Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Sparkxl ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Čim ZDA ukinejo dolar kot rezervno valuto sveta, to pa naredijo z izolacijo, tisti hip bodo morali živeti od tega, koliko bodo proizvedli domestično.
Ha? Kaj za to ukinitev imajo kaki gumb recimo? Nič to ne bodo sami naredili z izolacijo, ampak jim bodo to naredili drugi, zaradi njihovih dejanj. Kako bodo to naredili drugi?
Samo počasi. Pred 2. sv. vojno je imela primat Anglija, oz. sami sebi rečejo Združeno Kraljestvo. Po 2. sv. vojni je primat prevzela Amerika, torej ZDA. Ta primat pomeni, da obstaja "freedom of navigation" in če se kdo dela neumen (na primer Gadafi), jo dobi po mednožju:
Gulf of Sidra incident (1981) @ Wikipedia
Se pravi, za dolarjem obstaja(jo) "borbene skupine letalonosilk":
Carrier strike group @ Wikipedia
ki jih je trenutno 9. Te omogočajo svobodno gospodarsko pobudo. Rusija ne more spraviti skupaj 1 (z besedo: ene) letalonosilke, Kitajska pa, če se ne motim, ima sestrsko ladjo od Admirala Kuznjeceva, ki jo je Ukrajina prodala na tretjino narejeno. Iran ima gumenjake. Toliko da vemo, kje smo.
No, ti definitivno ne veš kje smo, glede na to kake strelaš. Gadafi in Sadam sta bila one man band in sta hitro skasirala porcijo demokracije. Zdaj, ko pa to delajo vsi naenkrat s polno podporo kitajcev (novice o tem očitno ignoriraš), pa teh 9 letalonosilk ne bo moglo kaj dosti pomagati
Rambutan ::
SG na TG pravi, da so Ukiji z droni poskusili napasti Putinovo rezidenco v Kremlju
Za konec petrodolarja je sicer namenska tema:
BRICS vs WEST aka Konec petrodolarja
Kremlin press service: On Wednesday night, the Kiev regime attempted to strike a UAV at the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services using radar warfare systems, the vehicles were put out of action.
Putin was not injured when Ukrainian drones attempted to strike the Kremlin, the press service said.
Russia regards the attack on the presidential residence as a planned terrorist act.
Zakaj pa ravno Kiev regime attempted to strike a UAV at the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two unmanned aerial vehicles?
Verjetno iz istih razlogov zaradi katerih Zahod imenuje režim tiste vlade, ki nočejo biti podložne Zahodu. Npr. Sirija, Rusija, Venezuela,... Star propagandni trik, ki pa deluje, ker ga mediji vztrajno ponavljajo.
fur80 ::
SG na TG pravi, da so Ukiji z droni poskusili napasti Putinovo rezidenco v Kremlju
Za konec petrodolarja je sicer namenska tema:
BRICS vs WEST aka Konec petrodolarja
Kremlin press service: On Wednesday night, the Kiev regime attempted to strike a UAV at the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services using radar warfare systems, the vehicles were put out of action.
Putin was not injured when Ukrainian drones attempted to strike the Kremlin, the press service said.
Russia regards the attack on the presidential residence as a planned terrorist act.
Zakaj pa ravno Kiev regime attempted to strike a UAV at the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two unmanned aerial vehicles?
Verjetno iz istih razlogov zaradi katerih Zahod imenuje režim tiste vlade, ki nočejo biti podložne Zahodu. Npr. Sirija, Rusija, Venezuela,... Star propagandni trik, ki pa deluje, ker ga mediji vztrajno ponavljajo.
Najbolj verjetni je tale komentar: ;)
Super staged, excuse to cancel the parade most likely.
Rambutan ::
On Wednesday night, the Kiev regime attempted to strike a UAV at the Kremlin residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Bravo! Kar tako naprej.
Samo da ne boste jokali ko bo priletel kak Kaliber na Bankovo, Rusi bodo imeli dober izgovor.
Pa če se spomnite kako ste se smejali, ko so Rusi postavili protizračno obrambo na stavbo ruskega MOD.
Rambutan ::
Torej rusija ni režim? Zaprejo te pa zaradi praznega lista papirja ali otroške risbice..
Kaj pa je pravzaprav režim? Wikipedia kar na široko definira, dejansko bi lahko vsako vlado tako klicali. Beseda režim seveda ima negativno konotacijo, preverjen trik zahodne propagande pa je, da kličejo neprijateljske vlade z režimom, brez kakršnegakoli pojasnila.
Regime @ Wikipedia
In politics, a regime (also "régime") is the form of government or the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of a government or institution and its interactions with society. The two broad categories of regimes that appear in most literature are democratic and autocratic.[2] However, autocratic regimes can be broken down into a subset of many different types (dictatorial, totalitarian, absolutist, monarchic, oligarchic, etc.). The key similarity between all regimes are the presence of rulers, and either formal or informal institutions.
