fight against the Wagner Group
Kadyrov releases a statement, saying that Prigozhin has stabbed Russia in the back and that Kadyrov has sent Chechen soldiers to fight against the Wagner Group
fur80 ::
Kadyrov releases a statement, saying that Prigozhin has stabbed Russia in the back and that Kadyrov has sent Chechen soldiers to fight against the Wagner Group
Kaj hočeš lepšega! :D