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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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879 / 879

Pithlit ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

In teh 800 milijard bi šlo za ameriško orožje, klasika.

Mah GCAP in FCAS zgledata kar fajn projekta.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Pac-Man ::

O vizualno potrjenih izgubljenih ruskih tankih. TLDR je, da so vedno starejši, "proizvodnja" T-90M bo pa verjetno padla, saj so modernizirali praktično vse T-90A.


Russia has lost at least 3,251 Tanks (visually confirmed). This month, the old T-62s make up a record-high proportion of their losses. A 🧵about those losses, with a new and, I think, revealing graph from me.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


- zakaj so bivše sovjetske države rinile v NATO?
(Upravičeno so se bali, da jih bodo sovjeti spet okupirali, kot se je skozi zgodovino že večkrat zgodilo)
- zakaj je govoranca o NATO obljubi 'da se ne bo širil na vzhod' bullshit
(takrat je na vzhodu še eno leto po teh obljubah bil varšavski pakt)
- zakaj poldi pravi, da NATO z vojsko preprečuje državam da bi izstopile
(kot vedno je to projekcija, to so delali/delajo rusi)

Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Pac-Man ::

Zadnji trenutki severnokorejcev s FPV dronov, 18s video


North Korean troops and their responses to Ukrainian FPV drones. Most tend to stand & fire on the drones (unlike Russians) or take evasive measures (and in rare cases shoot their comrades while firing on the drones)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
879 / 879