Gregor P ::
Zdaj, ko pa to delajo vsi naenkrat s polno podporo kitajcev (novice o tem očitno ignoriraš), pa teh 9 letalonosilk ne bo moglo kaj dosti pomagati... Američani (eno!) letalonosilko samo obrnejo, pa se to že pozna na borzi; tako da jaz na tvojem mestu tega ne bi podcenjeval.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Chalky ::
Po internetu kroži posnetek kjer naj bi dron zadel Kremeljsko palačo nekaj metrov od vojaške parade? Ali je posnetek legit?
krucymucy ::
Rambutan ::
Po internetu kroži posnetek kjer naj bi dron zadel Kremeljsko palačo nekaj metrov od vojaške parade? Ali je posnetek legit?
Verjetno da bo res, Guardian poroča. Od kakšne parade pa ti govoriš? Zgodilo se je ponoči...
Sparkxl ::
Ojoj, to bodo pravi ognjemeti še ta teden po celi ukrajini. Nato stopnjuje to vojno počasi v nevarne razsežnosti
Rambutan ::
Ojoj, to bodo pravi ognjemeti še ta teden po celi ukrajini. Nato stopnjuje to vojno počasi v nevarne razsežnosti
Tega verjetno NATO ni požegnal, to je verjetno samostojna ukrajinska akcija. Bodo pa znali Rusi to izkoristiti in označiti Ukrajino za teroristično državo in zaostriti vojaške ukrepe.
fur80 ::
Ojoj, to bodo pravi ognjemeti še ta teden po celi ukrajini. Nato stopnjuje to vojno počasi v nevarne razsežnosti
Kaj pa tole? Moraš vedeti, da so Rusi rekli, da jih je več kot 90% glasovalo za Rusijo, sedaj pa tako pobijajo svoje.
Russian terrorists fired at a mall in Kherson.
3 civilians killed, 5 people injured.
There was no reason to hit the mall. This is a cynical murder.
Ukraine needs more weapons.
This is the only way to peace.
Chalky ::
Po internetu kroži posnetek kjer naj bi dron zadel Kremeljsko palačo nekaj metrov od vojaške parade? Ali je posnetek legit?
Verjetno da bo res, Guardian poroča. Od kakšne parade pa ti govoriš? Zgodilo se je ponoči...
Tnx. Kar sem želel povedati je to da je dron zadel palačo ki je precej blizu območja kjer naj bi Rusi 9 maja imeli vojaško parado. Na posnetku je vidno da je za parado območje že pripravljeno…
fur80 ::
Po internetu kroži posnetek kjer naj bi dron zadel Kremeljsko palačo nekaj metrov od vojaške parade? Ali je posnetek legit?
Verjetno da bo res, Guardian poroča. Od kakšne parade pa ti govoriš? Zgodilo se je ponoči...
Tnx. Kar sem želel povedati je to da je dron zadel palačo ki je precej blizu območja kjer naj bi Rusi 9 maja imeli vojaško parado. Na posnetku je vidno da je za parado območje že pripravljeno…
Za 9 maja je napovedano, da bo na trg letelo 1500 dronov. Gre se pa za ono milijonsko nagrado, ki jo je obljublil en ukrajinski poslovnež.
Sparkxl ::
Ojoj, to bodo pravi ognjemeti še ta teden po celi ukrajini. Nato stopnjuje to vojno počasi v nevarne razsežnosti
Tega verjetno NATO ni požegnal, to je verjetno samostojna ukrajinska akcija. Bodo pa znali Rusi to izkoristiti in označiti Ukrajino za teroristično državo in zaostriti vojaške ukrepe.
Moje mnenje iz doslej videnega je, da nato vodi več ali manj vse. Ukrajinci so v tej vojni samo figure , njihovo ozemlje pa šahovnica.
Rambutan ::
Moje mnenje iz doslej videnega je, da nato vodi več ali manj vse. Ukrajinci so v tej vojni samo figure , njihovo ozemlje pa šahovnica.
Ja, sam sem isto mislil do teh leakanih dokumentov. Spodaj pa pravi Politico, da Ukrajina sploh ni povedala ZDA natančnih planov za ofenzivo. Vprašanje je, koliko lahko ZDA na daljavo kontrolirajo Ukrajince in koliko samostojnosti ima dejansko Ukrajina.
Možno je pa tudi, da je namen teh člankov, da se ZDA distancira od Ukrajina, češ da niso točno vedeli kaj dela Ukrajina in da niso vedeli realnega števila žrtev. Težko je vedeti, kako podrobno ZDA upravlja z Ukrajino in koliko samostojnosti ima ukrajinski režim.
