Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Malidelničar ::
bbbbbb2015: Zanimiv taktični pogled. Vbistvu z relativno majhnim številom upornikov, ki vdirajo čez mejo, nasprotnika prisiliš, da na tisto območje potegne potencialno relativno veliko število vojaštva.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
rationlibe00 ::
"Now I can judge it according to my own experience, I know how different countries fight [..] today Wagner PMC is the best army in the world, and after it of course I have to say it should be Russian army in order to be politically correct, but I believe Ukrainians today are one of the strongest armies in the world," Prigozhin said.
Drugi del je vsekakor zadel
Drugi del je vsekakor zadel
Lesoto ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
bbbbbb2015: Zanimiv taktični pogled. Vbistvu z relativno majhnim številom upornikov, ki vdirajo čez mejo, nasprotnika prisiliš, da na tisto območje potegne potencialno relativno veliko število vojaštva.
Komot, ker nebranjene meje je za preko 700km.
rationlibe00 je izjavil:
today Wagner PMC is the best army in the world
Ameriški Delta force z vso opremo pospravi tole revščino za zajtrk.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
BojanOgnjeni ::
Ameriški Delta force z vso opremo pospravi tole revščino za zajtrk.
Tole je pa izjava, ki bi jo pričakoval od otroka. "Superman je bolši od Batmana. Ne ni. Ja pa je."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: martincek1 ()
kow ::
Eden od udeležencev terorističnega dejanja v belgorodski regiji je 38-letni Aleksej Levkin.
Je zelo znana osebnost med ultradesničarji na postsovjetskem prostoru."
Ce sem prav razumel Putina, je oz. je bil cilj denacifikacija. Ukrajinci mu posiljajo nacije, sedaj pa se pritozujejo?
So cudni ti Rusi...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
Kitajc01 ::
Posebna operacija na ruSSkem ozemlju še kar traja ..
V črnem morju pa napad morskih dronov na izvidno ladjo ivan khurs.
V črnem morju pa napad morskih dronov na izvidno ladjo ivan khurs.
Rambutan ::
Mikael Valtersson o propagandni akciji v Belgorodu, predvidljivo Bakhmut povsem ignorirajo, le kaj se je zgodilo z tistim ukrajinskim obkroženjem Bakhmuta![8-)](
Proukrainians tried to keep the psyops offensive alive, but failed. Weak russian border defences.
After reading comments on my earlier tweet and more news about the Belgorod operation I have some more thoughts on the situation.
At the same time calm settled among russian military bloggers, proukrainians tried to keep the offensive into Russia alive. There where both claims that all russian reports and photos of russian successes were false. Earlier claims of more incursions into Russia along the border where kept alive, as in the map below, by saying that the situation is unclear so for the time being those areas where seen as contested.
I've seen that some of the tweets I wanted to borrow photos from to illustrate this, have been deleted during the night, which is telling by itself. Further claims will probably die out and the thing will be forgotten in silence. As the ukrainian MoD:s daily report on the war. Yesterday it didn't include Bakhmut for the first time in a long while, which also is telling.
Some asked why I didn't say it was russians who invaded Russia? These russians serve in the UkrAF, are supported and equipped by the UkrAF, so in my world they are part of the UkrAF, even if they are foreigners.
A personal reflection is that I was surprised how easy it was for the ukrainians to cross the russian border. But the border is long and russian resources are limited. If RuAF wants to strengthen the border defences without reducing forces elsewhere, they need more soldiers.
Can't Russia solve this with existing forces or must they pull reserves from other fronts to reinforce the border area? There are enough russian forces in Belarus, Bryansk and Belgorod to secure the border, but RuAF want to have regional reserves to counter if Ukraine would launch a real counteroffensive in those areas.
At the same time those regional reserves forces Ukraine to keep strong forces in the north and at least some strategic reserves in readiness in case of russian offensives from the north.
Proukrainians tried to keep the psyops offensive alive, but failed. Weak russian border defences.
After reading comments on my earlier tweet and more news about the Belgorod operation I have some more thoughts on the situation.
At the same time calm settled among russian military bloggers, proukrainians tried to keep the offensive into Russia alive. There where both claims that all russian reports and photos of russian successes were false. Earlier claims of more incursions into Russia along the border where kept alive, as in the map below, by saying that the situation is unclear so for the time being those areas where seen as contested.