Kyiv is holding close the details of its spring counteroffensive in an attempt to prevent the leak of sensitive information that could compromise its positions on the battlefield, according to two European officials who are in touch with military leaders in Ukraine.
The officials said their Ukrainian counterparts have cited the alleged leak of the classified documents from Massachusetts Air Guardsman JACK TEIXEIRA as one of the reasons Kyiv is holding back from sharing counteroffensive information, including its timing, where and how many troops they plan to move into position for the operation.
krucymucy ::
Ojoj, to bodo pravi ognjemeti še ta teden po celi ukrajini. Nato stopnjuje to vojno počasi v nevarne razsežnosti
Tega verjetno NATO ni požegnal, to je verjetno samostojna ukrajinska akcija. Bodo pa znali Rusi to izkoristiti in označiti Ukrajino za teroristično državo in zaostriti vojaške ukrepe.
Moje mnenje iz doslej videnega je, da nato vodi več ali manj vse. Ukrajinci so v tej vojni samo figure , njihovo ozemlje pa šahovnica.
Moje mnenje iz doslej videnega je, da se NATO noce vmesavati, tudi se do sedaj se ni.
Da pa spremljajo dogajanje je seveda normalno, ker se odvija na pragu drzav clanic.
Pravilno je da drzave pomagajo Ukrajini ob ruski agresiji. Nekatere so tudi clanice NATO da, mnoge pa niso clanice pakta.
XsenO ::
Glede drona nad kremlinom kaj menite?
1. False flag
2. Bil lokalni dron kakšnega trola
3. lokalni saboterji
4. sramota ruske zračne obrambe, ki je pustila drone letet vsaj 450 km od ukrajinske meje do moskve?
Sam sem bolj za opcijo 1. ali 2.
1. False flag
2. Bil lokalni dron kakšnega trola
3. lokalni saboterji
4. sramota ruske zračne obrambe, ki je pustila drone letet vsaj 450 km od ukrajinske meje do moskve?
Sam sem bolj za opcijo 1. ali 2.
1 + 1 = 1
Sparkxl ::
False flag? Koga? Zakaj? Jaz bi bolj rekel genialna poteza Vougue modela. Kar tako malo za brezveze. Stradali pa bodo samo spet civilisti v ukrajini
scythe ::
Glede drona nad kremlinom kaj menite?
1. False flag
2. Bil lokalni dron kakšnega trola
3. lokalni saboterji
4. sramota ruske zračne obrambe, ki je pustila drone letet vsaj 450 km od ukrajinske meje do moskve?
Sam sem bolj za opcijo 1. ali 2.
Tudi sam rečem 1,2 ali 3, bolj se nagibam na tretjo opcijo. Zračno obrambo so že par mesecov nazaj namestili, edino če je tako slaba, da je dron prišel mimo.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
mackilla ::
Torej rusija ni režim? Zaprejo te pa zaradi praznega lista papirja ali otroške risbice..
Kaj pa je pravzaprav režim? Wikipedia kar na široko definira, dejansko bi lahko vsako vlado tako klicali. Beseda režim seveda ima negativno konotacijo, preverjen trik zahodne propagande pa je, da kličejo neprijateljske vlade z režimom, brez kakršnegakoli pojasnila.
Regime @ Wikipedia
In politics, a regime (also "régime") is the form of government or the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of a government or institution and its interactions with society. The two broad categories of regimes that appear in most literature are democratic and autocratic.[2] However, autocratic regimes can be broken down into a subset of many different types (dictatorial, totalitarian, absolutist, monarchic, oligarchic, etc.). The key similarity between all regimes are the presence of rulers, and either formal or informal institutions.
Vsi naprimer vemo kaj je fašizem.
Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.
Rambutan ::
Tweet o stanju v Bakhmutu. Ukrajinci v Bakhmutu so neuspešno poskušali razstreliti več visokih stavb. Iz tega lahko sklepamo:
1. imajo problem z oskrbo (manjko eksploziva)
2. kmalu nameravajo zapustiti Bakhmut.
Spodaj je video kako zgleda cesta do Bakhmuta...
Ukrainian forces (currently clinging to about 5% of Bakhmut) have been attempting to demolish several of the high rises on the western edge of the town, but were unable to due to inadequate explosives. This is interesting for two reasons.
First, the attempted demolitions are a preparation for the loss of the city. The terrain to the west is wide open and mostly flat. High rises on the perimeter of Bakhmut would give Russia a dominant position overlooking the terrain on the approach to Chasiv Yar.
For that reason, demolishing these buildings is an obvious priority for Ukraine now that it is on the verge of losing its remaining toehold in the city.
The second reason it's interesting is that they've tried a few times and they just don't have enough explosives on hand.
This is indirect confirmation that the remaining AFU in Bakhmut are fighting in a vacuum, cut off from supply. Requisitioning explosives for this demolition should be a high priority, but it seems they have to try to make do with what they had on hand.
In any case, Wagner is moving quickly right now, the end in Bakhmut is a foregone conclusion, and right now Ukraine is unable to organize an effective withdrawal.
Here is some recent footage showing the state of the highway between Chasiv-Yar and Ivanivske. This is on the T-0504 highway, looking east towards Bakhmut which can be seen smoking in the distance.
Note, this isn't the road directly into Bakhmut, so this isn't even a portion of the road where Russia has direct fire. This clip was taken here, several miles from the frontline, and is still littered with wrecked vehicles:
1. imajo problem z oskrbo (manjko eksploziva)
2. kmalu nameravajo zapustiti Bakhmut.
Spodaj je video kako zgleda cesta do Bakhmuta...
Ukrainian forces (currently clinging to about 5% of Bakhmut) have been attempting to demolish several of the high rises on the western edge of the town, but were unable to due to inadequate explosives. This is interesting for two reasons.
First, the attempted demolitions are a preparation for the loss of the city. The terrain to the west is wide open and mostly flat. High rises on the perimeter of Bakhmut would give Russia a dominant position overlooking the terrain on the approach to Chasiv Yar.
For that reason, demolishing these buildings is an obvious priority for Ukraine now that it is on the verge of losing its remaining toehold in the city.
The second reason it's interesting is that they've tried a few times and they just don't have enough explosives on hand.
This is indirect confirmation that the remaining AFU in Bakhmut are fighting in a vacuum, cut off from supply. Requisitioning explosives for this demolition should be a high priority, but it seems they have to try to make do with what they had on hand.
In any case, Wagner is moving quickly right now, the end in Bakhmut is a foregone conclusion, and right now Ukraine is unable to organize an effective withdrawal.
Here is some recent footage showing the state of the highway between Chasiv-Yar and Ivanivske. This is on the T-0504 highway, looking east towards Bakhmut which can be seen smoking in the distance.
Note, this isn't the road directly into Bakhmut, so this isn't even a portion of the road where Russia has direct fire. This clip was taken here, several miles from the frontline, and is still littered with wrecked vehicles:
Chalky ::
Če je ruska obramba res zatajila potem bog pomagaj. Si predstavljate kaj bi bilo če bi nekdo napadel Belo hišo? To je povsem ista stvar, verjetno bi zdajle gorelo že pol sveta. Če je šlo za točko 4 potem sem prepričan da Rusi tega ne bodo javno priznali. To je prava sramota za Rusijo da je dron takole padel na palačo.
scythe ::
Tweet o stanju v Bakhmutu. Ukrajinci v Bakhmutu so neuspešno poskušali razstreliti več visokih stavb. Iz tega lahko sklepamo:
1. imajo problem z oskrbo (manjko eksploziva)
2. kmalu nameravajo zapustiti Bakhmut.
Spodaj je video kako zgleda cesta do Bakhmuta...
Ukrainian forces (currently clinging to about 5% of Bakhmut) have been attempting to demolish several of the high rises on the western edge of the town, but were unable to due to inadequate explosives. This is interesting for two reasons.
First, the attempted demolitions are a preparation for the loss of the city. The terrain to the west is wide open and mostly flat. High rises on the perimeter of Bakhmut would give Russia a dominant position overlooking the terrain on the approach to Chasiv Yar.
For that reason, demolishing these buildings is an obvious priority for Ukraine now that it is on the verge of losing its remaining toehold in the city.
The second reason it's interesting is that they've tried a few times and they just don't have enough explosives on hand.
This is indirect confirmation that the remaining AFU in Bakhmut are fighting in a vacuum, cut off from supply. Requisitioning explosives for this demolition should be a high priority, but it seems they have to try to make do with what they had on hand.
In any case, Wagner is moving quickly right now, the end in Bakhmut is a foregone conclusion, and right now Ukraine is unable to organize an effective withdrawal.
Here is some recent footage showing the state of the highway between Chasiv-Yar and Ivanivske. This is on the T-0504 highway, looking east towards Bakhmut which can be seen smoking in the distance.
Note, this isn't the road directly into Bakhmut, so this isn't even a portion of the road where Russia has direct fire. This clip was taken here, several miles from the frontline, and is still littered with wrecked vehicles:
Zgleda, da imaš rad trolle. Tale tipo je že pisal, Kijev je bila past, Harkov je bila past, Lyman je bila past, Kherson je zate je to kredibilen vir? To je čistokrvi ruski troll oz. privrženec rusije.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Rambutan ::
Tweet o stanju v Bakhmutu. Ukrajinci v Bakhmutu so neuspešno poskušali razstreliti več visokih stavb. Iz tega lahko sklepamo:
1. imajo problem z oskrbo (manjko eksploziva)
2. kmalu nameravajo zapustiti Bakhmut.