I've seen that some of the tweets I wanted to borrow photos from to illustrate this, have been deleted during the night, which is telling by itself. Further claims will probably die out and the thing will be forgotten in silence. As the ukrainian MoD:s daily report on the war. Yesterday it didn't include Bakhmut for the first time in a long while, which also is telling.
Some asked why I didn't say it was russians who invaded Russia? These russians serve in the UkrAF, are supported and equipped by the UkrAF, so in my world they are part of the UkrAF, even if they are foreigners.
A personal reflection is that I was surprised how easy it was for the ukrainians to cross the russian border. But the border is long and russian resources are limited. If RuAF wants to strengthen the border defences without reducing forces elsewhere, they need more soldiers.
Can't Russia solve this with existing forces or must they pull reserves from other fronts to reinforce the border area? There are enough russian forces in Belarus, Bryansk and Belgorod to secure the border, but RuAF want to have regional reserves to counter if Ukraine would launch a real counteroffensive in those areas.
At the same time those regional reserves forces Ukraine to keep strong forces in the north and at least some strategic reserves in readiness in case of russian offensives from the north.
Zmajc ::
Zelo dober PsyOPS, čez mejo so poslali ruske državljane. Če bodo pametni se odpeljejo višje in vdarijo prek meje po celotni dolžini nebranjene meje še na par lokacijah v bližini pomebnih vojaških ciljev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
Lesoto ::
Mikael Valtersson o propagandni akciji v Belgorodu, predvidljivo Bakhmut povsem ignorirajo, le kaj se je zgodilo z tistim ukrajinskim obkroženjem Bakhmuta
Spremljaj ukrajinske kanale pa boš zvedel.
Včeraj so napredovali na delih fronte 200-400m.
BojanOgnjeni je izjavil:
Tole je pa izjava, ki bi jo pričakoval od otroka. "Superman je bolši od Batmana. Ne ni. Ja pa je."
To je samo dejstvo. Privatna armada v letu 2023 je brez suporta vredna točno nič.
Smo videli v Siriji nekaj let nazaj, ko so se odločili napast ameriško postojanko.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Curve Ball ::
Še Prigožinu je jasno kolk je ura, naš Rambutan pa še kar nabija...
fikus_ ::
In ti verjameš, da ima UA 5000 tankov?!
Še to prilepim, bo marsikoga razveselilo:
Še to prilepim, bo marsikoga razveselilo:
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Rambutan ::
Mikael Valtersson o propagandni akciji v Belgorodu, predvidljivo Bakhmut povsem ignorirajo, le kaj se je zgodilo z tistim ukrajinskim obkroženjem Bakhmuta
Spremljaj ukrajinske kanale pa boš zvedel.
Včeraj so napredovali na delih fronte 200-400m.
Rusi poročajo obratno, da so zasedli visoke položaje blizu Bakhmuta.
TukiUki ::
In ti verjameš, da ima UA 5000 tankov?!
Še to prilepim, bo marsikoga razveselilo:
Ravno toliko kot jih ima rusija 10k
Mikael Valtersson o propagandni akciji v Belgorodu, predvidljivo Bakhmut povsem ignorirajo, le kaj se je zgodilo z tistim ukrajinskim obkroženjem Bakhmuta
Spremljaj ukrajinske kanale pa boš zvedel.
Včeraj so napredovali na delih fronte 200-400m.
Rusi poročajo obratno, da so zasedli visoke položaje blizu Bakhmuta.
Rusi lažejo.
Moskva še pluje ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TukiUki ()
bbbbbb2015 ::
Evo Dodika. Kot sem napisal že strani nazaj.
Hu de fak iz Dodik?
Smrekar1 ::
Da se ne boste preveč dolgočasili med čakanjem na ukrajinsko ofenzivo:
Britanski RUSI inštitut je objavil poročilo, kako se je ruska vojska prilagodila v enem letu konflikta v Ukrajini. Poročilo je kar ugodno za rusko vojsko
Naslov poročila je "Mesoreznica".
Nevertheless, much of this adaptation is reactive and is aimed at making up for serious deficiencies in Russian units. The result is a structure that becomes better over time at managing the problems it immediately faces, but also one that struggles to anticipate new threats. The conclusion therefore is that the Russian Armed Forces pose a significant challenge for the Ukrainian military on the defence. Nevertheless, if Ukraine can disrupt Russian defences and impose a dynamic situation on them, Russian units are likely to rapidly lose their coordination. Changes in the air combat environment, for example, have led rapidly to incidents of Russian fratricide.