Spodaj je video kako zgleda cesta do Bakhmuta...
Ukrainian forces (currently clinging to about 5% of Bakhmut) have been attempting to demolish several of the high rises on the western edge of the town, but were unable to due to inadequate explosives. This is interesting for two reasons.
First, the attempted demolitions are a preparation for the loss of the city. The terrain to the west is wide open and mostly flat. High rises on the perimeter of Bakhmut would give Russia a dominant position overlooking the terrain on the approach to Chasiv Yar.
For that reason, demolishing these buildings is an obvious priority for Ukraine now that it is on the verge of losing its remaining toehold in the city.
The second reason it's interesting is that they've tried a few times and they just don't have enough explosives on hand.
This is indirect confirmation that the remaining AFU in Bakhmut are fighting in a vacuum, cut off from supply. Requisitioning explosives for this demolition should be a high priority, but it seems they have to try to make do with what they had on hand.
In any case, Wagner is moving quickly right now, the end in Bakhmut is a foregone conclusion, and right now Ukraine is unable to organize an effective withdrawal.
Here is some recent footage showing the state of the highway between Chasiv-Yar and Ivanivske. This is on the T-0504 highway, looking east towards Bakhmut which can be seen smoking in the distance.
Note, this isn't the road directly into Bakhmut, so this isn't even a portion of the road where Russia has direct fire. This clip was taken here, several miles from the frontline, and is still littered with wrecked vehicles:
Zgleda, da imaš rad trolle. Tale tipo je že pisal, Kijev je bila past, Harkov je bila past, Lyman je bila past, Kherson je zate je to kredibilen vir? To je čistokrvi ruski troll oz. privrženec rusije.
Imaš kako pripombo glede vsebine ali te samo avtor moti?
Probably a failed attempt to demolish another apartment block in Bakhmut.
scythe ::
Tweet o stanju v Bakhmutu. Ukrajinci v Bakhmutu so neuspešno poskušali razstreliti več visokih stavb. Iz tega lahko sklepamo:
1. imajo problem z oskrbo (manjko eksploziva)
2. kmalu nameravajo zapustiti Bakhmut.
Spodaj je video kako zgleda cesta do Bakhmuta...
Ukrainian forces (currently clinging to about 5% of Bakhmut) have been attempting to demolish several of the high rises on the western edge of the town, but were unable to due to inadequate explosives. This is interesting for two reasons.
First, the attempted demolitions are a preparation for the loss of the city. The terrain to the west is wide open and mostly flat. High rises on the perimeter of Bakhmut would give Russia a dominant position overlooking the terrain on the approach to Chasiv Yar.
For that reason, demolishing these buildings is an obvious priority for Ukraine now that it is on the verge of losing its remaining toehold in the city.
The second reason it's interesting is that they've tried a few times and they just don't have enough explosives on hand.
This is indirect confirmation that the remaining AFU in Bakhmut are fighting in a vacuum, cut off from supply. Requisitioning explosives for this demolition should be a high priority, but it seems they have to try to make do with what they had on hand.
In any case, Wagner is moving quickly right now, the end in Bakhmut is a foregone conclusion, and right now Ukraine is unable to organize an effective withdrawal.
Here is some recent footage showing the state of the highway between Chasiv-Yar and Ivanivske. This is on the T-0504 highway, looking east towards Bakhmut which can be seen smoking in the distance.
Note, this isn't the road directly into Bakhmut, so this isn't even a portion of the road where Russia has direct fire. This clip was taken here, several miles from the frontline, and is still littered with wrecked vehicles:
Zgleda, da imaš rad trolle. Tale tipo je že pisal, Kijev je bila past, Harkov je bila past, Lyman je bila past, Kherson je zate je to kredibilen vir? To je čistokrvi ruski troll oz. privrženec rusije.
Imaš kako pripombo glede vsebine ali te samo avtor moti?
Probably a failed attempt to demolish another apartment block in Bakhmut.
Da, Big Serge je zame troll.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Stikalo ::
Bodo šli Ukrajinci res v protiofenzivo? Se čaka na suh teren da bodo s tanki šli v protinapad? Kakor berem se številke doniranih zahodnih tankov gibljejo okoli 1800 tankov. Verjetno jih je neuradno precej precej več, saj tudi naših ni na uradnih seznamih. Načeloma je tam po vzhodu Ukrajine vse stolčeno, tako da kakšne vrednosti za Ukrjaino to nima. Samo blitzkreig verjetno najhitreje in najlažje zrihta ruse. To da si kopljejo jarke je pomojem tudi dokaj brezvze, bodo ukrajinci prišli za jarke in bo rusom trda predla.