Kitajc01 ::
V belorusuji se pripravlja vstaja in Poljaki bodo pomagali vstajnikom pravi general Skrzypczak bivši pomočnik ministra za obrambo Poljske.
fikus_ ::
V belorusuji se pripravlja vstaja in Poljaki bodo pomagali vstajnikom pravi general Skrzypczak bivši pomočnik ministra za obrambo Poljske.
Vir za to je pa ....
PS Kje oz kaj je z Lukašenkom???
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: fikus_ ()
Malidelničar ::
V belorusuji se pripravlja vstaja in Poljaki bodo pomagali vstajnikom pravi general Skrzypczak bivši pomočnik ministra za obrambo Poljske.
Vir za to je pa ....
PS Kje oz kaj je z Lukašenkom???
Hm, trenutno letijo drugačne informacije:
Lukašenko: Ne bom umrl, z mano se boste morali boriti še zelo dolgo
Je pa res, da Belorusija je potencialen hot-spot o tem pišem že vsaj 10 strani. Gre za obrambo beloruskega naroda in beloruskega jezika pred Rusi. Zadeve bi se lahko odvile hitreje, če bi Rusi pospešili svoj plan o aneksaciji Belorusije do leta 2030 in začeli bolj agresivno v tej smeri.
Pestro bo očitno na območju Ruske Federacije in v okolici Rusije, kokice. Priča bomo ZGODOVINSKIM ČASOM. Oborožene milice, številne vojske, ofenzive, izjemne bitke, obleganja mest, vojaški voditelji, dolgi pohodi in umiki, osvobojena ozemlja, za povrh pa še napetost glede jedrskega orožja (kje je, kdo ga ima, ali sploh obstaja) to je še boljše kot filmski ep v skupni režiji Lucasa in Spielberga z posebnimi učinki v stilu Marvela.
Če kdo ne verjame:
Pax Russica: Will Russia's Defeat Lead to More Wars?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
T440 ::
Skrbi so odveč.
Voditeljem vseh regij in območij, ki vse bolj resno razmišljajo o tem, da je treba od Rusije proč, bo Rambutan poslal mail, da bi bilo to v nasprotju z mednarodnim pravom. In zadeva bo urejena.
Voditeljem vseh regij in območij, ki vse bolj resno razmišljajo o tem, da je treba od Rusije proč, bo Rambutan poslal mail, da bi bilo to v nasprotju z mednarodnim pravom. In zadeva bo urejena.
T440 ::
Pa še to: Lavrov je danes izjavil, da zahod vidi Rusijo kot 'eksistencialno grožnjo'
Pošiljanje raket, obstreljevanje, vkorakanje v sosednjo državo, grožnje z jedrskim orožjem, javni pozivi k razširitvi vojne ..... vse to seveda niso eksistencialne grožnje in dovčerajšnji civilni prebivalci Bahmuta razumejo, da gre le za prijateljsko osvobajanje iz kapitalističnih spon lastnišva nad nepremičninami ter omejevanje bodočih sporov pri dedovanju teh nepremičnin, s čimer pospešujejo medgeneracijsko sožitje...
Matr, na zahodu res nič ne zastopimo.
In pa seveda, ne pozabimo:
tudi v Sloveniji včeraj poslanci Levice in baje nekaj poslancev Svodobe ni hotelo podpreti deklaracije o tem, da je bil gladomor dejanje genocida. Da se spomnimo na naslednjih volitvah.
Pošiljanje raket, obstreljevanje, vkorakanje v sosednjo državo, grožnje z jedrskim orožjem, javni pozivi k razširitvi vojne ..... vse to seveda niso eksistencialne grožnje in dovčerajšnji civilni prebivalci Bahmuta razumejo, da gre le za prijateljsko osvobajanje iz kapitalističnih spon lastnišva nad nepremičninami ter omejevanje bodočih sporov pri dedovanju teh nepremičnin, s čimer pospešujejo medgeneracijsko sožitje...
Matr, na zahodu res nič ne zastopimo.
In pa seveda, ne pozabimo:
tudi v Sloveniji včeraj poslanci Levice in baje nekaj poslancev Svodobe ni hotelo podpreti deklaracije o tem, da je bil gladomor dejanje genocida. Da se spomnimo na naslednjih volitvah.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: T440 ()
fur80 ::
Da bomo vedeli za koga se dala jo ti prirejeni posnetki in slike.
Seveda so morali pohiteti, razumem, ampak vseeno se vidi, da nimajo Hollywooda.