Rambutan ::
Bodo šli Ukrajinci res v protiofenzivo? Se čaka na suh teren da bodo s tanki šli v protinapad? Kakor berem se številke doniranih zahodnih tankov gibljejo okoli 1800 tankov. Verjetno jih je neuradno precej precej več, saj tudi naših ni na uradnih seznamih. Načeloma je tam po vzhodu Ukrajine vse stolčeno, tako da kakšne vrednosti za Ukrjaino to nima. Samo blitzkreig verjetno najhitreje in najlažje zrihta ruse. To da si kopljejo jarke je pomojem tudi dokaj brezvze, bodo ukrajinci prišli za jarke in bo rusom trda predla.
Ruski TG pravi, da ZDA zahtevajo ofenzivo čimprej, Zaluzhni bi pa raje prestavil na junij.
Kje si pa dobil številko 1800 tankov? Kar mi je znano, bo/je dostavljenih okrog 50 Leopard 2 tankov in 14 Challengerjev, ter nekaj več starih Leopard 1 tankov.
Germany: 18 Leopard 2 tanks
UK: 14 Challenger II tanks
US: 31 Abrams tanks
Poland: 14 Leopard 2 tanks
Finland: Undisclosed number of Leopard 2 tanks
Norway: Undisclosed number of Leopard 2 tanks
Spain: Undisclosed number of Leopard 2 tanks
Canada: Undisclosed number of Leopard 2 tanks
Netherlands: Undisclosed number of tanks
Spain: 10 Leopard 2 tanks
Finland: Three Leopard 2 tanks
Sheteentz ::
Itak nihče ne ve, koliko tankov je/bo dostavljenih. Ne bi imelo smisla, če Rusom povemo celotno število tankov. Itak ne gradimo Potemkinove vojske, tako da te resnične številke bodo verjetno znane šele po koncu ukrajinske kontraofenzive.
Lesoto ::
Lesoto ::
Astonishing footage of last night's drone attack on the Kremlin
mackilla ::
Kitajc01 ::
Rusofilčki oglejte si tole pojasnilo z državne ruSSki TV, da ne boste blejali znova in znova zlagane propagande o ukrajinskih nacistih NATu itd.
Vklopi podnapise
Vklopi podnapise
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Kitajc01 ()
Pac-Man ::
Astonishing footage of last night's drone attack on the Kremlin
Kako kaj gre SVO?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Matejjjjj ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Čim ZDA ukinejo dolar kot rezervno valuto sveta, to pa naredijo z izolacijo, tisti hip bodo morali živeti od tega, koliko bodo proizvedli domestično.
Ha? Kaj za to ukinitev imajo kaki gumb recimo? Nič to ne bodo sami naredili z izolacijo, ampak jim bodo to naredili drugi, zaradi njihovih dejanj. Kako bodo to naredili drugi? Enostavno...nehajo držati in uporabljati usd. Seveda se to ne bo zgodilo čez noč, padec bo trajal in trajal. Zakaj pa je sploh prišlo do tega? Več razlogov je, neskončne sankcije za neubogljive, izsiljevanje vsakega ki ne uboga, printanje v nedogled, glavni plaz pa se je sprožil ko so se lotili rusije. Sploh kraja, pardon zamrznitev par 100 miljard. V tem trenutku je vsakemu postalo jasno da se tudi njim to z lahkoto zgodi, če ne ubogajo
Srbi, raje se ukvarjajte s Kosovom kot ZDA.
Itak nihče ne ve, koliko tankov je/bo dostavljenih. Ne bi imelo smisla, če Rusom povemo celotno število tankov. Itak ne gradimo Potemkinove vojske, tako da te resnične številke bodo verjetno znane šele po koncu ukrajinske kontraofenzive.
zakaj kontraofenzive?
Protiofenziva tole ni niti po definiciji. Protiofenziva je takrat, ko napadeš sovražnika v trenutku, ko njegove ofenzivne enote niso še uspele formirati obrambe. Take situacija pa tu dejansko ni. Rusi napadajo le v Bahmutu, drugje so že zdavnaj vkopani in čakajo... torej to ni protiofenziva (srbizem kontraofenziva izdaja poreklo tu pisočih), je klasična ofenziva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Pac-Man ::
Sploh kraja, pardon zamrznitev par 100 miljard. V tem trenutku je vsakemu postalo jasno da se tudi njim to z lahkoto zgodi, če ne ubogajo
Fino, imperialistično vojno v 21. stoletju smo minimizirali na "neuboganje" ZDA.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Matejjjjj ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Matejjjjj ::
Itak nihče ne ve, koliko tankov je/bo dostavljenih. Ne bi imelo smisla, če Rusom povemo celotno število tankov. Itak ne gradimo Potemkinove vojske, tako da te resnične številke bodo verjetno znane šele po koncu ukrajinske kontraofenzive.