Shoigu called the attack by insurgents in the Belgorod region a terrorist act. According to him, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will respond to such actions "promptly and extremely harshly." In addition he said 70 'saboteurs' were killed.
Seveda so morali pohiteti, razumem, ampak vseeno se vidi, da nimajo Hollywooda.
Shoigu called the attack by insurgents in the Belgorod region a terrorist act. According to him, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will respond to such actions "promptly and extremely harshly." In addition he said 70 'saboteurs' were killed.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Lesoto ::
Dobesedno pljunek v Rambutovo faco.
"We have, on the contrary, militarized Ukraine" - Prigozhin on the successes of "demilitarization".
"We have, on the contrary, militarized Ukraine" - Prigozhin on the successes of "demilitarization".
Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Kitajc01 ::
Švica bo poslala 25 leopardov 2, Nemčija 110 leopardov 1a5. Najmanj 48 F16 se pričakuje...
Lesoto ::
Russian Air Force affiliated channel Fighterbomber reports that all helicopters and fighter jets downed on May 13 were shot down by a Ukrainian Patriot air defense system and 11 pilots died. That day Russia lost a Su-34, Su-35 & two Mi-8s in Russia's Bryansk region.
Pred parimi dnevi pa okoli Hersona Su-35, daleč za frontno linijo.
Russian Air Force affiliated channel Fighterbomber reports that all helicopters and fighter jets downed on May 13 were shot down by a Ukrainian Patriot air defense system and 11 pilots died. That day Russia lost a Su-34, Su-35 & two Mi-8s in Russia's Bryansk region.
Pred parimi dnevi pa okoli Hersona Su-35, daleč za frontno linijo.
kow ::
Lesoto ::
PAC-2 ima 160km dosega, radar pa še več.
je bila vidna eksplozija na nebu, pa nekaj ruskih kanalov je posredno priznalo
Pa obstaja kaksen dokaz?
je bila vidna eksplozija na nebu, pa nekaj ruskih kanalov je posredno priznalo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
Blizu Grajvorona, ker so prebili mejo, je očitno skladišče jedrskega orožja. Koordinate so 50°33'46.45"N 35°44'15.40"E Sredi hoste je izsekan varnostni perimeter v širini 25m, tudi pred vhodom je precej velik kompleks. IMO to ni navadno skladišče streliva.
Back in 2016, I discovered a Russian base with nuclear weapons near the border, and yesterday the Russians began to remove it from there
April 2022:
Namely, not far from the village of Golovchino, there is a closed military compound Belgorod-22 and Object 1150 of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This is a nuclear weapons storage facility. Presumably, it is currently used for storage of tactical nuclear weapons.
tole o granatah je IMO špekulacija:
In the Belgorod region, they are already warning about the nuclear danger
One of the central nuclear weapons storage bases of the Russian Federation is located near Grayvoron: Golovchyno, (Belgorod-22) "Object 1150", military unit 25624. It was reported in the media that tactical nuclear ammunition of 204 and 240 mm caliber are stored there.
Back in 2016, I discovered a Russian base with nuclear weapons near the border, and yesterday the Russians began to remove it from there
April 2022:
Namely, not far from the village of Golovchino, there is a closed military compound Belgorod-22 and Object 1150 of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This is a nuclear weapons storage facility. Presumably, it is currently used for storage of tactical nuclear weapons.
tole o granatah je IMO špekulacija:
In the Belgorod region, they are already warning about the nuclear danger
One of the central nuclear weapons storage bases of the Russian Federation is located near Grayvoron: Golovchyno, (Belgorod-22) "Object 1150", military unit 25624. It was reported in the media that tactical nuclear ammunition of 204 and 240 mm caliber are stored there.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Video s podnapisi. Kot pravijo v Ukrajini, v norišnici nič novega.
Earlier today, Putin pinned a teacher’s award on Nina Budarina, a principal from Volgograd. Five of her ex-students have been killed in the invasion of Ukraine. Listen to her talk about how proud they’ve made her.
Earlier today, Putin pinned a teacher’s award on Nina Budarina, a principal from Volgograd. Five of her ex-students have been killed in the invasion of Ukraine. Listen to her talk about how proud they’ve made her.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
"Significantly fewer people died in Afghanistan than we have now in Bakhmut" - Prigozhin
In total, PMC Wagner, according to Prigozhin, lost 20 thousand killed: 10 thousand prisoners and 10 thousand regular mercenaries.
20,000 dead is exactly the figure that Pentagon Speaker Kirby called in May. And if the ratio of dead to wounded in the Russian army is 1 to 5 (leaked Pentagon documents), then we get exactly those 100,000 sanitary losses that both Kirby and Biden spoke about the day before.
But the most interesting thing is that Girkin does not believe this, and through his calculations, he comes to the conclusion that Wagner suffered - at the very minimum - 40 thousand people of irretrievable losses from Popasna to Bakhmut.
By the way, Girkin also believes that Prigozhin overestimates the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Mhm, neko učiteljico so povabl... a starše umrlih pa niso, ane.
"Significantly fewer people died in Afghanistan than we have now in Bakhmut" - Prigozhin
In total, PMC Wagner, according to Prigozhin, lost 20 thousand killed: 10 thousand prisoners and 10 thousand regular mercenaries.
20,000 dead is exactly the figure that Pentagon Speaker Kirby called in May. And if the ratio of dead to wounded in the Russian army is 1 to 5 (leaked Pentagon documents), then we get exactly those 100,000 sanitary losses that both Kirby and Biden spoke about the day before.
But the most interesting thing is that Girkin does not believe this, and through his calculations, he comes to the conclusion that Wagner suffered - at the very minimum - 40 thousand people of irretrievable losses from Popasna to Bakhmut.
By the way, Girkin also believes that Prigozhin overestimates the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Video s podnapisi. Kot pravijo v Ukrajini, v norišnici nič novega.
Earlier today, Putin pinned a teacher’s award on Nina Budarina, a principal from Volgograd. Five of her ex-students have been killed in the invasion of Ukraine. Listen to her talk about how proud they’ve made her.
Mhm, neko učiteljico so povabl... a starše umrlih pa niso, ane.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Kitajc01 ::
Pro-Kyiv Russian group says it 'didn't lose a single soldier' in cross-border raids on Belgorod
fur80 ::
Video s podnapisi. Kot pravijo v Ukrajini, v norišnici nič novega.
Earlier today, Putin pinned a teacher’s award on Nina Budarina, a principal from Volgograd. Five of her ex-students have been killed in the invasion of Ukraine. Listen to her talk about how proud they’ve made her.
Tole je pa neki drugi level, to niti smešno ni več, niti ne grozljivo ampak spominja bolj na ZF psiho-triler! Poglejte Putlerja kako ga ziba.
Pac-Man ::
We obtained the first ever HQ image of the 🇬🇧Storm Shadow missile used by the Ukrainian Air Force, carried by Su-24MR "Yellow 60" of the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade.
This aircraft, refurbed in 2018, was originally a reconnaissance model-until recently of limited use.
We obtained the first ever HQ image of the 🇬🇧Storm Shadow missile used by the Ukrainian Air Force, carried by Su-24MR "Yellow 60" of the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade.
This aircraft, refurbed in 2018, was originally a reconnaissance model-until recently of limited use.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
Kako je kaj s tazadnjim Wunderwaffe Shadow Storm raketami, so že uporabili Ukiji ali je bolj vapourware?
Se čaka F-16 za uporabo?
Se čaka F-16 za uporabo?
scythe ::
Kako je kaj s tazadnjim Wunderwaffe Shadow Storm raketami, so že uporabili Ukiji ali je bolj vapourware?
Se čaka F-16 za uporabo?
The Ministry of Defense for the first time officially confirmed the use of Storm Shadow missiles in Ukraine.
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
wcpapir ::
Sredi hoste je izsekan varnostni perimeter v širini 25m, tudi pred vhodom je precej velik kompleks. IMO to ni navadno skladišče streliva.
Zakaj pa bi bilo kaj ekstra tole? Na Zgornji Ložnici imamo večjo zadevo ;)
mackilla ::
Kako je kaj s tazadnjim Wunderwaffe Shadow Storm raketami, so že uporabili Ukiji ali je bolj vapourware?
Se čaka F-16 za uporabo?
A si mislil,da so jih dostavili brez,da bi jih Ukrajinci lahko uporabljali?
Wunderwaffe ne obstaja. Vsako orožje,ki je dostavljeno je del sestavljanke. Oziroma bi lahko tudi rekli,da je dodaten klin,ki poveča moskovitski prolaps. Wunderwaffe aka gamechanger je bolj copium Rusov. Kinžal,terminator,leteče bombe.........armata..akhmat sila...