1800 vozil, pogojno oklepnih vozil, 1800 tankov premorejo le ZDA in turčija. no, za mlečnozobce na tem forumu je najbrž še pravi čas, da se naučijo ločevati med tank/oklepno vozilo, oklepni transporter/bojno vozilo pehote (BVP ali IFV angleško), bojna ladja/vojaška ladja itd itd. Novinarji slovenskih medijev med temi pojmi ne ločijo. Tako imamo bojno ladjo Triglav npr, čeprav je zadnja bojna ladja plula okoli 1990 (razred Iowa kot odgovor na ruske raketne križarke slava).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()
Rambutan ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Iz kje ti pobiraš podatke da so ZDA popularne na Kitajskem? Mogoče imajo radi ameriško kulturo in izdelke, ZDA same pa vidijo izrazito negativno, Rusijo pa izrazito pozitivno. Ameriška propaganda ne deluje na Kitajskem
The picture we are getting is that both the United States and Russia are seen as powerful, but American power is seen mostly in negative terms, while Russia’s is almost exclusively positive. It may be noteworthy, however, that perceptions of Russia among the Chinese seem to be somewhat stereotypical and linked to the current leader, and might be lacking deeper social roots. Hence, these perceptions may be easily open to change.
When asked about how positively or negatively the respondents assess the foreign policy of major powers (Figure 4), only Russia (besides China) was seen positively, while the U.S. topped the negative ranking, ahead of India, Japan, and the European Union.
mackilla ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Iz kje ti pobiraš podatke da so ZDA popularne na Kitajskem? Mogoče imajo radi ameriško kulturo in izdelke, ZDA same pa vidijo izrazito negativno, Rusijo pa izrazito pozitivno. Ameriška propaganda ne deluje na Kitajskem
The picture we are getting is that both the United States and Russia are seen as powerful, but American power is seen mostly in negative terms, while Russia’s is almost exclusively positive. It may be noteworthy, however, that perceptions of Russia among the Chinese seem to be somewhat stereotypical and linked to the current leader, and might be lacking deeper social roots. Hence, these perceptions may be easily open to change.
When asked about how positively or negatively the respondents assess the foreign policy of major powers (Figure 4), only Russia (besides China) was seen positively, while the U.S. topped the negative ranking, ahead of India, Japan, and the European Union.
Na Kitajskem deluje kitajska propaganda
Overall, the Chinese respondents seemed to be influenced to a significant degree by the quality of bilateral relations with a given country – or to be more precise, how this bilateral relationship is presented by Chinese media.
Sheteentz ::
Lesoto ::
Massive #Russia'n artillery shelling across Dnipro river on #Kherson city & villages today
south #Ukraine
Update: 16 dead & 2 dozen injured
Massive #Russia'n artillery shelling across Dnipro river on #Kherson city & villages today
south #Ukraine
Update: 16 dead & 2 dozen injured
tomlin ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Iz kje ti pobiraš podatke da so ZDA popularne na Kitajskem? Mogoče imajo radi ameriško kulturo in izdelke, ZDA same pa vidijo izrazito negativno, Rusijo pa izrazito pozitivno. Ameriška propaganda ne deluje na Kitajskem
The picture we are getting is that both the United States and Russia are seen as powerful, but American power is seen mostly in negative terms, while Russia’s is almost exclusively positive. It may be noteworthy, however, that perceptions of Russia among the Chinese seem to be somewhat stereotypical and linked to the current leader, and might be lacking deeper social roots. Hence, these perceptions may be easily open to change.
When asked about how positively or negatively the respondents assess the foreign policy of major powers (Figure 4), only Russia (besides China) was seen positively, while the U.S. topped the negative ranking, ahead of India, Japan, and the European Union.
Pa kje ti dobivaš vso to svojo rdečo propagando? Te usmerja kakšen ruski politikantski trol?
Diplomat je glavna mednarodna aktualna revija za azijsko-pacifiško regijo, ki je v večinski propagandno kitajski lasti s podporo zahodnih ultra levičarjev: Shannon Tiezzi, Catherine Putz, Sebastian Strangio, Sudha Ramachandran, Ankit Panda
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman
M. Friedman
Rambutan ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Iz kje ti pobiraš podatke da so ZDA popularne na Kitajskem? Mogoče imajo radi ameriško kulturo in izdelke, ZDA same pa vidijo izrazito negativno, Rusijo pa izrazito pozitivno. Ameriška propaganda ne deluje na Kitajskem
The picture we are getting is that both the United States and Russia are seen as powerful, but American power is seen mostly in negative terms, while Russia’s is almost exclusively positive. It may be noteworthy, however, that perceptions of Russia among the Chinese seem to be somewhat stereotypical and linked to the current leader, and might be lacking deeper social roots. Hence, these perceptions may be easily open to change.
When asked about how positively or negatively the respondents assess the foreign policy of major powers (Figure 4), only Russia (besides China) was seen positively, while the U.S. topped the negative ranking, ahead of India, Japan, and the European Union.
Pa kje ti dobivaš vso to svojo rdečo propagando? Te usmerja kakšen ruski politikantski trol?
Diplomat je glavna mednarodna aktualna revija za azijsko-pacifiško regijo, ki je v večinski propagandno kitajski lasti s podporo zahodnih ultra levičarjev: Shannon Tiezzi, Catherine Putz, Sebastian Strangio, Sudha Ramachandran, Ankit Panda
Imaš kako vsebinsko pripombo ali je spet kriv messenger za slabo novico? Kje pa ti dobivaš svojo propagando, če ne zmoreš odgovoriti z argumenti, ampak samo z Ad Hominem napadi na vir? Potrudi se malo in poišči kako raziskavo javnega mnenja kako imajo Kitajci radi Američane...
Sicer pa The Diplomat samo povzema raziskavo, ki jo je financirala EU, opravili so jo v:
Central European Institute of Asian Studies
Murgašova 2, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
This survey is part of a broader research project ‘Sinophone Borderlands – Interaction at the Edges’,
funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Lesoto ::
Kakšna relevantna raziskava naj bi to bila, če pa Kitajc dobiva informacije izključno od države propagandne mašinerije? Saj vse ostalo iz tujine je zablokirano. Drugih medijev pa nimajo.
tomlin ::
Druga plat medalje, kako priljubljena je Rusija po agresiji na Ukrajino.
Države z najbolj negativnim mnenjem o Rusiji so Poljska (neto negativnih 87 %), Ukrajina (80 %), Portugalska (79 %), Italija (65 %), Združeno kraljestvo (65 %), Švedska (77 %), ZDA (62 %) in Nemčija (62 %). Celo na Madžarskem - katere voditelj Viktor Orbán je Putinov zaveznik - ima neto 32 % negativen pogled na Rusijo. V Venezueli, za katero se pogosto vidi, da jo podpira Rusija, ima lokalno prebivalstvo 36-odstotno negativno mnenje o Rusiji.
Vir: Guardian
Države z najbolj negativnim mnenjem o Rusiji so Poljska (neto negativnih 87 %), Ukrajina (80 %), Portugalska (79 %), Italija (65 %), Združeno kraljestvo (65 %), Švedska (77 %), ZDA (62 %) in Nemčija (62 %). Celo na Madžarskem - katere voditelj Viktor Orbán je Putinov zaveznik - ima neto 32 % negativen pogled na Rusijo. V Venezueli, za katero se pogosto vidi, da jo podpira Rusija, ima lokalno prebivalstvo 36-odstotno negativno mnenje o Rusiji.
Vir: Guardian
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman
M. Friedman
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tomlin ()
Matejjjjj ::
Pa še nekaj. Ne si delat utvar, da bodo Kitajci za ruse. Kitajci po mojih lastnih izkušnjah rusov ne marajo vse odkar je Stalin oportunistično zasedel dele Mančurije v zadnjih dneh Uradna politika je sicer bolj proruska, ampak šteje ljudsko mnenje. Zanimivo je, da je angleščina na Kitajskem vsepovsod prisotna, ljudje uživajo v pizzah, cocacoli, starbucksih, imajo dodatna angleška imena, dvojezične mandarinsko/angleške napise na vlakih, metrojih, letališčih... Ruščine in ruskih ljudi ter navad pa niti ne poznajo.
Iz kje ti pobiraš podatke da so ZDA popularne na Kitajskem? Mogoče imajo radi ameriško kulturo in izdelke, ZDA same pa vidijo izrazito negativno, Rusijo pa izrazito pozitivno. Ameriška propaganda ne deluje na Kitajskem
The picture we are getting is that both the United States and Russia are seen as powerful, but American power is seen mostly in negative terms, while Russia’s is almost exclusively positive. It may be noteworthy, however, that perceptions of Russia among the Chinese seem to be somewhat stereotypical and linked to the current leader, and might be lacking deeper social roots. Hence, these perceptions may be easily open to change.
When asked about how positively or negatively the respondents assess the foreign policy of major powers (Figure 4), only Russia (besides China) was seen positively, while the U.S. topped the negative ranking, ahead of India, Japan, and the European Union.
seveda kultura. pišem, da rusov ne marajo vsi na Kitajskem ne zaradi njihove trenutne politike ampak zaradi konca 2. sv. vir? Kitajci na Kitajskem, ustno izročilo in ne nakladanja internetnih bojevnikov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Matejjjjj ()