Rambutan ::
Kako je kaj s tazadnjim Wunderwaffe Shadow Storm raketami, so že uporabili Ukiji ali je bolj vapourware?
Se čaka F-16 za uporabo?
The Ministry of Defense for the first time officially confirmed the use of Storm Shadow missiles in Ukraine.
Pa to so Angleži trdili že kdaj, zanim me če je bilo kaj uspeha?
Lesoto ::
Russian Air Force affiliated channel Fighterbomber reports that all helicopters and fighter jets downed on May 13 were shot down by a Ukrainian Patriot air defense system and 11 pilots died. That day Russia lost a Su-34, Su-35 & two Mi-8s in Russia's Bryansk region.
Pred parimi dnevi pa okoli Hersona Su-35, daleč za frontno linijo.
First and foremost, PAC-2 have a range of up to 160 km, which puts a lot of Ukrainian territory within PAC-2 range. There is enough distance from the border to put a patriot launcher without significantly increasing risk.
But, Patriot radar can't track targets that far, right? Yes, but that doesn't really matter. Patriot systems can receive targeting data through link16 datalink. This means you can put other radars closer to the border communicating over-the-horizon targets to PAC-2.
There isn't a lot of public info regarding PAC-2 datalink capabilities, but they certainly exist, demonstrated by IBCS flight test 5, where F-35 + TPS-59 radar communicated targeting data over link-16 to a Patriot system which intercepted using PAC-2.
What does this mean? Other radars on link16 can communicate with a patriot system, allowing interceptions well over the horizon, and at lower altitudes. This also allows aircraft on link16 to feed targeting to Patriot - maybe even allowing Su-27 and Mig-29 to take part.
Because of this, Russian pilots could have had no RWR warnings from the patriot system until the PAC-2 enters terminal phase. Russian systems would have certainly picked up the missiles on Radar, but wouldn't know it was targeting them until too late.
Veselica za ruske pilote... pa zakaj je tako malo krilatih bomb zadnje čase.
Rambutan ::
Saga o Zalužniju se nadaljuje, RIA Novosti pravijo, da je utrpel poškodbo glave in da ne bo zmožen poveljevati. Oleksy Danilov pa je danes čivknil, da je Zalužni danes raportiral Zelenskemu. Že od začetka maja pa se Zalužni ni pojavil v javnosti...
The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valeriy Zaluzhny, was shot in the head and also received shrapnel wounds after the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack. It has been reported DEA News Citing a source in Russian power structures.
According to the agency’s source, Zaluzhny was first taken to Nikolaev for first aid, and then sent to a military hospital in Kiev to be operated on on the head.
“At Nikolaev Zaluzhny received first aid to stop the bleeding. The report states that a craniotomy was performed at the Kiev military hospital.
May 24 on the Zaluzhny Telegram channel declarationHe said he had a phone call with US General Christopher Cavoli, the commander of NATO’s joint armed forces in Europe, where they discussed strengthening air defense with the help of F-16 warplanes.
Before that, the representative of the hacker group “Joker DNR” declarationIt was reported that Zaluzhny was seriously injured in the missile attack on the Ukrainian headquarters in May.
On 24.05.2023, at 10:00, at the Headquarters meeting, President of Ukraine, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy heard the reports of the Commander-in-Chief of the AFU Valerii Zaluzhnyi 😉 and other members of the Headquarters.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valeriy Zaluzhny, was shot in the head and also received shrapnel wounds after the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack. It has been reported DEA News Citing a source in Russian power structures.
According to the agency’s source, Zaluzhny was first taken to Nikolaev for first aid, and then sent to a military hospital in Kiev to be operated on on the head.
“At Nikolaev Zaluzhny received first aid to stop the bleeding. The report states that a craniotomy was performed at the Kiev military hospital.
May 24 on the Zaluzhny Telegram channel declarationHe said he had a phone call with US General Christopher Cavoli, the commander of NATO’s joint armed forces in Europe, where they discussed strengthening air defense with the help of F-16 warplanes.
Before that, the representative of the hacker group “Joker DNR” declarationIt was reported that Zaluzhny was seriously injured in the missile attack on the Ukrainian headquarters in May.
On 24.05.2023, at 10:00, at the Headquarters meeting, President of Ukraine, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy heard the reports of the Commander-in-Chief of the AFU Valerii Zaluzhnyi 😉 and other members of the Headquarters.
Gregor P ::
Koliko te skrbi za tega človeka; najbrž ponoči ne moreš spati
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Gregor P ()